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Pre-Nursery Syllabus 2022-2023 Unit- 3: Animals Around Us

"Assessment is an ongoing systematic process of getting information of student's progress and achievement".
In Usman Public School, we have regular assessment system from Pre-Nursery - Class II in which we judge students
skills and knowledge. Your child is assessed throughout the year on monthly basis. Therefore, it is requested that the child
should not be pressurized for the preparation through rote learning. The syllabus that is being provided to you is to bring to
your knowledge what skills your child has acquired during the whole term in various areas.

Language Development: Social Emotional & Religious

Listening: listen stories & answer simple Qs:
)‫ اوملنمُ(انمدےنیواال‬، )‫ ال ّسل ُام(السیتمواال‬:‫اامسلءاٰینسحل‬
Can you hop with me?
Lion and the mouse
Hare and the tortoise ‫الہپہملک‬:‫ہملک‬ ‫وسرہ االالخص‬:‫وسرۃ‬
Speaking: Introduction of animals around us, show and
tell of different toy animals, telling about pets (likes &
dislikes), answer simple questions, Memorizing & ‫افصیئےکابرےںیمدحثی‬:‫دحثی‬
reciting poems, answering simple Qs about Islamic event
& special events ‫ دودھےنیپےسےلہپیکداع‬:‫داع‬
Reading Phonics: letter sound “e & f ”
Sight Reading: brown, new, envelope, white, an, eraser,
fox, eats, insects, meat, flag, Pakistan, wild
Environment printed words: door, table, dustbin, Islamic Manners:
 Say salaam while entering the house.
chair, carpet, blackboard, soft board
 Do not touch anything without permission.
Pre-Writing skills: Pouring, spooning, beading, metal
 Do not run around the house.
inset, cylinder blocks, scribbling, sensorial exercise of
 Keep your voice low while talking.
pink tower, painting, colouring
 Do not rush to the food. Wait until someone
serves you.

‫اٹھکرکبا‬، ‫سکسکاکرھگ‬-:‫اہکیناننس‬:‫امستع‬
‫وساالتےکوجاابتدانی‬،‫اجونروںےکابرےںیموگتفگرکان‬،‫وبوھجوتاجںین‬،‫ںیمظنڑپانھ‬،‫ زیچوںیکوٹرکی‬:‫زابینااہظر‬
‫اقنیل‬،‫ہتخترنم‬،‫رکیس‬،‫ہتختایسہ‬،‫وکڑا دان‬،‫زیم‬،‫دروازہ‬:‫٭رمکہامجتعےکذریخہاافلظ‬

Scientific Development:
Animals around us
*Farm animals *Pet animals
*Wild animals *Water animals

Mathematical Development: Arts:

Oral Counting: 1 to 40 *Painting *Thumb printing,
Numbers & Sets: 5, 6 & 7 *Collage work * Pasting,
Recognition of Shapes: triangle *Colouring
Colours: brown, black & white
Concepts: tall/short & light/heavy

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