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Lomibao, Yvan Andrei L.

Manufacturing Lecture

Cement Manufacturing Reflection

It has been discussed that cement is one of the most important components in

construction. It is used to construct buildings, simple residential houses, bridges, and roads.

However, cement manufacturing has one of the most critical impact on environmental aspects

since materials used for cement manufacturing comes from natural resources such as limestones

and iron ore which can be found by quarrying. Quarrying is the process of extracting raw

materials from the Earth’s crust which usually affects body of land such as mountains. Raw

materials gathered from the quarrying process is then processed using machines such as crusher,

grinder, and furnace to produce cement. Based on my research, quarrying can also cause health

problems such as respiratory problems from inhaling quarry dust, hearing problems due to

constant noises made by the machines, and a potential long term effect in water pollutions.

After the discussion, I have realized that cement manufacturing can be a field that

Mechanical Engineers can excel since it uses machines that can be well managed by our

profession. I also concluded that cement manufacturing has one of the greatest impacts in terms

of structural development however it has a lot of negative impact to the environment to be

considered. Therefore, I believe that we should innovate on the way that we produce cement,

rather than using natural resources which are very limited and might have a negative long-term

effect for our environment.

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