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.‫بسم هللا الرمحن الرحمی‬

In the name of Allah by merciful and compassionate.

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery

Magic English

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
‫س پاس خدای منان را که انسان را قوه اندیشه عطا فرمود و جوهر دانش به وی ارزاین‬
‫داشت‪ .‬ات ابشد که این لعبت خایک از آن فیض بصریت حاصل منوده و در مسری تاکمل‬
‫هس یت خویش به بریاهه نرود‪.‬‬
‫خواننده عزیز اثری که روی دست شام قرار دارد حاصل سالها تالش بنده طی مدهتای‬
‫میباشد که اب لطف و کرم خداوند خبشایشگر و تشویق عالمقندان و دوس تداران اینک‬
‫کتاب جادوی انگلییس جای ابز کرد‪ .‬در گردآوری این اثر از ش یوه مدرن هبره گرفته شده‬
‫است‪ .‬این کتاب در حصه آش نایی عالمقندان اب گرامر‪ ،‬خوانش‪ ،‬لغات‪ ،‬مجالت‪ ،‬رضب‬
‫املثل و اصطالحات معروف زابن انگلییس مکک میکند‪.‬‬
‫از خدای منان اس تدعا دارم ات این معل اندک را در مجیع اعامل شایس ته و صدقه جاریه‬
‫برای بنده قبول درگاه رمحت خویش فرماید‪ .‬و از متام دوس تان خواهشمندم ات از نظرایت‪،‬‬
‫رهامنیی ها و پیش هنادات عاملانه شان بنده را حمروم نسازند‪.‬‬

‫حامد "معری"‬

‫‪Prepared: T- Hamid Omery‬‬
All praise, thanks and honor belongs to my Allah who has created the world,
nature and universe such beautifully. First of all I want to thank god for all the many
blessings he has bestowed upon me, for giving me the opportunity to begin and
finish this English book, climbing once again the mountain of learning and thus
become a better teacher and professional. Most especially, I would like to thank my
Allah who has made all these things possible.
I am Hamid Omery the son of Abdul Khaliq who was born in 1375 in Jawezjan
province in a middle open-minded family. Actually I am from Parwan. After
completing Kankor preparation according to my interest and passion in 1395 I have
succeeded in English Literature Faculty in Balkh University. And I graduated in
1398. Also, I am grateful for Allah’s kindness for giving me the ability to write and
prepare five English books named Magic English. My objective is to keep making
effort to bring and introduce new system to students and open more channels for
interactions. The goal is to improve the skills of students to learn English language
effectively through the creation of a comprehensive system.
Lastly, I would like to thank my Lord again who showed me the way for
preparing this English book. Hope you all be glad and cheerful. Best of luck!

Hamid Omery

Contact us; 0781134385

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Tag Questions ‫سوالات مضمیه‬
Tag questions are short questions which are used for agreement and confirmation by
speaker at the end of the sentences.
.‫ پرسش های کواتهی اند که در آخر مجالت هجت تعید و تصدیق گفتار گوینده باکر مریود‬:‫سوالات مضمیه‬
Ex. He is a clever student, isn’t he?
Ex. You are looking beautiful, aren’t you?

 Rules: ‫قواعد‬
1. The positive sentences have the negative question.
.‫مجالت مثبت سوال مضمیه منفی دارند‬
Ex. I learn English, don’t I?

2. The negative sentences have positive question.

.‫مجالت منفی سوال مضمیه مثبت دارند‬
Ex. I do not study my lesson, do I?

Note: If there is auxiliary verbs in the sentence, the own auxiliary is used for tag
question. Otherwise we refer to tense that which tense it is.
‫ در غری از‬.‫ افعال مککی خود برای سوالات مضمیه اس تفاده میشود‬،‫ هرگاه در مجالت افعال مککی موجود ابشد‬:‫نوت‬
.‫آن ما به زمان مراجعه میکنمی که کدام زمان است‬
Ex. I must go, must not I?

3. The imperative sentences have the tag.( will you, could you, can you)
.‫ ( دارند‬Will You, Could you, Can you ) ‫مجالت امریه سوال مضمیه‬
Ex. Please open the door, will you?
4. The request and demand have the tag (Won’t you)?
. ‫ ( مهراه اند‬Won’t You )‫مجالتیکه شلک در خواست و ای خواهش را دارند اب سوال مضمیه‬
Ex. Have drinks, won’t you?

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
5. Sentences which are started with (Let’s) have the tag (Shall We).
.‫( دارند‬Shall we) ‫( آغاز می شوند سوال مضمیه‬Let’s) ‫مجالتیکه اب‬
Ex. Let’s play game, shall we?
6. Sentence which contains word such as, never, no, neither… have positive tag.
.‫ مضمیه مثبت دارند‬,‫( و غریه را در خود داش ته ابش ند‬Never, No, Neither) ‫مجالتیکه لکامت چون‬
Ex. I never lie, do I?

7. When the subject of the sentence are words like (Nobody, Somebody, anybody,
neither…..etc.) Their pronouns are (They) is used as subject of tag.
‫( بیث‬they)‫( و غریه ابشد‬Nobody, somebody, anybody, neither) ‫هنگامیکه مبتدای مجهل لکامت چون‬
.‫فاعل سوال مضمیه باکر مریود‬
Ex. Nobody comes to my birthday, do they?
8. The tag of (I am) is (aren’t I).
.‫ ( است‬aren’t) (I am) ‫سوال مضمیه‬
Ex: I am a teacher, aren’t I?
9. The sentence which have positive form but express negative meaning they are
followed by positive tag.
.‫مجالتیکه شلک مثبت دارند ویل معین و مفهوم منفی را بیان میکنند اب سوال مضمیه مثبت مهرا اند‬
Ex. Ahmad is too fat, to run fast, is he?

 Use these sentences with tag question.

1. She is sick. 6. She never comes here.

2. You went out. 7. Let’s write our homework.
3. I am sleep. 8. Have tea.
4. Somebody plays football. 9. You don’t pray.
5. I don’t like you. 10. Please come on time.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Choose the correct tag below:
1. She’s been to California, ______ she?
a. Isn’t b. hasn’t c. wasn’t d. doesn’t
2. I like chocolate very much, _______?
a. Didn’t I b. don’t you c. don’t I d. haven’t I
3. He wouldn’t do it, ____________?
a. Will you b. did he c. would he d. is he
4. She hasn’t finished her homework yet, _______?
a. Has she b. had she c. will she d. have she
5. Mr. Barton is from Italy, __________?
a. Doesn’t she b. isn’t she c. wasn’t he d. isn’t he
6. Kate didn’t come with you, ___________?
a. Did she b. will she c. does she d. is she
7. Ronaldo sometimes reads the newspaper, ________?
a. Isn’t he b. is he c. does he d. doesn’t he
8. They never complain from the President, __________?
a. Do they b. don’t they c. will they d. won’t they
9. Let’s shatter her hand, ___________?
a. Do you b. do we c. will you d. shall we
10. Nobody love me, _________?
a. Shall you b. do they c. do we d. have they
11. Please bring me a glass of milk, __________?
a. Can you b. won’t you c. couldn’t I d. can’t you
12. Have beverage, ___________?
a. Will you b. won’t you c. do you d. could you
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Fire and safety
There are different kinds of fires. Such as, gas fires, chemical fires
and electrical fires. Each kind of fire has its own dangers. It may
happen every time by night or day. If you watch TV or read
newspaper you can find information about fires and its dangers
which how much people are killed and injured by fires nowadays. Each year
approximately more than 7,000 people are killed in the United States. In addition
majority of them are injured and some of them are crippled and also most of them are
hurt so badly. Such big and small accidents happen every day in the home in the
building or in the street. So if you think well, all of these accidents happen from our
carelessness. For example suppose your children; most of the children like to play with
any appliance with knife, match, scissor or electricity. These appliances are small but very
dangerous. A knife is very small but when a child takes the knife, it can to cut his/her
hand or can to kill someone because the children don’t understand that how to use it. Or
small children are very active and love the toys and sweet, and they are used to putting
everything in their mouth, and you know that some medicines are like sweet, if you don’t
look after them they eat that medicine. Or when your mom cooks something in the
kitchen, if she does not look after the food every moment, it may the pot fall down and
burns the kitchen or it may burn whole the building. Therefore, in first, try to know
these events and accidents and then teach your children, because the children don’t know
what to do. So if you train them well, they do well. And if you train them bad, they do
badly. Therefore, we must look after our children and home. At the end, I hope you to
have a good and safe life.

1. Electrical 4. Approximately 7. Cripple 10. Appliance
2. Danger 5. In addition 8. Accident 11. Burn
3. Injure 6. Carelessness 9. Medicine 12. look after
o What do you know about fires? Discuss about it.

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Mike and Bob are talking on the telephone
Bob: Hello, Mike. Mike: Hi, Bob. Are you free today?
Bob: Unfortunately, no. Mike: Why, what are you doing?
Bob: I have exam tomorrow. Mike: Can we go to swimming tomorrow?
Bob: It is impossible. Because, I Mike: Ok. See you at school tomorrow.
have to study hard.
Bob: It is ok, thanks for calling. Mike: Ok. Bye.

 Skill Building
Make suggestions and give excuses.
The lake/ clean the kitchen.
A: let’s go to the lake. B: Sorry. I have to clean the kitchen.

1. The concert/ study math

2. The park/ wash the car
3. The pool/ call Cristina
4. The movies/bake the lunch
5. The zoo/ study English
6. The lake/ clean the dining room
7. The restaurant/ go to shop with my Dad
8. The school/ go to the doctor
9. The hospital/ be with my Mom
10. The swimming/ do my homework

 Skill building
Tell about each person
Ex: Howard/ call Elinor Howard has to call Elinor.
1. Ted/ wash the dog
2. Mr. and Mrs. Logan/ go to the telephone company
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
3. Joyce/ study English 7. Gino/ clean the kitchen
4. Mike and Liz/ paint the living room 8. Liz/ answer a call
5. Ted and Joyce/ wash the car 9. Bob and Lisa/ study math
6. Adela/ go to the library. 10. You/ study your lessons

 Make sentence from these words.

1. mad 2. cheat 3. of 4. me
the me out home
students try him let
me don’t here please
driving to get stay
4. her 6. English 7. Have to 8. Don’t
of have students come
haven’t speak do we
thought you their have to
I to best early
9. on 10. International 11. Before 12. people
Come English they leave
Students is study American
Time language exam certainly
All an have Afghanistan
Have have to hard must
To learn to
Day we school
Every English in

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Sentence ‫مجهل‬
A group of words which has a complete meaning or makes a complete sense is called
.‫گروپیی از لکامت که معین اکمل داش ته و ای معین اکمل را افاده کند بنام مجهل اید می گردد‬
Ex. We always study our lessons.

 Sentences are divided into four parts according to meaning:

1. Declarative Sentences : )‫مجالت خربی (اخباری‬
The sentence which expresses a statement or assertion is called declarative sentences.
.‫مجهل یی که خرب و ای بیانیه را بیان کند بنام مجالت خربی اید می گردد‬
Ex. I saw him last week.

2. Imperative Sentences: ‫مجالت امری‬

The sentence which expresses a command or request is called imperative sentences.
.‫مجالتیکه امر و ای خواهش را بیان کند بنام مجهل امریه اید می گردد‬
Ex. Please come on time.
Ex. Get out of the class.
3. Interrogative Sentences: ‫مجالت پرسشی‬
Sentences which ask a question is called interrogative sentence.
.‫مجالتیکه یک سوال را پرسش مناید بنام مجالت پرسشی اید می گردد‬
Ex. What do you want?
4. Exclamatory Sentences: ‫مجالت ندایئ‬
The sentences which express strong feeling or emotion is called exclamatory
.‫مجهل یی که احساس و ای هیجان قوی را بیان کند بنام مجالت ندایئ اید می گردد‬
Ex. Wow! What a nice guy.

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
o The sentences are divided into four parts according to form.
1. Simple Sentences: ‫مجالت ساده‬
The sentence which has a finite verb is called simple sentence.
.‫مجالتیکه دارای فعل حمدود ابشد بنام مجهل ساده اید می گردد‬
Ex. She feeds the children.

2. Complex Sentences : )‫مجالت خمتلط (پیچیده‬

The sentence which has one main and one or more than one subordinating clauses
are called complex sentences.
‫مج ًهل که دارای یک قضیه اصیل و یک و ای بیشرت از یک قضیه فرعی ابشد بنام مجهل خمتلط (پیچیده) اید می‬
Ex. This is the girl who can speak Persian.

3. Compound Sentences: ‫مجالت مرکب‬

When two sentences are joined by a conjunction is called compound sentence.
.‫هنگامیکه دو مجهل ساده توسط یک حرف ربط اب مه وصل شوند بنام مجهل مرکب انمیده می شود‬
Ex. I write my assignment, but she dances in the home.

4. Compound complex sentences: )‫مجالت مرکب خمتلط (پیچیده‬

The sentences which consist of two or more than two main clause and one
subordinate clause is called compound complex sentence.
)‫مجالتیکه دارای دو و ای بیشرت از دو قضیه اصیل و یک قضیه فرعی ابشد بنام مجالت مرکب خمتلط (پیچیده‬
.‫اید میشود‬
Ex. Although the exam was tomorrow, they did not feel confident they would pass,
since they had not been to the revision classes.

