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Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Some geometrical characteristics of inversion

A. B. Hayward and R. H. Graham

Geological Society, London, Special Publications 1989, v.44;

doi: 10.1144/GSL.SP.1989.044.01.03

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Some geometrical characteristics of inversion

A. B. Hayward & R. H. Graham

S U M M A R Y : The inversion of extensional fault systems results in the reversal of slip on

the faults and expulsion of the synrift fill. During inversion the beds in the cover sequence
shorten before the net extension at the basement level has been cancelled. Shortening of
the sedimentary cover generates folding and backthrusting in the still downthrown
hanging wall block. Intracratonic inverted basins in different parts of the Alpine Foreland
show similar structural geometries with the major extensional faults which controlled
basin development reactivated during subsequent compression. We use examples from the
Western Approaches and offshore Holland (Broad Fourteens Basin) to illustrate the
structural styles developed during inversion. The fundamental control on compressional
structural geometry exerted by pre-existing extensional structures is also visible in more
complexly deformed orogenic belts, like the Western Alps and the Pyrenees. In these
areas inversion also occurs, but more commonly extensional faults which may not have
inverted act as an indirect control on the location of ramps, and/or thrust orientation.
Seismic data are normally required to establish these effects with certainty. However, as
the body of knowledge builds up, it is possible to recognize certain geometrical character-
istics which suggest the control of extensional faults in thrust belts. These include footwall
shortcuts, out of sequence structures and arcuate thrust-fold traces.

Theoretical considerations and
The Inversion Tectonics meeting at the Royal general principles
Society, London on 3 - 4 March 1987, provoked
lively discussion about the meaning and use of In recent years the nature and geometry of
the term inversion. Should it be restricted to extensional fault systems have become increas-
'intracratonic' deformation in the otherwise un- ingly well understood, due both to the much
deformed foreland regions of orogenic belts, or improved resolution of industrial seismic data,
should it be extended to include the restacking and the shooting of a number of deep crustal
of highly stretched continental margins within seismic lines. Most extensional basins are seen
the orogenic zones themselves? In this paper we to be linkages of asymmetrical half-grabens. The
present a series of examples which we believe impression of overall full graben symmetry in
demonstrate the progressive intensity of inver- rift systems is created either by antithetic faults
sion ranging from the mild deformational struc- linking in to a controlling fault, or by periodic
tures of the Western Approaches Basin through changes of dip of the controlling faults them-
to more intense deformation seen in the areas selves. This is achieved either by extension par-
in offshore Holland and the structural styles allel transfer faults, (Bally 1981; Gibbs 1983) or
associated with inversion in the Alpine and by more complex transfer zones (Rosendahl
Pyrenean areas. In our discussion of inversion et al. 1986).
within orogenic areas we also review some of The 'positive' inversion of a previously
the geometrical p h e n o m e n a which seem to be formed sedimentary basin has been modelled
commonly associated with the presence of pre- by Bally (1984) using a simple half-graben geo-
existing extensional faults in thrust belts. These metry which undergoes slip reversal on the
may eventually prove to be empirical criteria by main boundary fault. The slip reversal produces
which we may come to recognize the presence volumetric problems in the synrift sediments
of extensional faults and half-graben expulsion as they become elevated. The problems are
without seismic, well or complete stratigraphic overcome by expelling the synrift sequence
data. both forwards out of the graben towards the

From COOPER,M. A. & WILLIAMS,G. D. (eds), 1989, Inversion Tectonics I7

Geological Society Special Publications No. 44, 17-39.
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18 A. B. Hayward & R. H. Graham

footwall and backwards on to the old rollover

(Figs 1 and 2). In some examples the forward
expulsion produces a ramp anticline which is
underlain by a fiat detachment lying above the
footwall (Fig. 1). Backwards expulsion may
occur either on a new set of backthrusts (Fig. 2)
or on older antithetic extensional faults which
become reactivated as reverse faults.
During inversion the synrift sequence is short-
ened above the prerift surface (Fig. 2). Before
the net extension at prerift level has been can-
celled shortening of the sedimentary cover may
generate backthrusting and folding in the still
downthrown hanging wall block. In the case of
mild inversion (e.g. the Western Approaches
Basin) where there is simple dip reversal of a
major extensional fault the contents of the half-
graben are extruded as a major fold. In some
cases of more severe inversion (e.g. the Broad
Fourteens Basin) backthrusts are generated.
FIG. 2. A, The excessive bed Lengthin the cover
In other areas, for example the half-grabens sequence to an asymmetric half-graben and B, the
in the Pelvoux Massif of the Western French accommodation structures that develop during
inversion of the half-graben (in part after Bally 1984).

