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Khoiru Ummah Generation

Ass. Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahi robbil ‘alamin
Wabihi nastanginu ‘ala umuri dun ya wadin
Wa ala alihi wa shobihi ajmain. Ama ba’du.

Honorable jury
Ustadz Ustadzah whom I respect
As well as friends of the speech participants I love

First of all, let us say thanks to Allah SWT, who has given his grace and guidance, so that today, we can
meet in here, face to face, in the 'ENGLISH SPEECH COMPETITION' among Islamic Boarding School in Banyuwangi.

The second is Sholawat and greetings, let us always deliver to our lord, the Prophet Muhammad SAW,
hopefully someday we will get intercession in Yaumil Khiyamah. Aamiin! Allohuma amiin.

Thirdly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Lutfiatul Rofiah, my friends usually call me Lutfi. I
am the first grade student of Man 2 Banyuwangi. Here, I will give a speech about “The Role of Islamic Boarding
Schools in Producing Khoiru Ummah generation.”

Muslim youth are potential leaders in the future. And youth are part of the Muslims in general who
have been awarded the title of best by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. As Allah SWT. said in “QS. Ali Imran: 110):

ِِ ‫ن ْال ُم ْنك‬
ٰ ‫َر َوتُؤْ مِ نُ ْونَِ ِب‬
ِِ‫اّلل‬ َ َِ‫اس تَأ ْ ُم ُر ْونَِ ِب ْال َم ْع ُر ْوفِِ َوتَ ْن َه ْون‬
ِِ ‫ع‬ ِ ِ ‫ْر ا ُ َّمةِ ا ُ ْخ ِر َجتِْ لِل َّن‬
َِ ‫ُك ْنت ُ ِْم َخي‬
In this verse Allah SWT said that us, Muslims, are the best generation. In other word, Khoiru Ummah
generation. But are we really the best generation? Le’t go deeper about this.

Historically, Islam paid great attention to youth, teaching them the Quran from an early age, and
involving them in physical activities such as swimming, archery and horse riding to prepare them physically and
mentally. However, the reality of today's Muslim youth is very different, many Muslims are influenced by a
secular lifestyle and a lack of proper Islamic education. Today's youth are considered to be exposed to a life of
chaos, drugs, brawls and other immoralities.

Therefore, it is necessary to collaborate with Islamic Boarding School to return this generation to the
title of 'khairu ummah' (the best ummah), so that the civilization that is created is a brilliant and noble
civilization. There are some action that we can take to make this happened:

1. First, Muslim youth must be strengthened and strengthen their faith.

Muslim youth must realize that they are servants of Allah who have a mission of creation. His life in the world is
to worship Allah SWT, not to have fun and have fun.

2. Second, Muslim youth must strictly obey the Shari'a. Not taking some laws and leaving other laws.

Islamic law is not just about prayer, fasting, hajj, reading the Koran, or prayer. However, they must understand
that Islamic law also regulates food, drink, clothing to cover the private parts, morals, muamalah, and criminal

3. And lastly, Muslim youth must be active in forming an Islamic society by actively preaching Islam.

We can do that by actively sharing our beliefs, contribute to the preservation and propagation of Islam, dispel
misconceptions, and build bridges between diverse communities.

In conclusion, the role of Islamic boarding schools in shaping the Khoiru Ummah generation is
undeniably crucial. These institutions are not merely places of education; they are sanctuaries of knowledge,
spirituality, and moral values. By producing individuals who are well versed in their faith, intellectually
adequate, and morally upright, Islamic boarding schools contribute significantly to the creation of a generation
that embodies the principles of Khoiru Ummah.

Finally, we come to the closing part of my speech. Just as there is no ivory that is not cracked, what I
said earlier is certainly not free from flaws and errors, hopefully what I have said can be useful for all of us and
may Allah guide us all to the right path.

Wabillahi tawfiq wal hidayah, wa ridho wal inayah, wal afwu minkum.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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