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Winter Term 2024

Instructor: Jaison Mathews

BUSI3005 – Supply Chain and Logistics Management

In-Class Assignment 2 – 10% (Total Weight)

Student’s Name: Date:

Student ID No.:


 Answers need to be computer type-written for Assignment and uploaded online on Moodle as Word/PDF.
 Student need to specifically mention their name as well as student id.
 Each question need to be attempted on student’s own words in at least 2 paragraphs.
 Each response need to be supported by factual data (figures, tables, graphical representation, flow charts,
pictures, financial statements etc.) based on the company selected
 Please cite references
 Grades will be awarded based on specific-ness, practicality and integration of the concept.
 Avoid copying or sharing and if any paper/assessment found on the same will be awarded zero.

A. Select any multinational garment company and explain the following based on Logistics Management:

1. Explain in detail with examples company’s transportation rationale in maintaining seasonal stocks,
anticipatory stocks and safety stocks.
2. Explain in detail strategic value-adding role transportation plays in the company’s overall supply chain and
detailing its global fulfillment strategies and distribution methods.
3. Explain in detail the various modes of transportation opted by the company to move goods across borders and
create a distribution plan to optimize costs and implements strategies to mitigate global risks.
4. Explain in detail the role of productivity and quality metrics for improving transportation performance.
5. Explain in detail company’s challenges in maintaining transportation solutions globally especially during
pandemic – COVID – 19 and how collaboration among transportation providers and trading partners will help
the overall inventory management processes.

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