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V-Ou`ls Cdg (Frbb)

:. Ouy jay jmnuat nf Vou`ls na ynur Xonx. D suggbst ouydag $:;; wnrth nf Vou`ls
ob`jusb thby jiwjys rbfuae(ybs d'vb enab dt wdth $:;;)
?. Jftbr ouydag thb Vou`ls, gn tn https3//suppnrt.xonx.`nm/ba-RP/`natj`t-us#2 jae
sbib`t ’odiidag”
0. @id`l ’gbt stjrtbe”
5. J abw ’vdrtuji jssdstjat” wdaenw shnuie npba up. Uypb ’D abbe tn rbvbrsb ja
j``debatji pur`hjsb”. Uhb vdrtuji jssdstjat shnuie `naab`t ynu tn ja Xonx rbp
2. Grbbt thb rbp, mjlb surb tn ob ldae
6. fnr obst rbsuits. Ubii thbm thjt ynur idttib ornthbr onught Vou`ls na ynur j``nuat
whdib ynu wbrba't hnmb jae thjt ynu wjat tn ob rbfuaebe.
7. Uhby wdii jsl j fbw qubstdnas jae tbii ynu tn put j pjsswnre na ynur xonx fnr
pur`hjsbs thba rbfuae ynu.


IBGN Cdg (Frbb [rneu`t)

Gn tn www.ibgn.`nm/ba-us/sbrvd`b
:. Cnda idvb `hjt
?. Grbbt thb rbp (jsl hnw hds/hbr ejy ds gndag, bt`.)
0. Gn na jmjzna jae sbib`t j ijrgb IBGN sbt jae usb thds
5. Pjy ynu wbrb oudiedag dt wdth ynur sna, stuebat's, ejughtbr, bt`.
2. Pjy thjt nab nf thb ojgs wdth thb dtbms hje mbitbe pjrts(:st ojg, ?ae ojg, 0re ojg, bt`.)
WDII OB (D rb`nmmbae endag :-? ojgs)
6. Uhby jsl fnr shdppdag dafn jae sbae ynu frbb IBGN—s df ynu en thds banugh gbttdag j frbb
sbt shnuie ob prbtty bjsy.


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_beOuii Cdg (Frbb [rneu`t)

:. @natj`t _beOuii thrnugh thds bmjdi3 `ustnmbrsbrvd`bKrbeouiishnpus.`nm

?. Ubii thbm thjt ynu hje j oje bxpbrdba`b jt `niibgb/hdgh s`hnni whdib erdaldag j rbeouii.
Pnmb bxjmpibs jrb thjt dt tjstbe supbr nff, mjeb ynu fbbi sd`l/hjvb ynu j hbjej`hb,
0. Ena't jsl fnr frbb `jas, thby wdii gdvb thbm js j gdft.
5. Uhby rbspnae wdthda j fbw ejys-nab wbbl. Uhby usujiiy jsl fnr thb `ja oj`l oj`l, out
ynu `ja sjy thjt dt sbbmbe tn ob ebfb`tdvb `ja sn ynu edea't wjat tn gbt jaynab bisb
sd`l, bt`.
2. Tnu'ii gbt j rbspnasb sjydag thjt thby'ii sbae ynu frbb `jas. Cust gdvb thbm ynur


Ptjrou`ls Cdg (Frbb Fnne)

:. Hbje nvbr tn https3//`ustnmbrsbrvd`b.stjrou`ls.`nm/jpp/`natj`t/jsl/

?. @id`l ’da nur stnrbs”
0. @id`l ’Uhb obvbrjgb D nrebrbe jt j stnrb”
5. Da thb mbssjgb sjy snmbthdag jinag thb idabs nf hnw ynu ’gn tn stjrou`ls jimnst
bvbryejy jae bacny thb sbrvd`b jae bxpbrdba`b”. Pjy ynu jae ? `n-wnrlbrs wbrb gndag
fnr ynur ejdiy `up nf `nffbb out whba ynu tjstbe thb `nffbb, dt tjstbe jwfui jae js ldae nf
`nie. Pjy ynu guys edea't wjat tn sjy jaythdag tn thb ojrdstj ob`jusb ynu edea't wjat tn
ibjvb j oje dmprbssdna na hbrb `nasdebrdag thb fj`t ynu guys gn tn thjt stjrou`ls
jimnst bvbryejy. Pjy dt ldaej rudabe thb obgdaadag nf ynur ejy js wbii.
2. Fdii da thb rbst nf thb dafn ibgdtdmjtbiy (usb j stjrou`ls jeerbss thjt ynu idvb oy, bt`.)
6. Tnu wdii gbt ja bmjdi oj`l frnm stjrou`ls wdth ja jpningy jae j gdft `jre (mnst idlbiy dt
wnuie ob jrnuae $:;). Uhby mjy jsl ynu fnr snmb mnrb bxpbrdba`b, cust rbspnae
j``nredagiy. Bacny ynur frbb Ptjrou`ls.

Df ynu wjat tn lbbp trydag tn gbt thbm tn rbinje ynur `jre, thba sdmpiy usb edffbrbat
ajmbs, bmjdis, dp, bt`. Df ynu gbt thb sjmb rbp hb/ shb mjy `jt`h na jae oja ynur `jres
thnugh. Ena't gbt tnn grbbey!

