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Assalammualikum and good evening.

My name is Nurul Amanina and I will continue to present the

methodology section. First, the survey will be focused on the student at University Technology
Mara Seri Iskandar. The criteria that needed for this respondent participants are all the
student including pre-diploma, until PhD student which is currently study at UITM Seri
Iskandar and other criteria others then the listed will not be taken to the data collection.

We will be using the qualitative method as our research instrument. The data collection will
be run by the online questionnaire in google form platform to easing the data collection and
analysis. The survey will consist 4 section which is part A, part B, part C and part D.

Part A will consist the demographic information such as is email, gender, major of study and
current semester. The part B will consist the experience of part time work among student
such as rate your experience with friends that do part timework and the other related question.
The part C will consist the perception of part time work among student while the part D will
consist the future aspirations of part time for student. For the part B, C and D there are the
question that have yes and no choices. There also question that require the respondent to give
their opinion. This method chosen to easy to get the accurate data about the topic.

For the procedure planning, we plan to give the survey to FIFTY or up to HUNDRED
students in University Technology Mara Seri Iskandar. There are 5 level education in UITM
Seri Iskandar which is pre-diploma, diploma, bachelor, master and PhD student. There will
be TEN to TWENTY respondents for each student categories. By early December 2023, the
survey will be given to the respondent via their social media platform such as Whatsapp and
Telegram and they will have 2 weeks to complete the survey.

All the data will be accumulating and analysing by all the researchers. To make the data more
understandable, all the responds from Google Form will be transfer to the Google Sheet and
will be presented in the graph and chart.

That’s all from me, I will pass to Muhammad zhafri to continue the next part. Thank you.

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