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Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas

Licenciatura en Psicopedagogía

Ingles II/ Aplicado/ Técnico

Actividad Evaluable Nº1

Docente: Prof. Mg. Adriana García Pelayo

Alumna: Devoto, María Luján

Legajo N° 229331
Hi María:

I'm so excited to tell you about why Kennedy University is such a stellar choice
for your academic pursuits. Let's delve into my personal experience thus far. In the
year 2022, I began my scholarly endeavors and, after meticulous examination, I
ultimately selected Kennedy University, given their esteemed staff and impressive
standing. Ever since my arrival, I have been thoroughly impressed with my time spent
at this institution.

To achieve academic success, I put in a lot of effort during my school years.

Lately, I've been trying to strike a harmony between my academic endeavors and my
personal interests. To this end, I've established a schedule which allots dedicated
hours solely for hitting the books and others for indulging in my passions.

Experimenting with various learning approaches is a new endeavor for me. It's been a
refreshing change in how I approach studying and expanding knowledge.

To be a great psychopedagogist and allow learning opportunities for kids and adults, I'll
use all the knowledge gained upon graduation.

This field, I believe, can benefit from the solid foundation that Kennedy University has
offered to me through education. With this foundation, I am confident that I can make a
positive impact.

For personal and professional development, there is no doubt that Kennedy University
is an exceptional choice. Choosing to study there was a decision I happily made and I
have faith that it will be an excellent choice for you too.

Take care, Luján!

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