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Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Inversion tectonics −− a discussion

M. A. Cooper, G. D. Williams, P. C. de Graciansky, R. W.
Murphy, T. Needham, D. de Paor, R. Stoneley, S. P. Todd, J.
P. Turner and P. A. Ziegler

Geological Society, London, Special Publications 1989, v.44;

doi: 10.1144/GSL.SP.1989.044.01.18

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Inversion tectonics - a discussion

M. A. Cooper, G. D. Williams, P. C. de Graciansky, R. W. Murphy,

T. Needham, D. de Paor, R. Stoneley, S. P. Todd, J. P. Turner &
P. A. Ziegler

Introduction horizontal planar surface but can be deformed

by isostatic, thermal and flexural processes
The term 'inversion' to describe an inverted affecting the lithosphere, usually of a signifi-
basin was first used by Glennie & Boegner cantly larger wavelength than the fault-related
(1981) although inverted basins had been re- structuring. Contractional deformation will
cognized many years before e.g. Lamplugh elevate beds above regional elevation and ex-
(1920) and Stille (1924). During this meeting it tension will lower them below regional elevation
became apparent that the application of the (Fig. 1).
term had broadened to such an extent that the We can therefore recognize inversion when
understanding of 'inversion' in the petroleum in the hanging wall of the fault or fault system
industry was incompatible with much of the controlling deformation two marker horizons
current usage. The discussion that follows illus- display different elevations above and/or below
trates many of the points of disagreement, their respective regionals. In the case of the
perhaps the most contentious of which is the classical inverted half-graben model of Bally
use of the term 'negative inversion' although (1984) the upper part of the fault causes elev-
this was also introduced by Glennie & Boegner ation above regional whilst on the lower part of
(1981). Most of the discussion was presented the fault beds are still beneath their regional
verbally at the meeting and was recorded, elevation (Fig. 2). We term the change-over
transcribed and returned to speakers for their point (where beds are at regional in the hanging
corrections. In addition, a number of written wall) the null point (Williams et al. this volume).
contributions were received. All contributions One key feature that is a consequence of the
to the discussion have been edited as gently as geometric criterion that we propose is that it
possible so as to retain the exact meaning in- must be possible to identify a synrift (or passive
tended by the contributor. All contributors are infill) sequence in all inversion structures. If the
included as co-authors in this discussion article synrift package cannot be positively identified
but clearly this does not mean that individuals then inversion cannot be unequivocally recog-
necessarily accept all the points made by other nized. Note that we are using the term synrift to
contributors. The editors have identified indi- describe sedimentation synchronous with ex-
vidual contributions. The discussion com- tension which may not necessarily produce a rift
menced with some proposals by the editors system.
which are briefly reproduced here. This dis- The postrift sequence is longer (Fig. 2, length
cussion article concludes with a considered Y) than the prerift sequence (Fig. 2, length X)
revision of the proposals on nomenclature due to the intervening phase of extension and
which aims to satisfy some of the shortcomings on inversion must shorten whilst the prerift
identified in the discussions. remains in net extension. This creates the
asymmetric anticline in the postrift sequence
which is characteristic of an inversion structure
which faces towards the footwall (Fig. 2).
Recognizing inversion structures Note that this geometric criterion does not
(M. A. Cooper & G. D. Williams) require that extension be followed by contrac-
tion - positive inversion. It is equally applicable
Our initial definition of inversion relied on the to contraction followed by extension - negative
concept of regional elevation. The regional elev- inversion. What the criterion does necessitate is
ation of a marker horizon is the structural elev- that the regional stress regime would undergo a
ation of the horizon if the effects of faulting or fundamental change such that the dip=slip
folding are removed. It is not necessarily a component of deformation is reversed.

From COOPER,M. A. & WILLIAMS,G. D. (eds), 1989, Inversion Tectonics 335

Geological Society Special Publications No. 44,335-347.
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336 M. A. Cooper et al.

FI6. 1. An illustration of the regional concept in a simple tectonic model.

We did not include non-fault related uplift

and subsidence e.g. thermal subsidence follow-
ing extensional deformation because we con-
sidered that this would broaden the concept of
inversion too far. Such mechanisms tend to
affect areas beyond the limits of basins, i.e.
they are often more regional in their effect.

Open discussion
The discussion was initiated by Dr Murphy who
described the concept of inversion as currently
used in the petroleum industry.

