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English level quiz

Please complete the following exercises

Verb – “to be” present
I am tired
He is hungry
She is happy
They are in the garden.
You are busy in the kitchen
The bag is big and red
The children is young
We are in English class
I am 10 years old.

My name is Peter. I am 12 years old.

Her name is Mary. She is 14 years old.
Their names are David & John. They are 9 & 11 years old.
His name is William. He is 15 years old

Simple Present tense verbs. Conjugate the verb in brackets as necessary

He (live) lives in Renazé
She (watch) watches television in her bedroom
They (play)are playing football in the garden
You (like) like the flowers in the vase
We (help) are helping mum in the garden
It (love) loves the big bone

Please say the months of the year and seasons – During the meeting
Please tell me 20 ,40,50,60,88,95,152,1002,2015,2012,10,000

Please give me the English for the following greetings:

Bonjour (matin) Good morning
Au revoir Goodbye
Salut Hi
Comment allez vous? How are you?
Bonsoir Good evening
Où habitez vous ? Where are you living?
Félicitations Congratulation
Merci Thanks you
Bravo! Well done!
Heureux de vous rencontrer Nice to meet you

Base questions – Please respond in English

Comment vous appelez ? My name is Tristan
Où habitez-vous? I live in Bois de Cene
Êtes-vous le plus vieux dans votre famille? No, I have à big brother, he’s nineteen
Quel est votre nom? My last name is Bussy
Quel est votre prénom? My first name is Tristan
Quelle est votre nationalité? I’m from France
Avez-vous des frères et des sœurs? I have one little sister and one big brother
3rd person conjugation
Please re-write the sentences using He /She/It

I cook dinner on Monday

He cooks dinner on Monday
She cooks dinner on Monday
It cooks dinner on Monday

I sing at the church

He sings at the church
She sings at the church
It sings at the church

He/she/it reads the newspaper at breakfast

He/she/it goes swimming every Tuesday
He/she/it washes the big red car
He/she/it carries the heavy bag
He/she/it enjoys the film
He/she/it studies English on Friday

3rd person conjugation – Negative

Change the above sentences to negative. (Including the ones you have created)
Conjugaison à la 3e personne – Négatif
Changez les phrases ci-dessus en négatif. (Y compris ceux que vous avez créés)

I don’t cook dinner on Monday

He doesn’t cook dinner on Monday
She doesn’t cook dinner on Monday
It doesn’t cook dinner on Monday

I don’t sing at the church

He doesn’t sing at the church
She doesn’t sing at the church
It doesn’t sing at the church

He/she/it doesn’t read the newspaper at breakfast

He/she/it doesn’t go swimming every Tuesday
He/she/it doesn’t wash the big red car
He/she/it doesn’t carry the heavy bag
He/she/it doesn’t enjoy the film
He/she/it doesn’t study English on Friday

Verb – to have present

I have a red car
You have a lovely house
He has an older sister
She has a Nintendo 3DS
It has a big white bone
We have lots of homework
They have their birthday in August
The bag has a red handle
The children have lots of fun
We have an English lesson
She has long blond hair
It has big ears
My cat only has 3 legs!
I have a headache
They have a football tournament all day

WH- question vocabulary

Complete the sentences using what, when, where, why, who, how
Where are my keys?
What is the problem?
When is your birthday?
Where are you from?
How old are you?
What is your name?
Why are you sad?
Who are you?
What is the time?
What is this?

Please write the past tense of the verb “to have” for all personal pronouns
Please tell me the time?
Give examples of time during the meeting.

I had
You had
He/she/it had
We had
You had
They had

There is/ there are

There are insects on the lettuce

There is a new rug in his bedroom
There are 15 candles on Bob’s birthday cake
There are my colouring pencils!

Past tense verbs

Complete the text conjugating the verbs in brackets.

I (laugh)laughed at the joke

Our work is (finish)finished
The teacher (help)helped the students to understand.
My mum (watch)watched television last night.
My dad (go)went to work early this morning.
I (stay)stayed with my grandparents this afternoon
It (get)got busy very quickly!
I (see)saw my best friend yesterday

Future - will or going to?

I think my dad said we will go to the beach this weekend
Will you marry me?
It has been decided that he will go walk to Pouancé tomorrow
Okay, I have a great idea. They will play cards!
He just said he will go home after school
I will go to America next year for my holiday

Prepositions – Please tell me in French

in front of Devant
opposite En face
next to A côté de
above Au-dessus de
on Sur
after Après
behind Derrière
for Pour
In Dans

Please finish the story in your own words.

“The Snow Day”

Writing Practice – Finish the Story

Directions: Read the story below. Then finish it with your own writing.

My sister woke me up early this morning. She ran into my room before
the alarm clock went off. “Look outside!” she yelled/shouted. I got out of
bed and looked out of the window. There was snow everywhere! There
was a man shovelling/moving the snow in front of our house. Mum came
into the bedroom. She brought us each a cup of hot chocolate. “No school
today!” she said. I was very happy. My sister was happy, too. Mum left
the room to find our warm snow clothes. She gave me my blue snowsuit.
She also gave me a hat and gloves. “What are you going to do today with
no school?” she asked. In first I’ll go seeing my neighbour to make a
snowball war and snowmen in the garden. After, with he and my sister
we are going to go to the park, meet our friends and play in the snow. We
probably come back at eleven and take some wood to make a fire un
chimney. We will eat a cheese fondue and I’ll do my homework for

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