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CB 6 6th Edition Babin Test Bank

Chapter 2: Value and the Consumer Behavior Value Framework


1. The Consumer Behavior Framework (CBF) represents consumer behavior theory illustrating factors
that shape consumption-related behaviors and ultimately determine the value associated with

The Consumer Value Framework (CVF) represents consumer behavior theory illustrating factors that
shape consumption-related behaviors and ultimately determine the value associated with consumption.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 2-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

2. Situational influences are unique to a time or place that can affect consumer decision making and the
value received from consumption.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 2-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

3. Learning, perception, memory, and attitudes are examples of elements comprising the personality of a

Learning, perception, memory, and attitudes are examples of elements comprising consumer
psychology. Personality consists of motivation, personal value, traits, lifestyles, and emotional

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy OBJ: LO: 2-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

4. A basic customer relationship management premise is that customers form relationships with
companies as opposed to companies conducting individual transactions with customers.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 2-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

5. A customer relationship management system allows a firm to be more customer-focused.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate

OBJ: LO: 2-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components

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KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

6. Relationship quality reflects the connectedness between a consumer and a retailer, brand, or service

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 2-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

7. A strong, or high-quality, relationship is typified by a consumer who buys the same brand each time a
need for that product arises.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 2-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

8. Internal influences on the consumption process include factors, such as social class.

External influences on the consumption process include factors, such as social class.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 2-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

9. Cognition refers to the mental processes that go on as we process and store things that can become

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 2-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

10. Individual differences, which include personality and lifestyle, help determine consumer behavior.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 2-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

11. Individual differences have little effect on the value experienced by consumers and the reaction
consumers have to consumption.

Individual differences shape the value experienced by consumers and the reaction consumers have to

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 2-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

©2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
12. Internal influences include the social and cultural aspects of life as a consumer.

External influences include the social and cultural aspects of life as a consumer.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 2-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

13. People and groups who help shape a consumer’s everyday experiences are a part of the social

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Easy

OBJ: LO: 2-1 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

14. The presence of music in an environment is a social influence that may shape consumer behavior.

The presence of music in an environment is a situational influence. External social influences include
culture, reference groups, social class, and family influences.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 2-1

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: The Consumer Value Framework and Its Components
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

15. The core concept of consumer behavior is value.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate

OBJ: LO: 2-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Value and Two Basic Types of Value KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

16. The concept of “value” captures how much gratification a consumer receives from consumption.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate

OBJ: LO: 2-2 NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Value and Two Basic Types of Value KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

17. Worth to a consumer is a function of price.

Worth to a consumer is a function of much more than price. Value can be modeled by playing the
“what you get” from dealing with a company against the “what you have to give” to get the product.

PTS: 1 DIF: Difficulty: Moderate OBJ: LO: 2-2

NAT: BUSPROG: Analytic STA: DISC: Customer
TOP: A-head: Value and Two Basic Types of Value KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