Petroleum industry usage (R. W. Murphy)

For a number of years the concept of inversion
tectonics has been current within the pet-
roleum industry. We saw an increasing number
of examples on regional seismic lines of basins
in which the depositional thicks, located at or
near the basin centres, had been uplifted by
late-stage compressive forces. A good case in
point is provided by the Malay Basin (Bubb &
Hayash 1980; Fig. 3). The Malay basin profile
was first shown publicly by Jack Armitage at a
Petroleum Symposium of the Geological Society
of Malaysia. The basin centred over SP 600-700
and the half-grabens at SP 1000 are separated
by a basement ridge which was topographically FIG. 2. The development of an inversion structure
(modified from Bally 1984). Regional is defined from
high during deposition up to about end Miocene the footwall of the half-graben.
time. Some 1200 m of section were eroded from
the main basin prior to the deposition of lower
Pliocene beds. Some compression continued,
as the Pliocene beds are arched upward, but on this seismic profile by folding without
movement ceased in more recent times, since apparent faulting.
the youngest beds are fiat-lying over the basin. A three-stage model of evolution is suggested:
Similarly, the half-graben underwent inversion, 1. Basin formation by normal faulting of
although to a lesser degree. In the main basin Cretaceous basement; 2. rapid sedimentation
the inversion appears to have taken place by decreasing through time as activity along the
reversal of offset along the major faults, whereas faults diminishes to zero; 3. a short, rapid
compression within the half-graben is expressed compressive phase ending in quiescence.
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Inversion tectonics - a discussion 337

600 700 800 900 1000

SW I I I I I .... NE
- - - - I





Seismically opaque
Cretaceous Basement

5 10 km
I 1


Fro. 3. Line drawing of an example seismic section of an inversion structure from the Malay basin. Vertical
scaling is approximately 8 • horizontal.

From regional mapping we believe the com- attempting to define the term, to research its
pressional phase to be associated with through- origins.
going wrench faults in an essentially transpres-
sive tectonic pattern.
In oil company practice inversion tectonics The next contributor, Dr Ziegler, supported
are restricted to situations which are similar to this view whilst recognizing the value of applying
that which is exemplified by the Malay Basin: the concepts of basin inversion to examples
developed on continental crust, initial basin other than those from intra-cratonic settings.
formation usually along normal faults, and a However both Ziegler and Murphy imply that
three-stage development: extensional-quies- fault reactivation is not a necessary requirement,
cent-compressional. Inverted basins are not although in most cases the transtensional-
the result of collision tectonics (except perhaps extensional basin development phase would
very indirectly). They do not lie at continental involve fault systems.
margins. They are not minor elements within a
tectonic regime that is overwhelmingly of a
different structural style.
Classical basin inversion (P. A. Ziegler)
These comments do not offer a definition of
inversion tectonics. They are designed to convey I feel that the concept of 'basin inversion' as
to the scientific world at large what the concept developed by the petroleum industry, on the
means within the context of the petroleum in- basis of extensive seismic surveys calibrated by
dustry. Since the existence of 'inversion tec- well data, should be retained and should not be
tonics' as a separate style was first documented rendered meaningless by the introduction of
on regional seismic profiles (if we designate the such terms as 'positive inversion' and 'negative
earlier usage of 'Germano-type' tectonics as a inversion'.
broader antecedent concept of which inversion An archetype of an inverted basin has been
is a special case) I feel there is merit, when demonstrated in this discussion by Dr Murphy
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338 M. A . C o o p e r et al.

