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The Time and Attendance Management System is designed to efficiently capture and
manage employee attendance data, enabling accurate payroll processing and providing
valuable insights into workforce productivity. The system relies on electronic methods for
employees to mark their in-time and out-time each day, facilitating seamless and precise
attendance tracking. This data is then processed to offer additional functionalities such as
overtime management and absence management

1. Electronic Time Marking: Employees can mark their in-time and out-time electronically,
reducing the reliance on manual attendance tracking methods. The system supports various
input methods, such as biometric scans, or mobile applications.
2. Accurate Attendance Data: The system maintains a real-time and accurate record of
employee attendance, providing a reliable basis for payroll processing.
3. Overtime Management: The system identifies instances of overtime based on defined
thresholds and rules. Overtime hours are tracked, recorded, and can be used for
compensation calculations.
4. Absence Management: Instances of employee absence are recorded, categorized, and
made available for review. Managers can easily track and manage employee leaves, aiding in
resource planning.
5. User Roles and Permissions: Access controls and user roles are implemented to ensure
that only authorized personnel can view or modify attendance data.

• Manual Entry Errors: Reliance on employees to manually mark their in and out times can
lead to errors or intentional manipulation, affecting the accuracy of the data
• Buddy Punching: Employees may engage in buddy punching, where one employee clocks
in or out on behalf of another, leading to inaccurate attendance data.
• Lack of Real-time Monitoring: The system may lack real-time monitoring capabilities,
making it challenging to identify attendance issues promptly.
• Overtime Calculation Challenges: Calculating and managing overtime may be manual and
prone to errors, leading to inaccurate compensation.
• Absence Management: The system may not effectively handle different types of absences,
such as sick leave, vacation, or other time-off requests.

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