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1) Troposphere is deepest at ?
Ans:- Equator

2) 90% of water vapour in atmosphere is in which layer ?

Ans:- Troposphere

3) The temperature to which air should be cooled at constant pressure to become saturated is called
Ans:- Dew point

4) A thermal wind is ?
Ans:-The wind which must be added vectorically so the lower level geostrophic wind to obtain
the upper level geostrophic wind

5) When does advection fog form ?

Ans:- any time by day or night

6) Lenticular cloud indicates ?

Ans:- Mountain Waves

7) AC cloud with cumuliform protuberances are indicative of ?

Ans:- Instability

8) Dry air having a temperature of 3.5°C on surface when forced to rise adiabatically by 1km
would attain a temperature of
Ans:- 25°C

9) Icing _______ the stalling speed appreciably ?

Ans:- increases

10) In clouds ____ occurs when a wide range of water drop sizes are present at temperatures
between 0 to -40 °C?
Ans:- Mixture of rime and clear ice

11) Over sea THUNDERSTORMS are frequent in ?

Ans:- Night

12) The airmass which originate over equatorial region is ?

Ans:- Warm and Moist

13) A WD with two or more closed isobars at 2hpa interval is termed as ?

Ans:- Western Depresion

14) Penninsular Discountinity occur during
Ans:- Pre Monsoon

15) Surge is sudden strengthening of wind in the ____ air mass

Ans:- Same

16) The rainfall over India during monsoon depends on ?

Ans:- the position of the Axis of Monsoon Trough

17) Temperature increase with height is called as ?

Ans:- Inversions

18) + 2.5°C is given as

Ans:- 03

19) METAR VIDP 160230Z 30005KT 290V050 1500S 5000N R15/P1500U BR FEW020
FEW025CB SCT120 BKN100 32/29 Q1003 REFG TEMPO FM0330 22015G25KT 3000+

 Expected Visibilty after 0415 UTC is ?

Ans:- 10km

20) Visibility is reported in steps of 50m when visibility is

Ans:- 0-800m

21) Tropical tropopause extends from the equator to lat 35° - 40° over india it is ?
Ans:- 16-16.5Km

22) The relationship between height and pressure is used for construction of ?
Ans:- Altimeter

23) Thermal lows are over ?

24) Tropical revolving storm gets its energy from ?

25) Altostratus is a ?

Ans:- Medium level cloud

26) Macroburst has a diameter ?

Ans:- 4Km or More than 4km

27) Fair weather cumulus indiacates ?

Ans:- Turbulence above and below the clouds
28) Ans :- A high is a ridge and air diverge on surface
29) What is a warm occlusion?
30) What conditions lead to mountain wave ?
31) Winshear occurs horizontally , vertically or both ?
32) During monsoon , LP lies over ? : - Pakistan
33) After the passage of cold front what happens to the pressure and winds ?
34) During break monsoon , sometimes surafe winds over east up and bihar are ? :- very strong
35) A part of air sinking over the sub tropical high flow towards the equator turning west in NH due to
CF . The surface air is called :- Trade winds
36) Speci BKN 100 means ? :- 100M
37) Max diurnal variation happens when ? :- winds are calm
38) Precipitations more in ? :- Ns
39) Hail showers occur in :- Cb
40) Surface temperature recorded at a height is ?:- 1.25m

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