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Police Operations Theory and Practice

6th Edition Hess Solutions Manual

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Chapter 7

Violence: At Home, in the Classroom, on the Job



Violence: An Overview
Domestic and Family Violence
Risk Factors for Domestic Violence Victimization
The Extent of the Problem
Intimate Partner Violence
Battered Women
“Special Needs” Victims of Domestic Violence
Theories about Why Men Batter
Battered Men
Gay Domestic Violence
Teen Dating Violence
Responding to Domestic Violence Calls
The Danger of Domestic Calls
Documenting Evidence of Domestic Violence
Arresting Batterers
The Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment
Other Studies on the Effects of Arrest
Arrest Policies
“Failure to Protect” Lawsuits
Batterer Intervention Programs (BIPs)
Helping Victims Deal with the Assault
Restraining Orders
Using GPS to Track Abusers
Child Abuse and Maltreatment
Elder Abuse
Warning Signs and Symptoms of Elder Abuse
Factors Associated with Elder Abuse
The Police Response
Cooperative Efforts
School and College Violence
Law Enforcement in Schools and Colleges
The School Resource Officer (SRO)
Campus Law Enforcement
School Shootings
The Police Response
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Chapter 7: Violence: At Home, in the Classroom, on the Job 39

In Search of Safer Schools

Crisis Planning
Security Technology
Other Efforts to Prevent School Violence
Zero-Tolerance Policies
Proactive Lockdowns
Workplace Violence
Similarities between School and Workplace Violence
The Police Response
Problem-Oriented Policing and Violence
Exercises in Critical Thinking
Discussion Questions
Gale Emergency Services Database Assignments
Cases Cited


Wives, husbands, significant others, children, and elders—in fact, anyone within a family unit—
may be at risk of becoming a victim of domestic violence. Police officers responding to a
domestic violence call are responsible for investigating it thoroughly as an assault and for
making an arrest if probable cause exists. Responding to a domestic violence call is hazardous,
but not as hazardous as is often thought. In the Minneapolis experiment, police officers
responding to domestic violence calls found that arrest was clearly more effective in reducing
future violence than was advice or sending the suspect away. Thurman v. City of Torrington
(1984) established that domestic violence is an assault rather than simply a family affair. Officers
and departments can be sued for “failure to protect.”

School violence is of growing concern to law enforcement and almost never occurs without
warning. An effective three-pronged approach to school security encompasses crisis planning,
security technology, and school/law enforcement/community partnerships. Some schools have
adopted controversial measures to prevent school violence, including zero-tolerance policies or
school security procedures known as lockdowns.

As with school violence, workplace violence rarely occurs without warning. Similarities between
school and workplace violence include the perpetrators’ profiles, the targets, the means, and the

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40 Instructor’s Resource Manual


After completing this chapter, students will know:

• Who is at risk of being a victim of domestic violence.

• What law enforcement’s responsibility is when domestic violence occurs.
• How dangerous police response to a domestic violence call is.
• What the Minneapolis experiment established.
• What Thurman v. City of Torrington (1984) established.
• Whether incidents of school violence can be anticipated or are always a surprise.
• What three-pronged approach is an effective response to the issue of school violence.
• What controversial measures have been taken to make schools safer.
• What similarities exist between school and workplace violence.


Students will be introduced to the following key terms:

battered woman syndrome, battering, bullying, elder abuse, expressive violence,

instrumental violence, lockdown, stake-in-conformity variables, zero-tolerance policies


With the addition of several new elderly care facilities and homes in your community, you
have noticed an increase in elderly related crimes, a crime that has begun to rapidly
increase in other jurisdictions as well. Deputies within your agency are not yet well
experienced in dealing with these incidents, including the investigation that is required of
these cases. As a supervisor, your sheriff has approached you and requested that you draft a
policy on dealing with elder abuse in your community. This policy should have guidelines
that the deputies responding to these types of incidents can reference. In addition to the
policy, you are also tasked with implementing elder abuse training for your deputies.
Detail how you would train your deputies and what sources you would use.

Instructions: Write a policy for your sheriff’s office detailing deputies’ response to elder
abuse crimes. The policy should contain the needs statement first. It should also include
procedures for domestic violence, resources, and referrals to social services and related
agencies. The statement should include the sheriff’s office’s expectations of deputies in
dealing with these types of calls. This policy should also include special needs and
considerations toward this demographic in the community.

The training outline should include a goals statement. It should also include what topics
and issues should be covered in the training to make it successful for both the elderly
community and the sheriff’s deputies.

