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Following the Reporting Writing presentation, and to help prepare you for writing your first
report, please complete the activities below.

List the THREE stages of report writing and give an explanation of each one
1. Planning - This stage involves outlining the structure of your report and setting a realistic
timeline for completion. Including defining the audience.

2. Writing – Write factually and concisely. stage involves collecting and selecting your
information carefully. You should organize and structure your information in a way that is
convenient for the intended reader.
3. Proofing – Check for spelling, punctuation and Grammar. This stage involves proof reading
and checking tense.

There are EIGHT characteristics of a report, list FOUR of them:

1. Fit for Purpose
2. Concise
3. Factual
4. Aimed at the correct audience

When creating a report, concise writing is important. You should avoid using
adjectives and adverbs. Below is a paragraph that needs editing so that unnecessary
adverbs and adjectives should be removed.

There are many friendly organisations available to support people who are
concerned about radicalisation. Advice can be found by searching through online
resources from organisations such as the NSPCC, DCFP, and local supportive
councils. Prevent is a government led scheme aiming to counter extremism and
radicalisation. It helps cleverly support anxious individuals with advice of what to do
if they are concerned about someone, and how to report a concern to ACT Early.
They liaise closely with the necessary authorities such as the local police force, and a
panel of helpful experts who would decide whether a person is at risk. If an individual
is found to be at risk, they will be promptly invited to a support programme called

When writing a report, you should write factually, using declarative sentences. Read
the example below and write three of your own declarative sentences.

Example: Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade and freezes and 0 degrees centigrade

Write your own declarative sentences:

1. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

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2. The Earth is round and rotates around its axis.
3. When it is summer, it is no longer winter.

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