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Talking it Over

Present the evolution of media from traditional to modern media using an artistic graphic organizer.

The evolution of the

traditional media to new

The Prehistoric age

(1500 BC-1500 AD)
-the period of human activity the use of
first stone tools ~3.3 million years ago and
the invention of writing system
Industrial age:(1700s-1930s)
-technology begun with homonids that
used stone tools whicch they may used to - the encompasses changes in the
starts fires, hunt, cut food and bury their economic and social organization
dead. that began around 1760 in great britain
and the repalcement of handtools with
power driven machines such as the
power loom and the estime engine and
by the concentration of industry in large

The electronic Age:(1930s-1980s)

- is the invention of the transistor
ushered in the electronic age. peaple
harnessed the power of the transistor
that led the transistor communication
became more efficient.
The digital Age(1900s-2000)
- the time of the industralization and
computerization. and the invention of many kinds
of technologies, and everthing are industrialized.
Making it work for you

A. List five examples of media tools found in the following periods of media:

a. The Prehistoric Age: (1500 BC – 1500 AD)

* Rock carving

*Represent word thru symbols

* Sketches or painting that usually depict nature

* Early people’s ways of life


b. Industrial Age: (1700s-1930s)

*Type writers

* Sound storage

*Punched card

*Jacquard loom

*Magnetic recording

c. The Electronic Age: (1930s – 1980s)

* Transistor radio (1947)


*Handheld device

*Television (1941)

d. Digital Age (1900s-2000s)




* Internet connections

B. Reflection: Study the picture below. Reflect on the transition of traditional media to digital media.
In 3 paragraphs, relate on how the transition has impacted your life at present.

What is media? Media are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information
or data or those technologies that source of information’s. Over time the media transition from traditional to
digital media has been dynamic. The evolution of media, from old media to new media, has transformed the
way we understand the world around us. New media is interactive and is user-generated while old media is a
more traditional way of communicating through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, etc. and
some sources of information is depended on our surrounding, there are using stone to write the events
happening during that time while new media gives us a new perspective by allowing us to interact with one
another through the Internet. Media has become much more personal and diverse as user-generated content
becomes more prominent in our lives. and that leads the improvement and the invention of various kind of
technology and the born of new media that change our life become better.
The evolution of media from old to new media make our life pompous, and make us comfortable
Before the old television was not like today’s flat screen and had a signal plate attached. With digital media
like television, I can able to watch everything I want unlike traditional television was limited channel
available and before I was excited and happy having a newspaper, I was excited to read news before but
now it’s easier because there’s online streaming that I can able to watch all I want, such as news,
announcement and other. And before I always listening in radio, I always waiting for the program of the
radio like Dramas, and music but know If I want to listen music, I just go click my app music or I just go to
The transition of the traditional media to digital media has become increasingly common and make
our life become attractively, and it impacted me as a millennial especially social media and over time things
have become easier from old to new media or what we called as the traditional to digital media. Thru this
transition it opens more opportunity, opportunity that led us to improvement.
C. Narrative Essay: Select one theory from the different media theories, and affirm by
presenting facts supported by the principles presented by the theory which you have.
I will choose cultivation theory, Cultivation theory is a sociological and communication framework to
examine the lasting effects of media, primarily television. It suggests that people who are regularly exposed
to media for long periods of time are more likely to perceive the world's social realities as they are
presented by the media they consume, which in turn affects their attitudes and behaviors.
Cultivation theory was first created by professor George Gerbner in the 1960s; it was later
expanded upon by Gerbner and Larry Gross in 1976. Gerbner formulated his paradigm for mass
communication in 1973 that included three types of analysis. The third type of analysis is the cultivation
analysis that is defined as the longitudinal surveys of people’s opinions on certain subjects with the key
variable being levels of media reception such as television viewing. This analysis is known as the
Cultivation Theory.
Cultivation theory began as a way to test the impact of television on viewers, especially how
exposure to violence through television affects human beings. The theory's key proposition is that "the
more time people spend 'living' in the television world, the more likely they are to believe social
Reality aligns with reality portrayed on Television." Because cultivation theory assumes the existence
of objective reality and value natural research, it can be categorized as part of positivistic philosophy.
In practice, images and ideological messages transmitted by popular media heavily
influence perception of the real word. The more media that people consume, the more their perceptions
change. Such images and messages, especially when repeated, help bring about the culture that they
portray. Cultivation Theory aims to understand how long-term exposure to television programming, with its
recurrent patterns of messages and images, can contribute to individuals' shared assumptions about the
world around them, this theory eradicates the wrong information about what happen in our country and
waken the people to open their mind in the reality, and we can make an impact to our community. Thru this
theory we can change the world become better place, and because of this theory it can correct the wrong
mindset and the idea of the person. And I believe that this is very helpful to us in creating the world become
better. cultivation theory was the third most frequently utilized cultural theory.

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