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1. 12 HR Trends for 2023: Humanising the Future of Work

The article by David Green is a well-written and insightful overview of the 12 key HR trends
that are expected to shape the future of work in 2023. The author draws on his extensive
experience and expertise in the field of HR analytics and data-driven HR to provide a
comprehensive and evidence-based analysis of the current and emerging challenges and
opportunities for HR professionals and organizations. The article covers a wide range of topics,
from employee experience and well-being, to remote work and hybrid models, to data-driven
decision making and AI in HR.
The author provides clear and concise explanations of each trend, along with relevant examples,
statistics, and best practices. The article also highlights the interconnections and
interdependencies among the different trends, showing how they complement and reinforce each
other. The main theme of the article is the humanization of the workplace, which is reflected in
the emphasis on purpose-driven organizations, employee well-being and mental health, diversity,
equity, and inclusion, and employee voice and feedback. The author argues that these aspects are
not only essential for employee engagement and retention, but also for organizational
performance and innovation.
The article also acknowledges the challenges and risks associated with some of the trends, such
as the ethical and legal implications of AI and automation, the security and privacy issues of
remote work, and the skills gap and talent shortage of the gig economy. The article is a valuable
resource for HR professionals and leaders who want to stay ahead of the curve and prepare for
the future of work. The author provides practical and actionable recommendations for
implementing and adapting to each trend, as well as suggestions for further reading and learning.
The article is also engaging and accessible for a general audience who want to learn more about
the changing nature of work and its impact on individuals, teams, and organizations.
I think the article is very relevant and timely, as it addresses the major changes and challenges
that the HR profession and the workforce are facing in the wake of the pandemic and the digital
transformation. I agree with the author that humanization is the key to creating a more resilient,
adaptable, and innovative workplace, where employees are valued, engaged, and empowered.

2. Three Questions that Help Me Lead

This article is based on three fundamental questions that have guided actions and decisions:
 “What Am I Contributing?” - The author explains how this question helps them to focus
on their impact as a leader and the value they bring to their team and organization. They
share examples of how they have contributed to the vision, strategy, culture, and
performance of their team.
 “How Can I Help?” - The author emphasizes the importance of servant leadership and
how this question helps them to prioritize support and empowerment of their team
members. They share examples of how they have helped their team members to develop
their skills, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals.
 “What’s Holding My Team Back?” - The author discusses how this question helps them
to identify and address obstacles that hinder team progress and success. They share
examples of how they have removed barriers, solved problems, and facilitated
collaboration among their team members. The article is a valuable resource for leaders
who want to improve their leadership effectiveness and inspire their teams. The author
provides practical and actionable tips for applying each question to different situations
and contexts. The article is also engaging and personal, as the author shares their own
experiences and learnings from leading various teams.
I find the article to be very concise and insightful, as it provides a simple and powerful
framework for reflecting on one’s leadership approach, based on three fundamental questions. I
like how the author explains each question and provides practical and actionable tips for
applying them to different situations and contexts. I also enjoyed reading the examples that the
author shares from their own leadership journey, which illustrate how these questions have
helped them to contribute, help, and remove obstacles for their team.

3. Company Culture is everyone's Responsibility

The article from Harvard Business Review is a compelling and insightful perspective on the role
of every individual in creating and maintaining the company culture. The article argues that
company culture is not solely the responsibility of leadership, but also of every employee who
contributes to the culture through their actions, behaviors, and interactions. The article covers
four key points:
 Culture is a collective effort: The author explains how every employee has a role in
shaping and nurturing the company culture, regardless of their position or seniority. They
cite examples of how employees can influence the culture positively or negatively, such
as by speaking up, collaborating, innovating, or resisting change.
 Modeling desired behaviors: The author emphasizes the importance of leaders setting
the example for the desired culture, but also of all employees following suit. They
suggest that employees should align their behaviors with the company’s values and goals,
and hold themselves and others accountable for upholding the culture.
 Positive work environment: The author discusses how a collaborative and supportive
work environment leads to a healthier company culture. They recommend that employees
should foster trust, respect, and empathy among their colleagues, and celebrate successes
and learn from failures together.
 Encouraging feedback: The author highlights the importance of open communication
and feedback channels for continuous culture improvement. They advise that employees
should seek and provide constructive feedback regularly, and embrace feedback as an
opportunity for learning and growth.
I enjoyed reading the article, as it is engaging and inspiring, and it makes me think about my role
in company culture and how I can make a positive difference. I agree with the author that
company culture is not solely the responsibility of leadership, but also of every employee who
contributes to the culture through their actions, behaviors, and interactions. I also value the
practical and actionable tips that the author provides for enhancing one’s contribution to the
culture, as well as the examples of best practices from leading companies.

