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GEP602: Development, Urban Systems and the Environment

2021/2022 Semester 2

Assignment 1

Understanding Gender Dimensions of Climate Change

16 June 2022
Women are increasingly becoming heads of households and leaders in their communities, yet they remain
largely excluded from formal decision-making processes on climate change mitigation. Using examples,
critically discuss how equality of women is a precondition for mitigating the effects of climate change.
Highlight development policy measures that can be implemented to effectively address this gender gap.

1. Duration and mark allocation
a) Duration is two (2) weeks running from Saturday 16th July 2022 to Saturday 20th July 2022.
b) Final submission day and time is Saturday 30th July 2022 on or before 20:00 p.m.
c) Submit your essay by uploading it as a PDF file on Moodle (Do not upload a Word file).
d) Required length of the essay is five (5) typed pages excluding references.
e) The mark will be reduced by 5% for every page (or part thereof) in excess.
f) This assignment contributes 15% to your Continuous Assessment (CA) Mark.
g) This essay question is marked out of 100% with marks distributed as follows:
Section Mark
i) Clarity and relevance of the introduction 5%
ii) General structure and presentation of the essay 5%
iii) General content and ability to present arguments 50%
iv) Selective use and relevance of examples 10%
v) Clarity and relevance of the conclusion 10%
vi) Compliance with the given typing format 5%
vii) Appropriateness of referencing 15%

h) 5%/day will be deducted from all the assignments submitted after the above given deadline, up to a
maximum of five days (25 marks). Thereafter, an award of a zero mark (0%) will be given.

2. Typing format
Strictly comply with the following typing format:
a) Font: Times New Roman
b) Font Size: 11
c) Line Spacing: 1.5
d) Text Alignment: Justify
e) Page Numbering: Bottom of Page Centre
f) No handwritten work will be accepted.

3. Referencing style and avoiding plagiarism

a) Make use of journal articles, textbooks and other recommended sources of literature such as
publications by official organizations (Note: You are advised against using Wikipedia).
b) A minimum of ten (10) references is required.
c) Strictly follow the APA referencing style as prescribed by the Institute of Post-Graduate Studies
(IPGS) in the Guidelines for preparing Masters’ Thesis and PhD Dissertations.
d) All sources cited in-text must be given on the list of references (Bibliography is not allowed).
e) Indicate pages numbers and quotation marks when more than one sentence is taken word to word or
paraphrased from any given source.
f) Ensure that dates, spelling and titles used in the text are accurate and consistent with those listed in
the references.
g) Important Note: You are strongly advised against plagiarism. Plagiarised work will result in a heavy
mark penalty, or being given a zero mark (0%). You must ensure that you clearly understand what the
University of Eswatini regards as plagiarism and why it is taken so seriously.

4. Cover page
The cover page must be professional without funny pictures and unnecessarily large fonts. Follow the
format of the cover page in this document.

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