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Martha Guadalupe Cortazar Vivas

Pets are Family

Pets are important members of a family. We learn to love them deeply. They
are living in our houses and they are part of our everyday life. Recent research
shows that people are spending more money on their dogs and cats than on
themselves. The sale of pet products is increasing like never before. The
market for these products is expanding. Some products may seem crazy, for
example an alarm to warn you that your dog or cat is running away. The pet
hospitality business is also growing. Pet hotels and restaurants are opening in
several cities around the world. More and more places are also becoming
"pet-friendly." You can now be sure you and your furry friend are not missing
out on anything.

1. What is the main idea of the text?

The main idea of the text is that pets are cherished members of families, and
there's a notable increase in spending on pet-related products and services.
2. What does the research show?
The research shows that people prioritize spending on their dogs and cats
over themselves, reflecting a strong emotional connection to their pets.
3. How is the hospitality industry changing?
The hospitality industry is evolving with the growth of pet-related services,
including pet hotels, restaurants, and more places becoming "pet-friendly."
4. Where would you find this type of text?
This type of text can be found in lifestyle magazines, pet-related blogs, or
websites discussing the growing significance of pets in families and the
expanding market for pet products and services.

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