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An Undergraduate Market Plan Presented to the Faculty and Staff of the College of

Business Management and Accountancy, Eastern Samar State University Borongan

City, Eastern Samar Philippines.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement to the subject New Market

Development to the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in

Marketing Management


Andag, Roland Mark Amoyan, Emelia

Barros, Christine Mae R. Baque, Nel

Cebaga, Jiraldine Capones, Ivy

Ganaba, Marry Jane Guitoria, Rosemarie

Lacanaria, Rica Angeli Lavado, Mark Angelo

Dr. Kimberly Michelle Q. Operario

I. Executive Summary

Vitalicious came from the two combined words “vital” and “delicious”. It

is a business that offers variety of healthy foods to the students.

Vital represents the energy and well-being of our target costumers,

and delicious implies that the business offers delicious food options that are

packed with essential nutrients.

The business will offer healthy foods for breakfast, lunch and snacks in

an affordable price. The business will be located inside the university campus

for convenience.

It is a partnership-based business and was made up of the combination

of interest and skills of the fourth (4th) year Marketing Management students.

A business that aims to help students live a healthy lifestyle.

Students can establish partnerships with local businesses and non-

governmental organizations (NGOs) that focus on food security and nutrition

These collaborations can lead to initiatives such as food drives, sponsorship,

or joint projects that provide affordable and nutritious food options to students.

By leveraging external resources and expertise, students can expand the

impact of their efforts and contribute to a healthier campus community.

II. Study Background

A. Brief history of the company

In the study conducted by Hawkins, et. Al. (2016). Stated that college

students who reported unhealthy eating habits had lower GPAs than those

who reported healthy eating habits. The authors suggest that this relationship

could be due to the fact that poor nutrition can negatively affect cognitive

function and academic performance.

Growing consciousness for health and wellness among CBMA

customers has been driving rapid changes in the food business.

Vitalicious, a trailblazing company, has embarked on an extraordinary

journey to cater to the evolving needs of health-conscious consumers. It all

began with a growing awareness of health and wellness, which ignited rapid

changes in the food industry. In response to the 2020 healthy food survey

conducted by Eastern Samar State University-Main Campus Consulting, it

became clear that 93% of consumers aspired to incorporate healthy eating

into their lives.

Recognizing that healthy eating is more than just physical well-being,

Vitalicious understood that it had to align with the values and lifestyle choices

of today's consumers, especially Millennials and Gen Z. Healthy eating

became an expression of individual identity, and consumer desires became


In this shifting landscape, Vitalicious realized the need for a

comprehensive marketing strategy. The brand recognized that modern

consumers seek not only good food but also a reflection of their personal
values in the brands they choose. Elements such as origin stories,

sustainability efforts, and corporate ethics became pivotal in decision-making.

As a result, Vitalicious emerged as the ideal solution for students,

offering the perfect blend of taste, authenticity, health, and transparency. The

brand's journey towards becoming a beacon of healthy eating at Eastern

Samar State University and beyond has been paved with continuous

research, strategic planning, and an unwavering commitment to meeting the

ever-evolving preferences of its target audience.

The marketing plan for Vitalicious focuses on amplifying its history,

values, and dedication to delivering healthy, natural, and sustainable food

options. By aligning with the ideals of its core consumers, Vitalicious has

become synonymous with healthy food choices, making it a go-to destination

for those seeking a fine balance of taste, authenticity, health, and

transparency in their dining experiences.Recognizing that healthy eating is

more than just physical well-being, Vitalicious understood that it had to align

with the values and lifestyle choices of today's consumers, especially

Millennials and Gen Z. Healthy eating became an expression of individual

identity, and consumer desires became paramount.

Creating a healthy environment for the students is what Vitalicious

aims to do.
Business Logo

Vitalicious came from the two combined words “vital” and “delicious”.

With a tagline “Eat well, feel vital: Vitalicious - Nutritious and Delicious”. It is a

business that provides nutritious variety of foods.The name suggests a focus

on both taste and nutritional value, appealing to those seeking a balance

between health and enjoying their meals. The background represents the

business determination to achieve its vision and mission. A green leaf, stands

for growth and development, both of the self and of the community. While the

fork represents the business itself, offering healthy and convenient meals to



The location of the physical store will be inside Eastern Samar State

University main campus near the administrative building for it is convenient to

all students.
Vitalicious will also made use of social media platforms in order to

promote the business to new students of the university.

Vitalicious Vision

We the Vitalicious, dream to be recognized as the leading producers of

healthy food products to the student of Eastern Samar State University.

Vitalicious Mission

We aim to provide affordable, delicious and nutritious food options that

will help student’s well-being.