18. Value equals the difference between what you get and what you have to give to get the product.

©2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
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noece, s. 11316;
pl. noeces, noces, 946, 10094, T. iv. 1 ff.: wedding.
noef, num. 16505, nine.
noefisme, a. C.
Noël, s. 7324, B. xxxiii. 3.
noer, v. 6255, swim.
noet, see nuyt.
noier, noyer, v.a. 2922, 9954, drown, sink:
v.n. 12270, be drowned.
noir, a. 1560, T. xv. 3.
noise, noyse, s. 412, 19478, disturbance, noise.
noiser, v.n. 19480, make a disturbance.
nominacioun, s. 16227.
nommant, s. 4243, naming.
nom(m)er, v.a. 239, 410, B. xxiv. 1.
non, see noun.
nonchaloir, see nounchaloir.
noncier, see nouncier.
nonne (1), s. 5183, nun.
nonne (2), s. 27708, nones.
nonneine, noneine, s. 2741, 5306, nun.
nonpas, see nounpas.
nonsachant, a. 21691, ignorant.
nonsavoir, see nounsavoir.
norreture, s. 5216, 16371.
norri, norry, f. norrie, s. 233, 3209, 5138, offspring, fosterling.
norrice, s. 211, nurse.
nor(r)ir, v.a. 369, 18053, bring up, foster.
north, s. 13339.
nostre, poss.a. D. ii. 3, &c.
nostreseignour, s. 28128 (R), 28908 (R).
nostresire, s. 4467:
see sire(s).
notable, a. 26932.
notablement, adv. 16551.
notaire, s. 6330.
note, s. 3892, 9428, note, song.
noter, v.a. 3279, 26819, B. xlv. 3.
notoire, a. 16421, well-known.
nouche, s. B. xxxiii. 2, brooch.
noun, s. 59, B. xxi. 4, name.
noun, non, adv. 1605, 3908, 4815, B. xxi. 4, not.
nouncertein, s. B. xxiv. 3, uncertainty.
nouncertein(s), a. 11402, uncertain.
no(u)nchaloir, noun chaloir, nounchalure, s. 1235, 5665, 6432, B. v.
1, xli. 4, disregard, contempt.
nouncier, noncier, v.a. 7190, 14667, 27995, utter, announce.
noundroituriel, a. 17789, unrighteous.
nounpaier, s. 15392, non-payment.
nounpas, nonpas, adv. 73, B. xlix. 3, no(u)n pas, 1070, 13808.
nounreson(n)able, a. 26777, 27157, unreasoning.
nounsage(s), a. 1754, unwise.
nounsaint, nounseint, a. 1356, 9509, unholy.
no(u)nsavoir, s. 6614, 8302, folly.
nounstable, a. 1105, 22093, changeable.
nounsuffisance, s. B. xiii. 3.
nounvaillable, a. 1116, worthless.
nounvoir, a. 6821, untrue.
nourricement, s. 14627, nourishment.
nous, pron. D. i. 1, &c.
novel(l), a. 1220, B. li. 1;
du novell, 9840.
novelle, s. 419, 29159, B. ii. 3, news.
novellement, adv. 7911.
novellerie, s. 26099, novelty.
noyse, see noise.
noz, see no.
nu, nud, f. nue, a. 90, 1768, B. xliii. 2, naked.
nue, s. 91, 2968, B. xxxii. 2, cloud, sky.
nueté(e), s. 3606, 11378, nakedness.
nuisable, nuysable, a. 3749, 4230, pernicious.
nuisance, s. 6564, hurt.
nuisant, a. B. xxxii. 1, hurtful.
nuit, see nuyt.
nul(s), null(s), a. and pron. 9, 200, 1075, B. iv. 4, v. 3, xxxi. 1, no,
none, any, anyone:
nulle part, 4613, nowhere.
nullement, adv. 7739.
nully, pron. 1514, 9871, 22937, no-one, any-one (neg.).
nuysable, see nuisable.
nuysement, s. 4027, harm.
nuyt, nuit, s. 636, 1132, noet, B. xi. 3, C.
nuytée, s. 20356, night-time.
ny, s. 1985, B. ii. 1, nest.
nyce, nyceté, see nice, niceté.