Alps, there has been rotation of the bounding

faults and intense internal deformation of the
contents of the half-grabens (Gillcrist et al. in
press; Gillcrist, Coward et al. this volume).
Fig. 3 shows possible geometries for half-graben
extrusion and deformation. In all of them the
basement in either the hanging wall or footwall
of the major fault may act as a butress against
thrust translation so that a backward pro-
pagating deformation sequence may develop
(Fig. 3A), an out of sequence thrust may cut
the inversioff (Fig. 3B) or a shortcut thrust
might cut through the extensional fault foot-
wall. Footwall shortcut thrusts are discussed
In the following section we use two examples
of both mild and moderate inversion in an
intracratonic setting to demonstrate some of
the geometrical characteristics that we have
outlined above.

The Western Approaches Basin: an

example of mild inversion
The Western Approaches Basin (Fig. 4) forms
FIG. 1. Graphical construction of a simple listric a E N E - W S W trending Mesozoic extensional
growth fault subsequently inverted. A, B and C show basin of Early Jurassic to Late Cretaceous age.
progressive extension and deposition of a synrift fill It was inverted during the late O l i g o c e n e - E a r l y
(shaded); D shows the subsequent inversion Miocene.
geometry. The basin can be divided into three sub-basins
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Geometrical characteristics of inversion 19

A Backward propagation 3 ~- (Fig. 4) which comprise three inverted half-

grabens. In the SW sub-basin a major reverse
fault (Fig. 5) along the southern margin of the
basin marks the boundary. The NW margin is
defined by a number of minor faults (Fig. 5).
The geometry of the sedimentary fill of the
B half-graben indicates that during the develop-
ment of the basin different faults were dominant
at different times. The Jurassic sequence shows
1 Original half graben (undeformed) marked thickening to the north into what was
clearly an extensional fault of Jurassic age.
However, the Lower and Upper Cretaceous
section thickens to the S into a major listric
fault which controlled the development of the
2 Deformed by internal strain basin throughout the Cretaceous. Restoration
~ , ..> of the cross-section in Fig. 5 demonstrates that
throughout the Cretaceous the S sub-basin
formed an asymmetric half-graben approxi-
3 'Bipolar' extrusion (thrusting) mately 50km wide controlled by a major listric
extensional fault in the S. The N margin is
defined by an extensional fault antithetic to the
major basin controlling fault.
4 'Backthrusting' During Late Oligocene/Early Miocene inver-
sion both faults were reactivated as reverse
faults. The reversal of movement on the major
basement faults resulted in uplift, the formation
5 Thrusting of a series of broad anticlinal culminations in
the hanging wall and mild basin-wide inversion.
FIG. 3. A, The development of a backward Minor antithetic and synthetic faults were also
propogating thrust sequence produced by the buttress
effect of the footwall fault block during inversion. B,
Theoretical models for the extrusion of half-graben In contrast to the S sub-basin, the present day
synrift fills. Heavy line indicates potential for late out geometry of the central sub-basin is controlled
of sequence thrusting. by a major reverse fault along the N boundary
of the basin (Fig. 6). The Mesozoic stratigraphy


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(Fig. 5)
Major basin
50 km controlling faults

FIG. 4. Structural outline map of the Western Approaches Basin.