(for other examples see P. A. Ziegler 1987). Of these phenomena only the compres-
The basic concept is illustrated by Fig. 3 (Bally sional-transpressional deformation of grabens
1984). and troughs located in the interior of major
Inverted basins have been recognized for a lithospheric plates is compatible with the term
long time and have been discussed amongst 'basin inversion' as used by the petroleum in-
others by Lamplugh (1920), Stille (1924), Pro- dustry. Such deformation can be related to
uvost (1930) and Voigt (1963). Inverted basins changes in the regional stress regime which may
occur most commonly in intra-cratonic areas be induced either by plate margin collisional
(e.g. Northwest Europe) and in back-arc areas processes (e.g. latest Cretaceous and Tertiary
(e.g. Sunda arc), but have also been recognized basin inversion in NW Europe) or by the
within mega-sutures (e.g. Southern Altiplano inception of partial abandonment of multi-
of Bolivia, Devonian basins superimposed on directional rift systems (e.g. Late Jurassic-
the Arctic-North Atlantic Caledonides) and Early Cretaceous development of NW Europe,
locally also on passive margins (e.g. Mid Norway Ziegler, 1982).
Basin, Bukowicz & Ziegler 1985). The struc- Thermal uplift of a rift zone, involving the
tural style of inverted basins indicates that their elevation of the rift shoulders, and under certain
deformation was governed by compressional/ conditions also of the axial graben, as well as
transpressional stress regimes. Empirically it hot spot induced regional arching accompanied
can be established that grabens and troughs, by only minor crustal extension, differs, fun-
which evolved under tensional-transtensional damentally from the concept of 'basin inversion'
stress regimes, are characterized by attenuated as used by the petroleum industry from a geo-
crust that is prone to inversion under tangential dynamic point of view. It is therefore rec-
stresses. ommended to exclude hot spot and rift induced
The degree of basin inversion can vary greatly thermal uplift from the term 'inversion'.
and can range from partial, mild inversion The collision-related orogenic deformation of
(configuration of the original basin at depth still continental margin prisms, and of foredeeps
retained whilst its shallower parts are deformed and success or basins, involves the development
into an anticlinorium) to total inversion whereby of thin- and thick-skinned thrust sheets and
movements along extensional faults controlling nappes which account for major crustal short-
the original basin configuration are reversed to ening. In this respect the structural style and
the null point or even beyond it (Bally 1984). deformation patterns of such 'Alpino-type' plate
In the following discussion some arguments margin fold belts (megasutures) differs greatly
are given in support of the recommendation from the structural style of intra-cratonic
presented in the opening paragraph of this grabens and troughs which became inverted in
contribution. response to the build-up of intraplate com-
The term 'negative inversion' is essentially pressional stresses. As noted above, such
identical to basin subsidence. The principal stresses may be related to collisional processes
mechanisms governing the subsidence of sedi- affecting one or more of the margins of the
mentary basins, as discussed in an ever expand- affected plate (e.g. Cenozoic inversion of
ing literature, involve: 1. crustal and lithospheric the Celtiberian trough of Iberia, Ziegler 1988) or
thinning related to rifting processes or wrench may be of an anorogenic nature (e.g. Palaeogene
induced transtentional deformations; 2. deflec- inversion of the D o b a - D o s e o trough of Chad
tion of the lithosphere under tectonic loads; 3. and the Central African Republic). In view of
cooling and contraction of a thermally destabil- this it is suggested to distinguish between intra-
ized lithosphere and 4. water and sedimentary plate inversion tectonics and 'Alpinotype' oro-
loading of the lithosphere. The term 'negative genic plate margin deformations. In particular,
inversion' does not contribute to the under- the term 'inversion' should not be applied to the
standing of basin subsidence and is therefore scooping out of sedimentary ramps by imbricate
redundant. thrust sheets, for instance in the Canadian Rocky
The term 'positive inversion', corresponding Mountains. Yet, the orogenic deformation of
essentially to uplift and basin destruction, has passive margin sedimentary prisms may involve,
been used during this conference as en- as in the case of the Western Alps (Gillcrist et
compassing the orogenic deformation of passive al. this volume), the deformation of grabens
margin sedimentary prisms and of successor and half-grabens which developed during the
basins in the interior of major orogens, the rifting stage preceding crustal separation and
compressional-transpressional deformation of the subsequent development of the respective
intra-cratonic basins and thermal uplift associ- passive margin. The compressional deformation
ated with rifting processes. of such grabens and troughs, mainly during
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Inversion tectonics - a discussion 339