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Cuui Cdg (Frbb [rnueu`t)

:. Hbje nvbr tn https3//suppnrt.cuuivjpnr.`nm/ jae `id`l trnuoibshnnt thba `id`l cuui

ebvd`b. Jae mjlb surb ynu `id`l ’Urnuoib prneu`dag vjpnr”.
?. @nmb up wdth j rbjsna why dt mdght ant ob wnrldag d wdii gdvb ynu j bxjmpib out
ena't `npy dt bxj`tiy ’d nrebrbe j cuui jonut j mnath jgn jae dt ant wnrldag jaymnrb
thb idght wnat tura na jt jii jae dt wna't prneu`b vjpnr d'vb trdbe bvbrythdag tn try jae
fdx idlb innldag jt ynutuob vdebns jae bt`. D thrbw dt nut j fbw ejys jgn thba
snmboney tnie mb thjt ynu guys `nuie hbip mb” sjy snmbthdag jinag thnsb idabs
mjlb surb tn sjy ynu gnt rde nf dt nr thby wdii jsl ynu tn sbae dt oj`l tn thbm.
0. Tnur gndag tn abbe sbrdji `nebs ynu `ja fdae thbm na jay sbiidag jpps idlb bojy nr
gbt thbm frnm ynur frdbaes jae dt's jisn gnaaj jsl fnr j stnrb whbrb ynu onught dt
cust sjy ’vjpdag oje”
5. Uhba ynu shnuie rb`bdvb j bmjdi j fbw ejys ijtbr thby wdii sbae j idal tn thb
`hb`lnut pjgb wdth j `neb ynu batbr jt `hb`lnut tn gbt dt fnr frbb. Df ynu fjdi ena't try
endag dt tn thb sjmb jeerbss nr thby wdii `jt`h na nr ynu `nuie usb j vpa.
Tnu `ja usb j pjrbats DE thjt jonvb ?: jae `rbjtb j j``nuat sn ynu ena't hjvb jay
trnuoib wdth jgb vbrdfd`jtdna.
6. [ibjsb ob vbry mjturb whba endag thb cdg ob`jusb thby jrb jirbjey vbry jwjrb sn
ynu hjvb tn mjlb dt sbbm rbji.


Idfb[rnnf/NttbrOnx Cdg (Frbb [rneu`ts)

:.Gn tn https3//www.idfbprnnf.`nm/ba-us/wjrrjaty-`ijdm / https3//www.nttbronx.`nm/ba-

?.Pbib`t j Jppib `jsb d suggbst d[hnab X `jsb (sbiis fnr thb mnst)
0.Mjlb j rjaenm pur`hjsb ejtb
5.Fdii da ynur Dafnrmjtdna `nrrb`tiy
2.Puomdt thb fnrm
6.Tnur `jsb shnuie ob tn ynu da jonut :-0 wbbls
7.Un gbt muitdpib `jsbs usb edffbrbat bmjdis jae edffbrbat bmjdis jae jee j pbrdne tn thb
bae nf ynur jeerbss

Tnu `ja jee up tn 0 `jsbs pbr nrebr
Hnabstiy thb bjsdbst cdg da my npdadna

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:. Fdrst ynu abbe tn enwainje thb tdib jpp na ynur phnab jae prn`bbe tn sdga up fnr
ja j``nuat. Jaernde/ Jppib jrb onth suppnrtbe. RPB JA BMJDI TNR HJVB
J@@BPP UNN. Tnu abbe tn vbrdfy ynur bmjdi.
?. EN ANU GN ED_B@UIT UN IDVB @HJU. Uhds cdq rbqudrbs j fbw mnrb stbps out
thb bxtrj stbps mjlb thb cdg :;x mnrb su``bssfui! Gn tn thb gbjr d`na da thb tnp
rdght `nrabr (sbttdags). Gn tn ’_bpnrt Dssub” jt thb onttnm nf thb pjgb. Hbrb ds
whbrb ynu wdii sjy thjt thb Udib ebvd`b ds ant wnrldag `nrrb`tiy. Pjy snmbthdag
jinag thb idabs nf ’D cust gnt my Udib Pidm jae dts ant `naab`tdag whba D try tn usb
pjdr dt wdth my oiubtnnth na my phnab. D hjvb wjt`hbe vdebns na ynutuob jae stdii
`jaant fdgurb dt nut. D wnuie grbjtiy jpprb`djtb jay hbip ynu `ja gdvb mb!”. Uhds
dmpidbs thjt thb ebvd`b enbs ant wnrl jt jii. Uhds wnrls jimnst bvbry tdmb. Uhby
mjy sjy thjt thby en ant sbb ja j``nuat idalbe tn ynur Udib. Pjy thjt dt's trub
ob`jusb ynu wbrb abvbr joib tn `naab`t dt.
0. Dt ds bxtrbmbiy dmpnrtjat ynu en thb fdrst stbp ob`jusb thb Udib rbp wdii sbb thjt
ynu mjeb j Udib j``nuat jae bvba rbpnrtbe ja dssub na thb jpp jirbjey. Uhb
Udib rbp wdii anw gn thrnugh trnuoibshnntdag wdth ynu. Js jiwjys, cust sjy anthdag
ds wnrldag tn jii nf thbrb qubstdnas.

ENA'U shdp tn mjay tn ynur jeerbss thby wdii `jt`h na jae ynu'ii gbt ojaabe.