o, see ou, conj.
obedience, s. 12110.
obedient, a. 12426:
s. 25774.
obeier, obeïr, v.n. 2038, 2220, B. xlii. 2;
refl. 12164, 28665: bend down, incline oneself, obey.
obeis(s)ance, s. 2146, 12174, B. xxiii. 1.
obeissant, a. 12403, T. ii. 3.
objeccioun, s. 29193.
oblier, see oublier.
obliger, v.a. 2650, T. iii. 1, bind.
oblivioun, s. 14691.
obscur, oscur, a. 3647, 6813, B. xiii. 3;
en oscur, 6981: dark.
obscuracioun, s. 2304, obscurity.
obscurer, s. 10793, darkness:
cp. oscurer, v.
observance, s. 2097.
obstacle, s. 6245.
obstinacioun, s. 5732.
occasioun, s. 3292.
occident, s. 25241, west.
occire, occier, v.a. 2088, 2804, 9691, T. vi. 2.
occupier, v.a. 1343.
odible(s), a. 2864, B. xlviii. 3, hateful.
odious, a. 4479.
odour, s. 3567.
odourer, v. 13560, smell.
oedif, a. 5785, 17713, idle.
oedivesce, s. 5774, idleness.
oef, s. 21380;
pl. oefs, 1983, oes, 26303, owes, 24728: egg.
oel, oill, s. 1064, 3736, B. vi. 1;
pl. oels, oil(l)s, oill, 935, 3238, 6806, B. ix. 2, xxxii. 1: eye.
oeps, s. 7578, 15567, need.
oetisme, a. C., eighth.
oevere, oevre, ovre, s. 36(R), 4228, 10432, 27902, work.
offence, see offense.
offencioun, s. 4052.
offendre, v.a. 4264, 26192, B. xviii. 2, offend:
refl. 12984, be offended.
offense, offence, offens, s. 352, 2016, 3952, 9058.
office, s. 257.
officer, officier, s. 3884, 25968, B. xvi. 3.
official, s. 11644, officer.
offre, s. 3308, 27540, offer, offering.
offrende, s. 4491, offrens, 28165, offering.
offrendour, s. 25015, worshipper.
offrir, v.a. 7119;
pp. offert, 5688.
oiceus, oiseus, a. 5800, 14426, B. xlvii. 1, lazy.
oïe, oÿe, s. 1428, 3213, B. xxx. 3, hearing, sound, report.
oignement, s. 13132, B. xxvii. 3.
oignt, s. 2273, ointment.
oïl, oÿl, adv. 7132, 11380, yes.
oil(l), see oel.
oile, oille, s. 3541, 7551, oil.
oillage, s. 16999, oil.
oindre, v.a. 2274, anoint.
oïr, oier, oyer, v.a. 324, 10318, 10914, B. ii. 3, xxiv. 1;
3 s.p. ot, 16588;
1 s.pret. oi, oï, 410, 2326;
3 s. oïst, 509, oÿt, 805, oÿ, 10256;
fut. orrai, B. xvii. 3;
2 pl. orretz, oretz, 203, 796;
pp. oï, 80, B. ii. 3.
oïr, s. 26884, hearing.
oisel, oiseal, s. 1199, 3577, B. ii. 1;
pl. oisel, oisealx, oiseals, 942, 3577, B. xxxiv. 1.
oisellette, s. 5814.
oiselline, oiseline, s. 7829, 26293, bird.
oisellour, s. 18505, fowler.
oiseus, see oiceus.
oistre, s. 6398, oyster.
oitante, num. 17091, eighty.
Olimpeas, T. vi. 1.
oliphant, s. 15105:
cp. elephant.
olive, s. 29923, olive-tree.
Olophernes, Olophern, 11115, 12047.
oltrage, see oultrage.
om, on(s), s. 37, 8961, 17722, D. ii. 3, man, one:
cp. hom.
ombrage, s. 3539.
ombre, umbre, s. 21612, 26769.
omnipotent, omnipotens, a. 1632, 28169.
on(s), see om.
onde, unde, s. 10840, 15162, 22313, wave, abundance.
oppinioun, s. 26365.
opposer, v.a. 16162, 26785, disturb, question.
oppress, a. 1292, 2660, 23207, B. xx. 2, crushed, burdened.
oppresser, v.a. 25002.
or, see orr.
Orace, 3804, 10948, 23370.
oracioun, s. 10237, prayer.
orage, s. 3022.
orail(l)e, oreil(l)e, s. 553, 3178, 5212, 7936, B. iii. 2, vi. 1.
oratour, s. D. i. 3.
ord, a. 2515, 6791, filthy, vile.
ordeignement, s. 7956, ordinance.