The business aims to produce nutritious meals accessible to all

students of the university.

B. Product/service offerings

We would consider getting our supply directly from local farmers land

also getting bulk/wholesale orders directly on the delivery trucks of vegetables

and fruits for cheaper pricing. By doing so, we can support local agriculture

and ensure the freshness and quality of the produce.

To get wholesale or bulk orders of vegetables and fruits from local

farmers, we would establish direct partnerships or collaborations. We would

reach out to local farmers associations or cooperatives to inquire about their

produce availability and pricing for bulk orders. They may offer competitive

prices and flexible arrangements to cater to my business needs.

Building relationships with local farmers would also provide us with

access to a wider variety of seasonal and locally grown produce. This not only

adds diversity to our menu but also promotes sustainability and supports the

local food ecosystem.

By sourcing directly from local farmers, we can emphasize the

freshness, traceability, and nutritional value of the ingredients in our food

business. It would also allow us to showcase and promote the unique flavors

and qualities of locally grown fruits and vegetables, further enhancing the

appeal of my nutritious food offerings.

Here's a breakdown of the reasons why it is advantageous:

Support for local agriculture - By purchasing from local farmers, we

contribute to the growth and sustainability of the local agricultural community.

This support helps farmers continue their operations and encourages the

development of a resilient local food system.

Freshness and quality - When you source directly from local farmers, we

can ensure the freshness and quality of the produce. Since the ingredients

don't have to go through a long supply chain, they are often harvested at their

peak ripeness and delivered to you quickly. This freshness translates into

better taste and higher nutritional value for your food offerings.

Wholesale or bulk orders - Establishing partnerships or collaborations with

local farmers allows us to place wholesale or bulk orders for vegetables and

fruits. This arrangement is beneficial for our business as it often comes with

competitive pricing and flexibility in meeting our specific quantity


Access to seasonal and locally grown produce - Local farmers provide

access to a wider variety of seasonal and locally grown produce. This adds

diversity to our menu and allows you to offer unique flavors and ingredients

that are specific in our region. It also enables us to create connections with

the local food culture and showcase the distinct qualities of the produce to our


Traceability and transparency - Sourcing directly from local farmers

enhances the traceability and transparency of our ingredients. We can

establish a direct relationship with the farmers, learn about their farming

practices, and ensure that our ingredients meet your standards in terms of

quality, sustainability, and ethical considerations. This transparency can be

communicated to our customers, building trust and loyalty for our brand.
III. Macro-environmental Analysis

A. Economic

Vitalicious operates within a dynamic economic landscape, where the

demand for healthy food options is on the rise. As consumers become

increasingly health-conscious, the business strategically positions itself to tap

into this growing market.

The affordability of Vitalicious offerings is a key economic driver. By

providing nutritious and delicious food at reasonable prices, the business

ensures accessibility for students on a budget. This not only contributes to the

financial well-being of the target audience but also aligns with the economic

realities of student life.

Moreover, Vitalicious partnership-based model creates economic

synergies. Collaborations with local businesses and NGOs enhance the

business's capacity to offer cost-effective options through shared resources

and support. This economic collaboration benefits both Vitalicious and its

partners, fostering a mutually beneficial ecosystem.

The latest GDP figures reveal a growth rate of 5.8%. Projected GDP

growth for the upcoming year is estimated at 6.2%. This positive economic

momentum indicates a potentially favorable business environment for

Vitalicious, with increased consumer spending power and a thriving market.

These economic factors, with their respective figures and projections, provide

a foundation for Vitalicious to adapt its marketing and operational strategies in

response to the evolving economic landscape.

The economic success of Vitalicious is intertwined with the overall well-

being of students. As healthier eating habits correlate with improved academic

performance, Vitalicious indirectly contributes to the educational and

economic success of its customers. In essence, the economic aspect of the

marketing plan underscores the business's commitment to affordability,

collaboration, and the holistic prosperity of the student community.

B. Politicolegal

The political and legal environment of a “Vitalicious” at Eastern Samar

State University would typically involve compliance with government

regulations and policies related to education and research. This could include

matters such as:

Policy Advocacy - Engaging with policymakers to advocate for policies that

support the Vitalicious mission.

Wide Regulation - Governments across the world have expansive regulatory

frameworks for every aspect of the food industry. This includes the

cleanliness of commercial kitchens, the standards for storing and transporting

produce, and even the requirements for laborers in the food business. Without

a doubt, this makes the food industry one of the most tightly-regulated

industries of all. On the plus side, this ensures that consumers aren’t exposed

to poor quality nutrition, but the complexities of regulation certainly take away

from the margins of the food business.

Safety Standards - The food industry has high standards for safety matters.