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zo A. B. Hayward & R. H. Graham

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Geometrical character&tics of inversion 21

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22 A. B. Hayward & R. H. Graham

shows a consistent thickening to the north into Basin most of the deformation was taken up on
what was previously a major listric extensional the major basement fault, resulting in the basin-
fault. Restoration of the cross-section to the wide inversion of the Broad Fourteens Basin.
pre-inversion geometry demonstrates that the In contrast to the Western Approaches Basin
central sub-basin formed a half-graben approxi- where there is very little shortening, restored
mately 50 km wide controlled by a major listric cross-sections across the Broad Fourteens Basin
extensional fault in the N. The S margin of the show a total shortening of around ten per cent.
basin was marked by minor antithetic faults The pre-inversion rollover geometry of the
(Fig. 6). During the Late Oligocene/Early basin (Fig. 8) results in the cover sequence of
Miocene inversion the major extensional fault Mesozoic sediments having a greater bed length
was reactivated as a reverse fault. Most of the than the underlying basement surface. The
deformation was taken up on the major base- additional shortening required in the cover
ment fault producing mild basin-wide inversion. sequence is accommodated by the backward
The N sub-basin also shows a change in asym- expulsion of the half-graben fill on a series of
metry; the major extensional fault and sub- reverse faults and listric thrusts. These are
sequent reverse faults lie along the S margin of detached mostly in the Permian Zechstein
the basin. A change of asymmetry or polarity evaporite sequence and are developed princi-
along strike is typical of many extensional basins pally in the hinge area of the graben. A geo-
(Bally 1981). In this example it clearly influences seismic section over the rollover (NE) margin
the subsequent inversion geometry. of the Broad Fourteens Basin is shown in Fig. 9.
Imbricate slices which are detached in Zechstein
evaporites end in a triangle zone on the crest of
rollover. They were formed during the Late
The Broad Fourteens Basin: an Cretaceous inversion and expulsion of the
example of moderate inversion graben fill towards the rollover shoulder. In
areas where there are no Zechstein evaporites
The Broad Fourteens Basin located offshore of to form a suitable detachment, the additional
Holland (Fig. 7) forms a N W - S E trending shortening required in the cover sequence is
Mesozoic extensional basin of Triassic to Late accommodated by the development of a series
Cretaceous age. It underwent moderate inver- of small pop-up structures.
sion during the Campanian (Late Cretaceous)
(Oele et al. 1981).
The present day sub-Tertiary structure (Fig. Inversion in orogenic belts
8) is controlled by a major bounding fault along
the W margin of the basin. Across this fault the Recent years have seen the widespread appli-
Jurassic sediments of the basin are juxtaposed cation of thin skinned structural models, first
with Cretaceous sediments of the basin margin. developed by petroleum geologists working in
In contrast, along the E margin of the basin the E foothills of the Canadian Rockies (e.g.
there is no major basin boundary fault and the Bally et al., 1966; Dahlstrom 1969), to broad
Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary sequence areas of the Alpine fold belt (e.g. Boyer &
thins progressively onto the Texel-Ijsselmeer Elliot 1982; Butler 1983; Butler et al. 1986).
High. Restoration of the cross-section (Fig. 8) The application of this type of model has met
demonstrates that the Broad Fourteens Basin with varying degrees of success. In the Rocky
formed a large asymmetric half-graben approxi- Mountain foothills the stratigraphy and base-
mately 60 km wide throughout the Jurassic and ment surface is essentially uniform and there
Cretaceous. It was controlled by a major listric are no pre-thrusting extensional faults. Depo-
extensional fault along the W margin of the sition was controlled by the progressive down-
basin. The Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary ward flexure of the former passive margin. On
sequence shows a dramatic thickening into the the other hand, much of the Alpine area under-
fault and thins onto the hinge area along the E went Mesozoic fault-controlled extension (e.g.
margin of the basin. Minor Jurassic-Cretaceous Trtimpy 1980; Lemoine et al. 1986). The control
extensional faults in the hinge area of the basin exerted by early extensional faults on the com-
represent antithetic faults to the major listric pressional geometry during later orogenic defor-
fault. mation is now being recognized from a large
During the Late Cretaceous inversion, the number of mountain belts (Jackson 1980;
major listric extensional fault and minor anti- Dewey 1982; Zeigler 1983; Harding 1985; Bally
thetic faults were reactivated as thrusts or re- 1984; Etheridge 1986 and Lemoine et al. 1986).
verse faults. As in the Western Approaches In the next section we show that in the Western
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Geometrical characteristics of inversion 23

Fro. 7. Structural outline map of offshore Holland.