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
The Jackal and the Sun Child
A jackal is a wild dog with a big black back. It resides in the desert.
But how did the jackal get his black back? This was how it happened.
One day, the jackal saw a girl. She was sitting upon a rock. She was
not a normal child. She was a rare and beautiful sun child. She was bright and warm like
the sun. The child saw the jackal and smiled. She said, “Jackal, I have been relaxing on
this rock for too long. I must get home soon. But, I am slow and you are fast. You will
likely get me home more quickly.” Then she requested, “Will you carry me home? If you
do, I’ll give you a gift. This necklace belongs to me, but I will give it to you.” The wild
jackal agreed. So the sun child sat on the dog’s back. They started to walk. But soon, the
jackal felt ill. The sun child was very hot on his back. The heat was hurting his back very
badly. “I made a terrible error in judgment.” he thought. He shouldn’t have agreed to
carry her. So he asked her to get off. But she did not. The jackal’s back continued to get
hotter and hotter. He had to get away from the sun child. So he made a plan. First, he
ran as fast as he could. He hoped the sun child would fall off. But she did not. So when
the sun child was looking at the sky, not aware of the jackal’s next plan, he jumped into
a field of flowers. As a result, the child rolled off his back. The jackal ran away. But the
sun child left a mark on the jackal’s back, a visible black mark. Ever since his experience
with the sun child, the jackal has had a black back.

Answer the questions.

1. What is this story about?
a. Why the sun child has a beautiful smile
b. Why a wild dog hurt a sun child
c. An error that the sun child once made
d. How the jackal got his visible black mark

2. What kind of girl was the sun child?

a. She was rare and beautiful. c. She was a normal child.
b. She was likely very shy. d. She was an ill child.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
3. Why did the jackal run into the field?
a. To continue his journey b. It wanted a new place to reside.
c. To take a nap and relax d. To get away from the sun child
4. What happened at the end of the story?
a. The sun child forgot the experience.
b. The sun child rolled off the jackal’s back.
c. The sun child has stayed upon the jackal’s back since then.
d. The sun child became aware of the jackal’s black back.
5. What did the sun child request?

Part A: Choose the word that is a better fit for each sentence.
1. fright/ghost
The____________ lives in the old house. A scary place might cause_______.
2. dead / upset
The tree fell down because it was__________. I was ___________when I got
a bad grade on the test.
3. advantage / reached
After 10 hours of driving, I finally _______California. He is smart and has
an_______ in class.
4. escape / distance
He wanted to ______from the room. He lived a long __________ from the
5. community / individual
The man is a nice______________. The town is a small ____________.
6. It rained for two days, _____.
_____a. and caused the river to rise ___ b. it was dead
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Discuss the phrases and expressions.

1. On the tip of someone’s tongue. If a word is on the tip of your tongue, you
know it but cannot remember it at the time you are speaking.

2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. If someone helps you when you have
problems, or you are in trouble, that person is a true friend.

3. Actions speak louder than words. What you do affect more than what you

4. Easy-going. A friendly person who is easy to get along.

5. Daydreamer. A person who often thinks about doing something else instead
of paying attention to the present.

 Discuss the sentence.

People talk behind your back for 3 reasons;

1. When they can’t reach your level.
2. When they don’t have what you have.
3. When they try to copy your life’s style, but can’t.

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Present Perfect Progressive Tense
Present Perfect Progressive Tense is used to show the duration of an action which started
in the past, continue to present and still continuing.
‫ برای بیان جراین معل اس تعامل میگردد که در گذش ته آغاز شده اتاکنون ادامه ایفته و در حال‬:‫زمان حال اکمل جاری‬
.‫حارض ادامه دارد‬

o Usages; ‫اکربرد ها‬

 Duration from the past until now

Ex: Sama has been teaching at the university for 1 year.
 An action hasn’t finished but still see evidence
Ex: I have been learning English for 5 years and still don’t know very much.

 Structure: ‫ساخامتن‬
S + Have/has + been+ V+ ing+ Complement.
Have/Has + S + been +V+ ing+ Complement?
S + Have/Has + Not + been + V+ ing+ Complement.
Have/Has + S + Not + been + V ing + Complement?
Ex. She has been cooking lunch since 11 o’clock.
Has she been cooking lunch since 11 o’clock?
She has not been cooking lunch since 11 o’clock.
Has she not been cooking lunch since 11 o’clock?
Note: The present perfect progressive tense is usually followed by since and for.
.‫( مهراهی می شود‬since and for) ‫ زمان حال اکمل اس مترار (جاری) معمو ًال اب‬:‫نوت‬
Ex. They have been playing football since morning.
Ex: Your mom has been crying since yesterday.
Ex: My parents have been living in a small wooden home in a village for 30 years.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
o Exercise
1. They_______ been going out together_______ morning.
a. Has/ for b. have/ since c. have/ for d. has/ since
2. I______ been working with him_______ 3 months.
a. Has/ since b. has/ for c. have/ since d. have/ for
3. Ethan_______ been talking on his phone_______ 10 minutes.
a. Has/ for b. have/ for c. has/ since d. have/ since
4. Asma________ been reading English book_______ a day.
a. Have/since b. has/ for c. have/ for d. has/ since
5. How long_______ your mom been_________?
a. Had/ cooking b. has/ cooking c. have/ cooking d. has/ cooked
6. You have been_______ English_________ 7 years.
a. Learn/ since b. learning/ since c. learn/ for d. learning for
7. We have been_______ in the park________ 2 hours.
a. Playing/ for b. playing/ since c. plays/ for d. play since
8. The children______ been playing hide in seek_______ several hours.
a. Has/ for b. have/ for c. has/ since d. have/ since
9. How long_______ your father been _________?
a. Have/ smoke b. has/ smoke c. has/ smoking d. none
10. Shereen has been_______ the dishes_______ 3 hours.
a. Washing/ for b. wash/ for c. washing/ since d. wash since
11. I have been________ the bathroom and the kitchen________ yesterday.
a. Clean/ for b. cleaning/ since c. cleaning for d. clean/ since
12. Teacher Arezo has been_______ Arabic language______ 2012.
a. Teach/ for b. teaching/ for c. teaching/ since d. teaching for
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Zia and his Mom
Zia: Hi, Mom. Are you at home?
Mom: Is that you Zia? What do you want?
Zia: Yes Mom. I wanted to tell you that I am not coming to home today.
Mom: Why? Where do you go today? Where are you now?
Zia: Now I am in the school. My classmates want me to go with them.
Mom: Where do they want to go?
Zia: Exactly I don’t know. I think they go to football maybe.
Mom: Ok. But when do you come back from football?
Zia: Maybe we will be back by 2 o’clock afternoon.
Mom: Do you have money? I mean what do you eat in lunch?
Zia: don’t worry Mom. I try to have lunch in the hotel with my classmates.
Mom: Ok. What time will you be back?
Zia: Dear Mom. I told you already that I will be back by 4 o’clock.
Mom: I see. But my son, look after yourself and don’t fight with someone.
Zia: Ok Mom. So what did you cook at home for lunch?
Mom: We have cooked nothing, but your Dad’s brought fish from hotel.
Zia: So I come home.
Mom: Why? Don’t you go to football with your classmates?
Zia: No Mom. I have just joked with you.
Mom: You silly boy joking with me.
Zia: I’m sorry Mom. Because of fish I told you so.
Mom: Ok my son. Come to home once.
Zia: No Mom. I go to football with my classmates today.
Mom: Crazy son. You are joking with me again.
Zia: I’m really sorry Mom. I don’t know what to tell you.
Mom: don’t worry. I am joking. As you wish come or go.
Zia: Mom you are joking too.
Mom: Oh my God. What is wrong with you today?
Zia: I’m fine, but I don’t know what is wrong with me today?
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Mom: Something is wrong with you my son.
Zia: Mom. I am coming home for lunch. Don’t you punish me please?
Mom: come to home once my son. We will talk about that matter.
Zia: So you don’t punish me.
Mom: no no my son. Instead of fish I just give you poison to die.
Zia: What? Mom: yes.

The Deer and His Image

A deer told himself every day, “I am the most handsome deer
in the forest. My large chest is a symbol of my power. And my
beautiful horns impress other animals.” But he did not like his
legs and hooves. “My legs are narrow, and my hooves are ugly.
They do not satisfy me.” One day, the deer saw a big dog. The deer made some noise
and disturbed the dog. The dog woke up and chased him. The deer felt terror. He
screamed. He did not want to be a victim, so he ran into the forest. His strong legs
helped him run fast. His pale brown hooves were hard, so they were not sensitive to
rough rocks. However, his horns got caught in branches, slowing him down. His large
chest could not fit between thick trees. The deer estimated that he ran for an hour. He
felt like he was running a marathon. In the end, the deer escaped the threat of the dog.
He sat in the shade of a tree. “That was almost a disaster! I almost did not escape because
of my chest and horns. My legs and hooves saved me.” As a consequence, the deer
learned to honor his fast legs and have confidence in his strong hooves. “Pretty things
only supplement important things,” he thought.
*hooves - the feet of animal like deer
Answer the questions
1. What is this story about?
a. Why a chest is a symbol of power
b. How a deer becomes a victim
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
c. Why deer have confidence in their horns
d. How a deer learned to honor useful things
2. Why did the deer scream?
a. He felt great terror. b. He was sensitive.
c. He ran a marathon. d. His legs were narrow.
3. What can we infer by the end of the story?
a. The deer impressed the animals with his long run.
b. The deer was a victim of disaster.
c. The deer’s legs and hooves satisfied him.
d. The deer went back to disturb the dog again.
4. According to the passage, all the following are true Except________.
a. the deer’s hooves were pale
b. the deer sat in the shade of a tree
c. the deer experienced a bad consequence
d. the rough rocks decorated the forest
5. What happened to the deer’s horns when he ran away?

Part A: Choose the word that is a better fit for each sentence.
1. Terror / threat
There is always a _______of falling when walking on an edge. I felt a sense of
________when I woke up from the bad dream.
2. Consequence / confidence
The girl had___________ that she made the right decision. His bad grade was a
__________ of not studying for the test.
3. Disaster / victim
The man was a________ of car theft. When my house flooded, it was a_______.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
4. Disturb / satisfy
You should not__________. The boy wanted to__________ someone when
they want to be alone.
5. Sensitive / rough
The bumpy frog’s skin was very_____. The man wore a coat because he
was_______ to cold air.

 Presentation
Can: negative statements with causes.
1. Bob can’t go to the movie. He has to study his math subject.
2. I can’t go to school. I am not feeling well.
3. You can’t go to pool. You have to stay in bed.
4. Ana can’t go to school. She is sick.
5. Mike and Liz can’t go out. They are not feeling well.

 Complete the sentence with can and can’t.

1. She ______ ski, but not very well.
2. Mike is sick. He _______ go swimming today.
3. Sorry, Mike. I _______ go to the lake.
4. I can speak Spanish, and I ______ speak French too.
5. We ______ lift the bicycle, but it is very heavy.
6. They ______ succeed in the exam. They have to study hard.
7. You are very lazy. You ______ write your homework even.
8. Students _______ memorize it. It is easy.
9. The birds _______ fly. They have wings.
10. I ______ eat all of that. I am full.
11. That woman ______ eat all the rice. She is greedy.
12. We _______ study all the book. It is very difficult.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
The Roma Sauce
Hello. I am Gino Leone. I am from Italy and I cook Italian food. My favorite dish is
spaghetti with meat sauce. My favorite sauce is the Roma Sauce. Let’s make it together.
First of all, pour three spoons of oil into a large pan. Then, slice two
onions. Put the onions and some garlic in the oil and fry it for three
minutes. After that, add one kilo of meat mixed it with oil and fry
for ten minutes. Then, add one small can of tomato paste and two cups of water. During
adding the tomato paste and water, try to mixed and shake all the ingredients well. At
the end, fry all the pot and the ingredients within one hour. When it got ready after one
hour put the Sauce into plates, and mind you that you can to flavor the Sauce with salt,
pepper, oregano. And also for enjoying more have cold beverage with Sauce.
Mmmm! How delicious it tastes. I want to be with you guys and have the Roma Sauce. I
don’t want take your time. Drink hail.

1. Sauce 5. Slice 9. Add 13. Shake
2. Dish 6. Garlic 10. Mix 14. Ingredient
3. Pour 7. Fry 11. During 15. Within
4. Flavor 8. Oregano 12. Beverage 16. Delicious

 Interaction: give instructions

Tell another student what to buy. The student should make a list and explains that how a
food is cooked.

A1: buy/get _______ A1: ________ A1: That is all.

B1: Ok. What else? B1: what else? B1: Ok.