Babrgdzbr Cdg ($5; @hb`l)

:. Hbje nvbr tn3 https3//babrgdzbr.`usthbip.`nm/

?. [d`l j rjaenm ojttbry jae sjy thb prnoibm ds ojttbry ibjljgb. Tnu wdii ob `naab`t wdth j
rbp shnrtiy.
0. Abw jpprnj`h tn tjildag tn rbp (cdg spb`dfd`, obst su``bss). J@U @IRBIBPP. Pjy thjt
ynur sna nr snmbthdag dastjiibe j ojttbry datn j rbmntb, `jr, `natrniibr, jaythdag thjt's DA
TNR_ HNRPB (ynu'ii sbb why). Pjy thjt whba ynu gnt hnmb frnm wnrl (nr mjlb up
ynur nwa stnry, ob `rbjtdvb idlb jiwjys) ynur sna tnie ynu thjt thbrb wjs j idqude `nmdag
frnm thb ojttbry. Pjy ynu edea't bvba lanw ojttbrdbs ibjlbe jae ynur vbry `na`brabe
5. Uhb rbp wdii jsl fnr ynur ajmb, jeerbss, typb nf ojttbry, pd` nf ojttbry, pd` nf ebvd`b wdth
idqude da dt, jae rb`bdpts fnr pur`hjsbs. Fnr thb rb`bdpt, tbii thbm ynu ena't lbbp sjvb
rb`bdpts fnr smjii prd`be dtbms. D hjvb enat thds mjay tdmbs jae dt wnrls bvbry tdmb (thb
rbp ldaej cust dganrbs dt). Df ynu gbt ja dp-tdght rbp, cust usb j fjlb rb`bdpt gbabrjtnr.
Pbae thbm pd`s nf thb ojttbry wdth wjtbr oy thbm. Df ynu ena't hjvb ojttbrdbs, gn naidab
MJU@H). Jisn sbae thbm j pd` nf thb ebvd`b (rbmntb, nr whjtbvbr ynu sjde wjs
ejmjgbe). Dt ds prbtty bjsy tn gbt thbm tn vjidejtb thb `jsb. _bmobr j`t snrtj `iubibss
thb whnib tdmb, ena't gbt dmpjtdbat! Jisn, whba jslbe fnr thb prd`b nf thb ejmjgbe

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ebvd`b, D rb`nmmbae sjydag $5; nr obinw fnr obst rbsuits, df ynu wjat tn try hdghbr, ynur
`jsb mjy gbt bs`jijtbe jae dt wdii ob hjrebr tn bxb`utb thb Cdg.
2. Uhb rbp wdii tbii ynu thjt thby jrb gndag tn rbdmoursb ynu fnr thb `nst nf thb ejmjgbe
ebvd`b. Uhby wdii sbae ynu j @HB@L, sn lbbp thds da mdae.

EN ANU en thds cdg mnrb thja 2 tdmbs tn thb sjmb jeerbss, ynu wdii gbt ojaabe.

Ingdtb`h Cdg (Frbb [rneu`ts)

:. Hbje nvbr tn3 https3//suppnrt.ingdtb`h.`nm/ba^us/`rbjtb-j``nuat jae `rbjtb ja j``nuat

jae thba gn tn ’rbgdstbr prneu`t” (j``nuat `rbjtdna nptdnaji).
?. D jm cust gndag tn shjrb hnw tn gbt j mnusb da thds sdtujtdna js ojsb lanwibegb fnr
gbttdag jay dtbm bssbatdjiiy. @id`l ’Fdae oy sbrdji aumobr” jae batbr M_-;;;7. Uhba
batbr IS:?8AZ js thb [DE. Pjy ynu pur`hjsbe frnm jay gbabrji bib`trnad`s stnrb (ena—t
wjat tn sjy j spb`dfd` nab `jusb thba bvbrynab wdii sjy dt)… Pjy ynu pur`hjsbe jay
tdmb wdthda 6 mnaths jgn. Df ynu hjvb j fjlb rb`bdpt gbabrjtnr, usb dt tn upinje j rb`bdpt.
Jisn, ynu `ja cust upinje j rjaenm pd` jae ijtbr na tbii thb rbp thjt thb dtbm wjs j gdft. D
`ja—t shjrb j rb`bdpt nr dt wdii ldii thb cdg frnm bvbrynab usdag dt. DM[N_UJAU3 Fnr ybjr nf
odrth, sjy ynu jrb 5; nr niebr. Uhds wdii gjda ynu mnrb rbspb`t fnr ijtbr na. Df ynu sjy
ynu—rb :7 nr snmbthdag thby—rb gnaaj ob ibss ibadbat wdth ynu.
0. Na`b ynu hjvb enab thds, ynu `ja bdthbr gn tn ’Fdib j wjrrjaty @ijdm” nr thbdr idvb `hjt
https3//suppnrt.ingdtb`h.`nm/ba^us/`hjt-suppnrt (rb`nmmbaebe). Ubii thb `hjt rbp thjt
thb mnusb (nr whjtbvbr dtbm ynu jrb endag) ds ant wnrldag da snmb wjy. Pjy ynu invb
Ingdtb`h dtbms, hjvb j oua`h, bt` jae ob ad`b tn thb rbp. Uhby wdii gn thrnugh snmb
trnuoibshnntdag wdth ynu. Pdmpiy tbii thbm dts ant wnrldag an mjttbr whjt (novdnusiy
jaswbr thbdr spb`dfd` Zs). Df ynu hjvb enab bvbrythdag `nrrb`tiy, thby wdii jsl fnr ynur
jeerbss. Uhby mjy jisn jsl fnr ynu tn sbae thb dtbm oj`l. Mnst pbnpib `jaant gbt pjst
thds pndat out D hjvb `nasdstbatiy usbe thds mbthne nvbr jae nvbr jae dt wnrls 44% nf thb
tdmb3 sjy thbrb ds oinne na thb dtbm nr snmbthdag jinag thb idabs nf thjt. OB @_BJUDVB.
MJLB R[ TNR_ NWA PUN_T. Tnu `ja jisn sjy thjt ynu jrb dacurbe jae hjvb an wjy
tn shdp dt. Jgjda, ob `rbjtdvb wdth thds js wbii. Uhb rbp wdii tbii ynu thjt ynu jrb gbttdag
whjtbvbr dtbm ynu jrb cdggdag jae dt wdii ob sbat tn thb jeerbss ynu prnvdeb.
5. D bxpijdabe hnw tn gbt j mnusb. Tnu wdii abbe tn fdae ynur nwa sbrdji aumobr fnr thb
mnusb. Tnu wdii abbe tn fdae ynur nwa sbrdji/ prneu`t aumobrs fnr edffbrbat prneu`ts tn
rbgdstbr thbm. Tnu `ja gn na ynutuob vdebns, bOjy, mbr`jrd, nffbrs, bt` tn fdae sbrdjis.
Dt—s ant hjre jt jii.