FIG. 8. A, Present day cross-section across the Broad Fourteens basin based on a regional seismic line. See
Fig. 7 for location. B, The same section schematically restored to Upper Cretaceous.
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24 A. B. Hayward & R. H. Graham








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Geometrical characteristics of inversion 25

Alps and Pyrenees the influence of pre-existing We briefly outline two Alpine examples ot
extensional structures in these areas goes be- the influence extensional faults on later contrac-
yond the simple inversion seen in the Alpine tional structures. Both show geometrical re-
foreland. lationships that contrast with the inversion
described in early sections. The first example is
the section across the Belldonne and associated
Western Alps
external crystalline massifs (also discussed by
It has long been recognized that the stratigraphic Butler, this volume; Gillcrist, et al. 1988 this
distinctiveness of individual thrust sheets in volume and de Graciansky et al., this volume).
the Alpine system (the tectono-stratigraphic The second is the Digne thrust in the external
units of classic Alpine stratigraphy) is related to Alpine zones of Haute Provence.
pre-tectonic palaeogeography. Many authors
(Triimpy 1980, Trfimpy & Lemoine 1987,
Belledonne section
Lemoine et al. 1986, de Graciansky et al. this
volume and others) have all demonstrated A section from the external zones of the Alps to
that this palaeogeography is a reflection of the Frontal Pennine thrust (leading internal
Mesozoic extensional geometry associated with thrust) (Figs 10 and 11) crosses the shelf edge of
the stretching events which preceeded the devel- the Tethyan margin of Europe. The Mesozoic
opment of the Ligurian and Tethyan oceans. rocks of the Jura are shelf carbonates. The
Is this to say that every major thrust sheet is rocks thrust over them in the hanging wall of
an extruded half-graben and every major thrust the leading thrust of the sub-Alpine zone are
an inverted extensional fault? Trumpy and thicker and more shaley. They are derived from
Lemoine (1987) have argued this case for the the continental slope. These rocks are deformed
Helvetic Nappes, though the argument is re- into a major syncline W of the elevated crystal-
futed by Butler, this volume. line basement which forms the Belledonne and

FIG. 10. Simplified structural outline map of the Belledone-Pelvoux area of the Western Alps (after Lemoine
et al. 1981).
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26 A. B. Hayward & R. H. Graham

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Geometrical characteristics o f inversion 27





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28 A . B. H a y w a r d & R. H . G r a h a m

