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BUKHARI – Mufti Talhah

]31[ ‫باب ِإَذ ا َج اَمَع ِفي َر َمَض اَن َو َلْم َي ُك ْن َلُه َش ْى ٌء َفُت ُص ِّدَق َع َلْي ِه َفْلُيَك ِّفْر‬
Sexual intercourse with wife in Ramadan and the expiation of

Munasaba – In the previous chapter we were just talking about how kaffarah is established. So now
further discussion on it, if you don’t have anything to give as kaffarah, can the kaffarah be exempt

Garz – To explain does kaffarah become exempt if you can not afford it. He shows you can take
sadaqah and then do kaffarah with it.

Mutabaka – The hadith of Abu Hurairah: mutabaka with the title is ‫َصاِئٌم‬ ‫َقْع ُت َع َلى اْم َر َأِتي َو َأَن ا‬
Imam AH and Maalik – Kaffarah does not drop from the poor person, he will do it whenever he gets
the capability to do it. So Bukhari is with us.

Imam Ahmad and shaafiee – Kaffarah drops.

[Source Nasrul Bari]

]32[ ‫باب اْلُم َج اِم ِع ِفي َر َمَض اَن َه ْل ُيْط ِع ُم َأْه َلُه ِمَن اْلَك َّفاَر ِة ِإَذ ا َك اُنوا َمَح اِو يَج‬
To feed the family from sin expiation (kaffarah) if they are

Munasaba – In the previous chapter we were just talking about how kaffarah is established, now this
chapter is discussing can a poor person feed his family as giving kaffarah.

Garz – To explain if you are in need, then you can feed your family as the kaffaarah.

Mutabaka – The hadeeth of Abu Hurairah: Mutabaka with the title is ‫َفَأْط ِعْم ُه َأْه َلَك‬
4 imams disagree with this.

Imam AH and Maalik say that this was based on khusoos of this sahabi. That’s because when he kept
asking, Rasul SAW said no first, and said no again and no. But only in the end, then Rasul SAW gave
him the dispensation. This shows it is not general ruling
Imam Ahmad and Shaafiee say that kaffarah drops anyway, see above Baab 31.
[Source Nasrul Bari]

]33[ ‫باب اْل ِحَج اَمِة َو اْل َقْى ِء ِللَّصاِئِم‬

Cupping and vomiting in Saum (fast)

Munasaba – This is another thing that comes out of the body that can break fast. But it is something
now lighter than semen.

Garz – Imam Bukhari is discussing two different fiqh in this chapter, cupping and vomiting. Both are
same ‫ِمَّما َخ َر َج‬. He is establishing for vomiting fast will not brake.
Mutabaka – The hadeeth of Abdullah ibn Abbas: Mutabaka with the title is ‫َصاِئٌم‬ ‫َو اْح َت َج َم َو ْه َو‬

Aftaral haajim wal mahjoom – why does Bukhari bring this. One reason is to show that it is actually
weak but another reason is to show that this is what some other people use to show why it breaks.

[Source Nasrul Bari]

]34[ ‫باب الَّصْو ِم ِفي الَّس َفِر َو اِإلْف َط اِر‬

To observe Saum (fast) or not during journeys

Munasaba – After now mentioning the ahkaam of fasting, he now wants to bring situations where
you can leave the fast and not do it. First was ahkaam of keeping fast, now it is ahkaam of NOT
keeping fast in some occations.

Garz – To show that there is a choice, takhyeer in some occasions like if a person is travelling.

Mutabaka – The 3 hadeeth, one shows Rasul SAW fasted during travelling, the other saying how
sahabi did it in residency and travel, the other saying in shi’ta then you can.

Hadith of Aysha 1st hadith Mutabaka is ‫ِّن ي َأْس ُر ُد الَّصْو َم‬

2nd hadith Mutabaka is ‫ُصوُم ِفي الَّس َفِر‬
[Source Nasrul Bari]
]35[ ‫باب ِإَذ ا َص اَم َأَّياًما ِم ْن َر َمَض اَن ُثَّم َس اَفَر‬
If a person observed Saum for some days and then went on a

Munasaba – In the previous chapter we discussed the fiqh of a musafir. In this chapter, Imam
Bukhari is discussing if one started Ramadan as a muqeem. For example until the 10th of Ramadan,
now you decided to travel. Can you now use the excuse of being a traveller to not fast once you
started Ramadan as a muqeem?

Garz – Hukm of that person who starts as muqeem, then becomes musaafir, can he do iftaar or
break fast.

- Why this question. It comes from Qur’aan. If he is alive and if he finds Ramadan, he should
- Also a weak hadeeth, if you see moon of Ramadan, prohibited from fasting on safr once
moon sighted.

Mutabaka – In the Hadith of Abdullah Mutabaka is ‫َفَص اَم َح َّت ى َب َلَغ اْلَك ِديَد َأْفَط َر‬

2 mas’alahs.