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Chapter 7: Violence: At Home, in the Classroom, on the Job 41


1. d. Second-degree assault, at a minimum, requires only displaying a dangerous weapon in

addition to the other elements of assault. The officers should have taken Eddie Konkler into

2. e. Although the absence of a physical examination does not prevent the jury from finding the
defendant guilty of criminal sexual conduct, a medical examination should be sought for both
physical and emotional reasons.

3. d. An allegation of sexual abuse of a child does not require corroboration unless the other
evidence is insufficient. The problem is that many victims of domestic abuse have been
threatened as well as physically assaulted. Both a fear of future retaliation and a hope for a
change for the better cause many to keep the tragedy behind closed doors, and even when it
gets out, to not prosecute.

4. a. Police can make an arrest in a domestic violence case if an abuser has been ordered to stay
away but does not.


1. Before reading this chapter, did you know about the extent of domestic violence? If yes, what
have you read, seen, or known about the problem?

Most students are going to have had some contact with some type of violence or with individuals
who have either been victims of violence themselves or have been suspects in violent
experiences. Violence among students who know each other is common. Some students are the
product of domestic violence, but others are not aware of what a violent society we live in. This
is a good opportunity to reiterate the reasons why domestic violence often goes unreported.

2. Do you think parents have the right to discipline their teenage children? What do you think
about hitting, slapping, yelling, restricting youths to their rooms, or imposing monetary
penalties on dependent adolescent children?

Family rules, regulations, and norms are not consistent. One size does not fit all. It is a matter of
personal parental preference in dictating how or what their children’s lifestyle will be.
Unfortunately, messages are sometimes mixed, and children experience inconsistencies in what
parents say and do. For example, a child who is spanked in response to hitting another child may
be confused by the logic, or lack thereof, and wonder why it’s okay for the parent to hit but not
for the child. The underlying, unspoken message of parents may be “Do as I say, not as I do,”
“I’m bigger than you, so I can hit you,” or “Might makes right.” Other factors may include the
culture of the parent and the parent’s own experiences with discipline as a child.

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42 Instructor’s Resource Manual

3. Much controversy exists in the schools regarding punishing children through the use of
physical force. What is your position on allowing school officials to use physical force
against students?

This area has been scrutinized over the years and presently falls into the civil rights category. It is
doubtful whether a school district, a school board, or a school principal would condone unmitigated
physical abuse of a student. Lawsuits are prevalent against schools engaged in this type of activity.
However, as of September 2011, 19 states still allow some form of corporal punishment in schools,
which may include spanking a child with either a hand or an implement similar to a paddle.

4. Do you think zero-tolerance policies in schools have gone too far? Why or why not?

Student responses will vary—some may argue that such policies are valuable tools in
maintaining school safety, but others may argue that zero-tolerance policies are dangerous
and unjust without considering individual cases. The American Bar Association (ABA) has
opposed zero-tolerance policies, stating that these policies have “become a one-size-fits-all
solution to all the problems that schools confront . . .” and that these policies have “redefined
students as criminals, with unfortunate consequences.”

5. Why should law enforcement be knowledgeable about workplace violence?

Police have a duty to protect the citizens who live and work within their jurisdiction from crime
and violence. To implement crisis planning and emergency preparedness plans, law enforcement
should partner with people who have a stake in the workplace and train them to recognize
situations of potential violence. A good prevention program considers both external and internal
threats to the workplace environment.

6. What has been your experience with bullying?

Students’ experiences will vary. Ask students to share their experiences with the class.

7. Does your local police department have an SRO? If so, in what schools does the officer work
and what are some of the typical functions they perform within those schools?

Most police departments employing 20 or more officers generally staff an SRO. However,
students may have to visit a larger police department if the community they live in has no SRO.
Also students should check with the school district because some schools appoint a faculty
member to serve as school resource officer, with this staff member having direct contact with the
local police department.


Stemming Violence and Abuse (29-minute DVD, #FNN11401 DVD ISBN: 978-1-4213-0652-0)
To understand violence, we must first be able to understand where it comes from. This video
offers ideas why violence occurs and how people can avoid becoming victims of violence.
[Source: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 800-257-5126]

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Chapter 7: Violence: At Home, in the Classroom, on the Job 43

Battered Women: Under Siege (46-minute DVD, #FNN10719 DVD ISBN: 978-1-4213-6834-4)
Battered women speak about the violence they endured. The case of Lisa Blanco is
highlighted in this video produced by CBS Video.
[Source: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 800-257-5126]

Domestic Violence: Behind Closed Doors (28-minute DVD, #FNN4654 DVD ISBN: 978-1-
This video examines how society has had enough of domestic violence and is fighting back
against it.
[Source: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 800-257-5126]

