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rBlunderless Cheatsheet

Move Checklist
Before you move a piece, especially an important one (like a queen or a rook) its important to
notice if any of your opponent's pieces are controlling any of the squares that you would like to
move it to.

Before I move think:

Does this move blunder my piece directly to my opponent's piece

Does the piece that I’m about to move currently have a job? (for example, your queen
might be defending a rook from being captured, so you can’t move it yet!)

When opponent makes a move, think:

Does my opponents move directly blunder a piece (for example, they could move their
queen directly in the line of fire of your bishop)

Does the piece or pawn that my opponent just moved previously have a job? (for
example, they move their queen away from the defense of their bishop, which is free to

Does the piece that my opponent just moved attack any of my own pieces? (for example,
they may have moved their rook to attack your bishop, which is undefended)

Day 1 Homework:
Play 3 games against a 1000 elo rated bot on using the blunderless checklist
for every move

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