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Campus Bullying in Senior High School: A Qualitative Case Study

Author: Norman Raotraot Galabo

Case Study Analysis by: Jully Ann P. Monte


In the complex landscape of education, the pervasive issue of bullying poses a formidable
challenge, exerting a profound impact on the well-being and academic engagement of students.
Despite the assumption that senior high school students embody greater maturity, instances of
campus bullying persist, casting a shadow over the conducive learning environment. The Anti-
Bullying Act of 2013 in the Philippines addresses this concern, encompassing verbal abuse,
physical harm, and social discrimination. Global statistics on bullying in both the United States
and the Philippines underscore the urgent need for concerted efforts to address this pervasive

This case study zeroes in on a specific secondary school in Davao City, delving into the
nuanced experiences of campus bullying among senior high school students. By unraveling the
challenges, they face, the emotional toll of bullying, coping mechanisms employed, and
insights gained, the study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding to inform future
interventions. The overarching goal is to contribute valuable information and cultivate a safer
learning environment conducive to the holistic development of students.


The escalating severity of bullying in contemporary school settings has evolved into a pressing
societal problem, adversely affecting millions of students globally across all age groups.
Linked to compromised developmental and academic outcomes for affected students, as
evidenced by various studies, bullying transcends its localized impact to become a pervasive
social issue.

Within the educational landscape of Cluster 6 Tugbok Secondary Schools in Davao City,
Philippines, the gravity of the situation is palpable. Reports from the Davao City Health Office
indicate that bullying is a major concern, permeating almost every school in the city,
irrespective of whether they are private institutions or public schools. This underscores the
imperative for a focused examination of the specific context within the Cluster 6 Tugbok
Secondary Schools, shedding light on the intricacies of bullying and providing a foundation for
targeted interventions to foster a safer and more nurturing educational environment.

Key Stakeholders:

1. Students: Both victims and potential perpetrators of bullying.

2. Teachers and Advisers: Responsible for creating a safe and supportive learning

3. Parents: Play a crucial role in supporting their children and promoting anti-bullying values.

4. School Administrators: Tasked with implementing policies and interventions to address


5. Local Health Office: Provides insights into the broader health implications of bullying.

Analysis Sections:

Problem Statement:

Despite the existence of anti-bullying regulations and republic acts, campus bullying persists
and adversely affects the emotional well-being of senior high school students in the selected
school in Davao City. The high frequency of reported cases indicates a pressing need for
targeted interventions to minimize, if not eliminate, bullying within the school premises.

Analysis of Key Factors:

As the research progresses, the first aspect scrutinizes the different forms of bullying prevalent
among senior high school students, encompassing verbal abuse, physical bullying, and social
discrimination. By delineating these manifestations, the study aims to establish a nuanced
understanding of the multifaceted nature of the bullying experience within the selected school,
revealing realizations and insights gained from the experiences of bullied students such as
emotional distress, low self-esteem, and the call for bullies’ sensitivity.

The investigation further delves into the coping mechanisms employed by students who have
encountered bullying situations. This includes a spectrum of responses, from passive
acceptance to proactive strategies such as optimism, perseverance, and reliance on peer-support
systems. Understanding these coping mechanisms is crucial for tailoring interventions that
resonate with the diverse ways students navigate and respond to bullying incidents.

Application of Relevant Theories/Models:

Incorporating relevant psychological theories or models, the study draws on Social Cognitive
Theory to explore how individuals learn by observing others. In the context of bullying, this
theory helps unravel the role of peer influence in shaping behaviors, both among perpetrators
and victims. Additionally, the application of Psychosocial Development Theory provides
insights into the profound impact of bullying on students’ self-esteem and emotional well-
being. This theoretical framework enriches the analysis by illuminating the intricate
psychological dynamics at play during bullying incidents.

Data Analysis:

In this research study, the researchers explored the experiences of senior high school students
facing campus bullying. Three participants were purposefully sampled, and data were gathered
through in-depth interviews, observations, and field notes. Ethical considerations, such as
credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability, were prioritized to ensure the
validity of the qualitative data.