Elder Abuse: America’s Growing Crime (16-minute DVD, #FNN9262 DVD ISBN: 978-1-4213-
Elder abuse often goes unreported and overlooked in society. ABC’s Diane Sawyer examines
this rapidly growing crime against our senior citizens.
[Source: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 800-257-5126]

It’s Not Okay: Speaking Out against Youth Violence (40-minute video, #FNN11423 VHS ISBN:
Violence in schools is examined by school-aged students who are speaking out against it.
These students offer suggestions about why we are seeing an increase in school and youth
[Source: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 800-257-5126]

School Shootings: America’s Tragedy (48-minute DVD, #FNN10755 DVD ISBN: 978-1-4213-
Reviews the effects of school violence and shootings.
[Source: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 800-257-5126]

Indicators of School Crime and Safety, 2001. BJS Clearinghouse, 800-732-3277

Cengage Learning’s Criminal Justice Media Library (ISBN 0-495-80998-5) is available for
purchase with adoption of any Cengage Learning criminal justice text. This extensive media
resource includes videos, animations, simulations, and more on topics such as policing,
fundamentals of criminal justice, and careers in criminal justice.

© 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
the system inaugurated by David, and treats this edifying topic at
some length.

²And Hezekiah appointed the courses of the

priests and the Levites after their courses,
every man according to his service, both the
priests and the Levites, for burnt offerings and
for peace offerings, to minister, and to give
thanks, and to praise in the gates of the camp
of the Lord.
2. the courses] Compare 1 Chronicles xxiv. 1 ff.

to minister, and to give thanks, and to praise in the gates] Better,

as LXX., altering the order, to give thanks and to praise and to
minister in the gates. “To minister in the gates,” i.e. to be
doorkeepers, compare 1 Chronicles xxvi. 1.

the camp of the Lord] i.e. (in the language of Deuteronomy) “the
place which the Lord chose,” Jerusalem or, more exactly, the Temple
area. Compare 1 Chronicles ix. 18, note.

³He appointed also the king’s portion of his

substance for the burnt offerings, to wit, for the
morning and evening burnt offerings, and the
burnt offerings for the sabbaths, and for the
new moons, and for the set feasts, as it is
written in the law of the Lord. ⁴Moreover he
commanded the people that dwelt in
Jerusalem to give the portion of the priests
and the Levites, that they might give
themselves ¹ to the law of the Lord.
¹ Hebrew be strong in.

3. the burnt offerings] Compare viii. 12, 13.

⁵And as soon as the commandment came

abroad, the children of Israel gave in
abundance the firstfruits of corn, wine, and oil,
and honey, and of all the increase of the field;
and the tithe of all things brought they in
5. and honey] Honey (Hebrew dĕbhash) is not elsewhere
mentioned as subject to tithe; perhaps grape syrup (modern Arabic
dibs) is meant here, as in Genesis xliii. 11 and Ezekiel xxvii. 17
(according to some commentators). Honey (like leaven) was
forbidden for sacrificial use (Leviticus ii. 11).

⁶And the children of Israel and Judah, that

dwelt in the cities of Judah, they also brought
in the tithe of oxen and sheep, and the tithe of
dedicated things which were consecrated unto
the Lord their God, and laid them by heaps.
6. And the children of Israel] Compare xi. 16.

the tithe of dedicated things] a strange phrase without parallel.

Read probably the dedicated things.

⁷In the third month they began to lay the

foundation of the heaps, and finished them in
the seventh month. ⁸And when Hezekiah and
the princes came and saw the heaps, they
blessed the Lord, and his people Israel.
⁹Then Hezekiah questioned with the priests
and the Levites concerning the heaps.
7. the third month] The Feast of Harvest took place at the
beginning of this month and seven weeks later the Feast of
Ingathering followed.

¹⁰And Azariah the chief priest, of the house of

Zadok, answered him and said, Since the
people began to bring the oblations into the
house of the Lord, we have eaten and had
enough, and have left plenty: for the Lord
hath blessed his people; and that which is left
is this great store.
10. Azariah the chief priest] Not mentioned in connection with
Hezekiah’s previous arrangements.

of the house of Zadok] Compare 1 Chronicles xxiv. 1‒4. Tradition

spoke of two main families of priests, (1) the descendants of Eleazar
the third son of Aaron, whose chief representative in David’s day
was Zadok (hence they are here called “the house of Zadok”), (2) the
descendants of Ithamar the fourth son of Aaron, represented in
David’s time by Ahimelech (Saul’s victim) or by Abiathar (David’s
protégé). The Chronicler prefers to name the descendants of Ithamar
after Ahimelech (1 Chronicles xxiv. 3, where see note).

