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धूल थे हम सभी आसमा बन गए

चाां द का नूर से , कहकशााँ बन गए

ऐसे सर को भला कैसे दे विदा ,
विनकी वशक्षा से हम क्या से क्या बन गए
Respected Principal Ma'am, HM Ma'am,
Teachers, esteemed guests, and for one last
time our class of 2024
As I stand here before you, it's with a mix of
emotions that I find it difficult to put into
words. Today marks the end of a journey, a
journey that has been filled with love,
emotions, and moments of fame within the
walls of this cherished institution. It feels
surreal to bid farewell to the temple of
excitement that has shaped our identities,
and it's hard to fathom that we won't be an
integral part of the DPSG fraternity moving
ऐसा नहीां है वक मैं घबराता हां
पर डर लगता है अपनोां का साथ छोड़ने में
डर लगता है पुराने रास्ते को नए रास्ते से िोड़ने
डर लगता है तुम्हारा आां चल छोड़ने में
डर लगता है यह ररश्ता तोड़ने में
कहीां प्रेम की डोर टू ट तो नहीां िाएगी
स्टे शन पर खड़ी रे ल छूट तो नहीां िाएगी

भयभीत हां की क्या हमारा साथ यही तक था

या अभी िी भर के िीना बाकी है
क्या मैं और दाां ट खाने योग्य हां
या यहाां से चले िाना ही काफी है
खुद को रोि समझता हां वक बस आप स्कूल
वदमाग तो मान िाता है पर वदल को मानना
अभी बाकी है
िूवनयसस mei खुद को दे खता हां और खुद को
समझता हां वक तेरा कायस काल यही तक था
दोस्तोां के साथ खेलते कूदते सच कहां तो िही
सही िक्त था

अब न िाने िो पल कब आएगा
और कब वफर से साथ वमलकर बात करें गे
क्या वफर से ला पाएां गे उसे दौर को
िहाां साथ हसेंगे और साथ लड़ें गे
अब यह तो ऊपर िाला ही िाने
पर िब तक साथ हैं तब तक पूरी मौि करें गे ,
पर तब तक आपको आश्वावसत कर दू ां
वक हम वकसी के भी पापा से नहीां डरें गे.
बस केिल और केिल वदल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल
ग़विआबाद को ही याद करें गे
Well today , I would like to narrate a story , a
story of my life, a story which began with the
school bells and is luckily ending with
In my 6th-grade initiation at this school, I
vividly recall the warmth of my first day.
Blessed with nurturing and lovable teachers, I
was sculpted into an active learner. Serving in
the task force during 6th and 7th grades laid
the foundation. The turning point in 9th
grade, becoming the Literary Secretary after
participating in MUNs, marked the beginning
of a transformative journey. Requesting to
recite a poem on Independence Day proved
pivotal, propelling me into roles from Literary
Secretary to Head Boy. Grateful for countless
opportunities, this institution is the architect
of who I am today.
Becoming the Head Boy wasn't just about
wearing a badge; it was about shouldering the
dreams and aspirations of my fellow students.
It meant being a bridge between the student
body and the administration, a voice for the
concerns and ideas that make our school
A year ago, I stood here discussing the
dynamics of junior-senior relationships,
oblivious to the emotions that would flood my
own heart today. The roles have shifted, and
the reality of leaving school is hitting home.
Now, I understand why someone would shed
tears bidding adieu to these hallowed halls.

Now, a few words for my council members –

you have been more than just colleagues; you
have been a team, a force that has achieved
wonders. Whether it was organizing the
Nation's largest MUN Conference against all
odds, participating in IPS debates, showcasing
powerful nukkad nataks with the theatre
team, excelling in sports, or enduring the
seemingly endless bhajans and Hindi recitals
of Samved, we progressed and delivered our
best for the school, regardless of the

the School has not been only an institution, it

is family, family full of knowledge ,full of love I
believe in great 11th and half of 12th I stayed
in the school more than I stayed at my home,
unofficially I am considered as teachers pet
but I would like to clarify officially too I am a
Teacher's pet because these teachers are the
ones who have always pushed to me to go
beyond the limits , to go limitless, I am
eternally grateful to you teachers . you are the
guiding soul in my success

मैं स्कूल का शुक्रगुिार हां विसने मुझ िैसे व्यब्लक्त

को भी इतना ऊांचा स्थान प्रदान कर,मेरा सम्मान
कर,मुझेप्रेम के योग्य बना वदया
Wish me luck as you wave me
Cheerio, here I go on my way

Wish me luck as you wave me

With a cheer, not a tear, make it gay

Give me a smile, I can keep for a while

In my heart while I'm away

Till we meet once again you and I

Wish me luck as you wave me goodby

करते हैं अलविदा आपको,

वदल से इसे स्वीकार कर लेना,
वदल में बसाया है आपको,
िक़्त वमले तो हमें याद कर लेना

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