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Muscle Origin Innervation Insertion Action

Occipital belly Occipital Bone Facial Nerve 7, Galea Draws Scalp
Posterior Aponeurotica Posteriorly
Branch Draws the
Frontal belly Galea Facial Nerve 7; Skin above Scalp
Aponeurotica Temporal eyebrows Anteriorly

Corrugator Supercilii Medial end of Facial Nerve 7, Deep surface of Draws

the superciliary Temporal the skin above eyebrow
arch Branch the middle of downward and
the supraorbital medially

Depressor Supercilii Fibers of the Facial nerve 7 Subcutaneous Lowers

orbicularis oculi tissue of the eyebrow

Procerus Tendinous Facial Nerve 7 Skin over lower Draws down

Fibers from the part of forehead eyebrows
fascia covering
lower part of the
nasal bone and
upper part of

Orbicularis Oculi Frontal bone, Facial nerve 7 Lateral Close eyelids

Orbital Maxilla, and palpebral raphe
Palpebral medial and superior
palpebral and inferior tarsi
ligament, medial
lacrimal bone

Levator Palpebrae Superioris Sphenoid part Superior branch skin and tarsal Elevates and
of the orbit of the plates of the retracts the
oculomotor eyelid eyelid
nerve 3

Levator Labii Superioris Upper part of Facial nerve 7, two slips: alar raises upper
Alaeque Nasi the frontal buccal branch cartilage, levator lip
process of the labii superioris

Levator Labii Superioris Zygomatic bone Facial nerve 7, Skin of the Raises upper
buccal branch upper lip lip and moves
between levator it forward
anguli oris and
levator labii
anguli alaeque

Nasalis Transverse Portion Maxilla Facial nerve 7 Thin Depresses

aponeurosis on cartilaginous
the bridge of the part of the
nose, nasalis on nose, draws te
opposite side, ala toward the
and with septum
aponeurosis of
the procerus

Levator Anguli Oris Canine fossa of Facial Nerve 7, Angle of the Raises angle
the maxilla Buccal Branch mouth of the mouth
with those of the
anguli oris, and
orbicularis oris

Depressor Septum Incisive fossa of Facial Nerve 7, Septum and the Draws the ala
the maxilla Buccal branch back part of the of the nose
ala of the nose downward

Zygomatic Major Zygomatic bone Facial nerve 7, Orbicularis oris, Draws the
zygomatic depressor angle of the
branch anguli oris, mouth laterally
levator anguli and upward

Zygomatic Minor Zygomatic bone Facial nerve 7 Subcutaneous Draws the

tissue of the upper lip
upper lip outward,
upward, and

Risorius Fascia over the Facial nerve 7 Skin at the Retracts the
masseter angle of the angle of the
mouth mouth

Buccinator Outer surfaces Facial nerve 7, Orbicularis Oris Compresses

of the alveolar buccal branch the cheeks
process of the during the
maxilla and process of
mandible, mastication
to the three
molar teeth,
behind, from the
anterior border
of the
lar raphe which
separates it
from the

Mentalis Incisive fossa of Facial nerve 7, Integument of Raises and

the mandible mandibular the chin protrudes the
branch lower lip,
wrinkles the
skin of the chin

Depressor Anguli Oris Oblique line of Facial nerve 7, Risorius and Draws angle of
the mandible mandibular orbicularis oris mouth
continuous with branch downward and
the plasma laterally

Depressor Labii Inferioris Oblique line of Facial nerve 7, Integument of Draws lower
the mandible, mandibular the lower lip, lip inferiorly
between the branch fibers blend with and laterally
symphysis and the orbicularis
the mental oris and the
foramen, opposite
blended with depressor labii
the platysma inferioris

Orbicularis Oris Fibers of Facial nerve 7, Sphincter like Superficial

multiple other buccal branch muscle portion closes
facial muscles. decussates at the lips,
Some intrinsic the angle of the protrudes the
fibers mouth into the lips. Deep
skin portion
presses lips
against teeth,
important in

Auricularis Superior Aponeurosis Facial nerve 7, Upper part of Slightly raises

between the temporal the cranial the auricula
frontalis and branch surface of the
occipitalis auricle

Auricularis Posterior Mastoid portion Facial nerve 7, Lower part of Draws the
of the temporal posterior the cranial auricula
bone auricular branch surface of the backward
Auricularis Anterior Anterior portion Facial nerve 7, Projection on Draws the
of the temporal temporal the front of the auricula
fascia branch helix of the ear upward and



Lateral Pterygoid Muscles By two heads, Trigeminal Condyle of the Draws the
(Inferior head) an upper from Nerve 5, mandible and mandibular
the sphenoid Mandibular front margin of condyle and
and from the branch the articular disk articular disc
infratemporal of the forward
crest, a lower temporomandib
from the lateral ular
pterygoid plate

Lateral Pterygoid Muscles By two heads, Trigeminal Condyle of the Draws the
(Superior head) an upper from Nerve 5, mandible and mandibular
the sphenoid Mandibular front margin of condyle and
and from the branch the articular disk articular disc
infratemporal of the forward
crest, a lower temporomandib
from the lateral ular articulation
pterygoid plate