ordeinement, adv. 13561, in orderly fashion.
ordener, ordiner, v.a. 102, 951, T. iii. 3, ordei(g)ner, 2319, 3283,
ordinaire, s. 9410.
ordinal, s. 21612, rule.
ordinance, s. 4958, order, control.
ordiner, see ordener.
ordinour, s. 23623, ordainer.
ordre, s. 2110, 11752, T. v. 2.
ordure, s. 1126.
ore, adv. 37, 4737, D. i. 3, (ore ... ore), ore ... ore ... ore, 3896 f.;
a ore, 20523: now.
oreil(l)e, see oraille.
oreiller, v. 414, whisper.
oreiller, a., f. oreillere, 15520, ready to listen.
oreiller(e), s. 5178, 5240, pillow.
oreiso(u)n, orisoun, s. 1200, 10208, 10502, B. xxiv. 2, prayer.
orendroit, adv. 6538, now.
Orense, 19984.
orer, v. 1200, 10201 ff., pray, pray for.
orfevere, s. 25513, goldsmith.
orguil, s. 244, B. xlviii. 3.
orguillant, a. 16879, proud.
s’orguillir, s’orguiller, v. 1754, 11420, grow proud.
orguillour, s. 24177, proud man.
orguillous, a. 1093.
orient, oriant, s. 846, 13336, east.
origenal, a. 17533.
origenal, original, s. 152, 8580, 13525, D. i. 2, beginning, rise.
orine, s. 3844, 16539, origin, stock.
ornement, s. 17128.
orphanin, s. 6872, f. orphanine, 15377.
orphelin, a. 8733, destitute.
orr, or, s. 254, 911, T. viii. 1, gold.
ort, s. 12868, garden.
oscur, see obscur.
oscurement, adv. 25334.
oscurer, v.a. 21736:
cp. obscurer, s.
oscureté, s. 3284.
Oseë (1), 6115, 7315, 20462, 26571, Hosea.
Oseë (2), 11018, Hoshea (the king).
oser, v. 727, B. xiv. 2.
Oseye, s. 26048.
oss, s. 1852, bone.
ossifragus, s. 1850, osprey.
ostour, s. 907, 21045, hawk.
ostricer, a. 25291, of ostrich.
ot, see avoir, oïr.
otroi, ottroy, s. 3123, B. xxxviii. 4, granting, grace.
otroier, ottrier, v.a. 821, B. ix. 5, xv. 2, grant, allow.
ou, conj. B. ix. 3, o, 3878, u, 11459, or:
ou ... ou, 1975, ou si ... ou, B. xii. 3, whether ... or.
ou = au, 2672, 3808, 4542, &c.
ou = ove, 8376.
ou = u, 11023.
ouaille, ouaile, s. 14127, 19486, sheep.
oubli, oubly, s. 1110, 2082, 10690, (mettre en oubli).
oubliance, s. 6113.
oublier, oblier, o(u)blir, v.a., 3 s.p. oublie, oblie, 1620, 4043, B. xxv.
1, oublist, oublit, oblit, 6640, 16686, B. xxvi. 3.
oublier, s. 13760, forgetfulness.
oublivioun, s. 6100.
oue, s. 5511, 26300, B. xlviii. 3, goose.
oultrage, outrage, oltrage, s. 288, 1756, 2285, 4707, outrage,
oultrageus, a. 8391.
oultragier(s), a. 11661, 26226, extravagant.
oultragousement, adv. 16572.
oultrance, s., (al oultrance), 8040.
oultre, outre, prep. 400, B. xxii. 3.
oultre (outre) mer, 1213, 25292.
oultremarin, a. 23866.
ou(l)trepasser, v.a. 6751, 23166, pass through, transgress.
ours, s. 20302, bear:
cp. urse.
out, see avoir.
outrepasser, see oultrepasser.
ove, prep. 4, 2406, B. v. 3, &c., ou, 8376, with.
ovel, a. 8159, 12795, level, equal, like:
adv. 22792.
ovelement, adv. 4722, equally, fairly.
overage, s. 8914, 16391, work.
ov(e)raigne, ov(e)reigne, s. 363, 3371, 4226, 25549, work, business.
overir, ovrir, v.a. 995, 12675.
overt, a. 2663, open.
overt, s. 4207, opening.
overture, s. 6402.
ovesque, prep. 167, T. iv. 1:
cp. ove.
Ovide, 14090.
ovile, s. 16089, sheepfold.
ovraigne, ovrir, see overaigne, overir.
ovre, see oevere.
owes, see oef.
oÿe, see oïe.
oÿl, see oïl.