associated 'external' massifs. The basement is

Digne Thrust System
elevated 12 km above its regional level. Seismic
refraction studies (Menard 1976) have revealed The Digne Thrust is one of the most important
a major low velocity zone dipping 30~ or so structures in the external Alpine zones of France
eastwards beneath the Belledonne massif. It (Fig. 12). It is 60 or more kilometres long from
seems reasonable to suggest that this is the tip to tip. It transports a thick sequence of
thrust which brought about the uplift of the basinal Jurassic and Cretaceous black shales
massif. (Vocontian facies) southwestwards over thin
The recent detailed studies of Lemoine, de Mesozoic platform carbonates of the Provencal
Graciansky and their colleagues (Lemoine et al. facies (Figs 13 and 14). South of the S tip, the
1981; 1985; de Graciansky et al., this volume) thrust is replaced by a stack of imbricate thrusts
have convincingly demonstrated the presence and associated folds whose traces curve through
of extensional fault blocks and half-grabens 90~ around the so-called 'Arc de Castellane'.
within these external crystalline massifs, the The platform facies occurs everywhere S and W
detailed structure of which is described by of the arc and the thrust system telescopes the
Gillcrist et al., in press and Gillcrist et al., this facies transition.
volume. Though intensely internally deformed The lithological contrast between the footwall
and transformed into nipped-in synclines, the and hanging wall is dramatically seen in a win-
half-grabens are clearly recognizable. The dow into the footwall of the thrust sheet located
bounding faults of the more W half-graben (La in the Gorges de Barles area, 15 km N of the
Mure, Bourg d'Oisans) may have been rotated town of Digne (Fig. 12). The Lias and Middle
and over steepened, but there is little evidence Jurassic is 500 m thick in the footwall compared
of actual reversal of movement on these bound- with 1500m thick in the hanging wall. Traced
ing faults, i.e. no demonstrable 'inversion' in southwestwards in the transport direction the
the sense in which we have used the term in this hanging wall facies gradually changes and be-
paper. comes thinner and less shaley until, in the frontal
Adjacent to the old extensional faults the part of the thrust sheet, the facies is not dis-
synrift sediments exhibit an intensification of similar to the footwall facies. This gradual
internal deformation (folds and cleavage). The change suggests an original structural position
implication is that detachment at the base of the on the rollover margin of an extensional basin.
cover sequence is transformed into strain in the Our interpretation of the Digne thrust is that it
vicinity of the blockage represented by the old represents the contents of a basin thrust out
extensional faults. In addition, backthrusts are over the original extensional fault rollover in a
developed. These represent expulsion of the similar style to the Broad Fourteens Basin. In
synrift sequence backwards over the next ro- this case the rollover lies below the Valensole
tated fault block. Lemoine has used the term plateau and forms the footwall block of the
'buffer stop' to describe the buttress effect that Durance fault, one of the most important
produces this deformation. palaeofaults qf Southeastern France.
Only in the E part of this section, not far The fault or faults which controlled the basin
below the leading internal zone thrust (Frontal in which the rocks of the Digne thrust sheet
Penine Thrust) is there any major 'forward' were deposited cannot be identified with cer-
thrusting of the half-graben sediments (La tainty but are inferred to lie along the margin of
Grave thrust). Davies (1982) has described the Argentera massif. The structural evolution
small scale inversion in this region, but whether of the Digne thrust sheet is schematically sum-
the large scale La Grave structure is genuine marized in Fig. 15. The figure makes the point
inversion of an old extensional fault or a short- that although the Digne thrust is an example of
cut phenomenon remains unclear. an extensional basin 'extruded' as a thrust sheet,
The Alpine elevation of the deformed half- there is no simple reactivation of the controlling
grabens en masse might itself be inversion. Fig. extensional fault. Indeed, complex internal de-
11 is a section and restoration which allows this formation makes it impossible to recognize the
possibility. However, an equally viable alter- controlling fault with any certainty. It may actu-
native is the shortcut model (Fig. 11) which ally be folded, as indicated in Fig. 15.
assumes that the most westerly original exten-
sional fault was too steep to be reactivated as a
thrust first acted as a buttress and was then cut
The North Pyrenees
through by the thrust on which the Belledonne The Pyrenean Mountains comprise a central
massif was elevated. axial zone of Palaeozoic rocks flanked by folded
and thrusted Mesozoic and Tertiary strata. They
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Geometrical characteristics of inversion 29

FIG. 12. Map of SE France showing locations of section lines. Stipple is Molasse, hackle ornament is pre-
Triassic outcrop. Shaded area is possible extent of Mesozic platform carbonates beneath thrusted basinal rocks
with dotted lines as limit (definite fault in west, possible fault in east). The letters A - D refer to contrasted
stratigraphies shown in Fig. 13.

have been variously interpreted as both a strike- takes into account the observed stratigraphic
slip fold belt dominated by steep upright struc- variations or structural style. Recently, im-
tures (e.g. Choukroune & Matauer 1978) and proved industrial seismic resolution in the North
as a thin skinned fold and thrust belt (Williams Pyrenean thrust belt and within the structured
& Fischer 1985). Neither interpretation fully foreland zone of the Aquitaine Basin demon-
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30 A. B. Hayward & R. H. Graham