In particular, there are scores of rules in every country on how food should be
transported, stored, and prepared including directions on what temperatures

various food types can reach, how they should be cleaned, and so on. While

this is indeed largely a Political issue, it becomes a Legal matter if any of

these regulations are ever breached. As such, those in the food business

need to be extremely careful to ensure that they stay within the bounds of

these rules to prevent costly lawsuits.

C. Sociocultural

Demographics - Understanding the demographics of the university

community helps the nutritious food business identify their target market. By

knowing the age range, gender distribution, and cultural backgrounds of the

students, faculty, and staff, the business can tailor their offerings to suit their

preferences and needs.

Health and Wellness Trends - Analyzing the health and wellness trends

within the university community allows the business to identify the demand for

specific types of nutritious food options. For example, if there is a growing

interest in vegan or gluten-free diets, the business can ensure they offer

suitable menu items to cater to those dietary preferences.

Food Culture - The existing food culture within the university campus plays a

significant role in shaping the preferences of the community. By

understanding the traditional and local food preferences, the business can

incorporate familiar flavors, ingredients, and cooking techniques into their

nutritious food offerings. This helps create a sense of familiarity and appeal to

the community's taste buds.

Education and Awareness - The level of education and awareness

regarding nutrition and healthy eating among the university community is

important for the business to consider. If there are existing programs or

initiatives promoting healthy lifestyles and dietary choices, the business can

align their marketing strategies and educational campaigns with these efforts.

This can help create a more receptive audience for their nutritious food


Economic Factors - Taking into account the economic factors helps the

business determine the pricing and competitiveness of their products. By

understanding the affordability and accessibility of healthy food options within

the university campus, the business can set reasonable prices that cater to

the purchasing power of the target market.

Social Networks and Influences - The social networks and influences within

the university community can impact the food choices of individuals. By

identifying these networks and influences, such as peer groups or

organizations promoting specific dietary practices, the business can establish

partnerships or collaborations to reach a wider audience and enhance brand


Cultural Events and Celebrations - Cultural events and celebrations provide

opportunities for the business to offer specialized menus or promote specific

food items that align with cultural traditions. By incorporating healthy twists to

traditional dishes during such events, the business can cater to the

community's cultural preferences while promoting nutritious choices.

D. Demographics

As a start up business in the field of food industry it is vital for a

business to get to know your target market by conducting demographic

analysis. This will help the business gather appropriate data on their market in

order to determine the right food options, service and marketing strategies to

be perfomed.

Age - The target market of Vitalicious will be the students and faculty

members between the age of 18-70 years old.

Gender - The business will make sure that products offered will be available

to all individuals inside the campus.

Religion - Vitalicious will offer products that is also consumable by students

and staffs with different religion.

Income - Due to students relying on their allowances, Viatalicious will

produce food products that will be offered to all students and faculty members

in a reasonable price.

Education - Eastern Samar State University Main campus Borongan has a

student population of approximately 10,000, with 60% being undergraduate

students aged between 18-25 years. The faculty and staff consist of

individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, including local employees.

E. Technological

Advancement in technology has drastically changed how businesses

offer services to customers. Customers can now access services through self-
service or support staff. Companies can serve customers in a way that fulfils

the customer’s needs. The customer and the company are reaping from the

benefits of technology in service delivery.

Saves Customer’s Time - Technology has made it possible to service many

consumers at once and more quickly than with human labour. Less time is

lost in lengthy lines since fewer people are waiting in line for services. For

instance, the time needed to withdraw money from a bank has decreased

thanks to ATMs.

Bridging the Physical Distance - Customers can now access services from

anywhere in the world thanks to technology. Global ordering and delivery of

goods and services is possible for customers. They would not have been able

to get these services in the absence of technology.

Save Customers' Money - Customers now have access to a vast range of

services because of technology. Consumers are able to evaluate pricing and

select the best deal. In the absence of this, clients have a small selection that

may be costly or subpar.

Saves of labour Capital - Customers now have the means to participate in

self-service thanks to technology. Support employees at businesses are freed

from menial duties so they may focus on taking care of cases that clients are

unable to.

Businesses Can Serve More Customers - Businesses can expand their

operations with minimal resources by utilizing technology. As a result, the

businesses may cater to a larger clientele. Companies can communicate with

their clients in a variety of ways. They have the ability to build strong bonds

with customers, which raises the rate of client retention.

Businesses Can Reach More Potential Markets - Thanks to technology,

businesses can now reach a wider audience with the help of websites, social

media, and other tools. Companies can communicate and engage with

prospective clients, who may turn into real clients.

