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Here’s a not so secret “secret ingredient” that will cook up more sales and fill your pockets with

more USD than you could ever handle:

Social proof.

Or as I like to think of it…. Evidence that you’re someone worth paying attention to.

Now there are two types of social proof you need to be aware of:

Hard and soft.

Hard social proof is anything that proves without a shadow of a doubt that you’re worth listening

So if you’re a business coach, “hard” social proof would be having a successful business. And if
you’re a fitness coach, then “hard” social proof would be being fit.

Make sense?

But today let’s talk about soft social proof.

This is any kind of proof that gives you general authority and builds a positive “aura” about you.

Here’s an example of what I mean by that:

One of my marketing pals who I won’t mention by name because he’s a big dog in the Twitter
space is not the biggest fan of my sensei Ben Settle.

Which is fine because Ben isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

But when we got together to spitball about marketing a few months ago, he did mention one
very interesting observation to me:

He said “Eddy, I don’t like Ben Settle. But I know he’s good at what he does because when I
look him up on YouTube, I always see videos of him on stage speaking at important marketing
conferences or getting interviewed by another marketer who I respect.”

He then went on to explain that he hasn’t even watched the videos.

Just the fact that he went on YouTube and searched “Ben Settle” and saw a spiderweb of Ben
Settle videos was enough to build the soft social proof in his mind.

All this despite the fact that he doesn’t like Ben.

I made a mental note of his comments and went back to normal life.

Ever since our chat, I’ve noticed something even more interesting:

Everytime I discover a new guru or person of interest, my first inclination is to go on YouTube

and do a search for that person.

And just like my unnamed marketing pal, I don’t always watch the videos. Most of the time I’ll
watch just 10 seconds of them speaking.

But if the search yields a bunch of videos, that’s enough social proof for me to go digging for

And often that means I start opting into their email lists, listening to their podcasts and yes….

buying their products.

So if you want to start building this soft social proof? My suggestion is to do what I’m about to do
for the rest of 2024:

Go heavy into YouTube.

Don’t overthink this. You don’t necessarily need the most jazzed up YouTube studio to make this

In fact, for reasons I won’t go into today it’s probably even better if you don’t have the six figure

Just start putting out videos.

Start building the spiderweb of social proof that will capture soon-to-be buyers.

I’m not saying it’s going to put munny in your pocket today but somewhere down the stretch, as
long as you keep doing this, the proof will build and the less effort you’ll need to put in to “make
the sale”.

Hope that helps.

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