strates convincingly that the Pyrenees formed a and the development of the Pyrenean fold and
major Mesozoic extensional basin controlled thrust belt.
by a complex extensional fault system that We describe below two sections from the
exerted a major influence during the sub- central and W area of the North Pyrenees which
sequent Eocene compression. document both basin inversion and half-graben
The major period of crustal extension was extrusion. We also discuss the way that earlier
related to the opening of the Bay of Biscay extensional faults controlled the location of sub-
in the Lower Cretaceous (Boillot 1984). The sequent thrust ramps.
northward movement of Iberia throughout the The first section (Fig. 16) in the extreme W
Tertiary resulted in the continental collision runs from the margin of the Mt Ursuya massif
northwards across the North Pyrenean thrust
belt and Aquitaine basin. The section is well
constrained by seismic and well data. North of
the Mt Ursuya massif the Ursuya thrust sheet
comprises a Triassic to Upper Cretaceous
sequence that has a pronounced wedge shaped
geometry. A thick Lower Cretaceous sequence
in the north of the thrust sheet passes south-
wards into a much thinner Lower Cretaceous
sequence. Along the N edge of the Ursuya
massif the Upper Cretaceous rests directly on
basement and is overthrust by a backthrust
which carries a complete Mesozoic sequence
southwards. This is presumed to represent a
half graben that has been completely inverted
FIG. 13. Contrasting stratigraphy in the basins of and extruded both forwards and backwards.
SE France (after Debelmas 1974). To the north the Came Thrust Sheet drilled

FIG. 14. Section across Haute Provence (for location see Fig. 12). A and D refer to the stratigraphy shown in
Fig. 13.
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Geometrical characteristics of inversion 31

by the Came well (Fig. 16) has a much thicker sequence comprising a thin Upper Cretaceous
and more basinal Lower Cretaceous sequence carbonate sequence rests unconformably on
when compared with the Lower Cretaceous Triassic evaporites and Palaeozoic basement.
carbonate platform sequence penetrated in the The boundary between the North and South
St Lons well in the footwall of the thrust sheet. Pyrenean zones is marked by a major thrust
Restoration of this section suggests the presence to the present day, which is likely to be the
of a series of extensional half grabens of Lower W continuation of the North Pyrenean fault
Cretaceous age. In contrast to those in the (J. R. Hossack, personal communication).
Western Alps described earlier, these half Restoration of cross-sections implies that this
grabens have been completely inverted. The fault was a major extensional fault throughout
second section (Fig. 17) crosses the St Suzanne the Cretaceous. It is tempting to speculate that
anticline which is the leading structure in the the reactivation of this fault is responsible for
central W area of the North Pyreenes. The St much Of the elevation of the axial zone base-
Suzanne structure is thin skinned and detached ment massif in this area.
within the Upper Triassic evaporite sequence. The Southern Pyrenees are a major basement
However, the Upper Cretaceous sequence in duplex locally with a roof thrust in Triassic
the footwall to the structure comprises a thin evaporites. This represents thrust deformation
- 5 0 0 m thick carbonate platform sequence that on the footwall of the old extensional fault. In
is represented in the hanging wall by a thick contrast, in the North Pyrenees much of the
basinal shale sequence -1500 m thick (Fig. 17). deformation can be related to the earlier exten-
Restoration of this section implies the presence sional structures. In some areas reactivation
of an extensional fault of Upper Cretaceous age of extensional faults as reverse faults or thrust
that has controlled the location of the subsequent has resulted in major inversion and graben
thin skinned thrust ramp. extrusion. Elsewhere steps in the basement sur-
In the Southern Pyrenees there was no signifi- face control the location of subsequent thin
cant Mesozoic extension. The sedimentary skinned thrust ramps.
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32 A. B. Hayward & R. H. Graham

FIG. 15. Possible structural evolution of the Digne Basin.

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G e o m e t r i c a l characteristics o f i n v e r s i o n 33









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34 A. B. Hayward & R. H. Graham

FIG. 17. A, Structural cross-section across the St Suzanne Anticline, North Pyrenees. See Fig. 16 for
location. B, The same section restored to top Upper Cretaceous showing control on ramp location by earlier
extensional fault. See Fig. 16 for the regional context of this structure.