pacience, s. 4313.
pacient, a. 3968, 4188, 7653, patient, suffering.
pacient, s. 24307, sick person.
page, s. 1375, page (servant).
paiage, s. 6202, payment.
paie, pay, s. 7332, 23000, 24564, payment, satisfaction.
paiement, s. 3308.
paien(s), a. 10342;
s. 13020: pagan.
paier, v. 1314, 5630, B. xxvii. 1, pay, satisfy, pay for.
paiis, païs, s. 341, 3789, B. vii. 1, country.
paile, paille, s. 3869, 20961, straw.
pain, s. 2206;
pain lumbard, 7809.
paindemain, paindemeine, s. 7808, 16286.
paine, s., see peine.
paine, v., see pener.
paintour, s. 1945, painter.
painture, s. 1947, painting.
paire, s. 25511, company.
paisible, peisible, a. 2568, 15896, peaceful.
paistre, pestre, v.a. 1161, 7012, 7031;
pres.part. paiscant: feed.
paix, see pes.
Palamedes, B. xx. 3.
pale, a. 870.
palefroy, s. 845.
paleis, palois, s. 28241, T. xi. 3, palace.
palme (1), s. 12469, 29618, palm-tree.
palme (2), s. 7741, tennis.
palmer, see pasmer.
palois, see paleis.
palpebre, s. 2295, eyelid.
Pamphilius, 14450.
pance, paunce, s. 5522, 8542, paunch:
cp. garde pance.
Pandeon, T. xii. 1.
pane, s. 25706, piece.
panell, s. 24896, (jury) panel.
paneter, s. 7517, pantler.
Pantasilée, B. xliii. 2.
pantiere, panetere, s. 9254, 12866, panther.
paon(s), paoun, s. 23451, 23527, peacock.
paour, s. 663, B. xiii. 3.
paourous, a. 11119, 16910.
papal, a. 18481.
papal, s. 27052, pope.
pape, s. 18492.
papegai, papegay, s. 26781, B. xxxvi. 1.
papir, s. 4587, 7286, paper.
par, prep. 18, D. i. 1, per, T. i. 1;
par tout, B. l. 2;
par si qe, 3233, par ce que, 12684.
parable, s. 11977.
paradis, s. 82, B. v. 3.
parage, s. 10084, B. xxiii. 4, rank.
se parager, v. 13639, associate.
parail, see pareil.
parailler, v.a. 2900, make like.
paramont, adv. 10017, above.
paramour, s. 28641, lover.
parant, a. 1230, apparent.
parasi, s. 25569, halfpenny.
parchemin, s. 16102, parchment.
parclos(e), s. 16157, B. xxxvii. 2, enclosure.
parçon(i)er(s), parcener, s. 6992, 8408, 15546, sharer, partaker.
parcroistre, v.n., pp. parcru, 4584, 17108, grow up.
pardedeinz, pardedeins, prep. and adv. 1114, 1120, within.
pardehors, adv. 1123, outside.
pardela, prep. 23252, on the other side of.
parderere, adv. 248.
pardessoutz, pardessoubz, adv. 8142, 13884, below.
pardessur(e), adv. 1857, 4746, 10147, on the top, above, besides.
pardevant, prep. and adv. 1845, 2393, par devant, B. xii. 2, before.
pardon, see pardoun.
pardonaunce, s. 11730.
pardonnement, s. 10512.
pardon(n)er, v.a. 15402, T. xviii. 4.
pardonner, s. 15092, forgiveness.
pardo(u)n, s. 5736, 13342.
parée, a.f. (pp.) 18328, pareie, 10117, adorned.
pareie, s. 10118, wall.
pareil, a. B. x. 2.
pareille, pareil(l), parail, s. 1212, 1446, 22210, B. x. 2, equal, rival.
paremploier, v.a. 14322, set aside.
parensi, adv. 15951, in such a manner.
parent, s. 97, 2574;
f. parente, 3100: parent, relation.
parenté(e), s. 4283, 6671;
pl. 9183: kinship, relations.
parenterdit, a. 15561.
parentre, prep. 1178, 16338, B. xxvii. 4, T. xv. 2;
parentre de, C.: between.
parer, v.a. 21439, B. xvii. 3, prepare, adorn, equip.
parfaire, parfere, v.a. 1942, 2947, 4413, 9435, 28472, make
parfait, a. 1170, perfect:
cp. parfit.
parfaitement, adv. 10776.
parfin, s. 2383, end.