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Skill Building
Read each sentence aloud with the correct preposition. Use in, on, at, to, of, for, and
Gino Leone teaches ________ the cooking school ______ Main Street. He
makes the Roma Sauce ______ every new class. He pours three tablespoons ____
oil into a large pan. He puts the onions ________ the pan. He cooks the meat and
the onions _______ five minutes. He seasons the sauce _______ salt and pepper.
He cooks the sauce _______ a large pan. He serves the sauce _______ spaghetti.

 Communication Game
Tell another student to do three or four things. He/she has to do the things in order. Use
open, close, go, walk, come, drink, get, find and etc. look the example.

 Do what I say.

1. Lift your hand.

2. Drink a glass of water.

Adverb ‫قیــــــد‬
Adverb is a word which is used to complete the meaning of adverb, adjective and another
.‫ صفت و قید دیگر را اکمل می سازد‬،‫قید لکم ًه است که معین فعل‬
Ex. Elizabeth is very smart boy.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Kinds of Adverb ‫اقســام قـــید‬
Simple Adverbs are those which are used extensively in daily activity.
.‫ آن دس ته قیودی هستند که وس یع ًا در زندگی روز مره مورد اس تفاده قرار می گریند‬:‫قیود ساده‬

 The simple adverbs are divided into eight parts.

o Adverbs Of Manners ‫قیود حالت و چگونگی‬
o Adverbs Of Time ‫قیود زمان‬
o Adverbs Of Place ‫قیود مــــاکن‬
o Adverbs Of Reason ‫قیود علت و نتیجه‬
o Adverbs Of Numbers ‫قیود اعداد‬
o Adverbs Of Intensive ‫قیود ًاتکید‬
o Adverbs Of Affirmation and Negation ‫قیود ًاتکیدی و اناکر‬
1. Adverb of Manner: ‫قیود حالت و چگونگی‬
Adverbs of Manners are those which show how an action happens?
.‫ آن دس ته قیودی هستند که نشان میدهند که چگونه یک معل اتفاق می افتد‬:‫قیود حالت و چگونگی‬
 Bravely, Fast, correctly….etc
Ex. I have done my duty bravely.

2.Adverbs Of Time: ‫قیود زمان‬

Adverbs of time are those which show when an action happened.
.‫ آن دس ته قیودی هستند که نشان میدهند که یک معل چه وقت اتفاق افتاد‬:‫قیود زمان‬
 Today, Yesterday, Now…..etc
Ex. I saw him yesterday.
3. Adverbs of Place: ‫قیود ماکن‬
Adverbs of place are those which show where an action happened.
.‫ که یک معل در کجا اتفاق افتاده است‬،‫ نشان میدهد‬:‫قیود ماکن‬
 Here, There, inside……etc
Ex. I was standing there.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
4. Adverbs of Reason: ‫قیود علت و نتیجه‬
Adverbs of reason are those which show why an action happened.
.‫ نشان میدهد که چرا یک معل اتفاق افتاد‬:‫قیود علت و نتیجه‬
 Therefore, so far, because, so…..etc
Ex. He was lazy; therefore he failed in the exam.
5. Adverbs Of Numbers: ‫قیود اعداد‬
These adverbs show how often an action happened.
.‫ اجنام یک معل را نشان میدهند که چند ابر اتفاق افتاده است‬:‫قیود اعداد‬
 Once, twice, three times. .etc
Ex. We wash our body once a week.
6. Intensive Adverbs: ‫قیود ًاتکیدی‬
Intensive Adverbs are those which show emphasizing on an action.
.‫ آن دس ته قیودی هستند که ًاتکیدی را ابالی یک معل نشان میدهند‬:‫قیود اتکیدی‬
 Just, Even, Too…..Etc
Ex. I have just seen your father.
7. Adverb Of Affirmation and Negation ‫قیود ًاتکیدی و اناکر‬
These adverbs show agreement or disagreement with speaker.
.‫آن دس ته قیود هستند که موافقت ای خمالفت را نشان میدهند‬
 Yes, No, Of course, perhaps…..etc
Ex. Did you win the prize? Yes I did.

I just can’t get along with her

My wife is one of those people who like to make noise with anyone and never gets along
with anyone. When I return home from work, there is always something wrong with our
neighbor. I usually ask my wife the matter. But she always tells
me that the neighbor came to borrow bread. And I told them
that there are a lot of shops and markets outdoor. Then, why
don’t they buy from any baker? She says. I don’t know,
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
who right is? My wife or our neighbor! I am really confused. If I backup from my wife,
our neighbor will become sad. If I backup from our neighbor, my wife becomes sad and
will leave me forever. I really don’t know who should I backup from? Most of the times, I
try to tell my wife that she is right. However, she is a trouble and it is my entire wife’s
problem. Most of the times, I ignore her mistakes, because I love her anyway.

1. Make noise 4. Backup 7. Baker
2. Wrong 5. Anyway 8. Bread
3. Neighbor 6. Forever 9. Confuse

 Respond to these questions:

 Do you get along with your neighbor?
 Have you ever faced with any problem with your neighbor?
 Are neighbors really bad?
 What is the goodness of a neighbor?
 Give your own idea about neighbors?

 Study the menu. Then form groups of three students. One student is the waiter or
the waitress. The other two are the customers.

Waiter: Good ________. What would you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

Customer: I would like __________.
Waiter: is that all? What else would you like, sir/miss?
Customer: No, _________ too. (Yes, __________ ).

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Reentry
Present, present continuous tenses. Complete each sentence with correct form of the
It is Saturday morning. The Logans are clean/cleaning the apartment. This afternoon
they can go/going to the lake.
1. Adela Logan have to/ has to find a good job. She is studying/study computer
2. Tom Logan works/working/work at the Wells Travel Agency. Does he
work/working/works there on Saturdays? No, but he has to work/working at home.
He cooks/cook/cooking and cleaning/cleans/clean the house with Adela and the
children. He can cooks/cooking/cook very well.

3. Sam Logan be a mechanic. He go/goes/going to Winfield Community College at

night. He is study/studying/study math this year.

4. Does Bob works/work/working? Yes. He does. He clean/cleans/cleaning tables at the

Chinese restaurant. He plays/playing/play soccer at the park with Sam and Mike.
5. What about Lisa? What is she does/do/doing now? She is works/working/work in
the kitchen at home. She has to clean/cleaning the kitchen. Then she can
goes/go/going to park with Joyce.

Formation of Adverb ‫طرز تشکیل قید‬

Most of adverbs are formed by adding (Ly) at the end of adjectives.
.‫( در آخر صفات تشکیل می شوند‬Ly) ‫بس یاری از قیود اب عالوه منودن‬

 Polite-Politely correct- correctly happy- happily…..etc

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Conditional Sentences
The conditional sentences are those which are formed by (If) or (Weather) in English
and express a condition.
‫( در زابن انگلییس تشکیل شده و‬Weather) ‫( و ای‬If) ‫ آن دس ته مجالیت هستند که به وس یهل‬:‫مجالت رشطیه‬
.‫رشطی را بیان میکنند‬
Ex. If I study hard, I will succeed in exam.
Ex. Weather it is sunny, we will go to pool.

 The conditional sentences are divided into five parts.

1. Zero conditional
2. Type one conditional
3. Type two conditional
4. Type three conditional

1.Zero Conditional: ‫مجهل رشطیه صفری‬

This conditional shows the facts and is used when the result always happens.
.‫ حقایق را نشان داده و زمانیکه نتیجه مهیشه صد فیصد رخ بدهد اس تفاده میشود‬:‫مجهل رشطی صفری‬

 Structure: If + sub + simple present, + Sub + simple present.

Ex: if we heat ice, it melts.
Ex: if babies are hungry, they cry.
Ex: if water reaches 100 degrees, it boils.

2. Type one Conditional: ‫مجهل رشطیه نوع اول‬

It shows future facts that we use the first conditional to talk about future events that are
likely happen. Of course, we don’t know what will happen in the future, but describes
possible things, which could easily come true.
‫ حقایق آینده را نشان میدهد و ما خباطر این مجهل رشطیه نوع اول را اس تفاده میکنمی ات ده‬:‫مجهل رشطیه نوع اول‬
.‫مورد واقعات آینده حصبت کنمی که ممکن شاید رخ بدهد‬
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Structure: If + sub + simper present, + Sub + simple future.
Ex: if it rains, I will not go to school.
Ex: if I have enough money, I will by a new car.
Ex: if you lend me 10000 dollars, I will give back tomorrow.
3. Type two Conditional: ‫مجالت رشطیه نوع دوم‬
It shows a hypothesis in the past future and discusses about variation events which is
impossible to change that that is why it is hypothetical.
‫ یک فرضیه را در گذش ته آینده نشان داده و درابره تغیری واقعات که تغیری آن انممکن است‬:‫مجالت رشطیه نوع دوم‬
.‫ از مهنی رو فریض میگویند‬.‫بث میکند‬
 Structure: If + sub + simple past, sub + would + com.
Ex: if I won the lottery, I would buy an apartment in London.
Ex. If I met the queen of England, I would say hello.
Ex: If I went to Course early, the manager would not let me in.
Memo: It should not be left unsaid that in the improbable condition (Were) is used
instead of (Was) for singular subjects (I, He, She, It).
He, She, ‫( برای فاعل های مفرد‬Was) ‫( به جای‬Were) ‫ انگفته نباید گذاشت که در مجالت رشطیه انممکن‬:‫نوت‬
.‫)اس تعامل می گردد‬I ،It)
Ex. If I were you, I would accept it.
Ex. If she were a queen, she would be very proud of her self.
Ex: If I were a machine, I would repair my own car.
Ex: we would travel all over the world if we were rich.
4. Type 3 conditional: ‫مجهل رشطیه نوع سوم‬
It is hypothetical and discusses about past and it is used to describe a situation that didn’t
happen and talks about impossible events, because they are in the past and we cannot
change what has happened.
‫ (فرضیه) فریض است درمورد گذش ته بث میکند و خباطر رشح یک وضعیت که رخ‬:‫مجهل رشطیه نوع سوم‬
‫نداده ای درمورد واقعات انممکن حصبت میکند چون آن واقعات در گذش ته اتفاق افتاده و ما آچنه که رخ داده ای‬
.‫نداده ابشه تغیری داده منی توانمی‬
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Structure: If + sub + past perfect, + sub + perfect condition + com.
rd rd
 Structure: if + sub + had + 3 V + com, sub + would + have + 3 V + com.
Ex: My mom would have become a teacher if she had gone to university.
Ex: if I had seen him at the meeting, I would have asked him everything.
Ex: if police had seen the thief, he would have arrested him.

 Change the sentences in English.

.‫ یکی اش را برای شام میدادم‬،‫ اگر من دو کتاب میداش مت‬.1

.‫ من مجپر گرم منی پوش یدم‬،‫ اگر آب و هوا رسد منی بود‬.2
.‫ او شام را رها منی کرد‬،‫ اگر شام او را دوست میداشتید‬.3
.‫ این را زنگ مزیند‬،‫ اگر ما آهن را در هوای آزاد بگذارمی‬.4
.‫ پدرم مرا جزا خواهد داد‬،‫ اگر تنها بریون بروم‬.5
.‫ اس تاد شام را از صنف بریون منی کرد‬،‫ اگر شام وظیفه خویش را اجنام میدادید‬.6
.‫ ما به فوتبال کردن خواهمی رفت‬،‫ اگر آب و هوا معتدل ابشد‬.7
.‫ مردم افغانس تان را ترک منی کردند‬،‫ اگر در افغانس تان صلح می بود‬.8
.‫ مردم دوابره برایش رای خواهند داد‬،‫ اگر رئیس مجهور ارشف غین خشص خوب ابشد‬.9
.‫ جبه صبح بیدار خوامه شد‬11 ‫ ساعت‬،‫ جبه خواب شوم‬11 ‫ اگر من‬.11
 Fill the blanks with correct words:

1. If we _______ wing, we ________ fly in the sky.

2. I would do it, if I ______ young.
3. My father ______ punish me, if I ______ out alone.
4. If she _____ me, she _______ leave the class.
5. They would buy a house, if they ______ money.
6. Where _______ you go? If you had a car.
7. If it _______ party tonight, I would invite all my friends.
8. If she ______ you, she would say all the matter.
9. If your birthday comes, I ______ surprise you.
10. What would you buy? If you _______ one million dollars.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Fill the blank space with correct words.
(Passengers, are, province, am, from, solve, because, sit, too, problem, has).
The school which I go to is very nice and clean. It_____ 20 classes with beautiful
windows and doors. It is started at different times, from 7 up to 10, from 11 up to 2 and
from 2 up to 5 o’clock. There _____ different faculties in the university such as
Economy, Engineering, Medicine, Literature and etc.
I_____ in English literature faculty. There are 50 students in our class. They are
________ from different provinces of Afghanistan. Majority of students are
_______ Balkh _________. I like very much the students who are passenger.
During the lesson time we usually _______ together and _______ our problem.
And if we have _______, we refer to the teacher. Our teachers are very toiler.
______ they do their best on students. Therefore we love our teachers very much.
And our teachers love us ______.

 Put (T) if the sentence is true; put (F) if the sentence is false.

