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Task 1b

Behaviour can be analysed by using their main approaches, all with unique pros and cons.
Biological, behavioural, and humanistic.

The Biological approach to psychology is that all thoughts, feelings, and behaviours have
physical/biological reasoning behind it. It states that the structure is found within the brain
(Amygdala, Prefrontal Cortex), in combination with Hormones (Testosterone), can affect the
Neurotransmitter. Which can affect behaviours (Aggression). A Biological psychologist, like
for example Roger Sperry could argue that a potential reason for Aggression in a person
would be due to a hormone imbalance, caused by a Biological defect. For example
hyperthyroidism, which can lead to mood swing, due to the over-productive thyroid gland
creating an imbalance in hormones. All through it very scientific within its approach, dealing
with biology, and materialistic subject matters. It often oversimplifies the organic structures
within the brain, and neglects how interaction with others can affect someone's psychology.
We can relate this approach to Richard Speck, who was an alcoholic. When the alcoholic
entered his bloodstream, it caused his brain to overproduce neurotransmitters such as
serotonin. This impaired his ability to control his mood, causing him to lash out.(On his wife,
pre-devored, his victims). Another way a Biological approach could explain Speck is
epigenetics. It was reported by Nature and The Lancet that they found nine patients,
averaging almost 6 ft.Had a 47,XYY karyotype, and mischaracterized them as aggressive
and violent criminals. Due to this mischaracterization, it was thought that Speck had XYY
karyotype. But after a chromosome analysis was performed however, it was found that
Speck had a normal 46,XY karyotype.

A behaviourist like John Watson, believes that most behaviours are learnt from the
environment and the people around us, and that only observable behaviours should be
studied. Behaviourists would argue that aggression is caused by the patient learning the
aggression from an aggressive person (a parent) who showed aggressive behaviour which
led to a positive outcome, in which said patient would adopt the behaviour. Behaviourists can
explain abnormality within a person such as aggression, prejudice, and gender role identities
etc, via classical conditioning.There are three stages of classical conditioning.Stage 1:
Before Conditioning (Unconditioned stimulus = unconditioned responses). Stage 2: During
Conditioning(stimulus with on response is associated with the unconditioned stimulus thus
creating a conditioned reason).Stage 3: After Conditioning(conditioned stimulus= conditioned
response ).They can also explain behaviour through Operant Conditioning, Developed by
B.F. Skinner.Which focuses on rewarding and punishing certain action, in order to modify
behavior.A psychologist like Albert Bandura, would analyse someone's psychology like
Richard Speck through his own social learning theory.He would say what Richard Speck had
learnt his aggressive behaviour from people in his environment, like his Step Dad, the
chicago street gangs, and his time in prison when he 12.Another way someone look at
someone's behavioural defects is by using Vygotsky’s Zone Of Proximal Development And
Scaffolding.A psychologist could justify that Speck didn’t have anyone to guide him, in order
to teach him things such as Social Interaction.Strengths within this field being that its
methods are scientific and can explain various phenomena using simple principles (Classical
and operant Conditioning). Although it ignores many biological aspects of one's psychology.
Humanistic approach to psychology has been criticised for its more idiographic
approach,favouring unique aspects of individuals rather than producing general laws of
behaviour that can be applied to anyone. This combined with the fact consciousness and
emotion are extremely difficult to objectively study.Has lead to humanistic psychology being
one of the least scientific approaches to psychology.However, due to the recent nature of
humanistic psychology. Being developed in the 1960s, it is a valuable agent of critique
against the extremes of earlier major approaches, for example… Violent Video Games can
cause Aggression. psychologist Christopher J. Ferguson challenged the position that “video
game violence harms children” in 2009.Ferguson contends that laboratory results have not
translated into real world, meaningful effects. He also claims that much of the research into
video game violence has failed to control for other variables such as mental health and
family life, taking a more humanistic approach to the matter.Humanistic approach combines
the study of one's consciousness and the human condition to get a better picture of the
whole. Humanistic psychologists like Carl Rogers, could reason that the reason Richard
Speck killed the nursing students is due to him feeling incongruence (1959).Due to Speck
losing his job and having to go to the unemployment office, combined with factors early in his
life cause his self image to be separated from his ideal self. Rogers could justify Speck
murdering the student being a defence mechanism, against people he saw as “threatening”
due to their acceptance in society. The Humanistic approach can also explained concepts
such as motivation through theory such as Maslow's hierarchy of needs (From Maslow's
1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation") which states that a person is good and tries to
satisfy specific needs, depending on the needs already met, starting with basic physiological
needs (food and clothing), and culminating in self-actualization. Motivating a person to their
ideal self.According Rogers self theory, A humanistic psychologist could reason that Richard
Speck didn’t have the necessary environment to grow as a person, due to his abusive
upbringing, he didn't have genuineness, acceptance, and empathy. Although he had lots of
sympathy from his mother.

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