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General Competency for Educational Administration

1. Communication

The extent how school leaders are able to communicate effectively their vision and
beliefs by direction, words and deeds to achieve the school goals (Smith & Riley, 2012)

Communication is crucial to decision making because the decision making process is

increasingly interactive (Smoliar & Sprague, 2003).

2. Collaboration

Focuses on leadership practice that the relations among school leaders, staff and
stakeholders relate more to interactions than actions. Successful schools assume that
school improvement and effectiveness is a collective rather than an individual enterprise
(Tai & Omar, 2018a)

School leaders need to move away from being the sole decision maker to
involving others in the decision making process that foster school effectiveness (Slater,

3. Critical Thinking

The ability to analyze, evaluate, synthesize and using various types of reasoning
as appropriate to the situation (Joe, 2011).

Critical thinkers consistently attempt to lead their organizations rationally,

reasonably and empathetically (Mason, 2007). .

4. Creative and Innovative

Creativity is the ability to think outside the box and conceive new ideas,
methods, materials, products and actions whereas innovation involves the creation of
new knowledge or new combinations of old insights to make tangible and useful
contribution in enhancing school effectiveness (Mainemelis, Kark & Epitropaki , 2015;
Moos, 2015).
5. Decision Making

The competence of making a choice among alternative courses of action (Smith

& Riley, 2012) that creates the right conditions for school effectiveness.

A skilful school leader needs to optimize his or her most valued beliefs,
responsibilities and obligations to make good decision that minimize adverse

6. Problem Solving

The ability to develop new ideas and solution or turn problems into opportunities
(Angeli & Valanides, 2012).

As school leaders are those who SPEND a lot of TIME-SOLVING instructional

problems in the school, and whose performances in solving those problems have a
tangible effect on the results of the students at the school, they need an expert’s ability
to use particular processes to help the school to be more effective and successful.

7. Managing Change

The competence to induce change, getting others to change, upholding and

champion constant change in schools (Tai & Omar, 2018a).

8. Entrepreneurial

The ability to organize and manage school enterprisingly with considerable

initiative and risk to create opportunities for betterment of the school (Akbar & Obaid,

It helps school leaders to be sensitive and responsive to issues of

context, points to the progressive and transformative possibilities, it is imperative
for them to equip with the concerned competence.
9. Digital Literacy

The ability to organize and manage school enterprisingly with considerable initiative and
risk to create opportunities for betterment of the school (Akbar & Obaid, 2014).

To increase pedagogically meaningful use of ICT in class and out of class that promotes
teaching and learning appropriate for the needs of 21stcentury students.

10. Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Abilities involved in reasoning about emotions, and using emotions to inform cognitive
activities such as reasoning and problem solving (Omar & Tai, 2018b).

School leaders must be able to run organizations that address the emotional well-being
of staff and students if it is to be effective. T


As schools continually embark on programmes pertaining to school effectiveness,

school leaders need to equip themselves with subsequent competencies so as to
transform the school system effectively. No school leader will embrace any school
change if he/she is unable to perform the new task competently.

Administrative roles in finance and business management

1. Understanding the financial limitations and flexibility of the school; set goals and
formulate the right financial management strategies. All of these duties require the
consideration of factors such as available school resources, background, and the needs
of students, etc.
2. Regularly approving and revising school budgets.
3. Reviewing and analyzing income and expenditures on a regular basis, ensuring that
resource allocation follows the school development plan.
4. Understanding that the school income must be handled in accordance with relevant
requirements, regulations and rules. Ensuring that other financial management bodies
follow those guidelines.
5. Organizing controls of budgets, including accounting and reporting systems that will
monitor finances.
6. Establishing procedures for handling income and expenditure, procurement and
quotation as well as rules on acceptance of advantages, and other financial
management criteria and procedures. All procedures are carried out according to the
relevant laws and regulations to avoid conflict of interest and the misuse of resources.
7. Hiring an accountant as an auditor for regular school account tracking and evaluations.


It is in the best interest of the schools and its students that its school leader has
a clear understanding of his or her role in the management of finances and the
implementation of financial policy. An important aspect of that is reading,
comprehending and creating financial statements and reports.

Qualification for administering school finance

1. knowledge of economics and accounting.

2. business management skills.
3. maths knowledge.
4. analytical thinking skills.
5. financial management skills.
6. leadership skills.
7. the ability to use your initiative.
8. to be thorough and pay attention to detail.

School Finance and Public Education

The “Hard” versus “Soft” Curriculum

Hard skills

known as technical skills, are technical knowledge or training that you have gained through any
life experience, including in your career or education.

Soft skills

are interpersonal and behavioral skills that help you work well with other people and develop
your career.
Education and Unemployment

Unemployment is a phenomenon that occurs when a person who is actively searching

for employment is unable to find work. Griffiths and Rotheim (2007) state that unemployment is
a key determining factor of the strength of an economy.

Achievements in education has abound us throughout world with all levels of


Education links with regular working fields and other spheres of life (Yabiku,&
Schlabach, 2009).

For thousands of individuals, higher education is necessary for success in the world of

The main objective of higher education is to transform the students through enhancing
learning skills, behavior, and lifelong empowerment as critical and logical reflective person
(Harvey, 2000).

