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1.Being.............. can be very catching. (SOCIETY)

2. She finally left her husband because of his................(ADULT)
3. Be careful, the virus will.............. your computer. (ABLE)
4. Safety must be all cases. (PRECEDE.)
5. I think that this plan is ..............ridiculous! (RIGHT)
6. I don’t understand how he got the job. He’ s far too be put in
charge of a school. (COMPETE)
7. Her work has been..............for its sensitivity of style and imaginative use of
imagery. (CLAIM)
8. Her performance at work was considered ...............and her contract was not
renewed. (SATISFY)
9. Although several companies made........ ... losses, the market as a whole was
buoyant. (SUBSTANCE)
10. The bookcase was placed............... near the door to hide a huge crack in the
wall. (STRATEGY)
1. (unsociable) 2. (adultery) 4. (precedence) 5 . (downright) 6. (incompetent) 7.
(acclaimed) 8.
(unsatisfactory) 9. (substantial) 10. (strategically) 3.(disable)

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