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Career Research Worksheet

Student's Name: ______________________ Date: ______________________

Congratulations on completing the O*NET Career Interest Profiler! This worksheet will
help you delve deeper into the careers that align with your interests. Spend some time
researching and reflecting on potential career paths to gain a better understanding of
what each entails.

Career Exploration:
​ Choose Two Career Matches:
List two career matches from the O*NET Career Interest Profiler. It can be
any career listed OR another career that interests you.

​ Research Your Top Matches:
​ You will research your first chosen career. Use the career research database
linked in Canvas to answer the following questions. USE COMPLETE

​ 1st Chosen Career: ______________________

● Responsibilities and Tasks: What does someone with this career do on a
day to day basis?

● Education and Training: What is the required education for this career? If a
degree isn’t needed, what kind of training is typical?

● Skills and Qualities: What skills or personality traits does someone with
this career need?

● Average Salary Range: How much money will someone in this career
make within a year? Think about someone early in their career vs
someone who has had this career for 20 years.

● Certifications or Licenses: Do you need to take any special tests or

training programs to start this career? Ie. Teaching license, CDL, Welding
certification, etc

● Job Outlook: What is the projected growth for this career in the next 10

​ Research Your Top Matches:
​ You will research your first chosen career. Use the career research database
linked in Canvas to answer the following questions. USE COMPLETE

​ 2nd Chosen Career: ______________________

● Responsibilities and Tasks: What does someone with this career do on a
day to day basis?

● Education and Training: What is the required education for this career? If a
degree isn’t needed, what kind of training is typical?

● Skills and Qualities: What skills or personality traits does someone with
this career need?

● Average Salary Range: How much money will someone in this career
make within a year? Think about someone early in their career vs
someone who has had this career for 20 years.
● Certifications or Licenses: Do you need to take any special tests or
training programs to start this career? Ie. Teaching license, CDL, Welding
certification, etc

● Job Outlook: What is the projected growth for this career in the next 10

​ Compare and Contrast: Compare the two careers that you have more
thoroughly researched. Identify similarities and differences in terms of
responsibilities, education, skills, and job outlook.

1st Chosen Career: ______________________
2nd Chosen Career: ______________________

(3-5) (3-5)
Personal Reflection:
​ Interest Alignment: Reflect on how well the chosen careers aligns with your

1. Were you surprised by any of these careers? Why or why not?

2. What is one career that interests you that wasn’t in your top 3 matches? What
draws you to this career?

3. What is one thing that you can accomplish this school year that will help you
prepare for your future career?

4. Consider your own strengths and weaknesses. How do they relate to the skills
and qualities required for your chosen careers? Are there areas you need to work
on to excel in this field?

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