Higher education predicts high and sufficient employment chances for students (Carnoy,
1994; Grao & Mora, 2000; Lettmayr, 2012).

Lettmayr (2012) suggested that countries around the world, grasped long-term
economic crises and face many complex challenges. It can be solved to some extent if they pay
great amount of attention to nourish the education for the world of work. In addition, youth of
the country requires preparation for the employment to thrive with participation in nation
building (Hussain, 2005).

An empirical model associated WITH the higher education and employment gaps also
OPENS the eyes of POLICYMAKERS and policy frame workers regarding students’ huge
expectations and preparations FOR higher education for better employment (Hussain, 2005).
Therefore, authoritative seats should have to provide space FOR THEM to practice education in
the world of work.

Educational bodies should be launched more reasonable professions for the bright

careers for students.

The students are able to get more opportunities to work in the world, so MORE
EMPLOYMENT opportunities should be provided to the students who are still IN SEARCH of
better JOBS with higher education.

Career guidance and services to search employment inside institutions must beprovided
to the students for the sake of saving students time long period ofsearching job.

The Financial Support in Education

What is Education Funding?

Education Funding refers to the financial support that is provided to the students for their
education. These funds are given by both the private and government agencies and can be
allocated for long term and short-term purposes.

For 2022, the Department of Education received 631.77 B or around 12.58% of the total
National Budget of 5.02 T.

Republic Act No. 10533

SEC. 11. Appropriations. — The Secretary of Education shall include in the Department’s
program the operationalization of the enhanced basic education program, the initial funding of
which shall be charged against the current appropriations of the DepED. Thereafter, the
amount necessary for the continued implementation of the enhanced basic education program
shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act.

Republic Act No. 10533

SEC. 10. Expansion of E-GASTPE Beneficiaries. — The benefits accorded by Republic Act No.
8545, or the “Expanded Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education
Act”, shall be extended to qualified students enrolled under the enhanced basic education.


Chapter 5


SEC. 33. Declaration of Policy. —It is hereby declared to be the policy of

the State that the national government shall contribute to the financial support of educational
programs pursuant to the goals of education as declared in the Constitution. Towards this end,
the government shall:

1. Adopt measures to broaden access to education through financial assistance and other forms
of incentives to schools, teachers, pupils and students; and

2. Encourage and stimulate private support to education through, inter alia, fiscal and other
assistance measures.


SEC. 34. National Funds. —Public schools shall continue to be funded

primarily from national funds: Provided, that local governments shall be encouraged to assume
operation of local public schools on the basis of national fund participation and adequate
revenue sources which may be assigned by the national government for the purpose.

SEC. 35. Financial Aid and Assistance to Public Secondary Schools.—The national government
shall extend financial aid and assistance to public secondary schools established and maintained
by local governments, including barangay high schools.

SEC. 36. Share of Local Government. —Provinces, cities and municipalities and barangays shall
appropriate funds in their annual budgets for the operation and maintenance of public
secondary schools on the basis of national fund participation.

SEC. 37. Special Education Fund. —The proceeds of the Special

Education FUNDS accruing to local governments shall be used exclusively for the purposes
enumerated in Section 1 of Republic Act No. 5447, and in accordance with rules and regulations
issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports and the Ministry of the Budget. Said
proceeds shall be considered a local fund and shall be subject to Presidential Decrees No. 477,
Presidential Decree No. 1375 and other applicable local budget laws and regulations.


SEC. 41. Government Assistance. —The government, in recognition of their complementary role
in the educational system, may provide aid to the programs of private schools in the form of
grants or scholarships, or loans from government financial institutions: Provided, that such
programs meet certain defined educational requirements and standards and contribute to the

of national development goals.

Research in Education

Research plays a significant role in many different fronts including, and not limited to,
the development of the nation (CHED, 2009), improvement in learning and in HEIs higher
education institutions(CHED, 2009; Creswell, 2012), and the positive impact on faculty who
publish research (Chen, Gupta, & Hoshower, 2004). According to CHED (2009), research
plays a significant role in the development of any nation. No country can develop without
research. The more the society grows, the more the research outputs can be produced. This
view is probably because “research informs policy” (Creswell, 2012, p. 6). It is therefore in the
best interest of any government to invest significantly in research to boost the development of
that nation.
The role of higher education institutions in the Philippines is threefold: instruction,
research, and extension. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) acknowledges the
importance of research by making available research funding to all higher education institutions.

Importance of Funding

Financial management is fundamental to the improvement of the efficient and effective

use of finances in schools. If principals and SGB chairpersons are well trained IN their roles and
responsibilities regarding financial management, they will be able to effectively deal with
financial matters of schools. Financial management is an integral part of efficient and effective
financial management in schools.

The role of the principal as financial manager

Accounting and financial reporting is at the crux of a school’s financial and academic
success. Any mistake in those areas has the potential to have detrimental effects on the school
and its students.

How to Manage School Finances Effectively

1. Eliminate Excess Spending.

2. Set Milestones.
3. Implement Ongoing Evaluation of Spending Goals. ...
4. Consider Operational Partners. ...
5. Incorporate Accounting Software for Schools. ...
6. Implementing Change.
7. Remain Transparent

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