Indications of the influence of roughly reflects the trend of the sub-thrust

structures (Fig. 18) which are most reasonably
extensional fault systems in orogenic interpreted as part of the original extensional
belts geometry of this area of the Alpine margin.
The leading part of the Digne thrust shows a
In this section we examine a number of features complex movement sequence. The thrust is out
which are common in the many orogenic belts of sequence in the sense that it cuts both limbs
and which we believe indicate the influence of of folds in both its footwall and hanging wall,
pre-existing extensional fault systems on the yet, in turn, it is folded by thrust related folds
subsequent thrust geometry. beneath it (Fig. 14). The geometrical relation-
ship is borne out by the stratigraphic evidence
that the last 7 km of displacement on the Digne
thrust was across a post-Messinian land surface
Out of sequence thrusts and arcuate thrust
traces but earlier movements on the structure were
pre-Eocene. The complexity is probably another
These features seem to be indications of the manifestation of the buttress (buffer stop) effect
influence of sub-thrust extensional patterns and of the sub-thrust structure. There are numerous
sequences. The Digne thrust system described other instances of the phenomena; the Sibillini
above shows clear evidence of both (Figs 12 Mountains of Italy (Leveccia 1978) are a par-
and 14). The Castellane arc is almost certainly ticularly good example.
a response of southwesterly directed thrusts Arcs and out of sequence thrusts should
breaking as oblique thrust ramps as they climb make us suspect the presence of sub-thrust
sub-thrust obstacles. The trend of the ramps extensional structures (with or without associ-
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Geometrical characteristics of inversion 35

Fir. 18. Exploded block diagram showing oblique ramps and arc formation of thrust related folds associated
with oblique inversion. A, a fault, B, a rollover.

ated inversion) with important implications for

regional structural interpretation.

Footwall shortcuts
Footwall shortcuts like those suggested in the
Belledone section of the Western Alps have
been produced in the experiments done by
McClay, this volume where pre-existing exten-
sional faults are rotated too steeply to be reacti-
vated themselves as reverse faults. In nature
footwall shortcut thrusts produce isolated
wedges of footwall rocks which may be trans-
lated in a thrust hanging wall (Fig. 19). The
mechanisms allow isolated lenses of crystalline
basement to be emplaced high within an appar-
ently thin skinned sequence. This often presents
interpretational difficulties. We know of two
relatively large scale possible examples of this
The first example is the Johnstone Thrust/
Benton fault system, (Brooks et al. 1983; FIr. 19. Model for the development of a footwall
Hancock et al. 1981) in the Hercynian fold belt shortcut thrust system.
of Southwest Wales (Figs 20 and 21), where an
isolated lens of crystalline basement lies 5 km Romollen in the external Alpine zones of
above regional basement level along the line Southeastern France, (Figs 12 and 22) where an
of a major Caledonian basin controlling fault isolated exposure of crystalline basement occurs
(Brooks et al. 1983). It sits on a shallow thrust in the core of an anticline which folds the Digne
(the Johnstone thrust) and is emplaced onto Thrust. We have already noted that the hanging
Upper Carboniferous rocks which directly and wall of the thrust contains basinal Jurassic shales
unconformably overlie Lower Palaeozoic slates. thrusted some 20 km over thinner platform car-
A major extensional fault, the Benton fault, bonates (Siddans 1978; Gigot et al. 1974). The
forms the S edge of the crystalline wedge, boun- thrust is detached in Triassic evaporites. A
ding it from a thick sequence of Devonian rocks 20km long thin blade cut through basement
(Old Red Sandstone). The fault probably re- below this detachment is a most unlikely geo-
presents the N border of the Old Red Sandstone metry in the context of the regional geology. A
basin (Hancock et al. 1981) shortcut by the small fragment of footwall from an extensional
thrust during the Hercynian orogeny. fault within the original basin is a more reason-
A second example is from the Dome de able explanation of the basement inlier.
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36 A. B. Hayward & R. H. Graham

FIG. 20. Map showing the geology of Southwest Wales. Dotted line is limit of Hercynian deformation.

