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because he is a doctor and used to deal with patients and deaths

His case is different and impacted all

This indicates the severity with which

the Ebola virus can engulf (affect) a person.

the studio is very primitive and basic because

of lack of resources

This reflects that Liberia is one of the

primitive and developing countries

George got excited being cured and released

from the confinement.

Was he released immediately? Why?

No, because the the process of releasing
(paperwork) takes much time.
busy with other patients

separated area
the priority is to leave into
a safer area

He is immune


How did George enjoy being immune
and healthy?
What hindered him from
continuing his happiness?

Why? next day will decide about his family ...

Culture and previous experience can

affect someone’s perspective.

We should compare Hatch’s cultural barrier as

an American to his experience in observing Liberian people.
Then, we could say...
His experience may or may not be enough
to prevent a cultural misunderstanding.
care and love

The clause implies that mothers

sometimes try to get into the confirmed
side to care for their sick children.

These two reasons lead to one option

What is it?
The Father can join his son. WHY?

Why isn't he endangered?

He is immune

main reason
I would expect a father not to hesitate to
- suffer emotional
take care of his son.
problem resulting
from an experience

getting well

removing harmful. very primitive and developing country

Convincing him to go
back to the confirmed
ward and care for his son.

Para 11. about how the doctors are

carefully and anxiously watching
him and his son

curved path

stayed steady

weakness dangerous

Para 12. is about George and his son and

mainly about Williams health

Para 13. Williams' case becomes like idiom: to improve

a canvas which everyone would metaphor
predict and guess about his case


Hatch is portraying the struggle between rationality

and emotion when trying to predict the outcome
of something over which we have no control.


didn't want to
make seem important

Every one was shocked and silent,

not easily upset speechless unable to utter a word.

This is the loss that adversely

influenced everybody.


Even though Dr. Hatch predicted his death

arguing before, he was stunned and couldn't
got bewildered

didn't hear




The victims’ perspective comes from feelings of hopelessness.

They likely had limited knowledge of the sickness, its causes,
and why the doctors couldn’t save them.

The medical professionals are supportive but know their role

is in preventing the spread of the disease, not in curing all the victims.
They became doctors in a foreign country because they valued
life, and although they buried many victims, they counted on
maintaining hope. Their perspective comes from working hard
to prevent the spread of the disease and to support the ill.
How does George look at the confirmed ward?
As hell on earth

In what ways was Dr. Hatch feeling guilty

about the death of Williams?
Hatch was the one who asked George
to take care of his son.

How were the rounds that morning

different than any other? loud and rough
Everyone was very quiet
Describe the burial of Williams. appropriate
The ceremony lasted only a few minutes.


next to the building of the dead bodies before burial

Because Williams is not Hatch’s family member

and because Hatch is also sensitive to the
cultural differences that might make his
crying at this moment inappropriate, Hatch
shows respect and reverence to George.

for the family benefits

and busy with other patients

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