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NPM: 19040033

PAGE 122:

1. The celt primarily inhabited southern Europe = False

2. The celt were a single tribe of people = True
3. They inhabited Europe about two thousand years ago = True
4. The celts lived in caves = False
5. They made tools and weapons out of metal = True
6. None of their crafts survive to this day = False
7. Celtic metal crafts are distinguished by decorative notwork and animal designs =

Main idea = The celts (pronounced celts) were a network of tribes that inhabited much
of western Europe about two thousand years ago

PAGE 123

 Which sentence states the main point of the story ?

= The principal recognized students for outstanding achievements.
 Which would be the best like ?
= Outstanding achievement.
 What was the author’s purpose ?
= To inform the reader
 The author used a type of humor called irony. Based on the story, which of these
best describes irony ?
=To use the wrong words on purpose so the result sounds funny
 Do you think Tina should still get the award ? Why or why not ?
= Yes, because Tina just didn’t attend the award announcement day. Even though
, she is sick, she still deserves her award.

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