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Last year | released a video, The Dark Satillite, concerning the released of evil interdimensional beings that will begin their work preparing the world for the Apocalypse. Demonic, agents of the Simulacrum, they masquerade as any form they will be accepted our time they will feign to be extraterrestrials. These beings are they mentioned in Book of Enoch to be confined for 70 generations [4200 years being seven 600 year Anunnaki periods] till their release, which was 1962. ‘As shown in my books and other videos, ancient traditions agree that when demonic beings were captured by angelic entities, the demons were dragged to a desert in Egypt where they were cast into a Gate. It is these freed Anunnaki beings that prepare the world stage for the release of more powerful spiritual entities that will acquire their own freedom DURING the Apocalypse. In our prior video on the 600 year NER periods we ended with a too-perfect world chronology that ended in 1962. So let's dive right in and see for ourselves just how dynamic the year 1962 was and all that occurred that has actually shaped our present world in 2021 1962 AD is not merely the final 600th year of the Anunnaki Chronology, but is specifically targeted by a prophecy in Book of Enoch. The Sumerian time-keeping system was based on 60 year periods, called sexagesimal system. This same 60 year period is the duration Nemesis X Object remains in inner system on its 792 year orbit. The release of certain Anunnaki in this year of 1962 AD is confirmed in the writings of Enoch, who wrote that the Watchers that practiced hybridization with the daughters of men would be confined for 70 generations from the Great Flood. As an Anunnaki generation is 60 years, 70x60 years is 4200 years. The Flood transpired in 2239 BC, or 1656 Annus Mundi. Adding 1656 + 4200 years in 5856 Annus Mundi, or 1962 AD. The 600 year Anunnaki NER Chronology throughout history has consistently visited upon us at those key nodal dates the themes of the Moon, of visitors from the Deep of space, of calendar systems and of religious programming. What exactly occurred in 5239 and 4639 BCE is purely conjectural, but the dates from 4039 BCE to 1962 CE, or 6000 years evenly, are not unknown. 1962 CE marks the end of the 600 year NER calendar of the Anunnaki so we should find that many events that transpired in this year directly reflect these same themes carried on through these epochs of human history. 1962 CE was the final year the astonishing underground cities of Turkey remained unknown and hidden. In 1963 the entrance to a vast subterranean metropolis called Derinkuyu was accidentally discovered, covering an estimated 2.5 square miles. It has between 18-20 underground levels though only 8 of them are open to the public. Advanced drainage, ventilation shafts have evidence of drilling- thousands of chambers to support a population between 100,000 and 200,000. Amazingly, underground tunnel systems connect Derinkuyu to other subterranean cities and a total of 36 such underworld cities have already been found by 2004. Derinkuyu is pre-Hittite, probably antediluvian or even PreAdamite (pre-4039 BCE) . Great planning was required and Andrew Collins theory is most plausible- these cities were designed by a population seeking protection from a coming force of nature, to avoid dying out in some foreseen cataclysmic episode. In 1962 CE Arizona Cavalcade was published, written by Joseph Miller, which cites a 1909 Phoenix Gazette news article about the amazing discovery of a mysterious underground city complex in the Grand Canyon. (2) Underground facilities were built extensively at Giza in Egypt below the Great Pyramid but are closed off from pulic inspection today. Such underground projects are not only on Earth. In 1962 CE meticulous observations of an anomalous bulge at the Martian equator by nine respected astronomers resulted with astrophysicist, Dr. E. J. Opik, concluding that such a bulge may be hollow, an artificial construction, like a shelter. Vladimir Terziski, a Bulgarian-born engineer and physicist, claims there to be a joint U.S.- Russian base on Mars since 1962. Dr. Richard Boylan holds that we have had military bases ‘on the Moon and Mars since 1962. (4) In 1962 CEs scientific examination of the Moon found that its interior was less dense than its interior, NASA scientist Gordon MacDonald concluded that " would seem that the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogenous sphere." (5) Jim Marrs quotes MIT's Sean C. Solomon concerning new findings by the lunar orbiter, "indicating the frightening possibility that the Moon might be hollow.” (Our Occult History p. 19) The hollow moon position was supported by Russian scientists Vasin and Shcherbakoy, who claim that the Moon is not an artificial satillite but a hollowed-out planetoid fashioned by some advanced civilization. Radio telescopes in 1962 began detecting strong xrays coming from the Cygnus region of space, the Cygnus Rift, a great black tear in space. Scientists first detected solar wind in 1962 and on July 8th scientists detonated a megaton atomic weapon 248 miles above the earth. It is known that the US military in Operation Fishbowl conducted experiments proving we on Earth live in a CLOSED and inescacable environment. In 1962 the ultra secret Cheyenne Mountain Complex is completed near Colorado Springs, a massive underground facility with tunnel systems leading to other underground bases and underworld cities. Here, underneath the United States, the most intelligent people on the planet manufacture technologies unknown to the private sector. This is also the NORAD Command Center, the Air Force Space Command, the Space Defense Operations Center and the Air Defense Command. This complex provides a day to day picture of precisely what is in space and where it is located. (7) Many researchers are convinced that the Cheyenne Mountain underworld contains a whole joint human-extraterrestrial joint operations center. 