1. The cat can run faster than a lion. ( ).

2. I flew yesterday. ( ).
3. If we eat more, we become fat. ( ).
4. To walk alone is dangerous. ( ).
5. Jogging keeps us fit. ( ).
6. The doctors make us fine. ( ).
7. Smart children are very active. ( ).
8. Fire has no danger. ( ).
9. Fire can to cause death. ( ).
10. The patients are remedied by doctors. ( ).
11. To drinks too much coffee makes us thin. ( ).
12. Smoking keeps us healthy. ( ).
13. Afghanistan is located in the heart of Asia. ( ).
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
14. The earth moves around the sun. ( ).
15. To play alone makes us tired. ( ).
16. To study more makes us thin. ( ).
17. To recite Holy Quran makes us healthy. ( ).
18. Afghanistan is the poorest country in the world. ( ).
19. Being in fresh and clean weather makes us to our mind improve. ( ).
20. To watch the TV more makes our eyes weak. ( ).
21. Afghanistan is a mountainous country. ( ).
22. Allah is kinder 71 times more than a mother. ( ).
23. A baby has 32 teeth. ( ).
24. The fish can stay alive a week without drinking water. ( ).
25. Where there is knowledge there is treasure. ( ).

Dinosaur Drawings
It was the worst morning ever. When Carl woke up, he realized
that he didn’t do his astronomy and chemistry homework. Also,
the forecast called for rain and that would affect baseball practice.
Suddenly, his mother yelled, “Take out the garbage right now!”
When Carl returned from taking the garbage outside, he was all wet. “What a terrible
day,” he said. He walked to class. He put his umbrella on the shelf and sat in the third
row. But the teacher asked why Carl’s umbrella was on the floor. He told her not to
blame him. But she sent him to the principal out of spite. Next, he took a geography test.
Despite studying, Carl didn’t know the answers. He started drawing lightly on his paper.
Carl drew a huge dinosaur. What if it were real? He saw it in his mind. Carl’s class said
he was a genius for having a dinosaur. It could interfere with math class, too! Soon,
Carl’s fame spread through school. He taught his dinosaur to be very gentle and put it
on exhibit. But admission would only be given to those classmates who paid him a fee.
His idea was super. “It’s time to turn in your tests,” the teacher said. Carl looked at his
paper. As he was dreaming in class, he hadn’t finished the test!
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Reading Comprehension
Answer the questions
1. What is this story about?
a. A wet classroom b. A boy who is a genius
c. A bell that keeps ringing d. A day that was not super
2. What does Carl think his dinosaur can do?
a. Make money for him on admission fees
b. Interfere with taking out the garbage
c. Take the blame for failing geography
d. Reach things on the top shelf
3. What did Carl do?
a. Break a jar at breakfast b. Draw lightly on his test paper
c. Forget his hat on the bus d. Stay after school for being late
4. Despite Carl studying for his test, what happened?
a. His teacher was not gentle with him.
b. He had to sit in the last row.
c. The exhibit did not earn him any fame.
d. He did not do well on his geography test.
5. Do you think that Carl will have baseball practice after school? Why?

 Exercise 1
Choose the word that is a better fit for each sentence.
1. Chemistry / despite
Oil and water do not have a good_________ together. We should go
_________the weather.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
2. Admission / exhibit
I wanted to see the bird________ at the zoo. My daughter has gained _______to
an Ivy League university.
3. Geography / dinosaur
I wish I could see a real_________ I learned about a South American country in my
4. Gentle / lightly
be very_______________ with the old dishes. ___________ push the dirt
in around the flowers.
5. Genius / fame
I don’t know if I would enjoy____________. My son is a _____________.

 Exercise 2
Check (put tick) the sentence with the bolded word that makes better sense.
1. ___ a. We learned about grammar in astronomy class.
_____b. Do not interfere when I am working.
2. ___ a. It was very kind of him to spite his sister.
_____b. Which shelf should I put this on?
3. ___ a. Do you have a shelf in your yard?
_____b. In astronomy class, I learned about the Solar System.
4. ___ a. He drank all the milk in the fridge to spite me.
_____b. Mrs. Joyner is a strict principal, but she is actually very nice.
5. ___ a. The loud music interferes with my concentration.
_____b. It is against his principals to be dishonest

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Future Perfect Tense
Future perfect tense shows an action which will have been completed before some
specified time or before another action in the future.
.‫ معیل را نشان میدهد که قبل از وقت معنی ای قبل از معل دیگر در آینده تمکیل خواهد شد‬:‫زمان اکمل آینده‬
 Usages
 Completed action before something in the future
Ex: By the time the guests get home, I will have brought all things.
 Duration before something in the future
Ex: Ali will have been in India for 9 months by the time he leaves.
 Structure: ‫ساخامتن‬
 Sub+ Will/Shall + have + V + complement.
 Will/shall+sub+have+v +complement?
 Sub+ will/shall+not+have+v +complement.
 Will/shall+not+sub+have+v +complement?
Ex: we will have studied mathematics by the time you come.
Ex: I shall have finished my homework by 12:00 o’clock before I go to school.
Ex: you will have prepared everything by the time we return from store.
Ex: I will have finished English by the time you come back from the U. S.

 Exercise
1. _______ your boss______ the office by the time we come to the office?
a. will/ leave b. will leaved c. will/ left d. will/ leaven
2. They_____________ the movie by 11 o’clock.
a. will has watched b. will have watched
c. will have watch d. will have watches
3. I will have_________ the essay by tomorrow.
a. written b. wrote c. writing d. writes
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
4. The workers will_________ lunch by 2 o’clock.
a. have/ has b. have/ have c. had/ have d. have/ had
5. I________ have_______ to the party by the time you get here.
a. won’t/ go b. won’t/ gone c. won’t/ went d. won’t/ going
6. Her grandma will have_______ her holiday by Friday.
a. return b. returning c. returns d. returned
7. Omer will___________ his bike by next week.
a. had/ repaired b. have/ repaired c. had/ repair d. have/ repair
8. We won’t__________ her parents by next year.
a. have/ meeten b. have/ meet c. have/ met d. met
9. Julian will have___________ London by next day.
a. have/ leaved b. have/ left c. have/ leave d. left
10. _______ Howard have________ new phone by the time we return your
a. will/ bought b. will/ buyed c. will/ buys d. bought
11. I will not have_________ your computer by evening.
a. had/ fixed b. have/ fixed c. fixed d. had/ fix
12. Zakee will not_________ his problems with his parents by the time you back.
a. had/ discusses b. have/ discuss c. discussed d. have/ discussed
13. By the end of the year we will not _________ around the world.
a. has travel b. have travel c. have traveled d. has traveled
14. My mother will _______ dinner by 8 o’clock.
a. has cooked b. have cooked c. have cooks d. have cooking
15. We will not _________ to the new flat by next time.
a. have moved b. have moving c. have moves d. has moved
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Doctor with patient
Patient: Excuse me doctor! I have a weight problem,
and my weight is increasing day by day.
Doctor: Ok, I check, first I want to ask you some question.
But answer correctly.
Patient: Yes, doctor, I will tell you the fact.
Doctor: Tell me what you eat in breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Patient: in breakfast, I usually eat two glasses of milk with cake and bread.
And at lunch I eat rice, potato and juice every day. But at night I only have rice with
meat, fresh fruit and a cold beverage.
Doctor: Wow! What a greedy boy. Do you really have these foods alone?
Patient: Yes, doctor, why is it less?
Doctor: No, it is ok. Keep having much if you want to get fat more than it.
Patient: Doctor, tell me that what should I do to get skinny and fit?
Doctor: then listen, in the morning run fast for 1 hour without breakfast, and at noon
have only one banana and by night eat nothing, it keeps you fit.
Patient: Doctor, what else should I do?

 Reentry
Find the word in each group which is different.
Ex: Steak chicken cake ham
1. Banana orange apple butter
2. Movie ice cream concert soccer game
3. Saturday morning Friday week
4. Park pool lake oil
5. Coffee bread milk tea
6. Winfield English French Japanese
7. Math science kitchen history
8. Breakfast dinner waiter lunch
9. Bulb almond lantern torch
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
The Cat and the Fox
One day, a cat hiked on a mountain. When he reached the
peak, he met a fox. They began talking about how they get
away from their enemies. “I am very smart. I have billions
of ideas. I can carve a tiny hole in a tree, and then climb in,”
the fox said. He added, “I have a lot of friends. If I am in trouble, I can call them to lend
their help. I can escape with entire army if I have to!” Then, the fox asked, “What are
your potential plans?” The cat said, “I have only one plan.” The fox said, “I hope you
have good fortune, then! Do you want me to be your tutor? I can teach you many
things.” The cat said, “I guarantee that my plan works every time. We can quit talking
about it.” Soon, they saw a group of wolves. It was an emergency. The cat quickly used
her plan. She ran up a tree. The fox could not decide which plan to use. “What should
my initial move be? Should I consult my friends?” The fox felt intense anxiety. All he
could do was spin in a circle. The wolves caught the fox. The cat was full of pride. This is
proof that having a good plan is better than having many bad plans.

 Answer the questions;

1. What is this story about?
a. Why cats have good fortune
b. How you make guarantees about plans
c. Why you need a good plan in an emergency
d. How foxes have the potential to make billions of plans
2. Why did the fox feel intense anxiety?
a. Because he tried to spin in circles
b. Because his army of friends did not lend their help
c. Because he did not know what his initial move should be
d. Because he could not find a tree in which to carve a tiny hole
3. Why was the cat full of pride at the end of the story?
a. He hiked to the peak of the mountain.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
b. He had proof that his plan was best.
c. He did not let the fox become his tutor.
d. He loved to hide in the trees.
4. According to the passage, all the following are true Except_________.
a. the fox got caught by the wolves
b. the cat did not get caught by the wolves
c. the fox said he could consult his friends if he got into trouble
d. the fox decided to quit thinking of plans and just use one
5. What guarantee did the cat make to the fox?

 Exercise 1
Choose the right definition for the given word.
1. Carve
a. to know b. to teach c. to stop d. to cut into
2. Consult
a. to stop b. to give c. to ask for help d. to turn in circles
3. Anxiety
a. very small b. worries c. luck d. group of fighters
4. Intense
a. strong b. bad c. first d. mountain top
5. Proof
a. luck b. a large number c. facts d. a group of fighter
6. Tutor
a. a group of fighters b. to turn in circles
c. someone who gives lessons d. to stop
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
7. Lend
a. to stop b. to give c. to know d. to cut
8. Initial
a. first b. very small c. mountain top d. strong
9. Hike
a. to walk in the forest b. to turn in circles c. to teach d. to ask for help
10. Pride
a. a group of fighters b. needing help
c. able to happen d. being happy with yourself

 Exercise 2
Check (put tick) the sentence with the bolded word that makes better sense.
1.___ a. I should quit eating candy because it is bad for me.
____b. The tiny tower stretched to the sky.

2.___ a. We ran far above the mountain peak.

____b. I will need water if I’m going to hike the long trail.

3.___ a. If I want to get better at sports, I should quit playing.

____b. The tiny ant crawled in under the door.

4.___ a. The clouds look like they can touch the mountain peaks.
____b. I have a great deal of pride when I lose a contest.

5.___ a. The boy was filled with pride when he learned how to read.
____b. I hiked downstairs from my room.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Exercise 3
Choose the word that is a better fit for each sentence.

1. Guarantee / potential
There are___________ problems with her plan. I ________you that I’ll get a
good grade because I studied hard.

2. lends/tutor
My mother _____ I work as a ______ me her car when I need it. during the
summer to make money.

3. billions / intense
My eyes hurt when I looked into the________ light. There are_______ of people
in the world.

4. quit/initial
To cook noodles, the She_______________ step is to boil water. She
_________taking care of her plants, so they died.

5. Emergency / anxiety
I had a feeling of___________ when I thought the bully would hit me. When the
man stopped breathing, his wife knew it was an__________.

6. fake / newcomers
The girl didn’t like the ___________ , so she played a joke on them. She put
___________ bugs in their drinks.

7. repay / neglected
She was eager to ____________the boy that had helped her repair her bike. While
others had simply __________her, he was happy to help.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Discuss the idioms.

1. A needle in a haystack. A thing that is almost impossible to find like

searching a person in a big city is like looking for a needle in haystack.

2. Cheapskate A person who hates to spend money; stingy person.

3. Crybaby Someone who cries a lot and for no reason.

4. Daredevil A person who does dangerous things and takes risks.

5. Couch potato A lazy person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching

 Remember ;
1. Search for a beautiful heart, not a beautiful face. Beautiful things are
not always good, but good things are always beautiful.
2. If you don’t fight for what you want, don’t cry for what lost.

3. A tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to hurt someone so

badly. So, choose your words carefully.

