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Jaime: Welcome to another episode of our usual podcast! Today we are going
to talk about a topic that often goes unnoticed: the invisible work of
stay-at-home moms.

Lisa: Exactly, Jaime. The work done by moms who choose to stay home to
care for their families is often underestimated. It seems like it's only
considered work if you get paid for it.

Jaime: But the truth is that these women do much more than it seems. Let's
start by talking about household chores. Lisa, what kind of invisible work do
stay-at-home moms do?

Lisa: Well, Jaime, one of the things that usually goes unnoticed is the constant
cleaning they engage in. Moms are always cleaning up after everyone in the
house: washing dishes, doing laundry, vacuuming, cleaning up spills, and
more. This work has been ongoing for generations.

Jaime: And not only that, they are also involved in the organization of family
life. They have been the backbone of family schedules for ages, managing
appointments, grocery shopping, and handling many other administrative
tasks that ensure everything runs smoothly.

Lisa: Exactly, Jaime. Additionally, they have traditionally been in charge of the
children's education and care, which has included helping them with
homework, taking them to extracurricular activities, and being there for them
emotionally through all the ups and downs of growing up.

Jaime: And we can't forget the kitchen. Many moms have stayed home to
make sure their families eat nutritious, home-cooked meals throughout the
years. This has been a timeless effort.

Lisa: Sure, Jaime, and they often do it without anyone thanking them or
acknowledging it. It's also important to remember that many of these moms
had professional careers before staying home, so they have made significant
sacrifices to prioritize their families.

Jaime: Absolutely, Lisa. The job of a stay-at-home mom is truly invaluable,

even if it's not always seen as a "job" in the traditional sense.
Lisa: That's right, Jaime. And it is important that as a society we recognize and
appreciate everything these women have done throughout the years. If you
are a stay-at-home mom, don't forget that your work is valuable and worthy of
respect, just as it has been through generations.

Jaime: And for everyone else, remember to show gratitude and appreciation
to stay-at-home moms. Their work may be invisible in terms of monetary
compensation, but its impact on family and society is immense, and it's been
that way for a long time.

[End of Podcast]

Lisa: Thank you for joining us on this episode. If you liked this podcast, don't
forget to subscribe and leave a comment. Until next time!

Jaime: Exactly! See you later!

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