1962 CE was first year of operations for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base's Foreign Technology Division. (8) Since 1947 as the T-2 Intelligence of Air Material Command, it was at Wright-Patterson Field that U.S. scientists attempted to reverse-engineer the debris from the Roswell UFO crash. The Naval Ordnance Lab manufactured Nitinol from the "memory metal” in 1962, a titanium-nickel alloy. Titanium was not a human discovery, but developed from the 1947 Roswell debris. Researchers note that prior to 1947 CE there exist no government references to titanium. With the end of the 7200 years the Anunnaki are now enabled to resume their hybridization program between humans and themselves (creating Nephilim) as they did before the Flood. The condition being that humans voluntarily agreed to engage in such practices, as before the Deluge peoples traded their daughters for advanced knowledge and secrets. A secret US Government treaty between an extraterrestrial race (the guise of the Anunnaki) to do just this: abduction of human females, scientific experimentation including fetal extractions, implant devices for tracking and inducing memory loss of trauma. As UFO researchers can well attest, in was 1962 AD when the first human abductions by UFOs occurred, these causing researchers to create a new class called Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind. The most famous UFO abduction of the early 60s was of Betty and Barney Hill. American prophetess Jean Dixon publicized that a great evil was to occur in 1962 AD, her prediction based of a massive conjunction of planets that occurred on February 5th. In 1962 Anunnaki lifeforms masquerading as hyperdimensional extraterrestrials began communicating through channelling in what is known as Cosmic Awareness, a trance cult that has provided human listeners a tremendous amount of data on the past through seance readings, reports and books still available today. Intriguingly, the Cosmic Awareness entities instructed its listeners on matters of the present and future, and that it was an alien collective composed of 144 entttities. Now, 144 years from 1962 us the 600th year, or 2106 AD, the year the Chief Cornerstone descends upon the Monument of Man (Great Pyramid) and destroys the power of the Anunnaki. 2106 AD is when Nemesis X Object departs inner system for final time in this simulation. In 1962 scientists discovered that Venus is hot and rotates in a retrogade motion, both facts predicted by Immanuel Velikovsky. Venus is a Vapor Canopy, a phenomenon our own world experienced the 1656 years of the antediluvian world, As readers of Chronicon know, on May 22nd of 1962 AD a secret space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the existence of an environment that could support life, but in the official and publicized space program. In 1962 Dr. Carl Sagan urged the scientific community at the American Rocket Society in November to reexamine ancient myths and traditions for evidence and clues that Earth has been visited by extraterrestrial species in antiquity. (11) In 1962 CE Dr. James D. Watson and Francis Crick awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of the double-helix DNA construction. Crick holds that DNA is too complex and so perfect that it is not the result of evolution, that its origin lies elsewhere. DNA is alien. Local natives of Ecuador for years had been finding metal plates with symbols, imagery, elaborate pictures and inscriptions, many now in the Museo del Banco Central. Though these artifacts were found in the Americas, they depict elephants and sphinxes and some are dated at least 3000 years old. One intriguing plate is a perfect representation of the Great Pyramid, with individual blocks, a layer of casing stones, a cornerstone atop it with a sun-symbol serving as the eye. Most amazing is the lower level of the pyranid which is covered with inscriptions. This fact about the ancient Great Pyramid's lower courses covered in writings in the subject matter of Lost Scriptures of Giza. Because of a fire in 1962 these relics, an estimated 6000 pieces, were scattered, some lost, others placed in the Museo while many more were lost to private collections. The greatest artifact, the gold plate showing the Great Pyramid has a smiling face on the topstone, the artists archaic recognition that this apex stone was indeed the symbol of Deity- the Chief Cornerstone the Builders (Anunnaki) rejected. In 1962 another pyramid timeline found in the olden ruins of the city of Teotihuacan in Mexico, revealing a perfect 7200 year pyramid calendar as discovered by Hugh Harleston Jr. The timeline began with the Pyramid of the Sun, which stands 203 ft. tall (Great Pyramid 203 levels of stone high) and the 7200 hunabs ends at the ruinous pile of masonry that once formed a pyramidal temple that represented Planet X (NIBIRU) according other writers. Many believe 1962 began a spiritual darkening over America, a curse on the nation. All those material blessings that made America supreme in the past began to wane- crude oil production, coal mining, steel manufacturing, pig iron production, nickel mining, aluminum and zinc, rubber, copper, lead, tin, bauxite, chromite, gold, electricity production. Merchant fleet tonnage diminished as did automobile production, as other nations began out- producing the United States. By 1966 the statistics were alarming, showing a rapid decline in all of these national resources productions. In 1962 CE U.S. Supreme court on a 6-1 decision ruled it unconstitutional to pray in public schools. The moral fabric of the civilized nations at this time began to unravel, civil disobedience increased, ethical considerations for others became politicized, the ancient lines between right and wrong were flipped as those calling themselves progressives were actually taking the traditional values backward, demonizing good and justifying evil. A spiritual decay began in 1962 and has grown, its tendrils now deeply entrenched in Church and State as the media makes war against the institution of the family unit in its attempt to subjugate all individuals to fates dictated by the collective. The Southern Baptists went the opposite extreme, overwhelmingly passing a resolution concerning absolute faith in the biblical records as the infallible Word of God. (15) Few biblical scholars are Southern Baptists. That much of the biblical material is of proven Babylonian, Elamite, Amorite Egyptian, lonian and Gnostic origin is ignored. Even the Vatican was feeling it in 1962. Rome held a council of 3000 men under Pope John XXIII to consider ways it can relate to the 20th century world. (16) By 1962 the Vatican was losing the battle against Protestantism concerning the making available of the Holy Writ to the public which Rome refused to do for centuries. In 1962 the Christian Gideon's Association celebrated its 50,000,000th freely distributed King James Bible in hotels and other public places. Also, in 1902 the American Standard Bible was published, a much more accurate rendering of the texts believed to be the Word of God. Then in 1962 the NEW American standard Version is published, two major international versions of the Bible still popular today. These are merely some of the events of 1962...and the unfolding of historical events from 1963 to today in 2021 only empowers this thesis.q

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