early orogenic phases and in part at considerable son of structural styles between internal and
distances from the contemporaneous orogenic external zones; 3. the reconstruction of the
thrust front, is compatible with the concept of geometry of the early stages of compression in
intra-plate basin inversion. every zone.
In some cases a clear boundary between For example, the initiation of megamullions
compressional intra-plate and plate margin de- in the Belledonne-Pelvoux area and of mega-
formation cannot be defined if the foreland is boudins as in the Penninic zone, which were
transsected by inverted grabens which extend both inherited from tilted extensional fault
into the orogenic belt (e.g. Dauphinois, Western blocks, could not be understood without con-
Alps). sidering early Alpine inversion of Tethyan ex-
'Inverted basins' are a classical form of intra- tensional faults. This is also true for the Helvetic
plate compressional deformation. Another ex- and Digne nappes which derived from the
pression of such deformation are basement Tethyan half-grabens.
blocks which are uplifted along steep reverse, We fully agree that if compression is in the
trust and/or wrench faults (e.g. Wind River order of magnitude observed in the internal
Mountains, USA; Harz Mountain, Germany). zones of folded belts, for example, in the
Such basement uplifts develop by com- metamorphic areas, this should not be
pressional-transpressional reactivation of pre- considered to be inversion.
existing fracture systems and may or may not However, where extension and compression
involve the inversion of basins and troughs. are of the same order of intensity, the concepts
In summary, it is recommended to restrict the of inversion is extremely useful for structural
terms 'inverted basin' and 'inversion tectonics' reconstruction whatever the geodynamic en-
to the intra-plate compressional-transpres- vironment, including intra-cratonic as well as
sional deformation of basins which had devel- oceanic basins, in epeiric basins as well as in
oped under a largely tensional-transtensional marginal environments, and in low relief areas
setting. This definition retains the concept de- as well as in mountain belts.
veloped by the petroleum industry who use the Within mountain belts it seems reasonable to
term 'inverted basin' on a routine basis. It is restrict the application of inversion concepts to
therefore suggested that if authors wish to use external zones of mild tectonism. However,
the term 'inversion' in any other sense they it must be appreciated that even in the in-
should specify in a few words what in their ternal zones the early phases of compression
usage this term means. may well have produced inversion structures
subsequently overprinted.
Professor de Graciansky outlined the reasons A definition that is too rigid is inconvenient,
for preferring a less restrictive application of particularly when several extensional phases
inversion. The use of inversion concepts in the are interspersed with compressional events as
W Alps has revolutionized the models of evol- observed in Alpine and North European basins.
ution for the orogen and provides a powerful
tool for interpreting similar orogenic belts, Professor Stoneley introduced a note of caution
notably those in the Tethyan realm. raising the important issue of the origins of
basins. A particularly pertinent point is that
basins related to compressional tectonics e.g.
foreland basins, cannot be subsequently con-
Inversion in orogenic belts (P. C. de
sidered to have been inverted by continuing
compression. The implication is that we must
During the discussion on the definition of inver- look for a change in the regional stress field to
sion tectonics, we noted a reluctance amongst identify inversion.
oil geologists to apply concepts of inversion to
mountain belts, i.e. to severely deformed areas.
Experience in the Alps has shown that some
The importance of understanding basin forming
of the most demonstrable examples of inversion
process (R. Stoneley)
can be found in the sub-Alpine ranges which
have undergone relatively mild tectonism. The proposed definitions involving fault move-
Moreover, the concepts of inversion help to ments are imposing conditions on Nature which
explain the geometry of the more severely de- probably do not exist. The idea that faults have
formed zones. This can be documented by: to be involved in order to get inversion, implies
1. the gradient in the intensity of deformation that Nature is going to make all her vertical
from external to internal zones; 2. the compari- displacements on faults. This can be achieved in
Downloaded from at Cornell University on November 6, 2012

34O M. A . Cooper et al.

other ways, for example as a result of flexing or wards. The presence of growth folds and
as gentle basement uplift. We should not impose numerous intraformational unconformities in
any such requirement on Nature through the the Jaca basin indicate that shortening and sedi-
definitions. mentation were contemporaneous during the
To define negative inversion-positive inver- Oligocene-Miocene. As the thrust front pro-
sion as a result of extension following com- pagated through the basin, various sub-areas
pression or vice versa denies the scientific experienced a transition from being zones of
method. Basins can form as a result of exten- subsidence and net sedimentation to uplift and
sion, and most of the ones described at the net erosion. Thus the timing of this "inversion"
meeting apparently did. Other basins, however, was highly diachronous across the basin, ranging
can form from compression, and a change in the from early Oligocene in the E to early Miocene
sense of vertical movement may or may not in the W.
involve a change from extension to compression. Several points emerge from this potted basin
Furthermore, there are some intra-cratonic history which are pertinent to the discussion.
basins which are circular in shape, such as the
Moscow Basin and the Michigan Basin, which 1 The transition from subsidence to uplift was
do not seem to involve any compression or achieved without a significant change in the
extension in their development. If we exclude regional stress regime.
such basins from our definitions, by referring 2 Basin uplift was achieved without reacti-
only to compression and extension, then we are vation of pre-existing faults.
implying that this sort of basin never inverts, 3 The timing of inversion was highly dia-
whether in fact they do or not. chronous across the basin.
We have seen interpretation encroaching on We therefore suggest that the term 'inversion'
definition in one or two papers during this be applied in the following broad sense: 'the
meeting, for example in referring to uncon- transition within a basin from subsidence and
formities as thermal relaxation unconformities net deposition to uplift and net erosion'. This
or crustal thickening unconformities. This is definition has the advantages of encompassing
just an interpretation. both tectonic and thermal uplift whilst not
I hope that students here will not be misled necessarily implying fault reactivation.
by this rolling bandwagon of enthusiasm. We
understand a lot about how basins are formed Two contributors suggested introducing the
and how they invert, but we must continue to term 'reactivation' to avoid confusion with 'in-
describe basins objectively and then try to in- version' for overturning of strata or structures.
terpret how they developed, rather than force One (D de Paor) discusses the potential value
interpretations into a model at the outset. of null points in describing reactivated faults.
Finally, to define basin inversion, we must
consider what we understand by a basin. Is, for
example, any rollover depression on a listric
Reactivation of faults and the null point
normal fault considered to be a basin?
(D. de Paor)
The following discussion illustrates many of the I suggest that we need to make a clear distinction
conceptual points raised by Professor Stoneley between basin inversion and fault reversal. An
but concludes that the definition of inversion inverted fault is one that has been rotated
should include cases where the regional stress through the vertical so that its hanging wall and
regime remains constant, in direct conflict to footwall are interchanged, as opposed to a re-
the comments above. activated fault whose sense of slip has undergone
reversal. Regarding the latter, two categories of
dip-slip reversal may be defined, reversed
normal faults (RN) and normalized reverse
Inversion in the Pyrenees (S. P. Todd & J. P.
faults (NR). If a fault is entirely post-sedimen-
tary, there is no stratigraphic record of slip
In the W part of the South Pyrenean foreland increments, so only the net slip vector may be
basin system, flexural subsidence was generated determined. However, during synsedimentary
by thrust sheet loading along the basin margin faulting, growth sedimentation creates a vernier
during the late Eocene. The Jaca thrust tip scale against which subsequent slip reversals
basin, a detached compartment at the N margin may be measured. As long as sedimentation
of the main foreland basins, was created by keeps pace with fault slip, a point of no offset,
further propagation of the thrust front south- or null point exists at the synorogenic surface.
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Inversion tectonics - a discussion 34I

