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1.2. Statement of the Problem
Today, most traditional fundraising events are done by manual system. EQUB
runs the financial system manually and members of the EQUB are registered on
the spot. They make their monthly payments by presenting at their meeting
place. This is exhausting and time consuming. Therefore, this manually system
may result in data lose, ambiguous on members’ information and difficulty while
recording the new comer members’.

In order to find fact and investigate problem and opportunities for improving the
traditional EQUB activity and member registration we identify what problems
happen. During traditional EQUB process the problems are as follow:

 Data redundancy and duplication during registration of members

 It is impossible to generate EQUB members’ quantity report

 If the paper is lost all information is destroyed.

 The manual system has no permanent storage.

 Exposed to human error

We are interested to do this project because to update the existing system in to

the automate system that means web based electronic EQUB. Also we seen many
problems that challenges during traditional EQUB process based this case we
select this topic to redesign the system.

1.3. Objective of the Project

1.3.1. General Objectives
The main objective of this project is to develop reliable and bank related system
by automating (computerizing) the existing traditional system in to Web-based
Electronic EQUB System.
1.3.2. Specific Objectives
In order to achieve the general objective of the project we have to do specific
activities which are listed below:-

 Creating an opportunity for members to sign up easily using the Website .

 Making easy the process of registration for those who want to become a
member of the EQUB .

 Enabling the members to deposit their weekly or monthly payments .

 Ensuring them to use efficient methods and to use their time properly

 Have members know on the website when there are meetings and instructed to
view them

 Demonstrating payment of the bank to the member when the penalty is


 Announcing the number of members and the amount of money raised

 Reporting a monthly cashier and a follower queue

1.4. Scope of the Project

The scope of the project is the boundary of the newly developed system.
Currently EQUB performs the Member Registration and any tasks manually. The
scope of the system identifies the problem to be studied, analyzed, designed and
ultimately improved. The project that we are trying to develop focuses on Web-
based Electronic EQUB System which works only for the DURAME city. The system
creates suitable condition for the user by facilitating smooth interaction between
the user and the system.

The project can cover the following activities:-

 The new system enables the members manager to create, manage money, read
and reply comments and notify the user.
 Enabling computerized system in order to store member data in well-defined
the pattern

 The user can easily be registered online from their home / living place, can give
comment, view balance, view member list and payment.

 Allowing members of the EQUB to know financial reports online .

 The system also enables the administrator to manage account, manage staff,
and manage lots.

 The system provides online payment by linking user’s bank account.

1.6. Method and Tools

Some common method and tools used in web based electronic EQUB Systems
includes :

1. Database management system :they are used to store and manage information
about electronic equipment such as inventory details , maintenance records and
user information.

2. Barcode or RFID technology : Barcode or RFID tags can be used to uniquely

identify electronic equipment allowing for easy tracking and management.

3. Web base interface : These provide a user friendly way to employees to access
the EQUB System ,view equipment details , and perform tasks checking in and out

4. Reporting and analytics tools: these tools used to generate report on equipment
usage , maintenance schedule , other key metrics and etc.

1.6.1. Data Source and Data Collection Methodology

1 Data Gathering Methodology

This method is used to gather useful and relevant data to our project. The team
can use interview, observation and document analysis.

Interview: - The team will interview worker of traditional equb association how
they sell collect equb in traditional way and how they give new information to
equb members, where they put the collected equb money. It is the best method
to collect data from equb users. Especially use some questioner; we have
collected basic information about the existing system.

Observation: - It is a way of collecting data through observing. Using this method,

we have trying to see the presentation of monthly meetings form and the
presentation of monthly reports about equb. The team observes directly how
traditional equb is working, how information are transmitted to the Users and
problem that occur in equb collecting money process.

Document Analysis: - Using this method the team will try to analyze written
documents in the association which have importance to the project. These
include the organization mission, vision, and strategy and business rules of
existing system

Development Tools

Hard ware

Hard ware tools that that we need to develop the system.

 Two Personal computers

 USB flash-disk for data transfer

 External hard disk for data backup Soft ware

Sublime Text and Notepad++

Edraw-Max and Star-UML to design diagrams like use case, sequence, activity
diagram, etc...