the oblations] “The Hebrew word, tĕrūmāh, denotes properly

what is ‘taken off’ from a larger mass and so separated from it for
sacred purposes.” The word is sometimes rendered heave offering,
but this is due to a mistaken impression that a rite of elevation was
involved (see the full note in Driver, Exodus, p. 263).
hath blessed his people] Compare Malachi iii. 10.

and that which is left is this great store] The Hebrew requires
some correction. Read as the LXX., καὶ κατελίπομεν ἐπὶ τὸ πλῆθος
τοῦτο, “we leave (‘have left’) this great store and more.”

11‒13. The offerings mentioned in verses 5‒10 were placed in

charge of Conaniah, Shimei and their subordinates for storage in the
Temple treasuries.

¹¹Then Hezekiah commanded to prepare

chambers in the house of the Lord; and they
prepared them.
11. chambers] compare 1 Chronicles ix. 26, note.

¹²And they brought in the oblations and the

tithes and the dedicated things faithfully: and
over them Conaniah the Levite was ruler, and
Shimei his brother was second.
12. the dedicated things] Compare xxix. 33 (note on the
consecrated things).

¹³And Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and

Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel,
and Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah,
were overseers under the hand of Conaniah
and Shimei his brother, by the appointment of
Hezekiah the king, and Azariah the ruler of the
house of God.
13. the ruler of the house of God] Compare 1 Chronicles ix. 11,

14‒19. Distribution of the stores referred to in verses 11‒13 was

the duty of Kore and his subordinates. The exact meaning and
sequence of these verses is hard to follow, and probably the
obscurity is due to faults in the Hebrew text. The simplest view is as
follows: verse 15 states that the distribution was to be made to
priestly and levitical persons resident in the priestly cities but (verse
16) not to those who were for the time being on duty at the Temple,
since these no doubt would receive their share at the Temple itself.
Then verses 17‒19 seem to refer to the manner of the registration of
priests and Levites respectively for the purpose of the distribution;
but it must be confessed that the precise sense and connection are
uncertain, particularly as regards verse 19.

¹⁴And Kore the son of Imnah the Levite, the

porter at the east gate, was over the freewill
offerings of God, to distribute the oblations of
the Lord, and the most holy things.
14. the most holy things] To this class belonged the shewbread
(Leviticus xxiv. 9), the meal offering (Leviticus ii. 2, 3, vi. 14‒18 [7‒
11, Hebrew]), the sin offering (Leviticus vi. 25‒30), and the trespass
offering (Leviticus vii. 1‒7). These could be eaten by the priests only
and in the holy place only.

¹⁵And under him were Eden, and Miniamin,

and Jeshua, and Shemaiah, Amariah, and
Shecaniah, in the cities of the priests, in their
set office ¹, to give to their brethren by courses,
as well to the great as to the small:
¹ Or, trust.
15. in the cities] The priestly cities are given 1 Chronicles vi. 54‒

to the great as to the small] i.e. to old and to young alike.

¹⁶beside them that were reckoned by

genealogy of males, from three years old and
upward, even every one that entered into the
house of the Lord, as the duty of every day
required ¹, for their service in their charges
according to their courses;
¹ Or, for his daily portion.

16. beside] i.e. with the exception of.

as the duty of every day required] Or, as margin, for his daily

¹⁷and them that were reckoned by genealogy

of the priests by their fathers’ houses, and the
Levites from twenty years old and upward, in
their charges by their courses;
17. and them that] Render probably and as for the registration
of the priests it was made by their families....

¹⁸and them ¹ that were reckoned by genealogy

of all their little ones, their wives, and their
sons, and their daughters, through all the
congregation: for in their set office ² they
sanctified themselves in holiness:
¹ Or, even to give to them &c. ² Or, trust.

18. and them that] Render, and the registration included all
their little ones, etc. The connection of the last part of the verse is
very obscure.

their set office] Or, as margin, their trust (so also above verse

they sanctified themselves in holiness] Or, they busied

themselves with the distribution of the sanctified things. No reliance
can be placed on the soundness of the text.

¹⁹also for the sons of Aaron the priests, which

were in the fields of the suburbs of their cities,
in every several city, there were men that were
expressed by name, to give portions to all the
males among the priests, and to all that were
reckoned by genealogy among the Levites.
²⁰And thus did Hezekiah throughout all Judah;
and he wrought that which was good and right
and faithful ¹ before the Lord his God. ²¹And in
every work that he began in the service of the
house of God, and in the law, and in the
commandments, to seek his God, he did it
with all his heart, and prospered.
¹ Hebrew faithfulness.