Businesses Can Accurately and Automatically Track Everything -

Businesses can now automate the tracking of inventory, sales, production,

and the delivery of goods and services thanks to technology. As a result,

there are less obstacles for businesses to plan and provide services to clients.

F. Natural

Natural environment are the natural resources that are needed as

inputs by the marketers or that which are affected by marketing activities.

Especially the following trends;

Shortage of Product - The Vitalicious business will always make sure to

have enough supplies of the product and always do a inventory every month

to monitor if there is a out of stock product, to immediately address the

problem right away.

Increased pollution - The Vitalicious business will make sure that the

product that they are selling does not have any bad effect to our environment.

The plastic and other materials that will be use will be recycle for future use.
IV. Opportunities and Threats


Growing demnand for healthy foods Initial Investment

Captive Market Competition from traditional food


Limited Competition Food safety and quality control


1. Growing demand for healthy food - As people become more health-

conscious, there is a rising demand for healthy food options. This presents an

opportunity for a healthy food business in Eastern Samar State University

(ESSU) Borongan City.

2. Captive market - ESSU has a steady population of students, faculty, and

staff who require regular meals. By offering healthy food options, you can tap

into this captive market and cater to their dietary needs.

3. Limited competition - If there are limited healthy food options available in

the vicinity of ESSU Borongan City, this presents an excellent opportunity to

establish a unique selling proposition and become the go-to place for healthy



1. Initial investment - Starting a healthy food business requires an initial

investment in equipment, ingredients, and marketing. It is essential to plan

and budget accordingly to ensure a successful launch.

2. Competition from traditional food options - Despite the growing demand for

healthy food, traditional food options may still dominate the market. You will

need to differentiate your offerings and educate customers about the benefits

of healthy eating.

3. Food safety and quality control - Maintaining high food safety standards

and ensuring consistent quality can be challenging. Implementing rigorous

processes and training staff on proper food handling and preparation is


The opportunities listed above highlight the potential for a healthy food

business in ESSU Borongan City. As people become more health-conscious

and demand healthier food options, a business that caters to this need can

thrive. Additionally, the captive market of students, faculty, and staff at ESSU

presents a steady customer base for a healthy food business. If there is

limited competition in the area for healthy food options, the business can

establish itself as a unique and sought-after option.

However, there are also challenges or threats to consider when starting

a healthy food business in ESSU Borongan City. One of the main challenges

is the initial investment required to start the business, which includes

purchasing equipment, ingredients, and marketing the business. It is crucial to

plan and budget accordingly to ensure a successful launch.

Another challenge is the competition from traditional food options.

Despite the growing demand for healthy food, traditional food options may still

dominate the market. The business must differentiate its offerings and
educate customers about the benefits of healthy eating to stand out in the


Lastly, maintaining high food safety standards and ensuring consistent

quality can be challenging in the food industry. The business must implement

rigorous processes and train staff on proper food handling and preparation to

avoid food-borne illnesses and maintain customer satisfaction.

V. Microenvironment Analysis

A. The company

The company’s organizational ability to implement marketing

strategies. Will be conduct an evaluation in several key areas.

1. Leadership Alignment and Support

- This will identify the level of support that the top leadership has shown for

marketing campaigns. Determine whether marketing plans are in line with the

overarching vision and objectives of our business.

2. Resource Allocation

- To analyse how manpower, funds, and technology infrastructure are

allocated to support marketing initiatives.

3. Cross-Functional Collaboration

- Examine how well departments work together and coordinate their efforts

to make the implementation of marketing strategies easier in our company.

4. Agility and Adaptability

- To evaluate the organizational structure for its agility in responding to

market changes and customer needs.

5. Data Utilization and Analysis

- Reviewing the company’s capability to collect, analyse, and apply data-

driven insights to marketing strategies.

6. Employee Skill Sets and Training

- Assess the skill sets of the marketing team and the availability of ongoing

training programs.

7. Performance Measurement and Feedback Mechanisms

- Review the existence of performance metrics and feedback loops to

evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

B. Suppliers

Here are some potential supplier for nutritious food in Borongan City:

1. Local wet markets or supermarkets for fresh produce, meat, and seafood.

2. Local grocery stores for canned goods, dry goods, and other packaged


3. Rice and grain suppliers for rice, beans, and other grains.

4. Baking supplies suppliers for flour, sugar, eggs, and other baking


5. Beverage suppliers for soft drinks, juices, water, and other beverages
Aside from the above-mentioned general suppliers, there are other

local firms in Borongan City that could perhaps provide our business with

certain ingredients or equipment. For example, we could be able to get fresh

bread from several kinds of bakeries, and there are also several seafood

suppliers that may be able to supply us with fresh fish and shellfish.

