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School of Civil, Environmental, and Geological Engineering

Hydraulics Laboratory

January 6, 2024

Llamas Joshua Joseph C.
Bulante, Shaine M.
Serrano, Rafael John
Rebada, Raphael

Engr. Kyr Vincent Joseph T. Orallo


February 03, 2024


The experiment demonstrating Bernoulli's theorem holds significant

applications in engineering, particularly in the field of fluid dynamics and
hydraulics. By understanding the principles elucidated in Bernoulli's theorem,
engineers can design and optimize systems such as pipelines, aircraft wings, and
hydraulic systems. The theorem highlights the inverse relationship between fluid
velocity and pressure, indicating that as the velocity of a fluid increases, the
pressure decreases. This knowledge is instrumental in designing efficient and
streamlined structures, such as airplane wings, where controlling airflow to
manage lift is crucial. In hydraulic systems, the theorem can be applied to optimize
the design of pipes and channels, ensuring the efficient flow of fluids with minimal
energy loss, thereby enhancing the overall performance and sustainability of
hydraulic systems.

Furthermore, the practical demonstration of Bernoulli's theorem serves as a

valuable educational tool for engineers and students. Witnessing the effects of fluid
velocity on pressure in a controlled experiment provides a tangible and visual
understanding of the theoretical concepts. This hands-on experience fosters a
deeper comprehension of fluid dynamics principles and equips engineers with the
skills needed to apply these principles in real-world scenarios. Overall, the
application of Bernoulli's theorem in engineering and hydraulics not only
facilitates the design of efficient systems but also plays a pivotal role in educating
the next generation of engineers.
In the context of the Bernoulli's theorem demonstration experiment, the
application of Bernoulli's equation extends to both convergent and divergent flow
structures, provided certain conditions are satisfied. Our observations underscored
the significance of fulfilling assumptions such as fluid incompressibility, negligible
viscosity effects, steady-state flow pressure, and adherence to the principle of
energy conservation for the accurate application of Bernoulli's equation. These
assumptions serve as crucial considerations when implementing Bernoulli's
theorem in real-world engineering applications.

It becomes apparent that the choice between the convergent and divergent
flow methods depends on the specific application and whether the fluid is in
motion or at rest. Convergent flow structures accelerate fluid velocity, resulting in
decreased pressure, while divergent flow structures decelerate fluid velocity,
leading to an increase in pressure. Both methodologies provide valuable insights
into different aspects of fluid behavior, allowing engineers to make informed
decisions in designing systems such as nozzles, diffusers, and pipelines. The
application of Bernoulli's equation, guided by these principles, serves as an
indispensable tool in the realm of fluid mechanics and engineering, contributing to
the optimization and efficiency of various fluid-based systems.

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