19. Again a most obscure verse, apparently meaning that the

priests had certain special officers, other than Kore and his
subordinates, who were charged with superintending the distribution
in the outlying districts. Text and interpretation are alike uncertain.
Kittel regards verses 17‒19 as a late addition.

the suburbs] compare 1 Chronicles v. 16 (margin “pasture

lands”), vi. 55, 57 [40, 42, Hebrew].

Chapter XXXII.
1‒8 (compare 2 Kings xviii. 13‒16).
Sennacherib’s threatened Invasion. Hezekiah’s Precautions.

The Chronicler introduces us somewhat abruptly to the Assyrian

crisis. From 2 Kings we learn that Hezekiah renounced the
suzerainty of Assyria (xviii. 7), which his father Ahaz had
acknowledged (2 Kings xvi. 7). Thereupon Sennacherib invaded
Judah, and Hezekiah was obliged to acknowledge with a heavy
payment of tribute his dependence on the Assyrian king (2 Kings
xviii. 13‒16). Sennacherib having discovered the weakness of
Judah, next demanded an unconditional surrender, intending to
transport the Jews to another country (2 Kings xviii. 31, 32). This
demand Hezekiah resisted, being strengthened thereto by Isaiah.
The Chronicler does not refer to the earlier invasion or to the tribute
—such a humiliation of the pious and devoted king being in his belief
unthinkable. That any invasion should have taken place “after these
things and this faithfulness” was sufficiently astonishing, until the
issue showed that the anxiety and distress were only for the greater
glory of Israel’s God and for the further proof of Hezekiah’s trust in

¹After these things, and this faithfulness,

Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and
entered into Judah, and encamped against the
fenced cities, and thought to win them ¹ for
himself. ²And when Hezekiah saw that
Sennacherib was come, and that he was
purposed ² to fight against Jerusalem,
¹ Hebrew to break them up.

² Hebrew his face was to fight.

1. After these things, and this faithfulness] The phrase is a

hendiadys and stands for, “After these faithful dealings.”

Sennacherib] This king (Sanḥērib in Hebrew, Sin-aḥi-irib [-irba] in

Assyrian, the Σαναχάριβος of Herod. II. 141) reigned 705‒681 b.c. He
was the son of Sargon (Isaiah xx. 1), father of Esar-haddon (2 Kings
xix. 37; Ezra iv. 3), and grandfather of Asshur-bani-pal, the well-
known Σαρδανάπαλλος of Herod. II. 150, who is commonly identified
with Osnappar (compare Ezra iv. 10). Under this dynasty Assyria
reached the height of its power. The empire included Babylonia
(which, however, was frequently in revolt), Assyria proper, Syria as
far north as Cilicia (inclusive), and (under Esar-haddon and Asshur-
bani-pal) Egypt. After Asshur-bani-pal’s death (about 626 b.c.) the
Assyrian power was speedily destroyed. The form Sennacherib is
derived from the LXX. through the Vulgate.

to win them] Literally to make breaches in them. According to 2

Kings xviii. 13 Sennacherib took these cites; and the Assyrian
account on the “Prism Inscription” of Sennacherib which is preserved
in the British Museum states that they were forty-six in number
(compare Driver in Hogarth, Authority and Archaeology, pp. 104‒
107; or Handcock, Latest Light on Bible Lands, pp. 153 ff.).

³he took counsel with his princes and his

mighty men to stop the waters of the fountains
which were without the city; and they helped
3. to stop the waters] Compare 2 Kings xx. 20 “[Hezekiah] made
the pool and the conduit and brought water into the city,” and Isaiah
xxii. 9, 11.

At the present day there is an underground tunnel cut through the

rock leading from St Mary’s Well down to the Lower Pool of Siloam
(Bädeker, Palestine⁵, pp. 25, 83). It is rudely constructed and owing
to its windings is 586 yards long, though the distance in a straight
line is only 368 yards. As therefore the Lower Pool was probably
within the ancient walls, while St Mary’s Well was outside, this tunnel
may be Hezekiah’s conduit. If the well were stopped, the besiegers
would lose the water, which would collect in the Pool for the use of
the besieged. An inscription in ancient Hebrew characters (“The
Siloam Inscription”) discovered in situ describes briefly the digging of
the tunnel, but does not enable us to fix the date of it with certainty.
For the original text and an English translation see G. A. Smith,
Jerusalem, I. 95 f., or Driver, Notes on Hebrew Text of Samuel, viii.