It is crucial to take a variety of aspects into consideration when

selecting suppliers, price, quality, delivery, and customer service. It is also

important to make sure that the suppliers are licensed and insured.

C. Marketing Intermediaries

Vitalicious' success hinges on its strategic use of two key

intermediaries: local farmers and itself. By purchasing ingredients in bulk

directly from farmers, Vitalicious secures discounted, fresh, and high-quality

supplies, enabling them to offer affordable healthy meals to students. Acting

as its own retailer allows Vitalicious to control brand messaging, ensure

quality, and tailor its offerings directly to the university market. However, this

approach also presents challenges. Limited reach necessitates exploring

additional sales channels, while dependence on a small network of farmers

demands strong relationships and adaptability to supply fluctuations. By

carefully managing these intermediaries, Vitalicious can conquer the Eastern

Samar State University market and become the go-to spot for delicious,

affordable, and healthy meals for students.

D. Customers

The business identifies its customers mainly students, faculty members

and staffs in different colleges within the university campus from the age of 18

to 80 years old, both male and female.

E. Competition

Vitalicious offers the optimal balance of taste, authenticity, health, and

transparency, this product has emerged as the best option for students. The

fourth (4th) year Marketing Management students' interests and skills were

combined to create this partnership-based business. The businesses that

operate food courts, restaurants, business centers, and other types of booths

on the Easter Samar State University campus are our competitors:

1. Food court - provides a variety of booths with snacks and meals so that

instructors, staff, and kids have many of options.

2. Business center eateries located in schools or commercial buildings that

mostly offer prepared or ready-to-eat food, with patrons helping themselves at

a counter after making their purchase.

3. Restaurant: this type of establishment prepares and serves food and

beverages to patrons.Typically, meals are prepared and consumed on site.

Our product has a greater advantage in business challenges since it

provides a choice of healthful foods at an inexpensive price for students,

making it a cost-effective option for breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

Furthermore, we think that this company strives to support students in leading

healthy lives.
F. Publics

Vitalicious operates in a micro-environment where factors directly

impact its business. Analyzing the micro-environment involves considering

factors like suppliers, customers, competitors, intermediaries, and publics.


1. Engage with the public through social media and other channels to build

brand awareness.

2. Address any public concerns or issues promptly to maintain a positive

brand image.

Micro-environmental analysis allows Vitalicious to adapt to changes in

its immediate business environment, fostering long-term success in the

nutritious and delicious food market.

VI. Strengths and Weaknesses


1. Strategic Location - The business is located within Eastern Samar State

University (ESSU), offering a captive market of students, faculty, and staff,

providing a consistent customer base.

2. Healthy products offered - The business offers a range of healthy and

nutritious food options, including salads, smoothies, and grilled proteins,

catering to the growing demand for health-conscious eating among college

students and faculty. This not only sets the business apart from competitors

but also positions it as a preferred choice for those seeking healthier



1. Initial Investment - A healthy food business requires a significant initial

investment in equipment, ingredients, and marketing, which can strain

financial resources during the start-up phase. Additionally, this may present a

barrier to entry for potential competitors with limited capital.

2. Limited variety - the focus on healthy products may limit the appeal to a

segment of the market that seeks more indulgent or traditional fast-food

options. This could potentially narrow the customer base and limit overall

sales potential.
VII. The Market

A. Market size

The market size for VITALICIOUS which is a healthy food business in

Eastern Samar State University Main campus, Borongan City would primarily

cater to the student population, as well as the faculty and staff members. As

of the latest data available, the university has an estimated total enrollment of

more than 6,000 students.

B. Market Needs

The market needs for VITALICIOUS a healthy food business in the

said location would likely include:

1. Convenient and affordable healthy food options for students, faculty, and

staff who may not have the time to prepare their own meals.

2. Variety in healthy food choices to accommodate different dietary

preferences and restrictions.

3. Quick and efficient service to accommodate the busy schedules of the

university community.

4. Nutritionally balanced meals and snacks to support overall wellness and

energy levels for students and faculty.

5. Awareness and education on the importance of healthy eating to promote a

healthier lifestyle among the university population.

Given the sizable student population and the growing trend towards

healthier food choices, there appears to be a strong market and need for
VITALICIOUS a healthy food business in Eastern Samar State University

Main campus, Borongan City.

C. Market Trends

1. Wellness and health - People are becoming more and more interested in

consuming wholesome dietary options. Numerous variables, such as an aging

population, increased awareness of the connection between diet and health,

and rising obesity rates, are driving this trend. Vitalicious therefore include a

range of delectable and healthful foods, like salads, wraps, and smoothies.