When a fault (or either RN or N R type) reverses Inversion structures- recognition

its sense of slip, this null point migrates down
the plane at a rate that depends on the ratio of and characteristics (M. A. Cooper
the fault slip to sediment growth rates. If syn- & G. D. Williams)
tectonic sedimentation persists, a new null point
is generated at the surface. Subsequent reversal The discussion on 'inversion' reproduced above
of slip leads to R N R or NRN type faults with indicates the extent of the disagreements
two migrating null points, one of which travels on what constitutes an inversion structure.
down the fault plane, the other up. After a We propose that our initial geometric cri-
certain amount of slip, these two points can terion for recognition be retained with minor
meet and annihilate one another in Pacman modifications.
style. All that then remains of the incremental
slip history is a variation in net slip vector with
stratigraphic level.
Recognition on geometric criteria
Reactivation not inversion (T. Needham)
Inversion produces variation in the structural
The term 'inversion', prefixed by a variety of elevation, relative to regional elevation of
other terms, has been used to describe reversal marker beds depending on their location on the
of the sense of motion along a given fault or fault or fault system controlling deformation.
within a fault system. When describing the re- The variation should be systematic; a zone of
use of a pre-existing fault, the well known term depression below regional will be associated
'reactivation' is readily applicable. It is then with one portion of the fault separated by
easy to describe a fault in terms such as, 'con- the null point from a zone of elevation above
tractional reactivation of an extensional fault'. regional (Fig. 2).
Whilst this is longer and somewhat more cum- This should normally be generated by a
bersome than, for instance, 'positive inversion' fundamental change in the regional stress field
it is unambiguous and requires the use of no from extensional to compressional. The con-
new terminology. The term is also non-genetic. verse sequence, compression followed by ex-
It describes a feature based on geometrical ob- tension, produces 'negative inversion', a less
servations and is not restricted to particular widely accepted concept.
tectonic settings. This also side-steps the pos-
sibly contentious issues of what is inversion and
what is orogenesis, as well as the separation of Exclusions
plate margin from intra-plate deformation. Use These criteria exclude such effects as the com-
of 'reactivation' also leaves the term 'inversion' monly observed truncation of extensional fault
free to be used in the more general sense which blocks prior to the deposition of the postrift
many of the conference participants seemed to sequence, e.g. the Kimmerian phase in the
prefer. North Sea. These effects are thermally and
Secondly, usage of the term 'regional inver- isostatically driven due to mantle re-equilibra-
sion' may also lead to confusion, especially in tion and we do not therefore consider such
that 'regional' is often used as an abbreviated regionally extensive changes in structural ele-
form of regional elevation which itself is used as vation inversion.
the datum relative to which inversion is We would also exclude inversion-type struc-
measured. tures produced by movements on s t r i k e - s l i p
Finally, uplift, when not obviously fault re- faults. The complex array of faults that typify
lated, was described as thermal uplift by some many strike slip faults at shallow depths, e.g.
speakers. Surely this is placing too much in- the San Andreas Fault facilitate localized trans-
terpretation on a simple observation. Perhaps pressional and transtensional regimes which
we should be more cautious and refer to non- can migrate with time (Fig. 4). Thus, in such
fault related uplift for any given situation until systems alternations of localized compressional
further data allows the distinction to be made and extensional tectonics will be common but
between, for example, thermal or isostatic the regional stress regime will be unchanged.
Basin processes
The processes of basin formation require some
consideration in this discussion. Basins which
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342 M. A. Cooper et al.