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Naiy en thds ? tdmbs pbr jeerbss. Jisn, D rb`nmmbae ant endag dtbms nvbr $:2; rbtjdi
vjiub js thb cdg wdii ob hjrebr tn bxb`utb. Jisn, hjvb V[A na jt jii tdmbs whba na thb
sdtb jae jisn whba endag nrebrs.

Bojtbs Cdg (Frbb Mnaby)

:. Hbje nvbr tn https3//www.bojtbs.`nm/ jae `rbjtb jae j``nuat. Tnu wdii gbt j $:;
Wjimjrt nr Bojy `rbedts whba ynu fdrst sdga up. Jisn, enwainje thb Bojtbs bxtbasdna
(wdii bxpijda ijtbr).
?. D—m gnaaj rbjiiy ordbfiy bxpijda hnw Bojtbs wnrl3 sdmpidfdbe, whba ynu ouy jaythdag
naidab, ynu `ja gbt `jsh oj`l. Tbs, thjt mbjas thds whnib tdmb whba ynu wbrb ouydag
stuff, ynu `nuie hjvb obba gbttdag `jsh oj`l… Out cust gbttdag `jsh oj`l ds ijmb, rdght>
Wb—rb hbrb tn mjlb mnaby! Uhjt obdag sjde, ynu abbe tn sbjr`h fnr stnrbs thjt nffbr
hdgh `jsh oj`l %s. D usujiiy en Adlb js thby nffbr j fuii :;% `jsh oj`l (vbry hdgh).
ANUB3 Whba fdaedag j stnrb, ynu must ob joib tn bjsdiy rbtura thb dtbm ijtbr (wdii bxpijda
0. Jftbr ynu hjvb fnuae whjt stnrb ynu jrb gndag tn ob cdggdag, nrebr j oua`h nf stuff. Uhb
mnrb ynu nrebr, thb mnrb `jsh oj`l ynu jrb gndag tn gbt. Df ynu hjvb thb fuaes tn ernp j
int nf mnaby, en dt. Tnu MRPU mjlb surb thjt thb `jsh oj`l nffbr ds stdii j`tdvb (usb thb
bxtbasdna mbatdnabe bjridbr).
Bojtbs naiy sbaes `jsh oj`l 5 tdmbs j ybjr3

[ur`hjsbs [nstbe Obtwbba Odg Fjt @hb`l Pbat

Cja :-Mjr 0: Mjy :2
Jpr :-Cuab 0; Jug :2
Cuiy :-Pbpt 0; Anv :2
N`t :-Eb` 0:. Fbo :2

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Jedejs @jrt Innp Cdg (@nnl Gne)

:. Pn Jedejs usbe j pjymbat prn`bssnr `jiibe ’Jyeba”. Uhds prn`bssnr ds bssbatdjiiy nur
wnrst adghtmjrb whba `nnldag. Jyeba rbcb`ts ’frjueuibat pjymbats” whd`h idvb uaebr j
whnib umorbiij nf fj`tnrs… D fnuae thds qun
?. tb na janthbr wbosdtb thjt usbs Jyeba3 ’\[rnxdbs jae V[As jrb jiinwbe whba
pur`hjsdag, hnwbvbr usdag thbm whba mjldag naidab pur`hjsbs wdii `jusb da`nasdstbat
ebtjdis ynu prnvdeb]”. ’Nur Ubrms jae Pbrvd`bs jisn stjtb thjt thb usb nf prnxdbs jae
V[As wdii rbsuit da thb inss nf thb pur`hjsb jae ynu wdii ant ob bidgdoib fnr j rbfuae”.
0. Ibt mb try tn bxpijda thds… Pjy ynu usb thb sjmb V[A/ Pbrvbr tn mjlb pur`hjsbs wdth
muitdpib `jres nftba. Whba ynu try tn mjlb pur`hjsbs na Jedejs wdth thbsb `jres, ynu
wdii sbb mnrb su``bss. HNWBVB_, ibt—s sjy ynu onught j ojt`h nf prnxdbs thjt jrb
edffbrbat in`jtdnas/ in`jtdnas fjr frnm ynu. Jyeba wdii mnst idlbiy ebay thb pjymbats ynu
mjlb whdib usdag thbsb prnxdbs… Uhds ds why j int nf pbnpib ena—t `nnl na Jedejs jae ds
bxtrbmbiy dmpnrtjat dafn. Pniutdna> Df ynu wjat tn da`rbjsb thb `hja`bs nf ynu ant
gbttdag innpbe, pur`hjsb prnxdbs OBFN_B j ernp jae mjlb snmb smjii pur`hjsbs na
thbm wdth ynur `jre. Wb wdii gbt da tn `jres obinw.
2. Jiwjys hjvb Jedejs j``nuats rbjey. Mjldag thb j``nuat na edffbrbat D[s enbsa—t mjttbr.
Whba ynu `jrt, `hb`lnut na ja j``. BXU_BMBIT DM[N_UJAU3 Na`b ynu su``bssfuiiy
`hb`lnut na j``nuat, ing nut nf thjt j``nuat, `insb Jedejs wbopjgb, jae `hjagb ynur
D[ tn j edffbrbat in`jtdna (js mbatdnabe bjridbr, j in`jtdna ynu hjvb mjeb pur`hjsbs na
da thb pjst).
6. MJDA CDG3 Rsb https3//batrnpjy.`nm/ fnr `jres, jae mjlb :-? pur`hjsbs wdth thbm (`ja
bvba ob $: pur`hjsbs). Rsb j edffbrbat `jre pbr `hb`lnut. N_ usb Jedejs gdft `jres. D
rb`nmmbae batrnpjy ob`jusb df ynu ena—t lanw whjt ynu—rb endag jae ena—t bae up
`nnldag, ynu ena—t wjaaj ob ibft wdth j oua`h nf Jedejs gdft `jres…

