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Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop -BP 5035 Dakar Fann (Senegal)

Tel: (221) 33 825-20-67
Mamadou GUEYE Clinic
Head of Department: Professor Momar Code BA
Dakar, 18/01/2022
Doctor Hugues Ghislain ATAKLA
Dear Colleague,
Following your correspondence requesting registration for the Special Studies
Diploma in Neurosurgery in Dakar, I am pleased to inform you that it has been
accepted by the committee Pedagogical of DES. I congratulate you.
The exact duration of studies sanctioned by an annual examination is still four (04)
years. However, a one-year internship is planned in a European country, subject to
availability. This therefore brings the total number of years of training to five (05)
Tuition fees are as follows:
- Schooling : 500,000 Frs/year
- Administrative registration : 150,000 Frs/year
There are other possible tasks related to the writing of the dissertation, or the
participation in various scientific meetings.
Of course, these various costs do not take into account the student's cost of living
(housing, transport, food, etc.).
You can therefore enroll in the first year of DES now. The start of the school year
is scheduled for January 04, 2022
Please accept, dear Colleague, the assurance of my highest consideration.

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