FiG. 4. The development of inversion-type structures in a transcurrent fault zone.

FIG. 5. The development of a footwall shortcut fault with a shallower dip during inversion of a steeply dipping
extension fault.

develop at divergent plate boundaries and/or to fault m o v e m e n t s which control basin devel-
passive margins, e.g. the East African Rift opment. Fault control is also apparent for basins
Valley (Rosendal et al. 1986), are clearly related associated with transform plate boundaries
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Inversion tectonics - a discussion 343

(Mann et al. 1983) and failed rifts e.g. the North is inverted, footwall shortcut faults (Fig. 5)
Sea (Ziegler 1983). This is also true for some will commonly be produced in order to gene-
basins associated with convergent plate bound- rate a more gently inclined fault trajectory
aries, notably back-arc basins. However, a favourable to a sub-horizontal compressional
major basin forming mechanism at convergent stress (Gillcrist et al. 1987; Hayward & Graham
plate boundaries is loading and flexure of the this volume). Steep faults are highly efficient at
lithosphere, e.g. trenches and foreland basins. producing structural elevation but achieve only
Such basins may contain minor extensional faults minor shortening. The shallower dipping foot-
but these are secondary and do not control wall shortcut creates an efficient trajectory for
basin development. These basins are controlled shortening to occur. In negative inversion the
by the nature and distribution of the load on the hanging wall shortcuts to produce a steeper
lithosphere which is indirectly controlled by the fault gradient more efficient in extension
thrust system. There are other basins, e.g. the (Powell & Williams this volume). Clearly there
Michigan Basin whose origins are obscure and is the possibility that the old fault system is by-
for which no fault control is evident. We would passed during the later deformation phase and a
suggest that the concept of inversion be re- new fault system is developed to accommodate
stricted to basins whose development is clearly the movements (Fig. 6). This is an end member
controlled by fault systems. Note that this does of a continuous spectrum through to total re-use.
not preclude the concept of negative inversion We suggest that substantial re-use of the pre-
provided the compressionally deformed area existing fault system should be a prerequisite
subsequently developed fault-controlled exten- of recognizing an inversion structure. In some
sional basins. This does however preclude fore-
land basins from becoming 'inverted basins' due
to continuing advance of the thrust system as
advocated for the Pyrenees (Todd & Turner in
the previous section.)

Restriction to intracratonic environments

We do not favour the restriction of the term
inversion to intra-cratonic basins (as suggested
by Murphy and Ziegler in this paper) because
of the difficulties in determining which basins
are truly intracratonic, particularly in SE Asia
where numerous microplates fragment the
lithosphere. It is also useful (P. C. de Graciansky
this paper) to apply concepts of inversion to the
deformation of the old Tethyan passive margin
in the Alps. We consider that the inversion
process may be an important effect of orogenic
deformation which may either precede or post-
date thin-skinned deformation above a shallow
detachment. To recognize this thicker skinned
element of orogenic contraction the inversion
concept is useful and should be used. Thus we
believe that basins can be inverted by orogenesis
and are sometimes incorporated into orogenic
belts, but that these basins must have demon-
strably existed before the compression rather
than being generated as a result of the orogeny,
e.g. foreland basins.

Reactivation of earlier fault systems

FIG. 6. Thin-skinned compressional deformation
Another factor in the recognition of inversion is initially deforms only the postrift sequence, by-
the extent to which the fault system controlling passing the old extension fault system; this is not
basin development is re-used during inversion. inversion. Later thick-skinned compressional
It appears that when an extensional half-graben deformation inverts the half-grabens.
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344 M. A. Cooper et al.

Fl6.7. The development of a broad regional uplift by inversion of a half-graben which utilized a shallow
dipping rather than horizontal detachment, e.g. an older thrust system.