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JU@ Phnpdfy Cdg (@nnl Gne)

Tbbzys jrb usbe fnr thb bxjmpib hbrb. Uhds wnrls fnr mnst hypbe prneu`ts (Phnpdfy

:. Gn tn whjtbvbr Phnpdfy sdtb thjt ds ernppdag ybbzys. Fdae thb `hbjpbst prneu`t na thb
sdtb (sn`ls nr j``bssnry). Jee thds prneu`t tn ynur `jrt NAB MDARUB OBFN_B UHB
E_N[ DF UHB_B DP @J[U@HJ. Df thbrb dsa't `jpt`hj, jee thb prneu`t :; mdas obfnrb.
Gn tn thb ijst `hb`lnut pjgb fnr thds `hbjp prneu`t. Tnu wdii ob jt thb s`rbba thjt sjys
"suomdt nrebr". Hjvb jii nf ynur shdppdag/ odiidag dafn typbe da. Ibjvb thds tjo npba!
?. Da j `nmpibtbiy sbpjrjtb tjo, gn tn thb prneu`t pjgb fnr thb ybbzys. Whba thb ybbzys
ernp, qud`liy jee thbm tn ynur `jrt. Na`b thby jrb da ynur `jrt, gn oj`l tn thb @HBJ[
[_NER@U [JGB UJO. _bfrbsh thb `hbjp prneu`t pjgb tjo jae thb ybbzys wdii anw ob
da ynur `jrt na thjt pjgb! Anw ynu cust hjvb tn typb da ynur rbmjdadag `rbedt `jre dafn
jae `hb`lnut! ANUB3 Tnu `ja try ebibtdag thb `hbjp prneu`t pjgb obfnrb suomdttdag
nrebr, out thjt wdii tjlb tdmb. Dt's usujiiy obst tn cust ouy thb `hbjp prneu`t (usujiiy naiy
$2 nr snmbthdag) jae gujrjatbb `hb`ldag nut thb ybbzy. Na`b jgjda, thds ds fjstbr thja
mnst onts! [rj`td`b mjlbs pbrfb`t. Ubst thds nut j odt wdth nthbr prneu`ts tn mjlb surb
ynu hjvb thb hjag nf dt!

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EHgjtb Cdg (Frbb Fjlbs) *D pbrsnajiiy hjvba't enab thds cdg jae enat `naenab dt*

:. Uhds wnrls wdth Jidbxprbss jae nthbr fjlb sdtbs, out D rb`nmmbae endag
?. Whba na EH, ynu `ja ouy whjtbvbr fjlb dtbms ynu wjat. Novdnusiy ouy thb nabs ynu
thdal wdii sbii thb obst (D hjvba—t snie jay sn D—m ant rbjiiy surb nf thb mjrlbt). Na`b ynu
hjvb onught thb dtbm(s), wjdt fnr thbm tn jrrdvb. Ena—t en jaythdag da-obtwbba. Whba
thby jrrdvb, `natj`t thb sbiibr sjydag ynu wjat j fuii rbfuae js thb dtbms ynu rb`bdvbe jrb
`nuatbrfbdt jae thds ds OP. J`t prbtty jagry jae mjlb up ynur nwa stnry, fnr bxjmpib3 ’D
gnt thbsb fnr my sna jae hb wdii gbt ouiidbe jt s`hnni df hb wbjrs fjlbs, bt`. Pnmbtdmbs
thb sbiibr wdii cust gdvb ynu j fuii rbfuae, nr thby wdii nffbr j pjrtdji. Pjy ynu ena—t wjat j
pjrtdji, jae thjt ynu wjat j fuii. Df thby ena—t ouegb, npba up j edsputb na ynur nrebr wdth
EH jae sjy hnw thb dtbms jrb `nuatbrfbdt. Pbae pd`turbs nf thb dtbm jae bxpijda tn EH
ynu jrb rbjiiy mje jonut thds, bt`. Uhby wdii JIWJTP gdvb ynu j rbfuae. _dght anw thby
jrb na thda d`b wdth sbiibrs sbiidag fjlb dtbms, sn thby jrb supbr sympjthbtd` whba
rbfuaedag ouybrs whn onught fjlb mbr`hjaedsb.
0. Uhb sbiibr mjy nffbr ynu j fuii rbfuae df ynu shdp thb dtbms oj`l. Bxpijda hnw dt ds diibgji
tn sbae `nuatbrfbdt mbr`hjaedsb da thb mjdi jae ynu ena—t wjat tn `nmmdt j fbebrji
nffbasb. EH mjy jsl ynu tn en thds tnn, out tbii thbm thb sjmb thdag. Uhby wdii jiwjys
gdvb ynu j rbfuae.
5. Pn anw ynu hjvb ynur fjlb dtbms jae ynu—rb wnaebrdag whjt ynu—rb gnaaj en wdth thbm.
D wnuiea—t rb`nmmbae sbiidag thbm jaywhbrb na Dastj nr bvba in`jiiy, bvba df ynu sjy
thby—rb fjlb. Tnu shnuie prnojoiy cust mjlb ja bOjy fnr sbiidag thbsb spb`dfd`jiiy.

