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Actividad 06

Semana 18

I. Logro de la sesión

Al finalizar la sesión, el estudiante reconoce textos relacionados a su especialidad

dándole significado e interpretación

II. Indicaciones generales

El estudiante desarrolla la actividad, evitando consultar cuadernos, separatas,

libros o cualquier material de la asignatura durante el desarrollo de la

III. Indicaciones específicas

● Esta PE06 consistirá en completar las oraciones propuestas.

● Conectarse al campus virtual para ver la actividad en la semana
● Responder las preguntas y enviarlas dentro de la actividad del campus virtual
● Evaluación individual

IV. Prueba

1. Use was or were in each sentence. (5 points)

Samanta ________ in bed when I was calling her.

Arnold ________ working so hard two days ago.

Alicia ________ tired last Wednesday.

Alexander and Will ________ at the disco yesterday.

My aunt ________ angry when she was coming home last Monday.
2. Write the sentences above in negative form. (5 points)






3. Look at the picture and answer the questions. (10 points)

What were they doing yesterday at 4 p.m.?

Adam and Suzanne ................................. in the pool.

Adela ................................. on a bench and ... the guitar.

Will ................................. a piece of paper into the litter bin.

Dmitri ................................. his best friend in the park.

Kevin ................................. on the pavement.

A woman ................................. her dog in the park.

Paul ................................. some postCards.

John ................................. on the stairs and ... to music.

Clare ................................. on the pavement.

Anne ................................. her bike.

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