 HTML, JavaScript, CSS and PHP.

 Microsoft Windows 10 Operating System

 Microsoft Office Word 2010 for document preparation.

 SQL server (XAMPP) for database development

1.6.2. System Analysis and Design Methods

There are several system analysis and design methods that can be used in the
development of a web-based electronic equipment (e.g., electronic e-commerce)
system. Here are a few commonly used methods:
1. Waterfall Model: The Waterfall model is a linear and sequential approach to
software development. It consists of distinct phases, including requirements
gathering and analysis, system design, implementation, testing, deployment, and
maintenance. Each phase is completed before moving on to the next, making it a
structured and methodical approach.
2. Agile Methodology: Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, are iterative
and incremental approaches that emphasize flexibility and adaptability. The
development process is divided into short iterations, called sprints, where
requirements, design, development, and testing activities are performed in
parallel. Agile methods are known for their ability to accommodate changing
requirements and deliver working software quickly.
3. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD): OOAD is a methodology that
focuses on modeling a system using object-oriented concepts. It involves
identifying the objects (entities) within the system, their attributes, relationships,
and behavior. OOAD techniques, such as use case diagrams, class diagrams, and
sequence diagrams, are used to model the system's structure and interactions.
4. Prototype Model: The prototype model involves the creation of an initial working
model of the system to gather requirements, validate design decisions, and
obtain user feedback. This model is especially useful when the requirements are
not well-defined or when there is a need to demonstrate and refine the system's
functionality early in the development process.
5. Rational Unified Process (RUP): RUP is a software development framework that
provides guidelines, templates, and best practices for iterative and incremental
development. It incorporates many of the principles of object-oriented analysis
and design and emphasizes collaboration among stakeholders. RUP defines
phases, such as inception, elaboration, construction, and transition, which guide
the development process.
When selecting a specific method, consider factors such as project size, complexity, time
constraints, team composition, and customer requirements. It's common for
organizations to tailor these methods or combine multiple approaches to suit their
specific needs.
1.6.3. System Implementation Methods
When implementing a web-based electronic equipment system, there are
several methods that can be used. Here are some commonly employed system
implementation methods:
1. Custom Development: This method involves building the system from
scratch, tailored to the specific requirements of the web electronic
equipment system. Custom development allows for maximum flexibility
and customization but typically requires more time, resources, and
expertise to implement.
2. Content Management System (CMS): A CMS is a software platform that
enables the creation, management, and publication of digital content. It
provides pre-built functionalities and templates that can be customized
to meet the needs of an electronic equipment system. CMS platforms
like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla are widely used for web development
and can be extended with e-commerce plugins or modules.
3. E-commerce Platforms: There are several e-commerce platforms
available that are specifically designed for building online stores. These
platforms provide ready-to-use features and integrations for managing
product catalogs, shopping carts, payment gateways, and order
processing. Examples of popular e-commerce platforms include Shopify,
WooCommerce (built on top of WordPress), Magento, and
4. Frameworks and Libraries: Web development frameworks and libraries,
such as Ruby on Rails, Django, Laravel, or ASP.NET, provide a foundation
for building web applications. These frameworks offer pre-built
components, modules, and tools that can accelerate the development
process and provide structure and security. They often include features
for managing databases, user authentication, and handling web
5. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): SaaS solutions, such as Salesforce
Commerce Cloud or Shopify Plus, offer a cloud-based platform that
provides a complete e-commerce infrastructure. These platforms handle
hosting, security, updates, and scalability, allowing businesses to focus
on customizing and configuring their online stores without worrying
about the underlying technical infrastructure.
When selecting an implementation method, factors such as budget, timeline,
scalability, customization requirements, and the technical expertise of your
team should be taken into account. It's also important to consider long-term
maintenance and support considerations for the chosen implementation

1.6.4. Development Environment and Programming Tools

The choice of development environment and programming tools for a web-
based electronic equipment system can depend on various factors, including
the programming languages, frameworks, and databases being used. Here are
some commonly used development environments and programming tools in
web development:
1. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): IDEs provide a
comprehensive development environment with features such as code
editors, debuggers, build tools, and version control integration. Some
popular IDEs for web development include:

 Visual Studio Code: A lightweight and extensible code editor that

supports a wide range of programming languages and has a
robust extension ecosystem.
 JetBrains WebStorm: A powerful IDE specifically designed for web
development, supporting JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and popular
frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue.js.
 Sublime Text: A lightweight and customizable text editor that
offers a rich set of features for web development.
2. Text Editors: While IDEs provide a complete development environment,
some developers prefer lightweight text editors for their simplicity and
customization options. Popular text editors for web development

 Atom: A highly customizable text editor developed by GitHub,

with a large community and a wide range of plugins and
 Visual Studio Code: Although mentioned earlier as an IDE, Visual
Studio Code can also be used as a standalone text editor, offering
a balance between simplicity and advanced features.
 Sublime Text: As mentioned before, Sublime Text is a popular
choice for its speed, simplicity, and extensive plugin ecosystem.
3. Version Control Systems (VCS): VCS tools help manage source code and
track changes made by multiple developers. Git is the most widely used
VCS in web development, and platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and
Bitbucket provide hosted Git repositories and collaboration features.
4. Package Managers: Package managers are used to manage
dependencies and libraries in web development projects. They simplify
the process of installing, updating, and removing packages. Some
popular package managers include:

 npm: The default package manager for JavaScript, used primarily

with Node.js and front-end libraries and frameworks.
 Yarn: A package manager developed by Facebook that aims to
improve performance, reliability, and security compared to npm.
 Composer: A package manager for PHP that manages
dependencies specifically for PHP-based web applications.
5. Testing Frameworks: Testing is crucial in web development to ensure the
quality and reliability of the system. Some commonly used testing
frameworks include:

 Jest: A JavaScript testing framework developed by Facebook,

widely used for unit testing JavaScript code.
 PHPUnit: A unit testing framework for PHP, specifically designed
for testing PHP code.
Selenium: A popular framework for automating browser testing. It

supports multiple programming languages and browsers.
These are just a few examples of the development environments and
programming tools used in web development. The specific tools and
environments chosen may vary depending on the programming languages,
frameworks, and databases used in the development of the web-based
electronic equipment system.

1.7. Significances of the Project

The significance of the project shows the necessity of the project. This system can suite the process of
paying equb money online for the association by integrating the user and the association with
technology. This system helps to change the current working system from manual to computerized
system. The significant of the proposed system is that all equb activities are transformed into
computerized systems and will make computers better and more efficient for our people. The proposed
project has the following significances:-

 To develop a reliable and secured database to keep the overall records associated with the equb

 To provide well organized and fast Electronic Equb system for the people.

 To increase the speed and efforts of the current system

 Reduce security issue.

 Enable to perform multiple services for user within short time

 To avoid errors that exists in the manual system

1.8. Beneficiary of the Project

In the context of a web-based electronic equipment system, a beneficiary
project refers to a project that aims to provide benefits or advantages to
specific individuals or groups. These projects can focus on various aspects of
the system's development, implementation, or usage. Here are a few examples
of beneficiary projects that can be associated with a web electronic equipment
1. User Experience (UX) Enhancement: The project could focus on
improving the user interface, navigation, and overall user experience of
the web electronic equipment system. This would benefit the system's
users by making it more intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable to use.
2. Accessibility Improvement: The project could aim to enhance the
accessibility of the web electronic equipment system, ensuring that it
can be used by individuals with disabilities. This could involve
implementing features such as screen reader compatibility, keyboard
navigation support, and alternative text for images.
3. Performance Optimization: The project could focus on optimizing the
performance of the web electronic equipment system, aiming to reduce
page load times, improve responsiveness, and minimize server-side
processing delays. This would benefit users by providing a faster and
more efficient experience.
4. Security Strengthening: The project could address security vulnerabilities
and implement measures to protect user data, prevent unauthorized
access, and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of transactions. This
would benefit users by enhancing the overall security and
trustworthiness of the system.
5. Scalability and Reliability Enhancement: The project could aim to
improve the system's scalability and reliability, ensuring that it can
handle increasing user loads and maintain high availability. This would
benefit users by minimizing downtime and providing a consistent and
reliable experience.
6. Integration with External Systems: The project could focus on integrating
the web electronic equipment system with other external systems or
platforms, such as payment gateways, inventory management systems,
or customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This integration
would benefit users by streamlining processes and providing a seamless
experience across different systems.
These are just a few examples, and the specific beneficiary projects would
depend on the goals, priorities, and requirements of the web electronic
equipment system and its stakeholders.