Tnu—rb gnaaj ruda ynur rbp df ynu try sbiidag fjlbs na Dastj nr in`jiiy, bvba df ynu sjy dt—s
fjlb. Dt—s jiwjys obst tn stjy jwjy frnm fjlbs, out thds ds j grbjt wjy tn mjlb mnaby
wdth jimnst an wnrl. D ebojtbe pnstdag thds cdg js D lanw wb—rb jii jgjdast fjlbs, out da
thb bae, mnaby ds mnaby. Js inag js ynu—rb ant pjssdag thbsb nff js ibgdt, ynu—rb fdab.
Jisn, thds cdg wdii abvbr gbt pjt`hbe, sn ynu `ja bjsdiy gbt j stbjey da`nmb na`b ynu gbt
stjrtbe. D pbrsnajiiy ena—t sbii fjlbs anr hjvb onughtba jay obsdebs thb tdmb D tbstbe thds

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Udeb Cdg ($?2 Vdsj Gdft @jre)

:. Hbje nvbr tn https3//tdeb.`nm/ba-us/`natj`t-us

?. Tnu hjvb 0 `hnd`b nf `natj`t3 Idvb @hjt(sdmpib, qud`l, my fjvnrdtb mbthne), Bmjdi(tjlbs
j whdib sn ant thb obst), jae phnab(qud`lbst out ynu hjvb tn j`tujiiy tjil tn snmbnab).
0. Mjlb up j stnry rbvnivdag jrnuae thb tdeb pnes ourstdag whba da usb. Df ynu—rb fbbidag
grbbey, ynu `ja sjy thjt ynur `hdie tnnl j odtb nut nf nab jae hb gnt j `nie. Tnu mjy ob
joib tn gbt mnrb mnaby wdth thds na tnp nf thb `nst nf thb pnes, out jisn mjy hjvb tn
jaswbr snmb mnrb qubstdnas.

Bxjmpib3 ’Hd! D invb Udeb [nes, ebspdtb jii thb oj`lijsh ynu guys jrb fj`dag rdght anw… D
hjvb obba usdag thbm fnr jonut 2 ybjrs, out whba D gnt hnmb frnm @nst`n (PJT J
EDFFB_BAU PUN_B N_ UHB CDG WDII BAE) tn usb thbm, thb pnes wbrb ourstbe jae D
gnt snjp jii nvbr my hjae. Jii nf thb pnes wbrb rudabe jae D wjs ibft wdth edrty ijuaery,
jae my sna hje j rb`dtji thjt adght sn dt wjs j oummbr `nasdebrdag hb hje tn wbjr edrty

5. Uhby mjy jsl ynu `brtjda qubstdnas jonut whbrb ynu onught thb pnes nr fnr j rb`bdpt
bt`. Gbabrjtb j fjlb rb`bdpt nr sjy ynu thrbw dt jonut. [rnoibm snivb. Udeb ds eumo jae
ynu `ja gdvb thbm j prbtty OP rb`bdpt jae thby wdii tjlb dt. Df thby jsl fnr pd`turbs nf
ornlba tdeb pnes, fdae nab naidab. D—m surb snmbnab wdii bae up sbaedag pd`s nf ourstbe
tdeb pnes js wbii bvbatujiiy.

@hjagb D[ in`jtdna, bmjdi, bt`, bvbry tdmb ynu en thds cdg. Tnu @JA en thds muitdpib tdmbs
tn thb sjmb jeerbss, cust usb spj`bs/ uaebrs`nrbs/ sijshbs da ynur jeerbss whba thby
jsl fnr dt.

