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Dear Andre,

You have many good reasons for why you should become a social media star for
cooking, but I think you should not become a social media influencer. I believe that you should
follow what your mom says and not become a social media star and cook for only fun.

First, you should not become a social media star because you can be bullied and can be
hurt by others. In the text, it states,”Putting yourself out there can lead to negative attention and
even bullying.” This shows that out there is social media. If Andre were to go online with his
cooking, people watching him could possibly bully him into stopping his cooking and hurting his

Second, you should not go online onto social media with cooking because you will have
too much stress onto yourself. In the text, it states,”...much time and energy go into making a
single video?” This shows that for you to become a social media star, you will be overwhelmed
with the amount of work you will have on yourself, and you will take most likely days to make a
video. You will have to work on videos for the entire day, so you would not have the time to do
what normal kids do, like play outside.

Last but not least, you shouldn’t become a social media star because you probably will
not make the money you want to make. In the text, it states,”...very few people make the kind of
money you’re talking about.” This shows that you are starting off, and believe you can make that
money, but those people who make that money have been making videos for years, and there
are only a few of them, so you would not make much money.

After stating all of this, I think that you should not go online and make videos about
cooking, for all the reasons above. You can still be a cook, but make sure to let me try some of
your food!(By the way, your talent in cooking is amazing)

Nischay Kommisetty

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