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Skill Building
Complete each sentence with before or after.
1. Breakfast is ________ lunch.
2. Mr. Logan goes home ______ work.
3. Toshio goes to a hotel _______ a flight.
4. Liz eats breakfast ______ his job.
5. Tom and Bob wash the dishes ________ dinner.
6. Self knowing is _______ God knowing.
7. Sunday is _________ Saturday.
8. Hundred is _______ thousand.
9. October is ________ September.
10. You are _______ me.
11. I sleep _______ 10 o’clock.
12. We watch TV _______ the meal.
13. Winter is ________ fall.
14. University is _______ School.
15. Ablution is _______ prayer.
16. Creatures are _______ world’s creation.
17. Mobile was invented _______ the TV.
18. Life is _______ death.
19. Hamid Karzai was the president of Af _______ Ashraf Ghani.
20. We get dressed ______ going to work.
21. Workers get exhausted ______ hard working.
22. I go to sleep _____ having the dinner.
23. Body builders eat proteins ______ exercising.
24. Century is ______ year.
25. School is _____ university.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Clause is a group of words which has subject and predicate and forms part of a sentence
is called a clause.
‫ قضیه انمیده می‬،‫ گروپ از لکامت که دارای مبتدا و خرب بوده و خبشی از مجهل را تشکیل دهند‬:)‫قضیه (رشط‬
Ex: Which I sent it last week.
Ex: That my Mom was fine.
Ex: Why I came here.

 If we add another sentence with each of them they can make a complete sense.
.‫ آهنا میتوانند معین اکمل را افاده کنند‬،‫هرگاه ما مجهل دیگری را اب هر یکی از آهنا اضافه منایمی‬
Ex: This is the letter which I sent it last week.
Ex: The doctor said that my Mom was fine.
Ex: It is the reason why I came here.

 The sentences which support the clause are called principle clause and another
part of it is called subordinating clause.
.‫مجالت که قضیه را حامیت میکنند بنام قضیه اصیل و قسمت دیگر آن را بنام قضیه فرعی اید میکنند‬

1. Principle(independent) clause: )‫قضیه مس تقل (اصیل‬

That part of the sentence which makes complete meaning is called principle clause. It
can stand and make sense by itself. It does not need to be joined to any other clauses,
because it contains all the information necessary to be a complete sentence.
.‫آن خبش مجهل که معین اکمل را افاده کند بنام قضیه اصیل اید می شود‬
Ex: This is a book.
Ex: I come on time.
Ex: She eats more.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
2. Subordinating( dependent) clause: )‫قضیه ان مس تقل (وابس ته‬
That part of the sentence which does not express a complete meaning and cannot
stand alone is called subordinating clause.
.‫آن خبش مجهل که معین اکمل را افاده نکند و به تنهایی خود معین ندهد بنام قضیه فرعی ای مس تقل اید میشود‬
Ex: Which we learn.
Ex: That he plays.
Ex: because I forgot my H.W.
 The above examples are called sentence fragment.

Note: The principle and subordinating clauses are connected by conjunctions such as
(who, whom, whose, which, that, what, when, where . . .).
.‫قضاایی اصیل و قضاایی فرعی بواسطه حروف ربط مهچون قرار ذیل به مه وصل می شوند‬

 The subordinating clauses are divided into three parts:

1. Noun clause
2. Adjective clause
3. Adverb clause

1. Noun clause: ‫قضیه امسی‬

A group of words which has subject and predicate of its own and does the work of a
noun is called noun clause. And also noun clause is a dependent clause that acts as a
.‫گروپ از لکامت که دارای مبتدا و خرب بوده و اکر امس را اجنام دهند بنام قضیه امسی اید میگردد‬

Ex: I don’t know what she wants.

Main clause Noun clause
Ex: what he says is not logical.
Ex: I don’t know that he plays football or not.
Ex: Adam memorizes what he learns in the school.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Ex: what I had forgotten was that I had a test today.
Ex: whoever you like can be with.
Ex: whatever makes you happy.

2. Adjective clause: ‫قضیه وصفی‬

A group of words which has subject and predicate of its own and dos the work of an
adjective is called adjective clause. And also adjective clause is a dependent clause
which modifies a noun and usually begins with relative pronoun (which, that, who,
whom, whose) or a relative adverbs (where, when, why).
.‫گروپ از لکامت که دارای مبتدا و خرب بوده و اکر صفت را اجنام دهند بنام قضیه وصفی اید میگردد‬
Ex: He is the teacher who can speak English well.
Main clause Adjective clause
Ex: That is the man who can speak many languages.
Ex: This is the book which has sweet and comic stories.
Ex: students who study hard get good grades.
Ex: The teacher who you talked about is really brave.

 There are two types of Adjective clauses:

1. Restrictive or defining clauses: ‫قضیه حمدود کننده‬
2. Non-restrictive or non-defining clauses: ‫قضیه غری حمدود کننده‬
1. Restrictive it is also called defining clauses gives essential information about the
noun. These clauses don’t require commas.
Ex: The writer who won the Nobel Prize is from Colombia.
Ex: The man who is standing there is a guard.
2. Non-restrictive which is also called non-defining clauses gives extra or non-
essential information about the noun. These clauses require commas.
Ex: Beef Burger, which most people love, is not healthy at all.
Ex: My brother, who is a doctor, lives in a village.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Turning Adjective clause into phrase
And adjective clause with a subject pronoun such as (which, that or who) can also be
shortened into phrase.
 You can shorten an adjective clause in two ways:
1. Omit the subject pronoun and verb.
2. Omit the subject pronoun and change the verb to the form ending in (ing).
Ex: Adjective clause: The books, which are lost, are not really necessary.
Adjective phrase: The books lost are not really necessary.
Ex: Adjective clause: The boy who is running is my best friend.
Adjective phrase: The girl running is my best friend.
Ex: Adjective clause: Something that smells bad may be rotten.
Adjective phrase: Something smelling bad may be rotten.

 Remember we use (who) for person and (which) for thing but (that) is used for
both persons and things.
3. Adverb clause: ‫قضیه قیدی‬
A group of words which has subject and predicate of its own and does the work of an
adverb is called adverb clause. Since they are dependent clauses, they must have a
subordinating conjunction to connect them to the other clause. Most of the time, and
adverb clause will be separated from other clause by a comma.
.‫گروپ از لکامت که دارای مبتدا و خرب بوده و اکر قید را اجنام دهند بنام قضیه قیدی اید می شود‬
Ex: Rose went where she loved.
Main clause Adverb clause
Ex: I put the ball where I found from.
Ex: call me as soon as you got home.
Ex: whether you like it or not, you have to go.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Subordinating conjunctions:
(After, before, as soon as, by the time, while, because, although, in order to…).
 Types of Adverb Clauses
1. Place: he thinks he will be happy where he has recently moved.
2. Time: I wrote the English book when I was 20.
3. Manner: The servant has cleaned the room as we wanted.
4. Reason: My mom forgave me because she loved me.
5. Purpose: They bought a new car so that they go wherever they want.
6. Concession: Although My grandfather is too old, he runs fast.
7. Condition: if I were you, I would buy an airplane.
8. Comparison: They are as foolish as crazy.
 Change the following sentences in English.
.‫ رمضان ماه است که متام مسلامانن روزه میگریند‬.1
.‫ مهینکه پدرت آمد برامی خرب بدهید‬.2
.‫ آچنه که تو میگی اشتباه است‬.3
.‫ والیت دارد‬34 ‫ افغانس تان کشوری است که‬.4
.‫ او کیس است که من درابره اش برایت گفته بودم‬.5
.‫ شری حیواین است که از مهه حیواانت تزی می دود‬.6
.‫ این کیس است که بس یار دوست اش دارم‬.7
.‫ امریاک کشوری است که بس یار تریق کرده است‬.8
.‫ من کیس هس مت که مهه آچنه که دارم فدایت کرده میتوامن‬.9
.‫ این طفیل است که دندان ندارد‬.11
.‫ سیب میوه است که برای حصت بس یار فایده دارد‬.11
.‫ این موتری است که هیچ طایر ندارد‬.12
.‫ این تصویر شهری است جاییکه من میخوامه سفر کمن‬.13
.‫ این یکی از مرد های است که مهه را آزار میدهد‬.14
.‫ او دخرتی است که دیروز گم شده بود‬.15
.‫ جاییکه دوست دارم مریوم‬.16
.‫ او دخرت منی فهمد که من چی میگم‬.17
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
.‫ من منی فهمم که حمفل چی وقت است‬.18
.‫ که مادر شام همرابن است‬.19
.‫ آن دزدی است که دیشب موترم را دزدی کرده بود‬.21
 Fill the blanks with correct clause.
1. This is the balloon ____________has different colors.
2. Mike a guy ____________ is very nice.
3. This is the veil __________ I bought it last week.
4. I am one of those ones _________ can devote what all I have.
5. Goat is the animal _________ eats vegetables.
6. Hell is the place _________ the sinful are thrown in.
7. You are the only one ________ I hate.
8. This is the patient _________ hand is broken.
9. This is the Course ___________ I go.
10. Thief is a person __________ steals everything.

Most people need seven to eight hours of sleep in a night. Some people
need less than this and some people need more. According to sleep
expert Dr. Robert says, many people have difficulty in sleeping, but they
do not know why? Most people know it is important not to drink coffee
or tea before they go bed both beverages have caffeine. Caffeine keeps people awake.
However nobody knows that some medicines such as cold tablets have caffeine too.
Stress can cause insomnia too. Busy people with successful jobs may not be able to sleep
at night.
Dr. Robert suggests. You should not use your bedroom as a TV room or an exercise
room. You should use it for sleeping only. It is good for all persons who make schedule
for their sleeping. Every day get up and sleep on time. And it is also important not to eat
before bedtime. Because eating may keep us awake. If all this does not work, try counting
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
1. According to 5. Expert 9. Awake 13. Suggest
2. Less 6. Difficulty 10. Medicine 14. As
3. More 7. Beverage 11. Cause

 What difficulties does insomnia cause?

 Why should we sleep?
 What time of the night do you sleep?

 Fill the text with correct word: (again, coffee, before, lazy, does, advises, sleeps, she,
goes, problem).
Some people have ______ with sleeping as my sister. She ______ to school at 7
o’clock. When ______ comes back home usually ______ after lunch. My father
______ her to studies her lessons and ______ the chores. But she is very _____
girl. Because ______ the dinner she gets up at 7:30 o’clock. She is used to drinking
_____ with chocolate after the dinner and goes to bed _____ up to morning.

The Shepherd and the Wild Sheep

Once there was a shepherd. Every night he counted and gathered
his sheep. He was sure never to overlook any of them. One night,
he saw some wild sheep had joined his herd. He hoped to acquire
the newcomers. It snowed that night. In the morning, the shepherd
couldn’t take his sheep out of his lodge. Instead, he had to feed them inside. He gave a
small amount of wheat to his own sheep. But he gave more of the food to the wild sheep.
He thought the extra wheat would discourage them from leaving. It snowed for several
days. During that time, the shepherd’s sheep ate very little. The wild sheep, however, ate
very well. At last, the snow melted, and they ventured outdoors. As soon as he opened
the door of his hut, the wild sheep started to run away. “Wait! This is how you repay
me? After I treated you so kindly, why do you run away?” the shepherd asked. His voice
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
was full of hatred. The wild sheep stopped and turned toward the shepherd. “We’re
leaving because you fed us better than your own sheep,” one of the wild sheep replied.
“You tried to deceive us with your ridiculous plan. Yesterday you treated us kindly, but
tomorrow you might be different. If more wild sheep joined your herd, you would treat
us as inferior sheep.” As the wild sheep ran away, the shepherd understood his offense.
He knew this awkward situation was his own fault. He had not been a satisfactory
caretaker. He was a fake friend to the wild sheep. Because of this, he had neglected his
own herd.
Reading Comprehension
 Answer the questions
1. What was the shepherd’s hope for the wild sheep?
a. That they wouldn’t be awkward b. That they would feel hatred for him
c. That he could acquire them d. That he could repay them
2. How did the shepherd hope to discourage the wild sheep from running away?
a. By giving them extra food b. By locking them in his hut
c. By selling his own sheep d. By being their friend
3. All of the following describe what kind of caretaker the shepherd was Except_____.
a. fake b. ridiculous c. inferior d. satisfactory
4. What was the shepherd’s offense?
a. He never acquired the wild sheep. b. He trapped the sheep in his lodge,
c. He hurt the wild sheep. d. He did not care for his own sheep.
Part A: Choose the right definition for the given word.
1. Satisfactory
a. to pretend b. to care for c. good enough d. project
2. Newcomer
a. not comfortable b. someone new to a place
c. not as good as d. a glass lamp
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
3. Repay
a. to give back b. to not pay attention to
c. a house for hunting d. a bad thing that someone does
4. Fake
a. to fail to notice b. not real c. to get d. to protect
5. Discouraged
a. high place b. to dislike a lot c. not real d. less excited

Part B: Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. Fake / newcomers
The girl didn’t like the _______, so she played a joke on them. She put _______
bugs in their drinks.
2. Acquire / lodge
Dave hoped to ____________a new house. The ____________where he
lived was too old.
3. Repay / neglected
She was eager to ____________the boy that had helped her repair her bike. While
others had simply __________her, he was happy to help.
4. Offenses / discouraged
Going to jail ____________the man from any ____________in the future.
5. Shepherd / venturing
In the middle of the storm, the _________looked for his lost sheep by________
up the mountain.
6. Deceive / ridiculous
My little brother tried to __________us by dressing in Dad’s clothes, but he just

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
7. Wheat / hut
The farmer built h is ____________close to the ____________field so he
could constantly watch it.
8. Awkward / caretaker
After the ___________started a small fire in the kitchen, he felt very________.

