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Would humanity be able to adapt to

drastic climate changes?

It is well-know that humanity faces an unavoidable decision to make regarding climate
change. For decades, humanity’s way of living has caused serious damage to our planet
and now, in the face of drastic climate changes that we may still be able to avoid and
repair (Maybe not, maybe it is already too late), we must make an important decision.
¿What do we do, an extreme last-ditch effort to undo all the damage that can be undone,
or accept the consequences and try to adapt to the new world? If we choose the latter,
¿Will we be able to adapt?

For example, unchecked emissions of greenhouse gasses have loaded enough

carbon dioxide over the atmosphere to raise the temperature at least over one Celsius,
meaning more dangerous heat waves and higher sea-levels, with more catastrophic
predictions talking about four Celsius. There are several ways to respond, and certain
responses have already been made, such as a plan made by Louisiana’s government to
stop erosion of the coastline due to rising sea-levels and Texas’s plans to fight droughts,
more common as another side-effect, so responses and adaptation are possible, but not

Though adaptation is possible, many experts in the matter confirm that the speed
at which the climate changes occur is too much to adapt for in time and responses are
still not enough, unless, along with more drastic measures and responses to the
situation, we take transformative measures to assure greenhouse emissions are quickly
reduced. Only to stop global warming at 1,5 Celsius, it would require all nations in the
world to eliminate all fossil fuel emissions in a 30-year time limit.

So, as we have seen, humanity still has a chance to repair the damage and ensure
both our survival and the worlds’, but extreme efforts still must be made, and we have
not even begun yet to do it in an appropriate manner. We can save ourselves, but by
doing far more than we are now.

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