Fl6.8. Buttressing by the rigid basement footwaU generates internal folding to shorten the synrift sequence.

cases, e.g. the Wessex Basin (Simpson this suggests that once a throughgoing deep crustal
volume) the inversion is multiple. Mesozoic fault system has been established it will be re-
extension utilized the Variscan thrust system used to some extent by all subsequent phases of
(Chadwick et al. 1983) which was placed into deformation.
compression again during the Tertiary. This Positive inversion appears to be favoured by
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Inversion tectonics - a discussion 345

a short time interval between the extensional in both positive (uplift) and negative (sub-
and compressional phases (Professor, M. P. sidence) senses relative to the immediately
Coward, personal communication). This is preceeding history'.
probably because the attenuated lithophase has 2 Bally 1983: ' . . . inverted extensional features.
not thermally re-equilibrated and being rela- The main thought here is that basins or half-
tively weak is prone to reactivation under any grabens or graben systems are to varying
compressional stress (Ziegler this volume). The degrees turned inside out by compressional
fault system established during extension will forces that reverse the deformation along
also be relatively weak and easily reactivated. pre-existing normal faults'.
The geometry of positive inversion structures 3 Harding 1985: 'Positive structural inver-
is highly dependent on the geometry of the sion--a change in polarity of structural relief,
original basin-controlling fault system. In the from a previous low to a high as applied to a
simple case of inverting a half-graben, the in-
version fold produced will be an asymmetric
monocline facing the footwall with the crest
located above the synrift depocentre (Figs 3 &
4). However, if a more complex fault geometry
occurs, e.g. as in Southern England where
the extensional faults re-use Variscan thrusts,
then this relationship will not necessarily hold
(Fig. 7). Above such a shallow dipping de-
tachment a broad, regionally developed in-
version anticline can be produced with low
amplitude which is superimposed on the higher
amplitude asymmetric anticline located above
the synrifl depocentre.
The polarity of the extension faults which are
being inverted is also significant. If the polarity
is dipping towards the direction of compression
then the fault may act as a buttress generating
backthrusts on the roll-over crest (Fig. 2) or
complex folding of the synrift fill (Hayward &
Graham 1988; Gillcrist et al. 1987; de Graciansky
et al. this volume (Fig. 8). Ultimately, however,
the fault will behave as a forward directed thrust
perhaps by shortcutting the footwall. When the
polarity of the extension faults is such that they
dip away from the compressional stress then
there is potential for the development of back-
thrusts, perhaps with related footwall shortcuts,
or thin-skinned fore-thrusts on the crest of the
rollover. Another possibility here is that the
fault may be rotated through the vertical by
simple shear to a fore-thrust orientation during
the compressional deformation (McClay et al.
this volume).

Previous 'definitions' of inversion

There are three definitions of inversion which
we feel it is useful to include here.
1 Glennie & Boegner 1981: 'Structural inver-
sion . . . involves conversion of a basin area
into a structural high. The converse is also FIG. 9. Degrees of inversion illustrated by the
possible so that inversion can be considered progressive inversion of a half-graben.
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346 M. A. Cooper et al.

specific structure. O n a large scale this type of transtensional fault controlling a hanging wall
deformation is referred to as basin inversion'. basin containing a synrift or passive fill sequence
that has subsequently undergone c o m p r e s s i o n -
transpression producing uplift and partial
extrusion of the basin.
Conclusions Basin inversion can be defined as: a basin
controlled by a fault system that has been sub-
The requirements for inversion are: sequently compressed-transpressed producing
uplift and partial extrusion of the basin fill.
1 Development of a basin actively controlled
by faults such that a synrift or passive infill The degree of inversion can be indicated by
the inclusion of a descriptor such as mild,
stratigraphic sequence can be recognized.
moderate or strong depending on the location(s)
2 A change in the regional stress system result-
of the null point(s) or total when no null point
ing in the extensive re-use of the pre-existing
exists due to complete extrusion (Fig. 9).
fault (system), with the uplift affecting the
hanging wall rather than the footwall. Basins developed by processes other than
those involving substantial crustal extension by
The term positive inversion is unnecessary be- faults should not be described as inverted even
cause inversion is normally assumed to be if subsequently uplifted.
positive. The descriptor negative can be prefixed Inversion structures can readily be recognized
in cases of compression followed by extension. in cross-sections and on geological maps using
Thus we can define an inversion structure or the geometric criteria and the null point concept
an inversion as: a pre-existing e x t e n s i o n a l - described earlier in this discussion.