9. Overlook / inferior
Most shoppers tend to _________ any products that they think are
__________to similar things.

10. Hatred / satisfactory

She had a __________for food with tomatoes, but everything else on the menu

Part C: Choose the right word for the given definition.

1. A strong feeling of not liking someone or something
a. deceive b. repay c. offense d. hatred
2. Not as good as
a. inferior b. hatred c. satisfactory d. venture

3. To get something
a. overlook b. discourage c. lodge d. acquire

4. To go to a dangerous place
a. wheat b. venture c. newcomer d. caretaker
5. A plant that makes grain
a. fake b. wheat c. shepherd d. hut

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Preposition is a word which is used to show the relationship between two persons or
.‫حرف اضافه لکمه ایست که رابطه میان دو خشص و ای یش را نشان میدهد‬
Ex: The guests sit on the mattress.

 The preposition is divided into two parts:

1. Simple prepositions
2. Compound prepositions

1. Simple prepositions: ‫حروف اضافه ساده‬

The simple prepositions are those which are used in the ordinary or standard form and
show the relationship between two persons or things.
‫حروف اضافه ساده آن دس ته حروف اضافه هستند که در شلک اثبت و ای معمویل اس تعامل شده و رابطه میان دو‬
.‫خشص و ای دو یش را نشان میدهند‬

 The simple prepositions consist in:

)In ‫داخل‬ on ‫ابال‬ under ‫در زیر‬ near ‫نزدیک‬ between ‫دربنی‬
With ‫ مهرای‬with out ‫بدون‬ since ‫ از وقتیکه‬beside ‫ هپلو‬despite ‫ابوجود‬
Against ‫در مقابل‬ behind ‫پشت رس‬ by ‫)توسط‬.
Ex: I am with my father.
Ex: The students are sitting behind me.
Ex: The mouse is in the cave.

2. Compound prepositions: ‫حروف اضافه ترکییب‬

The compound prepositions usually contain more than one syllable and show
relationship between two persons or things.
.‫حروف اضافه مرکب معموال دارای بیشرت از یک هجا بوده و رابطه میان دو خشص و ای یش را نشان میدهد‬
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 The compound prepositions are as follow:
(Because of ‫ خباطریکه‬in front of ‫پیش روی‬ in spite of ‫اب وجود‬ due to
‫بعلت‬،‫ بسبب‬in order to ‫برای اینکه‬ for the sake of ‫)خباطری‬.
Ex: I accept this gift for the sake of you.
Ex: We eat food in order to stay alive.
Ex: most of people died in Africa due to lack of food.

 Exercise
1. Julia is holding a cup_______ her hand. (on/ at/ in/).
2. They live________ the 3 floor. (on/ in/ at/).
3. My father works_________ the garden on Fridays. (on/ in/ at/).
4. Please sign_________ the bottom of the page. (at/ on/ in/).
5. Her grandma died_________ 2010. (at/ in/ on/ under/).
6. We will meet again_______ March. (on/ in/ at/ below/).
7. The train left________ 8. (in/ on/ at/ above/).
8. The guests are going to the hotel_______ the evening. (in/ at/ on/).
9. In America, students don’t go to school_______ Sundays. (at/ on/ in/).
10. I always have dinner with my teacher______ Christmas day. (at/ in/ on/).
11. Our president had a meeting______ the first day of New Year. (at/ in/ on/).
12. She was born_______ 2000. (on/ in/ at/ above/).
13. My mom is____ home, but my father is_____ work. (in/at in/ at/at).
14. I often get sleepy______ the afternoon. (on/ at/ in/ under/).
15. Can you call me______ night please? (on/ in/ at/ below/).
16. The workers start work_______ 7p.m. (on/ in/ at/ under/).
17. The boss is very busy______ the moment. (on/ in/ at/ above/).
18. People go skiing________ the winter. (at/ on/ in/ under/).
19. They saw me_____ my birthday. (in/ at/ on/ below/).
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
20. If she doesn’t com arrive____ the next 2 minutes, I am leaving. (on/ in/ at/).
21. We are going to swim_______ the weekend. (on/ in/ at/ on/at).
22. My parents like to watch TV________ midnight. (on/ at/ in/).
23. Bye! See you_______ Friday. (at/ in/ on/).
24. Samar got married_______ January. (at/ in/ on/).
25. I don’t like walking alone in the streets______ night. (on/ at/ in/).
26. Where will you go______ New Year’s Day? (on/ in/ at/).
27. They both finished______ the same time. (at/ in/ on/).
28. Students always come______ time. (at/ on/ in/).
29. Have you decided where you’re going______ summer? (at/ on/ in/).
30. I like to go to Brazil_______ Spring. (in/ at/ on/).

1. When do Muslims get fast? Muslims get fast in Ramadan month.
2. How many hours sleep do you have per night? I have got 5 hours sleep.
3. Why was the Holy Quran descent? For mankind’s guidance.
4. When were you enrolled at school? I was enrolled in 1387.
5. When will you graduate from S? I will graduate in 1399.
6. What is your favorite faculty? My favorite faculty is Literature.
7. Why do you like literature faculty? Because I like it very much.
8. What will you do after university? I try to find a good job.
9. What job do you like more? I love to be a teacher.
10. What do you want to teach? I want to teach English.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
An interview with Toshio
Toshio Ito is at the Plaza Hotel in Winfield. He is talking to a woman from the tourist office.
Linda: Excuse me, sir. Can you Toshio: yes, I can.
speak English?
Linda: my name is Linda Todd. I work Toshio: Of course.
At the Winfield Tourist Office. Can I
Ask you some questions?
Linda: what is your name, please? Toshio: Toshio Ito.
Linda: do you live in United States? Toshio: No I don’t. Actually, I am
from Japan. I live in Tokyo.
Linda: what do you do? Toshio: I am a flight attendant.
Linda: That is interesting. What airline Toshio: I work for Japan Air Lines.
Do you work for?
Linda: do you like your work? Toshio: yes, it’s very interesting.
Linda: do you like Winfield? Toshio: yes, it’s a nice city. I have
a lot of friends here.
Linda: well, thank you very much. Toshio: you’re welcome.

Conjunctions are used to connect concepts, clauses, or parts of sentences. And also
conjunctions connect thoughts, ideas, actions, nouns, clauses, etc.
.‫ قضیه ها و خبش های مجهل باکر مریوند‬,‫حروف ربط خباطر وصل کردن عقیده ه‬
Ex: I was going to see a movie, but I have changed my mind.
Ex: Sami and his brother are very talkative.

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Conjunctions are divided into two parts:
1. Coordinating conjunctions ‫حروف ربط مهپایه‬
2. Correlative conjunctions ‫حروف ربط وابس ته به مه‬
3. Subordinating conjunctions ‫حروف ربط فرعی‬

1. Coordinating conjunctions:
The coordinating conjunctions are conjunctions that are used to join two
independent clauses, two nouns or two verbs.
.‫ ای دو فعل باکر مریوند‬,‫ دو امس‬,‫حروف ربط مهپایه حروف هستند که خباطر وصل کردن دو مجهل مس تقل‬
 (for, and, but, or, yet, so…)
Ex: We did not have much money, but we were happy.
Ex: do you live alone or with your parents?
Ex: the doctor came to our house so he can to check up me.

2. Correlative conjunctions:
Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions that work together.
.‫ جوره از حروف ربط هستند که ابمه اکر میکنند‬:‫حروف ربط وابس ته هبم‬
 (Both ...and neither ...Nor not only… but also either…or
Ex: I love neither you nor your money.
Ex: Not only you criticize but also complain.
Ex: She is either a bigger or a thief.

3. Subordinating conjunctions:
Subordinating conjunctions show a relationship between an independent and a
dependent clause, some of the relationship can be cause and effect, and contrast.
‫ بعیض ازرابطه میتواند که سبب و علت‬,‫ یک رابطه را بنی قضیه مس تقل و اتبع نشان میدهد‬:‫حروف ربط فرعی‬
.‫و تضاد را ابشد‬
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
‫‪ They are consist in:‬‬
‫مبجرد که ‪ as soon as‬ات وقتیکه ‪ as long as‬اگر ‪ if‬مگر اینکه ‪ unless‬مثل اینکه ‪(As if‬‬
‫خباطریکه ‪( because‬مهینکه)‬ ‫گرچه ‪although‬‬ ‫حیت اگر ‪Even if‬‬
‫ولو اینکه ‪Even though‬‬ ‫‪ ...(...‬هرکجا ‪ Wherever‬در صورتیکه ‪While‬‬
‫‪Ex: I killed him as soon as I entered in the home.‬‬
‫‪Ex: you speak as if you are president.‬‬
‫‪Ex: Robert does not leave as long as you are here.‬‬
‫‪Ex: Cristina does not eat her lunch unless we bring her a drink.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Exercise 1.‬‬

‫‪ .1‬هرکجا که ابیش درکنارت خوامه بود‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬شام قسمی اب من رفتار میکنید مثل اینکه پدرم ابیش‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬ات وقتیکه زنده هس مت انتقام برادرم را از شام میگریم‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬مبجرد که برق آمد عیل شاه را برق گرفت‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬من در مقابل کفار خوامه جنگیدم ولو اینکه به قمیت جامن مه متام شود‪.‬‬
‫‪ .6‬من قهوه داغ مینومش درحالیکه انمزادم آب رسد مینوشد‪.‬‬
‫‪ .7‬گرچه خس ته بودم تالش هنایی خود را اجنام دادم‪.‬‬
‫‪ .8‬هیچ چزی شام را جنات داده منیتواند مگر اینکه معجزه اتفاق ابفتد‪.‬‬
‫‪ .9‬ات وقتیکه زنده هس مت هرگز اجازه منی دمه که ابالی ما ظمل کین‪.‬‬
‫‪ .11‬هرکجا ابمش مرگ رساغ ما میاید‪.‬‬
‫‪ .11‬اگر پولیس میبودم اولنی کیس را که دس تگری میکدم اون تو بودی‪.‬‬
‫‪ .12‬مهه ما از میدان هوایی برگشتمی چون تکت نداشتمی‪.‬‬

‫‪Prepared: T- Hamid Omery‬‬
 Discuss about this poem.
Students should be able to memorize the poem.

I praise Allah for sending me you my love

You found me home and sail with me
And I am here with you
Now let me let you know
You have opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And there is a couple of words I want to say
For the rest of my life
I will be with you
I will stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I will be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life
Through days and nights
I will thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I will be there for you

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Wife and husband
H: Darling, I am going to work. Is the breakfast ready?
W: Yes, sweetheart. The breakfast is ready. Sit on the chair please.
H: Hey, what do you have in the breakfast?
W: Don’t worry. We have everything, such as milk, sugar and butter.
H: can you bring me a glass of milk with some sugar please?
W: Yes sure, Oh dear, I am sorry. The milk is finished.
H: No problem. Sugar is fine.
W: Oh my God. The sugar is finished too.
H: Then, bring whatever is in the home.
W: Ok. Is tea fine? Because we have nothing but tea.
H: Ok. Tea is fine please.
W: Sweetheart, where are you going after breakfast?
H: I go to work.
W: What do you do there, because still I don’t know what your job is?
H: I work in a bank.
W: Oh God. Do you really work in a bank?
H: Yes, I have been working for one year. W hy? Don’t you know?
W: No, you told me once that you are jobless.
H: No darling, I told you a lie.
W: what kind of husband you are that always tell me lie.
H: I am sorry darling. I wanted to surprise you from my job.
W: what kind of surprise it is that there is nothing in the home.
H: Don’t worry. I will bring everything tonight.
W: How much is your salary?
H: It is 50 dollars.
W: Why so low?
H: because my job is easy too.
W: what do you do there?
H: I am a guard there.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
W: what kind of guard you are that you have so low salary.
H: I am a guard that only open and close the door of bank for people.
W: It means you are servant there.
H: No, I am a guard there and all the people oh oh oh...
W: That you are a servant and all the people know you.
H: Ok Ok. I am a servant but I am your husband.

Old Man
In a village an old man was claiming that he was prophet. And always narrated strange,
unknown and unfamiliar speeches. He lived in a ruin home. However the people of the
village did not understand about religion and faith very much, but they wondered.
Then, they went to that old man and asked him, that who was he?

I am a messenger, he answered. The people of the village said that the massagers of Allah
had books of own. Then, where are your books and what do you have? The old man
said. I give note.
1. Narrate 6. Speech 11. Ruin
2. Claim 7. Faith 12. Unfamiliar
3. Strange 8. Messenger 13. Unknown
 What did you learn from this story?
 If someone tells you that he is a messenger, what will be your reaction?