parfit, a. 1640, 2439, T. xviii. 4, perfit, D. i. 4, B. xxvi. 2: perfect,
parfit, s. 6828, fulfilment.
parfitement, adv. B. xli. 3.
parfond, a. 2467, 22317, deep.
parfondement, adv. 2673.
parfondesse, s. 29465, depth.
parfournir, v.a. 4680, 21707, perform.
parigal, perigal(s), a. 151, 964, 3159, 5604, equal, like:
s. 24232.
Paris (son of Priam), 16700, B. xiv. 1, xl. 1.
Paris (city), 25245.
parlance, s. 1734.
parlement, s. 334, 4998, B. xix. 3.
parler, v. 385, B. viii. 3.
parler, s. 28468.
parlesie, s. 5519, palsy.
parlier(s), s. 15997, speaker.
parlire, v.a. 14896;
pp. parlieu, 19956: read through.
parmi, parmy, prep. 282, 4113, to, through, by:
adv. 818, 1628, B. xxviii. 3, right through, throughout, completely,
paroche, s. 20210, parish.
parochiale, s.f., 9115, parishioner.
(paroir), v.n., 3 s.p. piert, 1816, B. xl. 1, piere, 1412, 3450 (? subj.);
3 pl. pieront, 25615;
3 s.pret. parust, 2176, T. xiv. 1: appear:
cp. perestre.
parole, parolle, s. 351, 9386, B. xix. 1.
parol(l)er, v.n. 2156;
3 s.p. parolt, 2720, parole, 3495;
subj. parolle, 17709: speak.
part, s. 276, 2786, 6343, 7386, B. iv*. 3, xxxi. 3;
d’autre part, see autre;
queu part, 9242, whither?
queu part qe, 13864, wherever.
partage, s. 1654, sharing.
partenant, a. 1089.
partenir, v.n. and refl. 45, 924, belong.
partie, s. 373, 2366, 16080, 18711, side, party, part, departing,
partir, v.a. 3240, 3981, 6660, divide, distribute, take away:
v.n. and refl. 744 f., 7595, 12524, B. xv. 1, depart, part, share.
partir, s. 17549, T. xvii. 1, parting, end.
partison, s. 7055, share.
Partonopé, B. xliii. 3.
parvenir, v.n. 14925.
pas, pass, s. 890, 6940, pace, pass.
pas, adv. 900, B. xii. 3.
pasmer, palmer, v.n. 28942, 29023, 29120, faint.
Pasques, 4434, 7326, 28602.
passage, s. 2538, 27107, T. xvii. 3, journey, death.
passant, s. 8465, death.
passer, v.a. 5444, B. viii. 1, x. 2:
v.n. 36, 5575;
passer de, 2795, escape from;
s’en passer, 4195.
passible, a. 5765, suffering.
passio(u)n, s. 18191, 28770.
past(e), s. 7868, 8363, 15660, paste, pastry, repast.
pastour, s. 5012, shepherd.
pastourage, pasturage, s. 1593, 5503.
pastoural, a. 9116.
pasture, s. 1852.
pasturer, v.n. 21996, feed.
paternoster, s. 5559.
patriarche, patriarc, s. 7985, 17159.
Paul (1) (saint), 10612, 13040, 13249, 20069.
Paul (2), 13023 ff.
Paul (3) (l’eremite), 27061.
Pauline, T. x. 3.
paunce, see pance.
pautonier, s. 21382, vagabond.
pavement, s. 21427.
Pavie, 7319.
pay, see paie.
peal, pell, s. 8724, 23486, skin.
peas, see pes.
peccatrice, s.f. 2516, sinner.
pecchant, s. 2131, sinner; 10519, sin.
pecché(s), s. 3, T. vi. 2, sin; 13341, sinner (?).
peccheour, s. 3150, pecchour, C., sinner.
peccher, v.n. 1847, sin.
peccher, s. 1432, sin.
peccheresse, a. and s.f. 20542, T. x. 1, sinner.
peccune, s. 24352 ff., money.
peccunier, s. 24463, lover of money.
pectrine, s. 2053, breast:
cp. peitrine.
pedaille, s. 26232, common people.
pée, see pié.
pees, see pes.
peindre, peinter, v.a., 3 s.p. peinte, 12077, 26037;
pp. peint, 934, B. xlii. 3: paint, dye, adorn.
peine, paine, s. 182, 1438, B. xxviii. 2,
peigne, B. iii. 1;
au peine, a peine, au paine, 2916, 9043, B. xxii. 2, xli. 3.
peine, see pener.
peinter, see peindre.