FIG. 21. Sketch section showing the Johnstone/Benton block as a footwall shortcut. Depth to basement is
from Mechie 1981. Hackle shading is basement, lined shading is Lower Palaeozoic, dotted is Devonian and
Lower Carboniferous. Upper Carboniferous is blank.

formed by the f o r e d e e p - f o r e b u l g e deformation

Inversion post-dating nappe emplacement
wave and show growth sequences of foredeep
Commonly the floors of orogenic foredeep basin fill. Commonly such structures are in-
basins are broken by extensional faults. Some verted late in the deformation history of the
of these faults date from passive margin phases mountain belt.
before orogenic collision. Others may have been In the foredeep basins of the Apennines and
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Geometrical characteristics of inversion 37

FIG. 22. Conceptual section showing the Dome de Romollon basement outcrop interpreted as a footwall
shortcut in the extruded basinal rocks of the Digne thrust sheet. Letters refer to stratigraphy in Fig. 13. For
location of section see Fig. 12.

in Oman, inversion of this kind developed after still provides valuable insights into regional
the emplacement of far travelled thrust sheets geometry.
into the foredeep basins. The thin skinned The potentially complex inter-relationships
thrusts have been deformed by 'thick skin' between thin skinned thrusting and basin inver-
inversion-related anticlines whose scale is sion are a prime problem to be tackled by the
greater than earlier thin skinned structures and structural geologist working in orogenic ter-
whose orientation may also be distinct. rains. Inversion is one of a number of possible
Jebel Akdar and Hamrat Duru in Oman and ways in which pre-existing extensional faultgeo-
the structure which elevates the main Lagonegro metry influences later thrusting to produce a
outcrop in the Southern Apennines are possible more complex geometry than that which we see
examples of large scale late inversion structures. in areas of pure thin skinned thrusting. If strati-
graphic and seismic data are good, interpretative
problems are small. However seismic data are
commonly equivocal in orogenic regions.
The interplay of thin skinning and Examples like those we have cited may have
inversion - - concluding remarks some empirical interpretative value. Clearly,
the application of thin skinned tectonic models
We have seen that pre-existing extensional faults without sufficient regard to detailed stratigraphy
may trigger ramp generation and complicate can be misleading and may result in erroneous
thrust sequence and trend. Where inversion structural prediction and shortening estimates.
occurs later than far travelled thrusting, com- It is our contention that two broad structural
plex interference of the two types of structure provinces can be recognized in a stretched con-
may occur. tinental margin which later suffers orogenic
The existence of extensional faults also com- contraction. The area of fault-controlled
plicates considerably the construction of stretching is likely to be the site of basin ex-
balanced cross-sections. Although some of the trusion, fault block restacking, footwall short-
geometric principles still apply, clearly the ab- cutting, buttressing and complex structure. It is
solute rigour of the method is lost where there an area where we should expect bedlength mis-
is no table-top basal detachment. Some inver- matches of cover and basement. Further up the
sions (e.g. in Southern England, see Simpson et passive margin we may pass into a region which
al., this volume) 'heal' with the basement once suffered only thermal subsidence with the deve-
more continuous across the old fault. This creates lopment of 'steers head' shaped tapering sedi-
a potential interpretative pitfall of which we mentary wedges. Here, thin skin tectonics on
need to beware. It is nevertheless important 'table top' basement such as we see in the
that we attempt to restore sections. Even though Rocky Mountain foothills is likely to be do-
there may be no definitive answer, the technique minant. Localized inversions on isolated passive
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38 A. B. Hayward & R. H. Graham

m a r g i n faults like t h o s e d e s c r i b e d earlier in this ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We are grateful to BP PLC for
p a p e r s p r e a d far into t h e f o r e l a n d b e y o n d t h e permission to publish this paper. Many of the ideas
limit of any t h i n s k i n n e d d e f o r m a t i o n . In t h e on the offshore Holland area were developed in con-
e x t e r n a l p a r t s o f a m o u n t a i n c h a i n we m a y see junction with our colleagues in BP Holland. Professors
M. Lemoine and P. C. de Graciansky opened our
i n t e r f e r e n c e o f t h e s e t w o sorts of s t r u c t u r e s , we
eyes to the geology of the Western Alps. Chris Banks
m a y also see i n v e r s i o n o f e x t e n s i o n a l faults made many useful comments on an earlier version of
w h i c h f o r m e d coevally w i t h f o r e d e e p basin this manuscript.

References and further reading

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A. B. HAYWARD, British Petroleum Development Ltd, Britannic House, Moor Lane,

London EC2Y 9BU, UK.
R. H. GRAHAm, British Petroleum Development Ltd, Britannic House, Moor Lane,
London EC2Y 9BU, UK.

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