 Skill Building
Make sentence with but using it among two sentences.
Ex: Gino/makes pizza/Cristina Gino makes pizza, but Cristina does not.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
1. The Logans/live in Winfield/Toshio
2. Toshio/live in Japan/the Youngs
3. Cristina/work at the Roma/Liz
4. Sam/fix cars/Bob
5. Adela and Sam/study at night/Lisa and Joyce
6. The tea/taste good/the coffee
7. The banana/look good/the apples
8. Joyce/like pizza/Ted
9. Gino/cook Italian food/I
10. The potatoes/look good/the tomatoes

Tiny Tina
In a distant land, there was a kingdom where fairies lived. Tina was a
fairy. She had yellow curls and wore a dress made of wool. She always
moved with grace. However, because of her compact size, she was
scared of mankind. One day, there was an eclipse of the sun. The fairies didn’t know
what was happening. They were scared, so they ran away. Tina looked for a place to
hide. She found a garden with flowers blooming. Tina had a passion for flowers. She
decided to hide there. She became sleepy and made a pillow with some leaves. She
whistled happily as she worked, and she fell asleep. Suddenly, somebody sneezed. The
sound woke Tina up. She saw a very big face looking at her! Tina was so scared that she
couldn’t move. She could feel her pulse going very fast. The big woman went into her
house. When she came back, she gave Tina a cup. The woman sat on the ground among
some decaying leaves. Tina dipped a finger in the cup and tasted it. It was tea with all
kinds of delicious spices in it. Tina felt refreshed after drinking the tea. “I’m Wilma,” the
lady said. “I spend all my leisure time in my garden cutting flowers. Would you like
some dessert?” Tina said yes. She was hungry, and she wasn’t frightened anymore. She
took a bite of cake and relaxed. “How did you get to my garden?” Tina told Wilma how
she got lost. “That’s terrible! Let us take you home.” “Actually, I think that I want to stay
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
with you,” Tina said. She wasn’t scared of big people anymore. Wilma and Tina lived
happily ever after.
1. Why did Tina suddenly wake up?
a. She felt refreshed, c. The leaves were decayed.
b. She heard someone sneeze, d. She had a fast pulse.
2. All of the following describe Tina Except ___________.
a. she had curls in her hair b. she moved with grace
c. she did not like tea with spice d. she was compact
3. What does Wilma do with the flowers?
a. She makes dessert with them. b. She cuts them,
c. She dips them in gold. d. She lets them decay.
4. Where did Tina live before she met Wilma?
a. In Wilma’s garden b. In a tiny house
c. On a street with big cars d. In a distant country

Part A: Choose the right word for the given definition.

1. A sweet thing to eat
a. dessert b. wool c. mankind d. bloom
2. A small magical creature
a. pulse b. pillow c. grace d. fairy
3. An event that covers the sun
a. whistles b. decay c. eclipse d. curl
4. To make someone feel less tired
a. spice b. refresh c. dip d. sneeze
5. Distant / compact
Some scientists think that in the ____________future, we are going to use all of
our fuel. One way to use less fuel is to drive a ________car.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
6. Pulse/eclipse
Watching the ________ was very exciting. Afterwards, I could feel
my_________ going very fast.
7. Mankind /grace
Early members of____________ walked slowly and strangely. However, people
learned how to move with___________ over the years.
8. Desserts / spice
My favorite_________ is cinnamon. I put it in all of my
9. Bloom / decay
In the fall, the flowers do not_______ I clean them up when they start to______.
10. Refresh / whistled
She___________ a song while she took a shower to_____________ herself.
11. Wool /curls
When my father was a boy, he learned all about a sheep’s _______. For example, he
learned that it forms_________.
12. Fairy / leisure
Jennifer likes to paint in her ___________time. The most recent picture she
painted was of a_______.
13. Sneezing / dipped
Kelly ________her feet into the pool but decided not to get in because she
was_________ a lot. She was afraid she might get others sick if she got in.

14. Pillow / passion

The baby has a_________ for soft things. One of the things that he loves the most
is his_________.

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Direct and Indirect Speech
‫گفتار مس تقمی و غری مس تقمی‬
We can express our speech or somebody else’s ideas or speech in two ways in English
language which is called direct and indirect speech.
‫در زابن انگلییس میتوان گفته خود و ای دیگران را به دو شلک شلک بیان کنمی که بنام گفتار مس تقمی و ای غری مس تقمی‬
.‫اید میشوند‬

 Direct speech: ‫گفتار مس تقمی‬

The direct speech explains the speaker’s exact speech. When we use direct speech in
writing, we place the words spoken between quotation marks (“ ”) and there is no
change in these words.
.‫گفتار مس تقمی خسنان دقیق گویند را بیان میکند‬
Ex: Luc said, “Today’s lesson is very interesting.”
Ex: He says, “what time will you be at office?”
He said, “What time will you be at office?” and I said, “I don’t know!”
 Indirect speech: ‫گفتار غری مس تقمی‬
The indirect speech explains the speaker’s ideas not all his exact speeches. And it usually
used to talk about the past, so we normally change the tense of the words spoken and
also commas are not used.
.‫گفتار غری مس تقمی نظرایت گوینده را بیان میکند نه متام گفتار دقیق وی را‬

Ex: he said, “I am going to park.” (Direct speech)

He said he was going to park. (Indirect speech)

Changing direct to indirect speech

‫طرز تبدیل گفتار مس تقمی به غری مس تقمی‬
When we want to report someone’s speech to someone else, we usually say and report
the past tense of sentence which the speaker explains. As below chart:
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
No Direct Indirect
1 Simple present tense Simple past tense
2 Present continuous tense Past continuous tense
3 Present perfect tense Past perfect tense
4 Simple past tense Past perfect tense
5 Now Then
6 Here There
7 This That
8 Today That day/ yesterday
9 Can Could
10 Will Would
11 Must Had to
12 Shall Should
13 May Might
14 Ago Before
15 Last week/month/year.. The previous week/ year…
16 Tomorrow The next day
17 Yesterday The previous day

 Let’s have a look to the below examples.

Ex; Mike said, “my mother is washing the cloth.”

Mike said that his mother was washing the cloth.

Ex: she said, “The weather is cold here.”

She said the weather was cold there.
Ex: Baran said, “I write a letter to my classmate.”
Baran said that she wrote a letter to her classmate.

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Ex: we said, “We have done our work.”
They said that they had done their work.
Ex: Sham said, “I have been teaching English for 10 years.”
Sham said he had been teaching English for 10 years.

Ex: They said, “They have been working in this company since 2010.”
They said that they had been working in that company since 2010.
Ex: she said, “I taught online yesterday.”
She said she had taught online the day before.
Ex: he said to me, “I was waiting for you.”
He said to me that he had been waiting for me.
Ex: She said. “She had visited a doctor.” (Past perfect/ No change)
Ex: she said, “I had already been teaching.” (Past perfect continuous/ no change)
Ex: He said, “I will study the book.”
He said that he would study the book.
Ex: he said, “I will buy a book tomorrow.”
He said that he would buy a book the next day.
Ex: they said, “They may go to zoo today.”
They said that they might go to zoo yesterday.
Ex: I don’t believe these ghost stories.
He said that he did not believe those ghost stories.

 Present tense in reported speech

You can use the present tense in reported speech if you want to say that something is
still true.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Ex: she said her name was Ann.
She said her name is Ann.

 Reported speech without change of tense

If the situation described is ongoing, the verb does not change tense in reported speech.
Ex: I like eating chocolate.
She said the she likes eating chocolate. (She still likes eating chocolate)
Ex: I love her.
He said that he loves her. (He still loves her)
Ex: I am not very good at swimming.
He admitted that he wasn’t very good at swimming.

 Indirect speech for imperative

Imperative sentences don’t normally have an expressed subject. This is because the
subject “you” is usually understood. Imperative sentence expresses ideas such as advice,
order, request, suggestion, permission etc.

 Have a look at the below examples, please.

Direct speech Indirect speech
The old woman said to the boy, ’please The old woman requested the boy to help
help me.’ her.
She said to him, “you should work hard She suggested him to work hard for exam.
for exam.”
They said to him, “don’t tell a lie.” They said to him not to tell a lie.
He said, “open the door.” He ordered to open the door.
The teacher said to student, “don’t waste The teacher advised the students not to
time.” waste time.
Doctor said to me, “do not smoke.” Doctor advised me not to smoke.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
The boss said to him, “get out.” The boss ordered him to get out.
The teacher said to the girls, “come in, The teacher allowed (or asked) the girls to
please.” come in.
She said to me, “don’t go out.” She asked me no to go out.
Remember to buy some milk tonight. Ali reminded me to buy some milk

 Indirect speech for questions.

For changing interrogative questions sentence into indirect speech we have to observe the
nature of questions and then change it according to its rules for indirect speech. There
are two types of questions.

1. Yes/ No Questions
To change Yes/ No questions into indirect speech, word “if” or “whether” is used before
the question in indirect speech. The word “That and questions mark” is not used.
Ex: he said to me, “Do you like music?” (Direct speech)
He asked me if I liked music. / He asked me whether I liked music. (Indirect)
Ex: she said, “Will he participate in the quiz competition?”
She asked me if he would participate in quiz competition.
Ex: I said to him, “Are you feeling well?”
I asked him if he was feeling well.

2. WH Questions
In WH questions the tense of the question is changed according to the rules. The words
“that” and “question mark” are not used.

Ex: he said to me, “How are you?

He asked me how I was.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Ex: teacher said to him, “what is your name?”
Teacher asked him what his name was.
Ex: The manager said to me, “why did I come late?”
The manager asked me why I had come late.

 Exercise: change into indirect speech.

1. Bring me a glass of water.
2. His mother said to me, “what do you do?
3. I said to him, “are you enjoying the party?”
4. I am working in New York.
5. We can speak Turkish.
6. The butcher said, “He will kill the cow.”
7. My mom said to me, “Don’t call anyone.”
8. He buys his wife a golden ring.
9. They said, “They are young.”
10. I saw you last week.
11. He said, “I don’t like my new haircut.”
12. They don’t believe about death and life.
13. Her grandma said to me, “Please study your lesson.”
14. She said, “It may rain today.”
15. They said, “They will complain from their neighbor.”
16. Sara said, “She is busy today.”
17. The boss said to me, “don’t drink too much.”
18. The teacher said to me, “what is your name.”
19. My mom said to me, “what are you thinking about.”
20. The traffic said. “Don’t park your car here.”

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
The Anniversary Gift
Joe was a carpenter. He built houses in the highlands. Joe’s wife Stella
used a needle and thread to sew elegant clothing. She only used
beautiful fabric to make clothes. Since they didn’t have a lot of money,
they lived in an old shed. Water dripped in when it rained. They had broken chairs
instead of a couch. But they had coal for heat, and flour from the mill for bread.
Together, they trimmed the bushes to make their house look nice. Joe and Stella were
poor, but not ashamed. They were happy. Sometimes in the evening, they walked
downtown. They looked in store windows and dreamed. Stella wanted a hairbrush with
an ivory handle. She pulled her hair upwards every day because she didn’t have a brush
to make it nice. Joe wanted to fix his grandfather’s watch. For their anniversary, Stella
wanted to get Joe what he wanted. But then she did the arithmetic. It would take at least
six months to save enough money. Then she had an idea. She cut off all of her hair and
sold it. Meanwhile, Joe knew that he could never fix his watch. So he polished it and sold
it. He made enough to buy the brush. On their anniversary, the door burst open. Joe was
excited to give Stella his gift. But first, Stella gave him the money to fix the watch. When
he saw his wife without any hair, he smiled. “I sold my watch to buy you something,” Joe
said. He gave her the brush, and she laughed. They were both willing to give up
something very special to make each other happy.

Part A: Choose the answer that best fits the question.

1. What kind of material does a carpenter work with?
a. Plastic b. Iron c. Brick d. Wood
2. Which of these things could drip?
a. A dog b. Water c. A ball d. Dirt
3. What could you make with a needle?
a. A shirt b. A car c. A computer d. A chair
4. What does it mean if your water pipes burst?
a. They are new. c. They are frozen.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
b. They’ve been cleaned, d. They’ve exploded.
5. Which is the same color as ivory?
a. A needle b. A tooth c. Coal d. Wood

Part B: Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. Anniversary / elegant
Because it was there__________, my father bought my mother a gift. It was an
2. Arithmetic / upwards
It takes a lot of _________to design new airplanes. You have to know how to make
them go ________in the easiest way.
3. Couch / ashamed
You should be _________of yourself! You know you’re not supposed to eat on
4. Burst/ dripped
When the wind blew, the door__________open. And since it was raining, water
__________into the room.
5. Sew / carpenter
My brother is a _________, so he knows about construction. However, he doesn’t
know how to__________.
6. Coal / highlands
I heard a news story about something in the__________. I guess they found -
________under the ground.

7. Ivory / needle
Archaeologist found __________made from____________ in Africa.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
8. Threads / mill
People who work at the ________ do many things to stay safe. For example, they do
not have _________hanging from their clothing because they can get caught in the
9. Fabric / polish
Bruce worked hard to ._________ the wood floors. Afterwards, he wiped the floor
with a soft_________.
10. Shed / trim
On Saturday, my dad made me clean out the ____________. I also had to
__________the bushes.