Medial Pterygoid Medial surface Trigeminal Ramus and the Elevation and
of the lateral Nerve 5, angle of the protraction of
pterygoid plate Mandibular mandible via the mandible
and the grooved branch strong (assists the
surface of the tendinous lateral
pyramidal lamina pterygoid in
process of the drawing the
palatine bone, mandible
has a second forward)
slip of origin
from the lateral
surfaces of thee
process of the
palatine bone
and tuberosity
of maxilla

Masseter Superficial Tendinous Trigeminal Ramus of the Elevation and

aponeurosis of Nerve 5 mandible protraction of
the zygomatic the mandible
process of the
maxilla and
anterior two-
thirds of the
lower border of
the zygomatic

Masseter Deep Zygomatic arch Trigeminal Mandible Elevation and

Nerve 5, retraction of
mandibular the mandible


Digastric Anterior Belly Lower border of Trigeminal Common Depression

the jaw, close to Nerve 5, tendon onto the and retraction
the symphysis Mylohyoid hyoid bone of the
branch mandible,
elevation of
the hyoid bone

Digastric Posterior Belly Inner side of the Trigeminal Common Depression

mastoid Nerve 5, tendon onto the and retraction
process of the Mylohyoid hyoid bone of the
temporal bone branch mandible,
elevation of
the hyoid bone

Stylohyoid The back and Facial Nerve 7 Body of the Elevation of

lateral surface hyoid bone the hyoid
of the styloid bone,
process depression
and retraction
of the

Mylohyoid Mylohyoid line Trigeminal Body of the Elevation of

in the interior nerve 5, hyoid bone and the floor of the
surface of the mylohyoid the median mouth and the
mandible branch raphe between hyoid bone,
both muscles depression
and retraction
of the

Geniohyoid Inferior mental C01 via the Anterior body of Elevation of

spine of the hypoglossal the hyoid bone the hyoid
mandible nerve CN2 bone,
and retraction
of the


Sternothyroid Posterior Ansa cervicalis Oblique line on Depression of

surface of the the side of the the thyroid
sternum ala of the cartilage and
thyroid cartilage mandible

Omohyoid Superior Belly Upper border of Branches of Lower border of Depression of

the scapula spinal nerves the body of the the hyoid bone
C01-C03 hyoid bone and the

Omohyoid Inferior Belly Posterior Ansa cervicalis Lower border of Depression of

surface of the the hyoid bone the hyoid
sternum, inner bone, larynx,
extremity of the and mandible
clavicle, and

Sternohyoid Posterior Ansa cervicalis Lower border of Depression of

surface of the the hyoid bone the hyoid
sternum, inner bone, larynx,
extremity of the and mandible
clavicle, and

Thyrohyoid Oblique line on Anterior ramus Lower border of Elevation of

the side of the of C1, via the the body and the thyroid
thyroid cartilage hypoglossal greater cornu of cartilage,
nerve CN12 the hyoid bone depression of
the hyoid bone
and mandible


Hypoglossus Greater cornu Hypoglossal Side of the Depresses the

of the hyoid nerve XII tongue tongue

Genioglossus Superior mental Hypoglossal Tongue and Depresses and

spine (process nerve 12 Hyoid extends the
of mandible) tongue

Styloglossus Anterior lateral Hypoglossal Lateral border of Draws the side

styloid process nerve XII the tongue of the tongue
of the temporal upward and
bone draws the
tongue back

Palatoglossus Anterior surface Vagus X Lateral border of Elevates the

of soft palate the tongue posterior


Sternocleido Muscles

Scalene Anterior Anterior Scalene Anterior rami of Elevates 1st

tubercles of tubercle on cervical nerves rib,
transverse 1st rib (C5–C8) bends neck
processes of

Scalene Middle Posterior Upper surface Anterior rami of Elevates 1st

tubercles of of 1st cervical nerves rib,
transverse rib (behind (C3–C7) bends neck
processes of subclavian
C2–C7 groove)

Scalene Posterior Posterior Outer surface of Anterior rami of Elevates 2nd

tubercles of 2nd cervical nerves rib,
transverse rib (C5–C8) bends neck
processes of

Longus Colli (vertical)

Longus Colli (superior


Longus Colli (inferior oblique)

Longus Capitis

Semispinalis Capitis (lateral


Semispinalis Capitis (medial


Splenius Capitis

Splenius Travisis()

Splenius Cervicis Dave baog

Longissimus Cervicis ()

Iliocostalis Thoracis ()


Spinalis Cervicis

Rectus Capitis Posterior Major

Obliquus Capitis Inferior



Biceps Brachii , Long head Supraglenoid Musculocutane Radial Flexion and

tubercle of the ous nerve Tuberosity and supination of
● strongest scapula bicipital the forearm at
● spurt aponeurosis the elbow joint,
● FA supination flexion arm at
the shoulder

Biceps Brachii, short head Coracoid Musculocutane Radial Flexion and

process of the ous nerve Tuberosity Supination of
scapula the forearm at
the elbow joint,
flexion of the
arm at the
shoulder joint