2. Convenience - Busy consumers are searching for more and more

convenient meal options. Numerous reasons, such as the expansion of the

gig economy, fewer households, and longer working hours, are contributing to

this trend. As a result, Vitalicious should offer foods such as grab-and-go

alternatives, including salads, sandwiches, and prepackaged meals.

3. Sustainability - People's worries about how their dietary choices affect the

environment are growing. Pollution, deforestation, and climate change are

some of the elements driving this trend. Vitalicious should therefore utilize

recyclable packaging, get their supplies from sustainable sources, and

minimize food waste.

4. Technology - In the food business, technology is becoming more and more

significant. Numerous causes, such as the growth of mobile payments and

online ordering apps, as well as the development of new food delivery

technology, are driving this trend. Vitalicious ought to think about

implementing modern technology in order to increase their effectiveness and

VIII. Marketing Objectives

1. to increase awareness of the available healthy food options within ESSU.

2. To ensure the growth and sustainability of the healthy food business,and to

attract new customers

3. To retain customers

4. To increase sales

5. To Build brand for a healthy food business in Eastern Samar State

University, Borongan City.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards healthier

eating and lifestyle choices. As a result, there is an increasing demand for

healthy food options, even within educational institutions. Eastern Samar

State University (ESSU) in Borongan City is no exception. With the rising

interest in health and wellness. The following are the marketing objectives

that can help drive the success of a healthy food business in ESSU Borongan


Objective 1: Increase Awareness

The first objective for the healthy food business should be to increase

awareness of the available healthy food options within ESSU. Many students,

faculty, and staff may not be aware of the range of healthy food choices on

offer. To address this, a comprehensive marketing campaign should be

developed, utilizing various channels such as social media, posters, flyers,

and email campaigns. These strategies can help reach a wider audience and

ensure that the target market is informed about the healthy food options

available on campus.

Objective 2: Attract New Customers

To ensure the growth and sustainability of the healthy food business,

attracting new customers is crucial. One effective way to achieve this is by

offering promotions and discounts to entice new customers to try the healthy

food options. For example, the business can offer free samples or provide a

discount on the first purchase. By creating incentives for new customers to try

the healthy food, the business can increase its customer base and generate

interest in its offerings.

Objective 3: Retain Existing Customers

While attracting new customers is essential, retaining existing customers is

equally important. It is crucial to ensure that customers are satisfied with their

experience and continue to choose the healthy food business as their

preferred dining option. To achieve this, the business should focus on

providing high-quality products and excellent customer service. Building a

loyal customer base can be achieved by offering rewards programs,

incentives, and personalized experiences. By prioritizing customer

satisfaction, the business can foster long-term relationships and create brand

advocates who will promote the healthy food business to others.

Objective 4: Increase Sales

One of the primary goals of any business is to increase sales. For the healthy

food business in ESSU Borongan City, this objective can be achieved by

offering a diverse range of healthy food options that appeal to a wide range of

customers. Market research should be conducted to identify the preferences

and needs of the ESSU community, allowing the business to tailor its offerings

accordingly. Additionally, customer feedback should be analyzed to identify

areas for improvement and innovation. By consistently offering high-quality,

delicious, and nutritious food options, the business can drive sales and

establish itself as the go-to healthy food provider in the university.

Objective 5: Build Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness is crucial for any business, including a healthy food

business in ESSU Borongan City. The business should aim to create a strong

brand identity and messaging that resonates with its target audience. This can

be achieved through various marketing channels, such as social media, email

campaigns, and influencer marketing. By consistently communicating the

brand's values, mission, and unique selling propositions, the business can

establish itself as a trusted and preferred healthy food provider. Building a

strong brand presence will not only attract new customers but also encourage

repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Ix. Marketing Strategies

A. Product/service strategy

1. Target Market

For the target market of business, the primary target market includes

the students and teachers within the university, while the secondary target

market consists of the people who work in the area. In addition, the staff who

patronize Vitalicious are also considered a part of the secondary target

market. Most of these target customers will come from the university, or

mainly those students who are interested in vegetables foods. The innovative

business will surely gain a large profit due to the types of customers


2. Brand positioning

VITALICIOUS is healthy food business at Eastern Samar State

University Main Campus in Borongan City is dedicated to establishing our

brand as the leading provider of nourishing and delectable meals for the

student and faculty community. Our primary goal is to become the preferred

choice for individuals seeking convenient, healthy dining options on campus.

To achieve this, we are committed to offering an extensive selection of fresh,

locally sourced ingredients throughout our menu. By emphasizing the quality

and diversity of our menu, we aim to cater to the diverse dietary needs and

preferences of the university population. Our focus on providing options for

vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free diets underscores our dedication to

inclusive and accommodating the various lifestyles of our customers.

