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What I’m going to research How?

How to create effective jump scares I’m going to research all these by watching
horror productions and analysing what
techniques they used to create an effective
jump scare, along with this I can watch
video essays on how and why some
techniques are ineffective.
How to create suspense To research how horror films create
suspense and keep you on your toes, I will
watch productions from my genre, analyse
the production myself and research the
most effective techniques to create
suspense and evaluate how I can utilize
these techniques in my production.
Sound design in horror films Researching sound design will be a key part
in the creation of my production as sound
design in horror is so important to making it
a terrifying and enjoyable experience. To
research sound design I will look up
different horror productions and see how
they use sound in their film and compare
them to each other. As well as this I’ll use
the comparison to breakdown how the
sounds are laid out and used so I can be as
knowledgeable as I can be when it comes to
audio editing for my FMP.
Narrative structure in horror films To create the best narrative, I can I'm going
to research about horror narratives and
their structure and how they can easily fall
flat and become uninteresting or cliche. As
well as looking at the negatives I will dive
heavily into critically acclaimed horror
narrative and their structures, so I know
how to create the best possible narrative
and narrative structure.

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