References and further reading

BALLY, A. W., 1984. Tectog6n&e et sismique r6- HAYWARD,A. B. & GRAHAM,R. H. Some geometrical
flexion. Bulletin Soci~td G~ologique de France, characteristics of inversion. This volume.
(7)XXIV(2): 279-285. LAMPLUGH, G. W. 1920. Structure of the Weald and
BUBB, J. N. & HAYASH,J. M. 1980. Techniques in a analogues tracts. Quarterly Journal Geological
seismic interpretation for hydrocarbon assess- Society 75: LXXIII-XCV (Anniversary Address
ment: Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas, of the President).
Committee for the Co-ordination of Joint Pros- MANN, P., HEMPTON, M. R., BRADLEY, D. C. &
perity for Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore BURgE, K. 1983. Development of puU-apart
Areas. Technical Publications, 10, Bangkok. basins. Journal of Geology, 91,529-554.
BUKOWICZ, C. & ZIEGLER, P. A. 1985. Tectonic de- McCLAY, K. R., INSLEY, M. & ANDERSON, R. Inver-
velopment of Mid-Norway continental margin. sion of the Kechika Trough, Northeastern British
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2(1), 12-22. Columbia, Canada. This volume.
1983. Crustal structure beneath southern England thrust Rocky Mountain trench system in North-
from deep seismic reflection profiles. Journal of west Montana USA: an example of negative
the Geological Society of London, 140, 893-911. inversion tectonics? This volume.
DE GRAC1ANSKY,P. C., DARDEAU, G., LEMOINE, M., PROUVOST, P. 1930. S6dimentation et subsidence,
TRICART, P. The inverted margin of the French Centenaire de la Socidtd G~ologique de France
Alps and forehand basin inversion. This volume. Livre Jubilaire, 1820-1990, Vol. II. Paris,
J. L. I987 Structural inversion examples from the ROSENDAHL, B. R., REYNOLDS, P. M., LORBER,
Alpine Foreland and the French Alps. Geodi- C. F., BURGESS, C. F., MCGILL, J., SCoTt, D.,
namica Acta, 1, 5-34. LAMmASE, J. J. & DERKSEN, S. J. 1986. Struc-
GLENNIE, K. W. & BOEGNER,P. L. E. 1981. Sole Pit tural expressions of rifting: lesson from Lake
Inversion Tectonics. In: ILLING,L. V. & HOBSON, Tanganyika, Africa. In: Frostick, L. E. et al.
G. D. (eds) Petroleum Geology of the Continen- (eds) Sedimentation in the African Rifts. Special
tal Shelf of Northwest Europe. Institute of Publication of the Geological Society of London,
Petroleum, London, 110-120. 25, 29-43.
HARDING, T. P. 1985. Seismic characteristics and SIMeSON, I. R., GRAVESTOCK,M., HAM, D., LEACH,
identification of negative flower structures, posi- H. & THOMI'SON,S. D. Notes and cross-sections
tive flower structures, and positive structural in- illustrating inversion tectonics of the Wessex
version. Bulletin of the American Association of Basin. This volume.
Petroleum Geologists, 69, 582-600. STILLE, H., 1924. Grundfragen der Vergleichenden
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Inversion tectonics - a discussion 347

Tektonik. Brontrager, Berlin, 443 pp. atlas. American Association of Petroleum Geo-
VOIGT,E. 1963. Uber Randtroge vor Schollenrandern logists, Studies in Geology. Series No. 15,
und ihre Bedeutung im Gebiet der mittele- Vol. 3 3.3.3.-3.3.12.
uropaischen Senke und angrenzender Gebiete - - 1987. Compressional intra-plate tectonics in
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesell- the Alpine foreland. Tectonophysics, 137,
schaft, 114(2), 378-418. 420 pp.
WILLIAMS,G. D., POWELL,C. M. & COOPER,M. A. 1988. Evolution of the Arctic North Atlantic and
1988. Geometry and kinematics of inversion tec- the Western Tethys American Association "of
tonics. This volume. Petroleum Geologists Memoir, 43, 198 pp.
ZIEGLER, P. A. 1983. Inverted Basins in the Alpine - - Geodynamic model for Alpine intra-plate com-
Foreland. In: Bally, A. W. (ed.) Seismic Ex- pressional deformation in Western and Central
pression of Structural Styles--A picture and work Europe. This volume.

M. A. COOPER,B.P. Canada Inc., Oil and Gas Division, 333 Fifth Ave SW Calgary,
Alberta, T2P 3B6, Canada.
G. D. WILLIAMS,Department of Geology, University of Keele, Keele, Staffordshire, ST5
5BG, UK.
P. C. DE GRAOANSKY,Ecole Nationale Sup6rieure des Mines, 60 Blvd St Michel, 75272
Paris, C6dex 061 France.
R. W. MURPHY,34 Bridge St, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT12 1AJ, UK.
T. NEEDHAM,Department of Geology, Goldsmiths College, London, UK.
D. DE PAOR, Department of Earth Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.
R. SarONELEY, Department of Geology, Imperial College of Science and Technology,
London SW7 2BP, UK.
S. P. TODD, Department of Geology, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.
J. P. TURNER, Department of Geology, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.
P. A. ZIEGLER, Shell International Petroleum Mij. B. V., PO Box 162, 2501 AN The
Hague, The Netherlands.

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