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The status of Captive and wild Mazama americana trinitatis in Trinidad and Tobago Research


General Objective:
To gather a comprehensive understanding of genetics, behavior, health, reproduction, nutrition and
management of captive and wild cervid species population in Trinidad and Tobago.
This expedition will be comprised of two phases:
- Exploration Phase
- Sampling Phase.

The Exploratory phase would include three stages while the Sampling Phase will include two (2)

The Exploratory Phase

This phase is characterized by gathering information, generating ideas, and forming hypotheses
in order to guide the direction .

The methodology
A combination of the following will be:

 Observational research
 Expert interviews with deer keepers and hobbyist,
 Literature review.
5. Data Collection:
Observational Research:
 Spend time observing captive deer populations in different enclosures and settings.
 Document behaviors, interactions, feeding habits, and overall well-being.
 Record any patterns, abnormalities, or signs of stress or illness.
Expert Interviews:
 Interview experienced captive deer farmers and hobbyist
 Prepare a set of open-ended questions to gather insights into the challenges and best practices.
 Ask about breeding practices, health management, habitat design, and enrichment strategies.
Literature Review:
 Conduct an extensive review of existing scientific literature on captive deer management,
behavior, and health in the neo-tropics.
 Analyze studies, reports, and academic articles related to successful captive breeding in the neo-

6. Data Analysis:
Observational Data:
 Organize observational notes and categorize behaviors and patterns.
 Look for trends and correlations in deer behaviors and interactions.
Interview Data:
 Transcribe and analyze interview responses thematically.
 Identify common challenges, practices, and expert recommendations.
Literature Data:
 Summarize key findings from the literature review, highlighting relevant insights.
7. Ethical Considerations:
 Ensure minimal disturbance to captive deer during observational research.
 Obtain informed consent from experts before conducting interviews.
8. Proposed Timeframe:
 Observational research: 1-2 weeks
 Expert interviews: 1-2 weeks
 Literature review and analysis: 1-3 months
 Integration of findings: 1-3 months
9. Reporting:
 Compile a comprehensive report presenting findings from observations, interviews, and the
literature review.
Include visuals, quotes, and references to support the report's findings and insights.

The Exploratory Phase is divided into 2 Stages:

Stage 1- Exploratory survey on captive deer in Tobago (Pilot Project).
Stage 2- Exploratory survey on captive deer in Trinidad
Stage 1- Exploratory survey on captive deer in Tobago (Pilot Project) .
This phase would have involved gathering direct observations and expert insights from Deer farmers and
hobbyist, and literature review to explore captive deer management in Tobago.

Specific objectives:
To collect information on the health, behavior, nutrition and management of captive deer populations in
To gain insight into the key factors affecting the health, behavior, nutrition and management of captive
deer populations in Tobago.
Research Questions:
1. What are the species of deer reared in captive in Tobago?
2. What are the morphological features of the captive deer?
3. What are the population of deer farmed in Tobago?
4. How were the deer species acquired?
5. How do captive deer behavior and social dynamics differ from their wild counterparts?
6. What are the factors contributing to successful breeding and reproduction in captive deer?
7. What best practices can be identified for housing design and enrichment to support captive deer
8. What are the primary concerns and challenges faced by captive deer populations?
9. What procedures can be put in place for obtaining blood, skin and feacal samples from captive

Expected Outcome:
At the end of Stage 1 the following outcome is expected to:
 gather a comprehensive understanding of captive deer behavior, health, nutrition and
management strategies for their well-being in Tobago.
 develop potential strategies to improve deer health, behavior management, and successful
breeding of captive deer.
 design an improved exploratory phase for captive deer in Trinidad.
 identify problems, challenges, or gaps in knowledge or practices related to captive deer
 formulate preliminary hypotheses or potential explanations for peculiar/phenomenal observations.
 reveal initial trends, patterns, or correlations that were not previously known.

These phases are as follows:

1. Exploratory Phase of captive deer in Tobago (Pilot project)
2. Exploratory Phase of captive deer in Trinidad
3. Exploratory Phase of wild deer in Trinidad
4. Sampling Phase of captive deer in Tobago
5. Sampling Phase of captive deer in Trinidad
6. Sampling Phase of wild deer from Trinidad

Explore the complexities of managing captive deer, including their health and behavior, to inform future
strategies for their production and successful captive breeding.

Stakeholders and their responsibilities:

Stakeholders Roles and responsibilities

PhD. Livestock Supervisor Oversees and coordinates the exploratory

Professor Emeritus Gary Garcia expedition in Tobago.

Facilitate collaborations with other researchers and

organisations related to the objectives of the

Assist in obtaining funding for conducting the

research and covering various expenses related to
the expedition.

Support the Undergraduate and Postgraduate in

data collection, analyzing and interpreting of
research data.

Ensure that the research is conducted in compliance

with ethical standards and adhering to legal and
regulatory requirements.
Regularly monitors the progress of the expedition
in a timely manner and provides constructive
feedback on research outcomes.

PhD. Graduate Student Oversee and coordinate the following activities:

Jeanette Browne The acquisition of funding for the operating of the

Data Collection and analysis of interviews

Develop a relationship with stakeholders involved

in the project.

Recording and documentation of observations

Ensuring ethical considerations are met.

Compiling a Research paper presenting findings

from observations, interviews, and the literature

BSc. Agriculture Undergraduate Conduct interviews with deer specialist and deer

Observe and document behaviours of captive deer

at the site location.

Analyse and Report findings coming out of the


Compile a comprehensive report presenting

findings from observations, interviews, and the
literature review.

Include visuals, quotes, and references to support

the report's findings and insights.

Tobago House of Assembly Endorse the exploratory expedition with the deer
farmers and hobbyists community in Tobago.

provide access to resources, data, facilities, and

expertise available through the ministry.

Grant permission to conduct the interviews

Provide a list of deer farmers and hobbyists in
Wildlife Biologist Provide beneficial collaborations with officials
Dr. Angela Ramsey from the Tobago House of Assembly; Deer farmers
and hobbyists.

Provide technical assistance related to the

objectives of the project.

Deer Farmers and Deer hobbyist Participate in the exploratory interview on the
breeding practices, health management, habitat
design, and enrichment strategies.

Grant permission to participate in the sampling

phase of the expedition.

 identify specific research questions that require further exploration.

 provide an opportunity to test and refine data collection methods, survey instruments, and
research approaches required for the Exploratory Phase of captive deer in Trinidad.
7. develop relationship and collaboration with deer farmers and as a precursor for collecting tissue
blood and skin samples for the Sampling Phase of captive deer in Tobago.

o. Researchers can learn from the initial survey experience to improve future data
collection for Exploratory Phase of captive deer in Trinidad

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