Brachialis Anterior distal Musculocutane Ulnar tuberosity Flexes the

● Primary half of the ous nerve c05, and anterior forearm at the
● Spurt humerus c06; and a surface of the elbow joint
● FA pronation branch of radial coronoid
nerve process

Brachioradialis Superior to the Radial nerve Lateral side of Flexion of the

● Shunt lateral c05, c06 the base of the forearm at the
● Neutral epicondyle and styloid process elbow joint
the lateral of the radius


Triceps Brachii Lateral Head Posterior Radial Nerve Olecranon of Extension of

● spurt surface of the c06, c08 the ulna the forearm at
● strongest extensor body of the the elbow joint
Triceps Brachii Long head Infraglenoid Radial nerve Olecranon of Extension of
● multijointed muscle tuberosity the ulna the FA at the
elbow joint,
extension and
adduction of
the arm at the
shoulder joint

Anconeus Back part of the Radial Nerve Side of the Extension of

● Assists in Extension lateral olecranon and the FA at the
● Stabilizes during FA epicondyle of proximal dorsal elbow joint
pronation the humerus surface of the
body of the ulna

Triceps Brachii medial head Posterior Radial Nerve Olecranon of Extension of

● Surface of the the ulna the FA at the
body of the elbow joint
humerus, below
the groove for
the radial nerve


Pronator Teres Medial Median Nerve Lateral surface Pronation and

epicondyle of (Co6, C07) of the radius flexion of the
the humerus FA at the
and coronoid elbow joint
process of ulna

Pronator Quadratus Distal fourth of Interosseous Distal fourth of Pronates hand

the anterior branch of the the anterior
surface of the medial nerve surface of the
ulna (C08, T01) radius


Biceps Brachii, short head Coracoid Musculocutane Radial Flexion and

process of the ous nerve Tuberosity Supination of
scapula the forearm at
the elbow joint,
flexion of the
arm at the
shoulder joint

Biceps Brachii , Long head Supraglenoid Musculocutane Radial Flexion and

tubercle of the ous nerve Tuberosity and supination of
● strongest scapula bicipital the forearm at
● spurt aponeurosis the elbow joint,
● FA supination flexion arm at
the shoulder
Brachoradialis Superior to the Radial nerve Lateral side of Flexion of the
● Shunt lateral c05, c06 the base of the forearm at the
● Neutral epicondyle and styloid process elbow joint
the lateral of the radius

Supinator Lateral Deep radial Dorsal and Supinates the

epicondyle of nerve C06 lateral surfaces hand and
humerus, of the body of forearm by
Radial collateral the radius rotating the
ligaments, and radius around
annular the ulna




Extensor Carpi Radialis Lower third of Dorsal surface Radial nerve

Longus the lateral of the base of
supracondylar the second (2)
ridge of the metacarpal
humerus bone

Extensor Carpi Radialis Lateral Dorsal base Radial nerve

Brevis epicondyle of side of the third
the humerus by metacarpal
the common bone (3)

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Lateral Tubercle on the Deep branch of

epicondyle of Ulnar side of the radial nerve
the humerus by the base of the
the common fifth (5)
tendon and metacarpal
dorsal surface
of the ulna

Extensor Digiti minimi Lateral Dorsal digital Deep radial

epicondyle of expansion on nerve
the humerus by the proximal
the common phalanx of digit
tendon (5)

Extensor Digitorum Lateral Dorsal digital Deep Radial

Communis epicondyle of expansions of nerve
the humerus by digits (2-5)
the common

Extensor Indicis Propius Posterior Posterior Digital Deep Radial

surface of the Expansion of Nerve
ulna digits (2)

Extensor Pollicis Brevis Dorsal surface Base of the Deep Radial

of the body of proximal Nerve
the radius and phalanx of digit
the (1)
distal to the
origin of the
adductor pollicis

Extensor Retinaculum

Pronator Teres Medial Lateral surface Median Nerve

epicondyle of of the radius
the humerus
and coronoid
process of the

Flexor Carpi Radialis Medial Base of Median Nerve

epicondyle of metacarpals (2
the humerus and 3)

Palmaris Longus Medial Palmar Median Nerve

epicondyle of aponeurosis
the humerus and flexor

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Medial Pisiform, hook Ulnar Nerve

epicondyle of of hamate,
the humerus base of
and olecranon metacarpal (5)
of the ulna

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Humeral head: Middle Median Nerve

medial phalanges of
epicondyle digits (2-5)

ulnar head:

radial head:
below the radial

Flexor Digitorum Profundus Proximal three- Base of the Interosseous

fourths of the palmar surface branch of the
anterior and of the distal Ulnar and
medial surfaces phalanges of Median Nerve
of the ulna and digits (2-5)

Flexor Pollicis Longus Anterior surface Base of the Interosseous

of the radius distal phalanx branch of the
and of digit (1, Median Nerve
interosseous thumb, pollex)

Abductor Pollicis Longus

Flexor Retinaculum


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