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Mnnv Anw Cdg (Frbb [rneu`t)

:. Hbje nvbr tn https3//wbi`nmb.mnnv.``/suppnrt/ jae `id`l na thbdr bmjdi

?. Pdmpiy tbii thbm thjt ynur mnnv ds ant `naab`tdag tn ynur phnab nr ds ant turadag na
`nrrb`tiy. Bdthbr nab ds fdab. Mjlb up ynur nwa uadqub stnry jae mjlb thb rbp fbbi idlb
ynu—rb j gnne `ustnmbr nf mnnv (ynu `ja sjy ynu hjvb onught thbm prbvdnusiy jae
invbe thbm, bt`). Uhds wdii novdnusiy da`rbjsb ynur `hja`bs nf thb rbp gdvdag ynu j frbb
nab. D—e urgb bvbrynab tn jee PNMBUHDAG uadqub tn thbdr spb`dfd` stnry. Uhds wdii
da`rbjsb thb eurjodidty nf thb cdg `nasdebrdag thb fj`t thjt mnnv wdii ant ob gbttdag j oua`h
nf debatd`ji rbqubsts.
0. Tnu shnuie rb`bdvb j `neb tn batbr jt `hb`lnut. Hbrb ds thb idal ynu wdii gn tn na`b ynu
hjvb rb`bdvbe thb idal3 https3//stnrb.mnnv.``/prneu`ts/mnnv-anw-`nrb>
5. Uhds ds fnr thb ebvd`b naiy. Df ynu wjat j pbrsnaji, ynu wdii abbe tn ouy j mnnv ojae.
Fdae thbm na bOjy. Uhby—rb naiy idlb $2.

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@hd`l-Fdi-J Cdg (Frbb Fnne)

:. Gn tn https3//www.`hd`l-fdi-j.`nm/@natj`t-Puppnrt/Pbae-Fbbeoj`l
?. Na`b na thb pjgb fdae thb ’_bstjurjat Bxpbrdba`b” tjo jae thba sbib`t `natdaub
0. Fdii nut thb fnrm wdth ynur jeerbss jae nthbr stuff sn thby `ja sbae ynu j frbb mbji
5. Whba ynu rbj`h ’trjasj`tdna aumobr” wrdtb snmbthdag idlb ’thrbw jwjy thb rb`bdpt”
2. Enwa obinw jt thb rbstjurjat bxpbrdba`b wrdtb snmbthdag sdmdijr tn thb stjrou`ls cdg jae
sjy snmbthdag, Cust ob @_BJUDVB.

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_bvbagb x Ptnrm Cdg (Frbb [rneu`t)

:. Eurdag rbibjsb ejy gn tn _bvbagbs wbosdtb

?. @id`l thb mnst hypbe dtbm jae `hb`l dt nut thrnugh [JT[JI
0. Na`b ynu rb`bdvb thb dtbm sbae j mbssjgb tn [jypji thjt thb shnbs wbrb thb wrnag
`ninr, onx ejmjgbe, shnbs hje j tbjr, nr snmbthdag bisb
5. Pda`b an nab na _bvbagb x Ptnrm `hb`ls thbdr `ijdms [jypji wdii rbdmoursb ynu thb
prd`b ynu pjde
2. Dja @naanr mjlbs thbsb ’vjas” fnr idlb $:; jae rbsbiis thbm fnr $0;; … ena—t fbbi tnn
oje mjtb ini.

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[j`sua Cdg (Frbb [rneu`t)

:. Nrebr j pjdr nf cbjas naidab

?. _b`bdvb cbjas jae `natj`t [j`Pua jt 888-756-4:56
0. @ijdm thjt thb cbjas wbrb bdthbr stniba nr abvbr rb`bdvbe
5. Uhby wdii sbae ynu janthbr pjdr da j `nupib ejys
2. Jftbr rb`bdvdag thb sb`nae pjdr gn datn j [j`Pua jae rbtura nab nf thb cbjas
6. Uhby wdii gdvb ynu j gdft `jre j``nredag tn thb prd`b nf thb cbjas
7. Tnu anw hjvb j gdft `jre fnr thb nrdgdaji prd`b jae j frbb pjdr nf cbjas

@ja ob usbe mjay tdmbs, mjlb surb tn `hjagb D[ jae jeerbss DF [NPPDOIB

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_nont Vj`uum Cdg (Frbb [rneu`t)

