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Introduction 1
Question 1 1
Question 2 1&2
Question 3 2&3
Question 4 3
Question 5 3&4
Conclusion 4
Source Consulted 4

This assignment, is about the introduction to print production where we look into why
print is still regarded as important in the public relations and we also looked at
benefits of using print materials in the practice of public relations, and we looked at
another topic layout, typography and readability where we looked at principles of
page layout and fundamental elements of design and the importance of grid
technique in print design.


According Skinner,Mersham and Benecke (2016)

Print is a fundamental part of business and especially print based marketing, printing
gives you another advertising opportunity that allows you to connect with customers
both locally and on face to face basis, printing is the best way to help you attract
customers quickly and to help promote existing customers.

Accessibility: People can lead it when and where they want, and they can also have
access to it.

Long lasting: Posters, brochures and other print based marketing is designed to be
long lasting and highly durable.

Marketing: Printing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to market the
service, promotions or products that you offer.

Distribution: Printed materials can be easily posted out, displayed around the local
area or left in popular areas for people to pick up.


According to Skinner et al (2016)

2.1. Annual report: Annual report is regarded as one of the most important
documents an organisation is expected to produce annually, it deals with an
organisations activities, success and future, the way in which an annual report is
designed, produced and presented it should reflect how organisation wants to be
projected to its publics.

Some of the design and production elements to consider when producing annual
reports include:

According et al 2017

Visual appeal, good readable text, credibility, good paper, realism, pictures and
graphs and illustrations and photographs.

2.2. Posters: Posters are usually considered to be large, printed sheets which have
both textual and graphic elements to communicate or promote an idea in cost
effective way, some of common advantage of using a poster are that they are
cheaper, they can be printed in any form, shape or size, they are very visible in
public spaces, encourage immediate action or response and they are easy to

Posters are meant to be eye catching and attractive to the reader, public relations
practitioners use poster to convey messages in most effective but simplest form.

2.3. Brochures or pamphlet: They usually provide information about an organisation

and its activities, product and service, events and brands, they contain information
that the organisation wants to share with its publics.

The purpose of brochures is to give specific information to establish the reputation of

an organisation and more importantly, serve as marketing tool, as an public
practitioner it is important to understand how the design and layout of brochures and
pamphlet attract the attention of targeted publics.

2.4. Banners: They are used to promote an idea or brand and they are printed on
various materials bearing a symbol, logo, slogan or any other messages, banners
can be used both indoors and outdoors, banners serve the purpose of inciting some
form of action or response from targeted audience and their mostly advantage is that
banners are used over extended period.

Public practitioner tend to use banners to promote public relations events or to make
an announcements.


According to Joan ang may/03/2022

Proximity: Placing similar design elements close together produces a more effective
design , they have placed different elements around the article and used different

Repetition: Reusing elements, colour, patterns, fonts, images and textures

throughout a piece of work. They have used different colours and fonts around the

Contrast: The use of visually different elements, they have used different visuals

Alignment: Lining up text or graphics on a page, they have use different styles on the
this and different sizes of fonts

White space: Any blank or empty space surrounding all the other elements in a
design composition, they are lot of space in the texts


4.1 Line: We basically use line to give direction and to also draw attention to certain
objects, we use line to differentiate things, to put in between two different elements
even two similar elements or object.

4.2 Space: The distance between objects and the area around an object, space can
either be differentiated by negative and positive space, negative space is the one
which is filled by object in the design and positive space is the space between

4.3 Form: A particular way in which an objects exists or appears, the shape or
configuration of something as distinct from its width, depth and height.

4.4 Shape : Everything around us is made out of shape, shapes can either be two or
three dimensional objects and there are three types of shapes namely, geometrics,
organic and abstract.

4.5 Colour: The aspect of any object that may be described in terms of lightness
saturation, colour can also be used to differentiate different objects.


According to Traca Roschell published 26/10/2018.

Grind helps give your page balance and structure, they make it very easy to align
elements within your design and make it is much simpler to work out where to place
things, they really help you to keep your design organised and structured they
ensure that your designs will all have the same structure.

Colum’s: these are vertical division of space which break up your page,

Gutters: These space between columns.

Margins: This is the space between the edges of the page and your main content

Flowlines: These are lines which break your pages up horizontally.

Modules: These are blocks/areas that are created between your vertical column lines
and horizontal flowlines.


In summary, we looked at why printing is important at public relations, the benefits of

using print materials in the practice public relations. And the five principles of layout
and fundamental elements of design and the importance of grind technique in print
design process.


DPR3703-23-S1/Learning unit: introduction of print production

DPR3703-23-S1/Learning unit 2: layout, typography and readability

Skinner, Mersham @ Benecke 2016

Skinner et al 2016

Traca Rosket published 26/10/2018

Joan ang may 03, 2022

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