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Choose the correct answer

1-when we expressing about

your state of health we say?
A.I'm fine () sad

2-when we bid farewell to

someone we say?
A.Bye Bye (✔️
D.How are you

3-when we asking How someone

is we say?
A.How's it goes it?
B.How are you? (✔️ )
C.I'm fine
S.what ever
4- To end a conversation abruptly
we say.....
A.Oh, look at the time!
B. Must run (✔️ )
c.It's getting later

5- To end a telephone
conversation we say.....
A. Oh, look at the time!
B. can I call you back (✔️
C.Must run

6-When you getting someone’s

attention you say
A.pardon me (✔️ )
B.I’m still here
C.Guess what
7- when you inviting someone’s
to talk you say
A.I’m all ears got a minute (✔️)
C.may I be frank

8- when you expressing

encouragement you say
A.Go on you can do it
B. Go for it !just one more
C.all the previous (✔️ )

9-When you asking someone to

wait you say
A. look at this
B.Do you hear me
C.Wait a moment (✔️

10-When we finish a
conversation we say.....
A.Oh,look at the time ()
B.How're things?
C.How are you?

11-To ending a telephone

conversation we say
A.I’ll let you go now (✔️
B.Must run
C.It's getting later

12-To ending a conversation

abruptly we say
A.Must run (✔️)
B.I won't keep you any longer
C.Oh,look at the time

13-When talking leave of

someone we say..........
A.Nice talking to you (✔️)
B. I'm Fine
C.Good morning
14- To end a telephone
conversation we say.....
A. Must run
B.I'll let you go now (✔️
C.It's getting later
D. So long

15- What would you say during

ending a conversation
A.I'm going to have to run (✔️
B. Bye
C. see you
D. I'm busy
True or false

1-when we end conversation we

Goodbye ()
2-when we Greetings someone
we say How are you ()
3- I'll let you go now. is an
example for ending a telephone
conversation . ()

4-It's getting later. is an example

for a signaling the end
conversation. ()

5-To express the end of a phone

conversation, we say:I'll let you
go now.()

6-To express phone

conversation,we say : How are
you ()
7-To express your state of health
and happiness, we say " i'm fine"

8-To explain that you have been

busy, we say" not good" (❎)
9-To welcome someone who has
returned, we say "welcome

10-To leave a place , we

say"How are you?" (❎)

11- To signaling the end of a

conversation we say" Must run”.

12-To ending a telephone

conversation with someone we
can say "I won't keep you any

13-To ending a conversation

abruptly we say"Must run”.()
14-To end a telephone
conversation with someone we
can say " I'll let you go now "(✅)

15- To ending a conversation we

say "
good -bye " ( ✅ )

16- when someone is leaving on

a journey we say " have a good
trip " ( ✅ )

17-To end conversation with

someone we can say "It's
greating later"(✅)

18- We say "Must run" to end a

telephone conversation.(❎)

19- Does "Bye" is a simple good

bye (✅)

20- To leave a place we may say

"Bon voyage". (❎).
21- "Text me" is a simple

22-To ending a conversation we

say "I'm busy"❎
‫‪23-when signaling the end of a‬‬
‫‪conversation we say "oh look at‬‬
‫✅"‪the time‬‬

‫‪24-Sorry, but I have to leave now‬‬

‫‪is an example for ending a‬‬
‫‪conversation abruptly.‬‬

‫أسماء المجموعة‬‫‪:‬‬
‫هدى السيد شعبان ابراهيم‬
‫اسراء حمدي يحيي ابراهيم‬
‫مريم محمد عبدالحميد عبدالسالم ماضي‬
‫رقيه أحمد عطيه‬
‫سارة محمود عبد المولي‬
‫منار محمد محمود أبو العز‬
‫أمانى ماهر حلمى شوريف‬
‫رنا محمد فؤاد محمد‬
‫مياده هاني ابوالحسن‬
‫عزة الششتاوي السيد البدوي‬

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