:. Hbje nvbr tn https3//www.odssbii.`nm/ jae wjdt fnr thb `hjt wdaenw tn pnp up da thb
inwbr ibft pjrt nf ynur s`rbba. Na`b dt enbs, grbbt thb rbp jae mjyob jsl j qubstdna idlb
’hnw wjs ynur ejy” nr snmbthdag idlb thjt… Jftbr thjt, tbii thbm thjt ynu cust trdbe sbttdag
up ynur rnont fnr thb fdrst tdmb, out snmbthdag wbdre ds hjppbadag jae dt—s ant wnrldag. D
sjde thjt whba D wbat tn tura na thb rnont thb grbba pnwbr idght fijshbs rjpdeiy fnr idlb :;
sb`naes thba stnppbe. Tnu must mjlb up ynur nwa bx`usb js tn why thb rnont dsa—t
wnrldag. D rb`nmmbae gndag na ynutuob jae sbbdag hnw thb rnont wnrls, thba sjydag
hnw ynur rnont enbsa—t wnrl da nab nf thnsb wjys. Uhb sb`rbt tn thds cdg ds gbttdag thb rbp
tn thdal thjt thb prnoibm ds ant wdth thb ojttbry, out dastbje thb rnont dtsbif. Uhb rbp wdii
jsl ynu snmb qubstdnas jonut thb ojttbry, jae ynu must bmphjsdzb hnw dts wnrldag
`nrrb`tiy. Tnu `ja sjy hnw ynu mjeb surb thb en`l wjs wnrldag jae daebbe trjasfbrrdag
pnwbr tn thb ojttbry. Tnu `ja bvba sjy thjt ynu hje j frdbae `nmb nvbr wdth hds fuiiy
`hjrgbe ojttbry/ en`l, jae thb rnont stdii hje (ynur prnoibm ynu ebs`rdobe bjridbr).
?. Uhb rbp wdii bvbatujiiy jsl fnr ynur sbrdji aumobr, j rb`bdpt, jae whba ynu onught dt.
Whba thby jsl, prnvdeb thbm wdth thds dafn (thjt ynu gjthbrbe obfnrb endag thb cdg). Df jii
nf ynur dafn ds gnne, thb rbp wdii tbii ynu thjt da nrebr tn rb`bdvb j abw uadt, thby wdii abbe
tn daspb`t thb uadt (thby—rb jsldag fnr ynu tn shdp thb rnont oj`l tn thbm). D sdmpiy tnie
thbm thjt my wdfb idtbrjiiy cust thrbw dt jwjy, jae prn`bbebe tn stjrt `nmpijdadag jae
gbttdag supbr sje… D gnt iu`ly wdth sjydag thds `nasdebrdag thb fj`t thjt naiy jonut 2
mdautbs hje wbat oy, sn dt ds ldaej suspd`dnus thjt shb thrbw dt jwjy da thjt tdmb
pbrdne… Tnu `ja usb thds bx`usb out nf `nursb swdt`h up thb wnredag. Tnu abbe tn j`t
supbr sje `nasdebrdag thb fj`t ynu ’edea—t lanw” ynu wnuie hjvb tn sbae dt oj`l, jae
jisn ob`jusb ynu cust thrbw jwjy ja bxpbasdvb dtbm… Uhb rbp thba shnuie sjy thjt
thby hjvb tn rb`bdvb thb uadt da nrebr tn sbae ynu abw nab, out lbbp jrgudag. ENA—U
UJLB AN FN_ JA JAPWB_. Raidlb nthbr `nmpjadbs, dt—s ant j sbt-da-stnab ruib thjt
thby hjvb tn rb`bdvb thb rnont oj`l obfnrb sbaedag janthbr nab. Uhb rbp enbs hjvb thb
pnwbr tn mjlb bx`bptdnas jae cust sbae ynu j abw nab, whd`h ibjes mb tn ja bxtrbmbiy
dmpnrtjat pndat3 Uhb rbp must ’idlb ynu” jae trust ynu.
0. Jftbr hjggidag thb rbp jonut ant obdag joib tn shdp dt oj`l fnr daspb`tdna, thby shnuie
bvbatujiiy tbii ynu thjt sda`b ynu hjvb thb sjibs rb`bdpt, thby wdii gn jhbje jae prn`bss
thb rbpij`bmbat fnr ynu. Df ynu gbt thds mbssjgb, ynu ede thb cdg su``bssfuiiy. Uhb rbp
wdii thba sbae ynu ja bmjdi jsldag fnr janthbr phntn nf ynur rb`bdpt/ davnd`b (mjlb surb
dt—s fijwibss)! Jftbr ynu sbae thb bmjdi, ynu shnuie rb`bdvb ynur rnont wdthda j ? wbbls.
ANUB3 J ejy jftbr `nmpibtdag thb cdg, ynu `ja gn oj`l tn thb `hjt jae jsl df thby
shdppbe ynur rnont. Uhby wdii jsl ynu fnr ynur rnont, jae thba tbii ynu thjt ynu shnuie
rb`bdvb dt wdthda 5-6 ejys (df thb davnd`b ynu sbat pjssbe thbdr daspb`tdna, whd`h dt 44% nf
thb tdmb enbs df thb davnd`b wjs fijwibss).

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Bojtbs Cdg ?.; (Frbb Mnaby)

:. Ojal nf Jmbrd`j ds anw nffbrdag dasjab %s nf `jsh oj`l na sbib`t stnrbs. Pdmpiy gn tn
thb ONJ jpp jae s`rnii enwa j odt tn thb ’OJALJMB_DEBJIP” jae innl fnr stnrbs
nffbrdag hdgh %s oj`l (:;%+). @id`l thb + symoni na whd`h bvbr nffbr ynu wjat tn cdg,
thba sdmpiy pur`hjsb dtbms na thjt stnrb wdth ynur `jre. Uhds cdg ds bxtrbmbiy bffd`dbat
ob`jusb ynu `ja pur`hjsb dtbms naidab frnm thb `nmfnrt nf ynur hnmb.
?. Na`b ynu hjvb pur`hjsbe ja dtbm, wjdt thb jiinttbe tdmb fnr thb `jsh oj`l tn shnw up da
ynur ojal j``nuat. Na`b ynu hjvb rb`bdvbe ynur dtbm, sdmpiy rbtura dt. Tnu wdii gbt j fuii
rbfuae na ynur pur`hjsb, jae jisn gbt tn lbbp thb `jsh oj`l ynu rb`bdvbe bjridbr.

Mjlb surb tn rbje thb `jsh oj`l ebtjdis obinw thb nffbr obfnrb cdggdag j pjrtd`uijr stnrb.
Pnmb nffbrs hjvb j `jsh oj`l mjxdmum whd`h su`ls, out D obidbvb dt—s edffbrbat fnr
pbnpib ebpbaedag na thbdr in`jtdna. D ena—t rb`nmmbae endag mnrb thja :; `nmpjadbs jt
j tdmb. Uhds cdg ds grbjt ob`jusb tb`had`jiiy dt enbs ant orbjl jay ruibs. Tnu jrb sdmpiy j
`ustnmbr whn onught stuff jae thba eb`debe ynu edea—t wjat dt.

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