⁴So there was gathered much people together,

and they stopped all the fountains, and the
brook that flowed through the midst of the
land, saying, Why should the kings of Assyria
come, and find much water?
4. the brook that flowed] The Hebrew verb means “flow with
strong stream” (as a flood). We naturally look for such a brook either
east of Jerusalem in the valley of Kidron or south in the valley of the
son of Hinnom, but no perennial stream runs in either valley now.
Possibly (owing to physical changes in the configuration of the
country) the waters which fed such a brook in the Chronicler’s day
now lose themselves in the soil.
⁵And he took courage, and built up all the wall
that was broken down, and raised it up to the
towers ¹, and the other ² wall without, and
strengthened Millo in the city of David, and
made weapons and shields in abundance.
¹ Or, heightened the towers Or, went up upon the towers The
Vulgate has, built towers thereon.

² Or, another.

5. broken dozen] Compare xxv. 23 (note).

raised it up to the towers] Hebrew vayya‘al ‘al. Read and he

heightened the towers, i.e. omitting the second ’al as a dittography.

the other wall] In Isaiah xxii. 9‒11 the preparations to meet the
Assyrian attack are described by the prophet who speaks of a “ditch”
(Revised Version “reservoir”) made at this time between “the two
walls.” In Excavations at Jerusalem, 1894‒1897, Dr Bliss describes
a buttressed wall (pp. 96 ff.) built without lime (see his frontispiece
for an illustration of it) and enclosing the pool of Siloam on the south-
east, which, he says, “may date back as far as Hezekiah” (pp. 325
f.). Dr Bliss also, following up a clue given by earlier explorers, found
a second wall (running at an angle to the first) enclosing the pool on
the west. This second wall was probably due to Herod, but Dr Bliss
suggests that the line it follows may have been defended by a wall
as early as Hezekiah’s day (p. 326). For further discussion see G. A.
Smith, Jerusalem, I. 182, 207.

Millo] compare 1 Chronicles xi. 8, note.

weapons and shields] Properly, darts and shields. These were

meant, not for such trained soldiers as Hezekiah could collect, but
for the levy en masse with which the king proposed to man the walls.
A dart to throw and a shield to protect the thrower as he threw were
all that the citizen-soldier needed. The Hebrew word (shelaḥ) means
“dart, missile”; the more general rendering “weapons” obscures the
precise nature of Hezekiah’s preparations.

⁶And he set captains of war over the people,

and gathered them together to him in the
broad place at the gate of the city, and spake
comfortably to them, saying, ⁷Be strong and of
a good courage, be not afraid nor dismayed
for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude
that is with him: for there is a greater ¹ with us
than with him:
¹ Or, there be more.

6. in the broad place at the gate] Compare xxix. 4; Nehemiah viii.

16. There is nothing here to show which of the two broad places
mentioned in Nehemiah is meant, or whether some third place is

⁸with him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the

Lord our God to help us, and to fight our
battles. And the people rested themselves
upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.
8. an arm of flesh] Compare Jeremiah xvii. 5. Contrast the
frequent phrase “a mighty hand and a stretched out arm” (of
Jehovah). An “arm” is an ally or helper.

with us is the Lord] Compare xv. 2, xx. 17; Isaiah viii. 10.
9‒19 (compare 2 Kings xviii. 17‒35).
Sennacherib’s Threatening Messages.

In this section Chronicles briefly and freely summarises 2 Kings.

⁹After this did Sennacherib king of Assyria

send his servants to Jerusalem, (now he was
before Lachish, and all his power with him,)
unto Hezekiah king of Judah, and unto all
Judah that were at Jerusalem, saying,
9. his servants] Three of these are specified in 2 Kings by their
titles, viz. the Tartan (“Commander-in-chief”), the Rabsaris (perhaps
“Chief of the Princes”), and the Rabshakeh (“Chief of the officers or

now he was before Lachish] The capture of Lachish by

Sennacherib and its spoliation are shown on an Assyrian relief now
in the British Museum. The king himself besieged Lachish because it
was of more importance for the main object of the campaign than
Jerusalem. Sennacherib’s objective was Egypt (Herodotus II. 141),
and Lachish (Tell el-Ḥesi, Bädeker, Palestine⁵, p. 118) lay directly in
his path (compare Handcock, Latest Light on Bible Lands, p. 151).

¹⁰Thus saith Sennacherib king of Assyria,

Whereon do ye trust, that ye abide the siege ¹
in Jerusalem?
¹ Or, in the strong hold.

