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Escape chow.

REPORT: January,20th 1989 5-year old Abby Johnson witnessed the murder of her
30-year old father.Since both of her parents are dead,Abby will be put in foster care.

1996 7 years later,Abby is 13

Ring,ring,ring."Recess everyone,recess everyone"yells
Mrs. Latasha."c'mon Abby time to go to recess"says Mrs Latasha.Abby runs outside as
her brown thick hair flows in the wind.Abby sneaks pass all the playground
equipment.She ran to the gates that surrounded the,outline of the playground. She
started to climb on the gates,but when she reached the bottom she came upon a girl with
jet black hair and green eyes."Abby?" Said Sara. "Sara?" says Abby. "What are you
doing here? Where are you goi-?"asked Sara." No time to explain,can I go to your house
asked Sara?"asked Abby " sure " answered Sara, and the two girls left,leaving nothing
but dust behind them. Abby and Sara finally reached Sara's house. Abby and Sara
flopped on,the bed."can we talk?"said Sara calmly. "depends, about what?"asked Abby."I
was paying my respect to my mom in the cemetery when....." Sara stopped
"when,what..why did you stop?"asked Abby.Abby's head was filled with questions."when
across from my grave I saw a grave with pink flowers,and the letters Jhonathan jhonson.
Abby gasped she rememberd the pink flowers that she had put on her fathers grave a
week ago.What's head feel into her hands." Do you want to talk about it?"asked Sara
while leaning forward. "N--....NO! Answered Abby aggressively. Sara's head fell into her
bright neon pillow." My mother died when I was 2 years old.." Sara confessed. Abby felt
like she should be,confessing to but for some reason she felt that her father's death was
TopSecret.......later that night,Abby Wales up in a pool of sweat. She had a mysterious
dream of her walking to her fathers grave when a mysterious figure started to follow
her,but when she turned around there was bowing there. She was beginning to think her
mind was playing tricks on her. Until she hears a ringtone coming from behind her. The
black shadow took a phone put of his pocket and answered it."what's the progress?"
Asked the man on the other line. "what do I do with the.girl?...boss?"Sales thé Black
Shadow in a confused Voice. Abby'as Neck dripped with sweat as âge Heroes jet Head
from the Pillow. her eyes turned red, she was relived it was just a dream.A few seconds
later the phone rang.Abby's eyes began to widen.It was the same ringtone she had heard
in her dream.With trembling hands Abby panicked,and answered the phone the man on
the other line began talking"John meet me at
The garage on Milly lane." Abby quickly hung up the phone."Sara?"yelled Abby.

New players chp.3

Abby heard strange noises coming from the door,so she quickly ran to see what it was.
When Abby turned the door knob,Sara immediately fell to the ground. "what are you
doing by the door?"asked Abby. "I heard you call me."says Sara."come have a seat with
me."said Abby calmly. Abby and Sara flopped on the bed." Do you have something to tell
me"asked Sara. "Actually I do"answered Abby "well,what is it"asked Sara impatiently.
Here's the truth and nothing but the truth."confessed Abby."My dad was mudered when I
was 5 years old"said Abby as she tried to hold back her tears."I'm sorry for for
your lost"said Sara in a depressed voice"don't be"yelled Abby."the sico that killed my
father will be sorry!"said Abby in a evil sorta way."do you wanna join me?"asked Abby
"join you in what?"asked Sara in a confused voice."join me to get revenge on
John!"answered Abby. "who is John and why do you want revenge on him?"says Sara
asking a series of qeustions."he's the lunatic that was dumb enough to kill my
father!!"yelled Abby."I'm in"says Sara in a mysterious voice."meet me at the abandon
garage at Milly lane"says Sara in a serious voice."and why would I wanna do that?"
Asked Sara in a sarcastic voice "just do it"says Abby.

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