Alternative Solutions:

The subsequent phase of the study transitions into proposing alternative solutions based on the
findings. One key recommendation involves the implementation of comprehensive anti-
bullying programs within the school. These programs are designed not only to address specific
instances but to cultivate a broader culture of respect and empathy among students. The
emphasis on fostering a supportive peer environment through mentorship programs recognizes
the pivotal role of peer relationships in mitigating bullying.

Teacher training emerges as another alternative solution, acknowledging educators as frontline

agents in recognizing and addressing bullying behaviors. This training component aims to
equip teachers with the skills and awareness necessary for early identification and intervention,
thereby contributing to a proactive anti-bullying stance within the school.


The study’s recommendations extend to the structural level, emphasizing the need to strengthen
existing anti-bullying policies. This involves a comprehensive review, with a focus on ensuring
strict adherence and delineating clear consequences for policy violations. Simultaneously, the
creation of support structures, such as counseling systems for both victims and bullies,
underscores the importance of addressing the root causes of bullying behavior.
Recognizing the influential role of parents, the study encourages their active involvement in
anti-bullying initiatives. This entails promoting awareness and cooperation, fostering a
collaborative approach between the school and parents to create a unified front against

Implementation Plan:

To implement the recommended solutions, the school will commence with a comprehensive
review of its existing anti-bullying policies within the first quarter, intending to finalize
revisions by the end of the second quarter. This process will involve identifying gaps in the
current policies and engaging stakeholders, including students, teachers, and parents, in the
revision process.

Simultaneously, the school will establish counseling systems for both victims and bullies,
collaborating with qualified counselors, training staff, and allocating resources to ensure the
availability of counseling services by the start of the next school year. Alongside these
initiatives, the school will launch programs to encourage parental involvement, organizing
workshops and seminars to educate parents on recognizing signs of bullying and promoting
positive home environments.

The school anticipates potential challenges in implementing anti-bullying initiatives, such as

resistance to policy changes and limited resources for counseling services. To address
resistance, transparent communication and stakeholder involvement, including various
representatives, will be prioritized during the policy review process. Funding limitations for
counseling services will be tackled by seeking external financial support, collaborating with
local mental health organizations, and exploring volunteer counseling options. Encouraging
parental participation will be facilitated through engaging materials, diverse communication
channels, and incentives. To ensure sustained engagement, a dedicated task force will be
established for ongoing monitoring, regular assessments, and incorporation of feedback from
all stakeholders, allowing the school to adapt and refine strategies over time. The overarching
goal is to establish a comprehensive, sustainable approach to combat bullying and cultivate a
safer, more supportive learning environment.

Evaluation and Monitoring:

The study proposed a structured incident reporting system for the prompt reporting of bullying
incidents by students, teachers, and parents. Regular feedback will be collected through
surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions to assess the perceived effectiveness of anti-
bullying initiatives and the overall campus environment. Trained observers will conduct
periodic observations to monitor changes in bullying dynamics, providing valuable insights.
The commitment to continuous improvement includes analyzing collected data to identify areas
for adjustment and refinement in anti-bullying strategies, ensuring adaptability to evolving
needs. The evaluation plan aims for a comprehensive understanding through a combination of
quantitative and qualitative data, fostering informed decision-making for ongoing enhancement
of anti-bullying efforts.


In summary, this qualitative case study delves into campus bullying experiences among senior
high school students, addressing various forms of bullying and proposing coping mechanisms.
Grounded in theories like Social Cognitive Theory, the study recommends comprehensive anti-
bullying programs, supportive peer environments, and teacher training. The implementation
plan outlines strategies, with potential challenges addressed through transparent
communication and resource-seeking. The study stresses the importance of parental
involvement and sustained engagement, advocating for ongoing monitoring and adjustment.
Hence, the research underscores the urgency of targeted interventions, aiming to create a safer,
empathetic learning environment and minimize bullying in senior high schools.

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