10. in Jerusalem] Isaiah promised deliverance in Jerusalem; e.g.

in Isaiah xxix. 8, xxx. 19.
¹¹Doth not Hezekiah persuade you, to give you
over to die by famine and by thirst, saying,
The Lord our God shall deliver us out of the
hand of the king of Assyria?
11. persuade] Or “entice”; compare 1 Chronicles xxi. 1
(“provoked” for the same Hebrew word).

¹²Hath not the same Hezekiah taken away his

high places and his altars, and commanded
Judah and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall
worship before one altar, and upon it shall ye
burn incense?
12. Hath not the same Hezekiah taken away] Besides this appeal
to the religious prejudices of the people, Sennacherib’s servants
employed two other arguments, according to 2 Kings—(1) the
paucity of Hezekiah’s soldiers (2 Kings xviii. 23) and (2) possible
reliance on Egyptian help (2 Kings xviii. 21, 25). These two
arguments are passed over by the Chronicler doubtless because
they seemed inconsistent both with the power and the character of a
king so God-fearing as Hezekiah.

his high places] compare 2 Kings xviii. 4. The “high places”

(bāmōth) were properly sanctuaries of Jehovah, and not necessarily
idolatrous in themselves. But since originally all, or almost all, of
these bāmōth had been sacred places of the Canaanite gods, old
idolatrous symbols (e.g. the ashērah) and old idolatrous ideas and
rites persisted in the worship there offered. When finally the Jews
restricted sacrificial worship to Jerusalem, the odium attaching to
these “high places” became greater than ever, and hostility towards
them came to be regarded as the mark of any pious monarch.
Hezekiah removed the bāmōth throughout the country.
¹³Know ye not what I and my fathers have
done unto all the peoples of the lands? Were
the gods of the nations of the lands any ways
able to deliver their land out of mine hand?
¹⁴Who was there among all the gods of those
nations which my fathers utterly destroyed ¹,
that could deliver his people out of mine hand,
that your God should be able to deliver you
out of mine hand? ¹⁵Now therefore let not
Hezekiah deceive you, nor persuade you on
this manner, neither believe ye him: for no god
of any nation or kingdom was able to deliver
his people out of mine hand, and out of the
hand of my fathers: how much less shall your
God ² deliver you out of mine hand? ¹⁶And his
servants spake yet more against the Lord
God, and against his servant Hezekiah.
¹ Hebrew devoted. ² Or, gods.

13. the peoples of the lands] In 2 Kings xviii. 34 the lands are
specified and include Samaria.

¹⁷He wrote also letters ¹, to rail on the Lord,

the God of Israel, and to speak against him,
saying, As the gods of the nations of the
lands, which have not delivered their people
out of mine hand, so shall not the God of
Hezekiah deliver his people out of mine hand.
¹ Or, a letter.

17. to rail on] Or, to defy (the same Hebrew word as in 2 Kings
xix. 4, 16, 22, 33, and there rendered “reproach”).

¹⁸And they cried with a loud voice in the Jews’

language unto the people of Jerusalem that
were on the wall, to affright them, and to
trouble them; that they might take the city.
18. in the Jews’ language] i.e. in Hebrew. From the parallel
passage, 2 Kings xviii. 26 ff., it is evident that the language of
diplomacy at this time in Western Asia was Aramaic (“Syrian,” 2
Kings); and that, whilst understood by the Jewish leaders and
officials, it was not yet intelligible to the common people. In the
negotiations the Rabshakeh showed clearly that his object was not
to treat with Hezekiah, but to excite a revolt among the Jews against
Hezekiah and so gain possession of the city.

¹⁹And they spake of the God of Jerusalem, as

of the gods of the peoples of the earth, which
are the work of men’s hands.
19. the God of Jerusalem] For this designation compare Psalms
cxxxv. 21.

20‒23 (compare 2 Kings xix. 1‒4, 14‒19, 35‒37).

Hezekiah and Isaiah pray. The Deliverance.

This section is a very brief summary of 2 Kings xix.

²⁰And Hezekiah the king, and Isaiah the

prophet the son of Amoz, prayed because of
this, and cried to heaven.
20. And Hezekiah ... and Isaiah ... prayed] According to Kings,
Hezekiah prayed, and was answered by God through the medium of
a message delivered by Isaiah the prophet (2 Kings xix. 20‒34).

heaven] Here used reverently for “God”; compare xxviii. 9; Daniel

iv. 26; Luke xv. 21.