4. Compensation Packages that Actually Drive Performance

This article is an informative and comprehensive guide on how to design compensation packages
that actually drive employee performance effectively. The author explores the concept of
compensation packages and how they can be used as a strategic tool to motivate, reward, and
retain employees. The article covers four key points:
 Performance-based incentives: The author explains how linking compensation to
individual and team performance can motivate high performance and align employee
behavior with organizational goals. They provide examples of different types of
performance-based incentives, such as bonuses, commissions, profit-sharing, and stock
 Non-financial rewards: The author discusses how recognizing and rewarding employees
beyond monetary compensation can enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty. They
provide examples of non-financial rewards, such as public recognition, career growth
opportunities, flexible work arrangements, and learning and development programs.
 Alignment with company goals: The author emphasizes the importance of ensuring that
compensation packages align with the organization’s objectives to drive desired
outcomes. They provide examples of how to align compensation packages with company
goals, such as by using balanced scorecards, key performance indicators, and employee
 Regular reviews and adjustments: The author highlights the importance of
continuously evaluating and adapting compensation packages to stay relevant and
competitive. They provide examples of how to conduct regular reviews and adjustments
of compensation packages, such as by using market data, benchmarking, and feedback
I find the article to be very persuasive and useful, as it presents a compelling case for linking
compensation to employee performance and satisfaction. I like how the author explains the
benefits of performance-based incentives and non-financial rewards, and how they can enhance
employee engagement and loyalty. I also enjoy reading the stories, anecdotes, and data that the
author uses to support their arguments, and how they provide practical and actionable tips for
creating and implementing compensation packages that are fair, transparent, and motivating.

5. Your Approach to Hiring is All Wrong

This article is a provocative and insightful critique of traditional hiring practices and a suggestion
for a new approach to hiring the right candidates. The author challenges the common
assumptions and biases that underlie most hiring decisions, such as the over-reliance on
experience and education, the lack of objective and valid assessments, and the neglect of cultural
fit and diversity. The article covers four key takeaways:
 Competency-based hiring: The author explains how focusing on a candidate’s skills and
abilities rather than solely relying on experience and education can lead to better hiring
outcomes. They provide examples of how to define and measure competencies, such as
by using job analysis, competency frameworks, and skill tests.
 Behavioral assessments: The author discusses how using behavioral assessments and
situational interviews can evaluate how candidates would handle real-life scenarios. They
provide examples of how to design and conduct behavioral assessments, such as by using
behavioral indicators, rating scales, and structured questions.
 Cultural fit: The author emphasizes the importance of assessing whether candidates
align with the organization’s values and culture to ensure long-term success. They
provide examples of how to assess cultural fit, such as by using personality tests, value
surveys, and culture interviews.
 Diverse perspectives: The author highlights the importance of emphasizing diversity in
hiring to bring in varied perspectives and experiences. They provide examples of how to
promote diversity in hiring, such as by using diverse hiring panels, inclusive job
descriptions, and blind resume screening.
I think the article is very provocative and insightful, as it exposes the flaws and limitations of
traditional hiring practices and proposes a new approach to hiring the right candidates. I agree
with the author that hiring decisions should be based on competencies, behaviors, cultural fit,
and diversity, rather than on experience, education, and subjective impressions. I also appreciate
how the author provides practical and actionable tips for implementing and adapting to the new
approach to talent acquisition, as well as examples of best practices from leading companies.

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