1. Why do you recite Holy Quran? Because it purifies our heart from any sin.
2. Have you finished Quran or not? No I have not finished Quran yet.
3. How often do you go to mosque? I go to mosque five times.
4. Why do you go to mosque? I go to mosque to pray.
5. Whom do you beseech to? I beseech to Allah.
6. Why do you worship God? Because he is the most kind and large.
7. What do you ask from Allah? We want what need for.
8. Why do we hate devil? Because Satan is driven by Allah.
9. Does Allah have any partner? No, Allah is one and has no partner.
10. What do you call those persons who believe to Allah? We call Muslim.
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Discuss about these idioms.

1. Talk turkey. to discuss something honestly and directly

Ex; anyway, bob, we have busness to discuss. lets talk turkey.
2. Miss the point. When you don’t understand what someone is talking
Ex; you missed the point.
3. Get off ones back. To stop tracking someone’s back.
Ex; get off my back. I don’t want to speak with you anymore.

4. To top it all. Worse than all.

Ex; this morning, I woke up late, my car broke down and to top it all, I locked
myself out of the house.
5. Don’t take it out on me. To shout and disturb others instead of
relaxing oneself.
Ex; when my father fights with his boss, then coming to house and take it out on us.

 Remember heart is not a basket for keeping tension and sadness.

It a golden box for keeping roses of happiness and sweet
memories. And I learned to give not because I have much but
because I know exactly how it feels to have nothing.

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
A call to home
H: The husband comes out of the house and after two hours calls to his wife.
W: His wife says. Yeah baby, what do you want?
H: the husband says to his wife. Do you know where I am?
W: his wife says. What the hell are you in?
H: the husband says. I am talking regarding that gold sales shop
which you liked that golden necklace. Did you remember?
W: his wife says romantically. Yes darling, I remember.
H: his husband says. I am eating rice by that shop.
 Students should be able to make a joke by themselves.

The Holy Month of Ramadan

Islam is based on five beliefs; these beliefs are called the five
Pillars of Islam. The first pillar of Islam is that there is no
God but Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is his messenger.
The second is that a Muslim must pray five times a day at
certain times. The third is that all the Muslims must get fast. The fourth is that
Muslims should give a section of his/her saving to the poor persons. The fifth is that
all Muslims who are able should perform Hajj (pilgrimage) at least once in their
Ramadan is the month of Quran. Allah says to Muslims that you must get fast
during the day and knock off eating and drinking. Therefore, we are not allowed to
eat or drink something during the day. And also getting fast makes us to remember
Allah the times. In this month all the devils are tied up, and we must try to not
course someone and should not use nonsense speech. In this month if we are faced
with any problem, we should keep patience. Or if someone speaks badly with us. We
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
should not become nervous and angry. In the meantime, we should tell him/her that
brother/sister it is Ramadan month, please mind your language. In fact, successful
persons are those which have brought changes from all points of view. From
speaking perspective, from behaving perspective. This is when to recite Holy Quran
and when to do something. As a matter of fact, they are the persons who realized
Ramadan and really want get fast and make Allah happy.
One more thing is that there is a special night among thirty days of Ramadan known
as Lailatul Qadr: Exactly, no one knows which night it is. But it is one of the last odd
ten nights of the month. In this night each person tries to stay awake all the nights.
In this night, majority Muslims recite Holy Quran, someone keep praying and
worship Allah, and some cry in order to their prayers may are accepted. Because
Allah says. Want me, ask me. Your needs, your wishes and your wants. This night I
will accept all your prayers, demands and your requests. Because lord is most kind
and loves is slaves.
In the end, if you are really Muslim, then worship God from deep of your heart,
never forget Allah and love your lord in anyway and rest in him.

 Answer the questions:

1. How many pillars does Islam have?
2. What if we don’t pray on time?
3. What does Hajj mean?
4. Who is the prayer must on?
5. What is prayer?
6. What are the advantages of Ramadan month?

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Presentation
I think + clause
Alicia: where does the Colorado River start?
Ana: I think it starts in Arizona.
Alicia: no, it does not. It starts in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado.

 Skill Building
Ask and answer questions and say what you think.
Ex: Where/Carlos/be/from/Brazil/Mexico.
A1: Where is Carlos from?
B1: I think he is from Brazil.
C3: No, he is not. He is from Mexico.

1. What/Mike Young/do on Sundays/work/play soccer.

2. How old/ Ana/be/fourteen/seventeen.
3. What/Melanie’s parents/live/in San Francisco/in Los Angeles.
4. What/Alicia/teach/French/English.
5. Where/they/study English/in school/in Course.
6. Where/the Colorado River/flow/north/south.
7. When/Ana/sleep/at 9 o’clock/ at 10 o’clock.
8. How old/I/be/20 years/21 years.
9. Where/your Dad/travel/to America/to India.
10. What/she/like/hamburger/chicken.

 Complete each sentence with correct from of the verbs.

1. The Navas _______ to Winfield last month. (come).
2. Mike Young _______ two brothers and one sister. (have).
3. Carlos and Ana ______ their grandparents in Los Angeles now. (visit).
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
4. Mike _______ a student in Mexico last year. (be).
5. They _____ in Arizona last week. (be).
6. Pablo ______ to Mexico tomorrow. (go).
7. He _______ a lot of pictures every summer. (take).
8. Toshio Ito ________ to china last year and he ________ a lot of beautiful
things. (go/see).
9. Flight attendants _______ to many countries every year. (travel).
10. I was at cinema when the kidnapper _________ me. (kidnap).
11. When Cristina ________ the airport, her family was there. (get to).
12. She _______ a lot of postcards to her friends. (send).
13. She _______ a warm sweater. (buy).
14. She _______ the sweater at night, because it ______ cold. (wear/be).
15. We _______ there two weeks ago. (move).
16. Everyone in the party ________ happy and enjoyed it. (be).
17. The teacher ______ angry and ________ the class urgently. (get/leave).
18. No one ________ English in the university. (speak).
19. Everyone ________ bring their homework. (have to).
20. We _______ a great time in Miami. (have).

 Skill Building
Fill in the blanks with the past tense of go, have to, say and see.
Last Friday Bob _______ to the library. He _________ study for a big test. He
______ his friends at the library and they ________, “Bob, why don’t you come
to the part and play soccer? “Bob did not want to study, so he ______ Ok and he
________ to the park. Lisa ________ shopping and she ________ Bob at
the park. She _______, “Bob, it is not fair! You _______ study, and I ______
do all the work around the house.

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 General Exercises
Select the correct gerunds from the given option.
1. She is not interested in ______ sweets.
a) eat b) eaten c) eating d) to be eating
2. Lock the door before ______ out.
a) go b) be going c) gone d) going
3. Waiting for a bus is a ______ experience.
a) kill b) killing c) kills d) is killing
4. I am averse to _______.
a) drink b) drunk c) drinking d) to be drinking
5. I remember _______ you last year.
a) meeting b) met c) meet d) to meet
6. On Sundays I go _________.
a) to fish b) fishes c) fish d) fishing
7. Without the advice of a doctor ______ medicine is dangerous.
a) taking b) to takes c) takes d) is taking
8. I saw her _______ in the hotel.
a) dancing b) dance c) to dance d) danced
9. The boys were punished for _______ late.
a) came b) to come c) to coming d) coming
10. I detest ________ in public places.
a) smoke b) smoking c) smoked d) be smoking

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Select the correct verb from the given option
1. I have __________ his name.
a) forgot b) forget c) forgotten d) forgetting
2. Ravi has been ______ in Mumbai since he was five years old.
a) stayed b) staying c) stays d) stay
3. John ________ his work.
a) have completed b) complete c) completing d) has completed
4. is _______ your teacher?
a) her b) them c) him d) he
5. I have been ________ since the morning.
a) playing b) played c) play d) plays
6. She ________ her lunch. Please wait.
a) eat b) has c) is having d) eating
7. An honest person always _________ the truth.
a) is speaking b) speaks c) speak d) speaking
8. Wild animals _______ in forest.
a) live b) living c) lives d) neither
9. The rain ________ from the clouds.
a) is falling b) falls c) both d) neither
10. There are some birds that _________ every year.
a) migrate b) migrates c) migrating d) migrated

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
 Never justify the human’s personality from their feature and costume point of
view. Maybe the best heart is under the oldest costume. Remember that politeness
is like perfume, we use it for ourselves but the others enjoy.

 Proverbs and Expressions

1. Build castle in the air.
2. Mind your own business.
3. A fool and his money easily parted.
Memorize the proverbs
4. Feel pity for someone.
5. A good beginning makes a good ending.
6. Look before you leap.
7. There is no clapping with one hand.
8. Turn ones hand to writing.
9. Put someone to shame.
10. Where there is a well, there is a way.
11. Year in year out.
12. Till ones dying day.
13. He who searches finds.
14. Leave well alone.
15. Love makes all hearts gentle.
16. What is done can’t be undone.
17. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
18. Count me out.
19. Learn from cradle to grave.
20. Don’t be so sweet as to be swallowed and not so bitter as to be spit out.

Prepared: T- Hamid Omery
Let’s memorize some extra words!
No Word Meaning No Word Meaning No Word Meaning
1 Scenario ‫منایش انمه‬ 29 Entertainment ‫پذیرایی‬،‫ همامین‬57 Broadcast ‫پخش کردن‬
2 Curious ‫کنجاکو‬ 30 Performance ‫معلکرد‬،‫ اجرا‬58 Conspiracy ‫ دسیسه‬،‫توطعه‬
3 Resign ‫اس تعفاء دادن‬ 31 Dishearten ‫ دلرسد کردن‬59 Cough ‫رسفه کردن‬
4 Record ‫ثبت کردن‬ 32 Enroll ‫ ثبت انم کردن‬60 Gossip ‫خسن چیین کردن‬
5 Establish ‫اتسیس کردن‬ 33 Enmity ‫دمشین‬ 61 Awake ‫بیدار کردن‬
6 Column ‫ پایه‬، ‫س تون‬ 34 Trust ‫ اعامتد داشنت‬62 Amazing ‫متحری کننده‬
7 Naked ‫برهنه‬ 35 Interest ‫ عالقه مندی‬63 Genuflect ‫جسده رکوع کردن‬
8 Sample ‫منونه‬ 36 Curious ‫کنجاکو‬ 64 Kindergarten ‫کودکس تان‬
9 Such ‫ چننی‬، ‫این طور‬ 37 Tickle ‫ غدغدک دادن‬65 Collaborate ‫ابمه اکر کردن‬
10 Enough ‫ بس‬، ‫اکیف‬ 38 Army ‫س پاه‬،‫ لشکر‬66 Dozen ‫درجن‬
11 Enchant ‫طلسم کردن‬ 39 Proclaim ‫ اعالن کردن‬67 Occasionally ‫اکرث اوقات‬
12 Assault ‫محهل‬ 40 Sigh ‫ آه کش یدن‬68 Expose ‫افشا کردن‬
13 Pretend ‫هبانه کردن‬ 41 Lick ‫لیس یدن‬ 69 Research ‫حتقیق کردن‬
14 Tax ‫مالیه‬ 42 Peasant ‫دهایت‬ 70 Anxiety ‫تشویش‬
15 Temporary ‫موقیت‬ 43 Revolution ‫انقالب‬ 71 Interpretation ‫تفسری‬،‫تعبری‬
16 Denier ‫منکر‬ 44 Confirm ‫ اتیید کردن‬72 Manufacture ‫تولید کردن‬
17 Narcotics ‫مواد خمدر‬ 45 Wage ‫مزد‬ 73 Solution ‫راه حل‬
18 Exorcist ‫جن گری‬ 46 Restless ‫یب قرار‬ 74 Conscience ‫وجدان‬
19 Load ‫ ابر کردن‬،‫ابر‬ 47 Artificial ‫ مصنوعی‬75 Visual ‫دیدین‬
20 Explode ‫منفجر کردن‬ 48 Squeeze ‫فرشدن‬ 76 Available ‫موجود‬
21 Reflect ‫منعکس ساخنت‬ 49 Vital ‫ حیایت اسایس‬77 Appointment ‫وعده مالقات‬
22 Forbid ‫منع کردن‬ 50 Owe ‫ مدیون بودن‬78 Employ ‫باکر گرفنت‬
23 Confront ‫مواجه شدن‬ 51 Luxurious ‫ خوش گذران‬79 Apology ‫غذرخواهی‬
24 Cure ‫ شفا دادن‬، ‫شفا‬ 52 Accuse ‫ هتمت کردن‬80 Destiny ‫رسنوشت‬
25 Stranger ‫ان آش نا‬،‫بیگانه‬ 53 Anniversary ‫سالگرد‬ 81 Apologize ‫غذرخواهی کردن‬
26 Permission ‫ رخصت‬،‫اجازه‬ 54 Anarchy ‫ هرج و مرج‬82 Repent ‫توبه کردن‬
27 Mould ‫کپک زدن‬ 55 Ability ‫تواانیی‬ 83 Century ‫قرن‬
28 Twin ‫جوره ی‬ 56 Ambush ‫ مکنی کردن‬84 Deserve ‫الیق بودن‬
Congratulations the Fourth step of Magic English.
Best of Luck! 83
Prepared: T- Hamid Omery

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