²¹And the Lord sent an angel, which cut off all

the mighty men of valour, and the leaders and
captains, in the camp of the king of Assyria.
So he returned with shame of face to his own
land. And when he was come into the house
of his god, they that came forth of his own
bowels slew him ¹ there with the sword.
¹ Hebrew caused him to fall.

21. all the mighty men] In number 185,000 according to 2 Kings

xix. 35 and Isaiah xxxvii. 36. The agency was probably the plague,
which is pictured as a destroying angel in 2 Samuel xxiv. 16.

And when he was come] The murder of Sennacherib did not

occur till some 20 years after his Judean expedition (circa 701 b.c.),
i.e. not till 681 b.c.

they that came forth] The Chronicler no doubt follows Isaiah

xxxvii. 38, “Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him”; but the
accuracy of the present text of this passage of Isaiah is doubtful, for
in the parallel passage (2 Kings xix. 37, Kethīb) the words his sons
are missing. The only notice of Sennacherib’s death known to us at
present from the inscriptions reads “Sennacherib king of Assyria was
slain by his son (singular) in a revolt.” No name is given to this son.
(Driver in Hogarth, Authority and Archaeology, p. 109.)
²²Thus the Lord saved Hezekiah and the
inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of
Sennacherib the king of Assyria, and from the
hand of all other, and guided them on every
22. guided them on every side] Read, as the LXX., gave them
rest on every side; compare xx. 30.

²³And many brought gifts unto the Lord to

Jerusalem, and precious things to Hezekiah
king of Judah: so that he was exalted in the
sight of all nations from thenceforth.
23. brought gifts] Compare Psalms lxviii. 29; Isaiah xviii. 7;
Haggai ii. 7, 8.

24‒33 (compare 2 Kings xx.; Isaiah xxxviii., xxxix.).

Hezekiah’s Sickness. The Ambassadors from Babylon.
Hezekiah’s Death.

²⁴In those days Hezekiah was sick even

unto death: and he prayed unto the Lord; and
he spake unto him, and gave him a sign ¹.
¹ Or, wonder.

24. Remark that this single verse epitomises 2 Kings xx. 1‒11.

In those days] The phrase is taken over from 2 Kings xx. 1, and it
cannot be determined what date is intended, though we may
conclude from 2 Kings xx. 6 that it was a time at which the Assyrian
danger was not yet past, and that it was about the fourteenth year of
Hezekiah (compare Barnes on 2 Kings xx. 1).

he spake] The Hebrew word means, in certain connections, “to

promise,” and the idea of “promise” is present here, the sense being
“God made him a promise and confirmed it by a wonder”; compare 2
Kings xx. 5, 6, 8‒11.

a sign] Rather, a wonder (margin), as in verse 31.

²⁵But Hezekiah rendered not again according

to the benefit done unto him; for his heart was
lifted up: therefore there was wrath upon him,
and upon Judah and Jerusalem.
25. his heart was lifted up] Compare verse 31; 2 Kings xx. 12‒15.

wrath] Hebrew ḳeṣeph, a visitation of Divine wrath; compare xix.

2, 10, xxiv. 18, xxix. 8.

²⁶Notwithstanding Hezekiah humbled himself

for the pride ¹ of his heart, both he and the
inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of
the Lord came not upon them in the days of
¹ Hebrew the lifting up.

26. humbled himself] Compare 2 Kings xx. 19.

²⁷And Hezekiah had exceeding much riches

and honour: and he provided him treasuries
for silver, and for gold, and for precious
stones, and for spices, and for shields, and for
all manner of goodly vessels;
27. riches and honour] Compare 2 Kings xx. 13 (= Isaiah xxxix.

shields] Hebrew māginnōth, i.e. small round shields. Perhaps,

like Solomon’s (ix. 15, 16), they were overlaid with gold or silver.
Barnes suggested the reading migdānōth, “precious things” (as in
verse 23), instead of māginnōth. LXX. ὁπλοθήκας, i.e. “armouries”;
Peshitṭa (text being doubtful here) “shields” or “pearls” or “precious

²⁸storehouses also for the increase of corn

and wine and oil; and stalls for all manner of
beasts, and flocks in folds.
28. flocks in folds] The “folds” were enclosures with high stone
walls as a defence against robbers and wild beasts. The text is
probably faulty; Peshitṭa omits the clause.

²⁹Moreover he provided him cities, and

possessions of flocks and herds in
abundance: for God had given him very much
29. cities] The context suggests that these cities were meant
chiefly as places of refuge for the flocks and herds in time of war; but
again it is probable that the text is corrupt, and that this word should
be omitted.

³⁰This same Hezekiah also stopped the upper

spring of the waters of Gihon, and brought
them straight down on the west side of the city

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