1.9. Team Organization

In the development of a web-based electronic equipment system, various
team organization structures can be utilized based on the project's size,
complexity, and specific requirements. Here are some commonly used team
organization approaches:
1. Functional Team Structure: In this structure, team members are
organized based on their functional roles and areas of expertise. For
example, the team may include separate groups for frontend
development, backend development, database management, quality
assurance, user experience (UX) design, and project management. Each
group focuses on their specific tasks and collaborates to deliver their
respective components of the system.
2. Cross-Functional Team Structure: In a cross-functional team structure,
individuals with different skill sets and expertise work together as a
single team throughout the project. This approach promotes
collaboration, communication, and knowledge sharing among team
members. Cross-functional teams may include developers, designers,
testers, and other roles necessary for the project's success. This structure
enables faster decision-making and a more holistic approach to
3. Agile/Scrum Team Structure: Agile methodologies, such as Scrum, often
employ a specific team structure. The Scrum team typically consists of a
product owner, a Scrum master, and the development team. The
development team is cross-functional and self-organizing, responsible
for delivering increments of working software during short iterations
called sprints. The team collaboratively plans, develops, tests, and
reviews the system, ensuring continuous improvement and regular
4. Project-Based Matrix Team Structure: In a project-based matrix team
structure, team members are assigned to the project while still being
part of their respective functional departments. For instance, a
developer may be part of the development department but also
temporarily assigned to the web electronic equipment system project.
This structure allows for resource allocation flexibility and expertise from
various functional areas.
5. Outsourced or Distributed Team Structure: In some cases, organizations
may choose to outsource certain aspects of the development or work
with a distributed team across different locations. This structure can
involve collaborating with external development agencies, freelancers,
or remote team members. Effective communication, project
management, and the use of collaboration tools are essential for
coordinating and integrating the efforts of a distributed team.
The choice of team organization structure depends on factors such as project
requirements, team size, available resources, and the organization's culture.
It's important to establish clear roles, responsibilities, and communication
channels to ensure effective collaboration and successful project delivery.

1.10. Feasibility Analysis

The new system that developed in this project is feasible in technically, operationally, and economically.

1.10.1. Technical Feasibility

The newly proposed system has a technical capability to hold the data required and to use the new
system. The new system performs tasks easily and solve problem. Anybody can access the system with
the use of different platforms like desktop, laptop and the like. Since, the project is design with PHP as
code behind and MYSQL as backend. It is easy to install in the system whenever needed. It is more
efficient, easy and user-friendly to understand by everyone among those who follow the equb. Hence,
this project has good technical feasibility

1.10.2. Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility is mainly concerned with the cost incurred during the implementation the website.
Since, the project is developed using PHP and MySql which is more commonly available and even the
cost involved in the installation process is not high. Similarly it is to recruit person for aware of website.
Even if we want to train the person in this areas, the cost involved the training is also very less. Hence,
this project has good feasibility

