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The journey of a blood cell through the

circulatory system is a complex and vital
process that ensures the delivery of
oxygen, nutrients, and other essential
substances to various tissues and organs
throughout the body.
● Stage: Blood cells are generated
in the bone marrow within the
● Organ: The heart serves as the
central pump that propels blood
throughout the circulatory system.
​ Bloodstream:
● Stage: Blood cells enter the
● Organ: The bloodstream comprises
arteries, veins, and capillaries.
​ Leaving the Heart:
● Stage: Oxygenated blood is pumped
out of the left side of the heart
into the aorta.
● Organ: Aorta (largest artery).
​ Arteries:
● Stage: Arteries carry oxygenated
blood away from the heart.
● Organ: Arteries, including smaller
​ Arterioles:
● Stage: Arterioles, smaller
branches of arteries.
● Organ: Arterioles.
​ Capillaries:
● Stage: Exchange of gasses,
nutrients, and waste products.
● Organ: Capillaries.
​ Venules:
● Stage: Blood enters small vessels
after capillaries.
● Organ: Venules.
​ Veins:
● Stage: Deoxygenated blood is
carried back towards the heart.
● Organ: Veins, including larger
​ Return to the Heart:
● Stage: Deoxygenated blood is
pumped from the right atrium to
the right ventricle.
● Organ: Right atrium and right
ventricle of the heart.
​ Pulmonary Circulation:
● Stage: Blood is sent to the lungs
for oxygenation.
● Organ: Pulmonary arteries and
​ Return to Systemic Circulation:
● Stage: Oxygenated blood returns to
the left side of the heart.
● Organ: Left atrium and left
ventricle of the heart.

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