Furthermore, our business places a strong emphasis on supporting the

local economy by sourcing our ingredients from nearby producers. This not

only ensures the freshness and superior quality of our offerings but also aligns

with our commitment to sustainability.

By positioning our brand as the top choice for nutritious and flavorful

meals on campus, we seek to contribute to a culture of health and wellness

within the university community. Our ultimate objective is to foster an

environment where healthy eating is accessible, delicious, and a fundamental

component of campus life.

B. Pricing Strategy

As a healthy food business operating within the Eastern Samar State

University Main Campus in Borongan City, we have recognized the growing

demand for nutritious, locally sourced food options among the university

community. In response to this, we are committed to implementing a value/

Cost-based pricing strategy that not only reflects the quality and health

benefits of our products but also ensures accessibility and affordability for our

target market.

At the heart of our value/Cost-based pricing strategy is the recognition

of the intrinsic value of the ingredients and nutritional content in our products.

We meticulously source high-quality, locally produced ingredients and

emphasize their nutritional benefits, such as fresh produce, whole grains, lean

proteins, and healthy fats. This commitment to quality and nutrition will be
reflected in our pricing, justifying a more premium cost point compared to less

nutritious alternatives available on campus.

C. Distribution Strategy

The distribution strategy for our VITALICIOUS healthy food business in

Eastern Samar State University will involve the following specific distribution:

1. Establishing a presence at high-traffic locations on campus, such as near

the main library, student union, and academic buildings, through a mobile

food truck to directly reach students and faculty during peak hours.

2. Partnering with existing food vendors on campus to feature our healthy

food options in their menus, ensuring a wider reach and convenience for our

target audience. We can reach people who would not have known about our

healthy food options by collaborating with well-known suppliers and taking

advantage of their existing client base. This gives us access to a broader

customer base.

3. Implementing a click-and-collect system where customers can pre-order

our products online and pick them up from designated points on campus,

providing a convenient and time-saving option for busy students and staff.

We choose locations that are conveniently located and easily accessible for

our target audience.

4. Collaborating with student organizations and campus events to offer our

healthy food products during special occasions, such as sports events,

seminars, and cultural festivals, to expand our brand visibility and attract new

5. Exploring the possibility of establishing a small kiosk or counter within the

university’s fitness center or health services building to specifically target

health-conscious individuals and promote our products as part of a holistic

wellness approach. Utilizing the kiosk, we can collect useful data on the tastes

and buying patterns of our customers. We can use this data to enhance our

marketing campaigns and product offerings.

D. Advertising and Promotion strategy

The advertisement and promotional strategy the business decided to use are

the following:

1. Campus Sponsorship and Brand Ambassadors.

Partnering with the student organizations or influential individuals on campus

to act as brand ambassadors of our product to further promote the product to

their peers and network.

2. In-Class Presentations and Product Demonstrations.

Coordinating with the professors or instructors in order to conduct an in-class

presentations or product demonstrations to reach students directly.

3. Campus Discounts and Promotions.

Offering exclusive discounts or promotions for the students around the school

campus and faculty members, to further encourage them to try our product.
4. Dormitory and Common Area Promotion.

Distributing fliers, posters, or product samples in dormitories, common areas,

and student union spaces.

6. Student Feedback and Testimonials. Encouraging the students to provide

feedback on the product, and utilize positive testimonials in promotional


By implementing these strategies, our VITALICIOUS healthy food

business can effectively promote products within the university campus.

Engaging with the students and faculty’s demographic, and to create brand

awareness among the campus community.

X. Tactical Implementation

Tactics Operating Details Timetable

Establish a small kiosk Set up a kiosk that offers a variety of MAY, 2024
in Eastern Samar State healthy food options such as salads,
University Main campus smoothies, and wraps to cater to the
health-conscious student population

Partner with student Operating Details: Collaborate with August, 2024

organizations for student organizations to conduct
promotions promotions and events that raise
awareness about the benefits of healthy
eating and the availability of healthy food
options on campus

Develop Food Carts or provide convenience for the students and August, 2024
food Trolleys staff that are far from the campus food
canteen or food court,,, this will provide
easy access for the students and staffs.

Offer discounts and Provide special discounts and loyalty DECEMBER,

loyalty programs to programs to students to incentive frequent 2024
students purchases and build customer loyalty

Host healthy eating Organize workshops and demonstrations September

workshops and cooking on campus to educate students about the 2024
demonstrations importance of a healthy diet and how to
prepare nutritious meals.