1.10.3. Operational Feasibility

All users use the system without any confusion, since the system is user friendly to the users. The new
proposed system gives service to the user perfectly and the Users use the system easily without any
frailer the Users buy books, register their appropriate information. The organization also uses system to
sell books, register books. So the system is operationally feasible. As this PHP component is very easy to
operate for the website developers and easy to use. So this project has a good operational feasibility.
1.10.4. Legal Feasibility
Legal feasibility refers to the assessment of whether a web-based electronic
equipment system complies with relevant laws, regulations, and legal
requirements. It involves evaluating the system's design, functionality, and
operations to ensure that it operates within the boundaries of the law. Here
are some aspects of legal feasibility that may be considered:
1. Data Protection and Privacy: Web electronic equipment systems often
involve the collection, storage, and processing of user data. It is essential
to ensure compliance with data protection and privacy laws, such as the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union or
the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States. This
may involve obtaining user consent for data collection, implementing
appropriate security measures, and providing transparency in data
handling practices.
2. Intellectual Property Rights: The system's design, content, and software
may be subject to intellectual property laws such as copyright,
trademarks, and patents. It is important to ensure that the system does
not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others and that proper
licenses and permissions are obtained for any third-party software or
content used within the system.
3. E-commerce Regulations: If the web electronic equipment system
involves online sales or transactions, it must comply with e-commerce
regulations. This can include providing clear terms and conditions of
sale, disclosing pricing information, and adhering to consumer
protection laws.
4. Accessibility Compliance: Web accessibility refers to ensuring that
individuals with disabilities can access and use the system. Depending
on the jurisdiction, there may be legal requirements to meet specific
accessibility standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(WCAG). Compliance with these standards ensures equal access for all
5. Jurisdictional Compliance: Web electronic equipment systems may be
accessed and used from various jurisdictions. It is important to consider
the legal requirements and regulations applicable in those jurisdictions,
including laws related to consumer protection, electronic transactions,
and cross-border data transfers.
6. Security and Cybersecurity: Protecting the system and user data from
unauthorized access or breaches is crucial. Compliance with relevant
cybersecurity and data breach notification laws, such as the European
Union's Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive or various
state-specific data breach notification laws, may be required.
To ensure legal feasibility, it is advisable to consult with legal experts or seek
legal advice specific to the jurisdiction in which the web electronic equipment
system will operate. They can help identify and address any legal risks, ensure
compliance, and mitigate potential legal issues that may arise during the
development and operation of the system.

1.11. Project Plan

1.11,1 Project Time Schedule
Any project which involves multiple activities and deadlines require some form of management, using
simple project management techniques. This will allow us to keep control of our project to schedule
more effectively, to identify how much time we have to spend on each stage of the project to create
intermediate goals /millstones that will tell us if we are on schedule or not (and be able to respond
accordingly). Project Work Plan will give us clear oversight of the progress of our project as a whole. One
simple but highly effective technique is to produce a Gantt chart. This provides a clear visual plan of the
project, based on scheduling the different stages of our project against time base.

1.11.2. Budget Plan

The budget of a web-based electronic equipment system project can vary

depending on various factors such as the scope of the project, complexity,
required features, development resources, and specific business needs. Here
are some key components to consider when estimating the budget for such a
1. Development Costs: This includes the costs associated with designing,
developing, and implementing the web electronic equipment system. It
encompasses expenses related to hiring or contracting developers,
designers, and other technical experts. Development costs can also
include software licenses, development tools, and infrastructure needed
for development and testing.
2. Infrastructure and Hosting: The web electronic equipment system will
require hosting infrastructure to host the application and store data.
Costs can vary depending on factors such as the expected traffic,
scalability requirements, and the choice of hosting provider. It's
important to consider hosting fees, server maintenance costs, and any
additional infrastructure requirements.
3. Third-Party Integrations: If the system needs to integrate with external
services or APIs (e.g., payment gateways, shipping providers, or other
third-party services), there may be costs associated with licensing, setup,
and ongoing usage of those services.
4. Design and User Experience: Investing in a user-friendly and visually
appealing design is crucial for a successful web electronic equipment
system. Costs may include hiring UI/UX designers, graphic designers,
and obtaining licenses for design assets or stock images.
5. Testing and Quality Assurance: Allocating a budget for testing and
quality assurance activities is essential to ensure the system functions as
intended and meets the required standards. This may involve costs for
testing tools, hiring testers, or engaging a quality assurance team.
6. Project Management and Documentation: Managing the project
effectively requires a dedicated project management resource or team.
Costs may include project management tools, project management
personnel, and documentation resources.
7. Maintenance and Support: It's important to consider ongoing
maintenance, bug fixes, security updates, and user support after the
initial development. These costs can include allocating resources for
maintenance tasks, customer support, and future enhancements or
feature additions.
8. Marketing and Promotion: Depending on the project's goals, a budget
for marketing and promotion activities may be necessary to increase
awareness, attract users, and drive adoption of the web electronic
equipment system.
It's important to conduct a detailed analysis of the project requirements and
create a budget that considers all the essential components mentioned above.
Additionally, it's advisable to have some contingency funds to account for
unforeseen expenses or project changes.

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