- You start the journey Monday. You were muqeem at the time. You catch 3 pm flight. Now,
can you break that day’s fast? Jamhoor say no. Because you started that fast as a MUQEEM.
But, if you did deliberately break the fast, there will be no kaffarah due to shubah/doubt as
being muqeem/musaafir
- Go for 10 days on a journey. On those days, you made niyyah one day to fast, you start the
fast. But now you regret fasting and wish you didn’t. Can you break it? Yes, you can. Because
you started fast as MUSAAFIR.

[Source Nasrul Bari]

]36[ ‫باب‬
Munasaba – No Capter title means this is part of the previous chapter.

No tarjumah. Called tatimmah. Or called kalfasli bilbaabi saabiq… it’s basically an addendum.

Garz - Some people were fasting. So during the travelling, some were fasting and some not. Showing
takhyeer during travel, this is to back up Baab 35.
But it’s also showing how there is a choice to fast and not fast once Ramadan has kicked in so also
backing baab 35 so this acts as further radd to anyone who says once you’re muqeem in Ramadan,
then you cant use safr as excuse not to fast.

Mutabaka – in the Hadith of Abu Darda Mutabaka is ‫هللا عليه‬ ‫َو َم ا ِفيَن ا َصاِئٌم ِإَّال َم ا َك اَن ِمَن الَّن ِبِّي صلى‬
‫وسلم َو اْب ِن َر َو اَح َة‬

[Source Nasrul Bari]


‫ «َلْي َس ِمَن اْلِبِّر‬: ‫ َو اْش َت َّد اْل َح ُّر‬،‫َب اُب َقْو ِل الَّن ِبِّي َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْي ِه َو َس َّلَم ِلَم ْن ُظ ِّلَل َع َلْيِه‬
‫»الَّصْو ُم ِفي الَّس َفِر‬
It is not righteousness to observe Saum on a journey.

Munasaba – When fast starts and you decide NOT to fast, there are a few things related to it.

Garz – Not fasting is better for those people in safr who would find it difficult.

Mutabaka – in the Hadith os Jabir bin Abdullah Mutabaka is ‫َلْي َس ِمَن اْلِبِّر الَّصْو ُم ِفي الَّس َفِر‬

Note: The above statement of Rasul SAW is not mutlaq. It is for the one who finds it difficult, then
for such a person this statement applies. Because otherwise for someone who has strength and can
fast, then it is more virtuous for him to fast.

Imam Ahmad says mutlaq better not to fast.

[Source Nasrul Bari]

‫باب َلْم َيِع ْب ْص َح اُب الَّن ِبِّي صلى هللا عليه وسلم َب ْع ُضُهْم َب ْع ًضا ِفي الَّصْو ِم‬
‫َو اِإلْف َط اِر‬
Not to criticize each other for observing Saum or not (on
Munasaba – Following on from the previous hadeeth, now maybe some people will start criticising
those who do fast during safr.

Garz – To indicate towards an adab to leave criticising for those who don’t take the more afdhal

Mutabaka – in the Hadith of Anas bin Malik Mutabaka is ‫ َو َال اْلُم ْف ِط ُر‬، ‫َفَلْم َيِعِب الَّصاِئُم َع َلى اْلُم ْف ِط ِر‬
‫َع َلى الَّصاِئِم‬
[Source Nasrul Bari]

]39[ ‫باب َم ْن َأْف َط َر ِفي الَّس َفِر ِلَيَر اُه الَّن اُس‬
Whoever broke his Saum (fast) on a journey (publicly).

Munasaba – Previous chapters about non-muqtada people. Now what should a muqtada person to
do ie someone who is followed and looked upon by non-learned people.

Garz – For a muqtada person, it is afdhal to break the fast or not keep it. This is so that people can
follow you and you can create ease for other people.

Mutabaka – in the Hadith of Ibn Abba ra Mutabaka is ‫ُثَّم َد َع ا ِبَم اٍء َفَر َفَع ُه ِإَلى َي َد ْيِه ِلُيِر َي ُه الَّن اَس َفَأْفَط َر‬
Sometimes, some people learn better by being told what to do and what not to do, and sometimes
some people learn better by seeing what others are doing. If you are amongst a group of people like
that, then it may be better not to fast so others can see it.

[Source Nasrul Bari]

]40[ } ‫ {َو َع َلى اَّلِذيَن ُيِط يُقوَن ُه ِفْد َي ٌة‬: ‫َب اُب‬
Those who can fast with difficulty have to feed a poor person.

Munasaba - People before whether they had the strength or not, could give fidyah. This was in the
early days of Islam. Then once Islam grew and matured, this was removed.

Garz – the purpose of this chapter is to show that the verse ‫َو َع َلى اَّلِذيَن ُيِط يُقوَن ُه ِفْد َي ة‬
is Mansookh.

Mutabaka – in the Hadith of Aysha ra Mutabaka is ‫َقَر َأ ِفْد َي ٌة َط َع اُم َمَس اِكيَن‬
[Source Nasrul Bari]

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