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GreenGenie June 6th, 2023

74 Stanley Avenue. Ottawa (Ontario), K1M 1P4

Ottawa, M5H 2N2

Dear Mrs. Tremblay,

I am kindly writing to you to present our latest product, the "Smart Garden", a revolutionary
solution that combines technology and nature to create a unique and creative experience.

Smart Garden is a self-sustaining garden that uses artificial intelligence to monitor and adjust
the environment to ensure optimal growth for your plants. It comes equipped with sensors
that measure temperature, humidity, and light levels, and a built-in irrigation system that
waters your plants when they need it.

But what sets the Smart Garden apart is its ability to connect with your smartphone, allowing
you to monitor your garden from anywhere in the world. You can receive notifications when
your plants need water or when they are ready to be harvested. You can even control the
environment remotely, adjusting the temperature and humidity levels to suit your plants'

The Smart Garden is not just a practical solution for urban dwellers who lack space for a
traditional garden; it is also a creative tool for artists and designers who want to incorporate
nature into their work. The Smart Garden's sleek design and customizable LED lighting make
it a beautiful addition to any space.

I am confident that Smart Garden can make a significant impact on your business, and I
would love to discuss this opportunity further with you. If you are interested in knowing more
about how our product can benefit your business, please do not hesitate to contact me.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Fabiola Torres
Business Development Executive, GreenGenie

74 Stanley Avenue. Ottawa (Ontario), K1M 1P4 +1(968)395-99-58
TechTable June 6th, 2023
43 Portage Avenue. Winnipeg (Manitoba), K5N 1P7
Winnipeg, M2L 3K3

Dear Mr. Gagnon,

I am thrilled to introduce you to our latest innovation, the "BrainyDesk", a versatile and
practical solution for modern workspaces.

The BrainyDesk is a fully adjustable desk that adapts to your needs and preferences. With the
push of a button, you can change the height of the desk to stand or sit, depending on your
comfort level. The BrainyDesk also features built-in wireless charging for your devices, so
you never have to worry about running out of battery during a busy workday.

But what truly sets the BrainyDesk apart is its smart technology. The desk is equipped with
sensors that monitor your posture and alert you when it's time to take a break or stretch. It
also connects with your calendar and to-do list, reminding you of important deadlines and
meetings throughout the day.

The BrainyDesk is not just a practical solution for individuals who want to improve their
productivity and well-being; it is also a sustainable choice for businesses that want to reduce
their carbon footprint. The desk is made from eco-friendly materials and uses energy-efficient
technology, making it an environmentally conscious choice.

We believe that BrainyDesk represents the future of workspaces, and we are excited to share
it with you. If you are interested in learning more about the BrainyDesk or would like to
purchase one for your office, please contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

TechTable team

43 Portage Avenue. Winnipeg (Manitoba), K5N 1P7 +1(329)471-66-58

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