Expand to other Assess the feasibility of expanding the 2024-

campuses in Borongan healthy food business to other campuses PRESENT
City in Borongan city and develop a plan for
future expansion
XI. Marketing Budget


 Facebook Advertisements Php 5,800/year

 Graphic Design/ Content Creation Php 1500/month

 Flyers and Posters Php 5,000
Php 5,000
 Banners and Signage
Php 5,000
 Students Organization Collaborations
Php 6,000
 Health and wellness Fair
Php 5,000
 Special offers and Discounts


 Vegetable Salad
 Sandwiches
 Fresh Fruits
 FRuit Juices/ Fruit Shakes
 Breakfast Menu
 Labor Php 15,000
 Transportation of Goods


Vegetable Salad Php 25.00 - Php 45.00

Sandwiches Php 20.00 - Php 25.00

Fresh Fruits Php 5.00 - Php 8.00

Healthy Breakfast Php 10.00 - Php 20.00

Fresh juices/ fruit Shakes Php 20.00 - Php 30.00

XII. Feedback and Control

1. Established a small Kiosk in Eastern Samar State University- Main Campus

By May, 2024 Vatalicous will establishing a kiosk at Eastern Samar

State University’s Main Campus, the marketing plan will incorporate crucial

feedback and control mechanisms. To ensure its success in offering healthy,

various feedback channels will be implemented. These include regular

customer surveys to gauge satisfaction and preferences, social media

monitoring for sentiment analysis and addressing concerns, tracking sales

and inventory turnover to optimize stock and offerings, gathering employee

input on customer interactions, and monitoring competitors to adapt marketing

strategies effectively.

3. Partner with Student Organizations for Promotions

In August, 2024 to evaluate the impact of collaborative promotions

and events, various feedback mechanisms will be implemented. This includes

conducting post-event surveys to gauge participant engagement and

comprehension of healthy eating benefits, seeking periodic reviews from the

student organizations to enhance future collaborations, monitoring social

media metrics to assess the promotion’s influence on raising awareness

about healthy food options, encouraging direct feedback from attendees at the

kiosk, and analyzing sales data to measure the promotions’ effect on the

kiosk’s performance.
4. Develop Food Carts or Food Trolleys

In August 2024, Vitalicious will develop Food Carts or food Trolleys

to provide convenience for the students and staff that are far from the campus

food canteen or food court, this will provide easy access for the students and

staffs. For the feedback, we will actively solicit through surveys, on-site

interactions, and online reviews. We will encourage our customers to provide

feedback on the food, service, design of the food cart, and overall experience.

We strongly address any persistently negative feedback or concerns. Take

action to guarantee customer satisfaction by addressing the identified pain


5. Offer Discounts and Loyalty Programs for Students

By December 2024, Vitalicious will offer discounts and loyalty

programs for students. To gather their feedbacks, surveys and polls should be

used often to determine how students respond. Find out about their

redemption experiences, favored rewards, and overall program satisfaction.

To maintain the financial viability of the program, we will clearly state

spending limits for loyalty rewards and discounts. And also we will set

expiration dates for discounts and loyalty points to encourage timely usage

and prevent point hoarding. Consider implementing “use it or lose it” policies

for inactive accounts.

6. Host healthy eating workshops and cooking demonstrations

The business is scheduled to host cooking demonstrations and

workshops on healthy eating by September 2024. Before planning the

workshop or demo, understanding the audience’s needs and preferences are

necessary, the use of surveys or questionnaires shall find out about their prior

knowledge, dietary restrictions, cooking prowess, and preferred topics. During

the event, encourage attendees to actively participate in the event by asking

for feedback through interactive exercises, polls, Q&A sessions, or live

quizzes. This will allow for quick engagement and swift resolution of any

issues. By using these techniques, Vitalicious can successfully conduct

cooking demos and workshops on healthy eating, enabling attendees to make

long-lasting adjustments to their lifestyles.

7. Expand to other campuses in Borongan city.

Prior to a full-scale expansion, Vitalicious should implement pilot

programs at a few chosen campuses to test the waters. Keep a careful eye on

sales, customer satisfaction, and operational effectiveness. To obtain

feedback from clients at the new sites, Vitalicious should make use of internet

platforms or suggestion boxes. Determine key performance indicators like as

revenue, client satisfaction, and expenses related to operations. Review

metrics on a regular basis to spot patterns and make informed choices. Keep

the lines of communication open with staff, students, and school

administration to guarantee continuous feedback and quickly resolve any

issues. Additionally, collaborate with other groups to broaden the knowledge

and reach. For example, team up with community centers, cooking schools, or

health professionals. The Vitalicious expansion to other campuses can be

made more successful and sustainable by giving feedback top priority and

using efficient management methods.

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