peiour, a. 2252, worse.
peisible, see paisible.
peitrine, peytrine, poitrine, s. 3849, 6840, 9010, breast:
cp. pectrine.
pelerin, s. 5641, f. pelerine, 16166:
cp. peregrin(s).
pell, see peal.
pelliçoun, s. 20474, furred cloak.
pellure, s. 20453, fur, skins.
pelote, s. 1460, ball.
pelterie, s. 25682, fur.
penance, s. 1157, 2093, 29623, punishment, pain.
penant, a. 22882, penitent.
pendement, s. 14998, hanging.
pendre, v.n. 885, 9021, 17843, B. xxv. 2;
3 s.pret. pendi, 2453: hang, be attached, belong:
v.a. 4113, 5755, 25022, hang.
pener, v.a. and refl. 778, 1002;
3 s.p. peine, 990, 2033, paine, 9208: make to suffer, give trouble to;
refl. take pains, endeavour, suffer pain.
penne, s. 3502, 7382, feather, pen.
Penolopé, T. vi. 3.
peno(u)n, s. 10103, 23728.
penouncell(e), s. 11289, 14261.
pensant, s. B. iv. 3, thought.
pensantie, s. 14267, weightiness.
pensé(e), s. 2192, 3078, B. vii. 2, xxix. 2, penseie, 14404.
pensement, s. 5540, B. viii. 3, thought.
penser, v.n. and refl. 613, 3680, B. ii. 3, iii. 1, think:
v.a. 360, 11509, weigh, reflect upon.
penser, pensier(s), s. 3674, 3683, D. ii. 3, B. vi. 3.
pensif, a., f. pensive, 4643.
Pentecoste, 15135.
Pepin, 1303.
pepin, s. 6719, 7725, 8531, apple, pip.
per, see par.
Perce, see Perse.
percer, v.a. 13521, B. xviii. 1.
perceus, a. 5416, indolent.
percevoir, (perchoir), v.a. 28019;
3 s.fut. perchera (?), 18539: perceive, receive.
See note on 18539.
perclus, a. 7591, shut up.
perdice, see perdis.
perdicioun, s. 2340.
perdis, s. 6262, f. perdice, 7831, partridge.
perdre, v.a. 94, B. ii. 1;
3 s.p. pert, 9009, T. xvii. 1.
perdurable, a. 1438, 13571, B. li. 2.
perdurablement, adv. 2076.
pere, see piere, pierre.
peregrin(s), s. 10656:
cp. pelerin.
peresce, s. 5377, indolence.
perestre, v.n. 1760, B. xi. 4;
2 s.p. peres, 3776;
3 s. perest, 138;
2 pl. perestes, 2;
3 pl. persont, 3859;
3 s.fut. perserra, 13691: appear:
cp. paroir.
perfeccioun, s. T. xvi. 3.
perfit, see parfit.
peri, a. 75, 2086, 10889, lost.
perigal(s), see parigal.
peril, s. 6739, B. xxx. 1.
peril(l)er, v.a. 5059, 15394, imperil.
peril(l)ous, a. 1104, 4604, B. xlviii. 2.
perir, v.n. 2099;
3 s.p. piert, 6856, 8397, 19087;
p.subj. perisse, 4332.
perjur(s), s. 6457, perjurer.
perjuré, a. or s. 25046.
perjurer, v.n. and refl. 6421, 6472, commit perjury:
v.a. 6446, swear falsely by.
perjurer, s. 6318, 24850, perjury.
perjurie, s. 6428.
perle, s. 9282.
permanable, a. 1796, T. i. 2, lasting.
permanance, s. 11577.
permanant, a. 11670.
pernont, see prendre.
perpetuel, a. 3744.
perrie, s. 858, pl. 25588, precious stones.
perrier(s), s. 25579, jeweller.
perriere, s. 3716, catapult.
perrine, s. 2054, stone.
perroun, s. 2412, rock.
pers, a. 6979, 21773, livid, purple.
Persant, a. 10347, Persian.
Perse, Perce, 12999, 22035, 29321, Persia.
persecutour, s. 6914.
perserver, v.a. 217, keep.
perseverance, s. 14357.
perseverer, v.n. 14393 ff.
Persiens, 22046.
person(n)e, s. 1508, 20208 (R), B. xxxix. 2, T. iii. 3, person, parson.
persuacioun, s. 19113.
perte, s. 2069.
pertuis, pertus, s. 5258, 7587, hole.
perturber, v.a. 3639.
pervers(e), a. 2545, 16725.
pervertir, v.a. 646, 3175, turn aside, ruin.

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