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test 2

UOE & reading

Part 1

Part 2
9 during
10 few
11 from
12 local
13 during
14 who
15 him
16 together

Part 3
17 manager
18 bearable
19 temption
20 absolutely
21 conference
22 arrival
23 receptionist
24 intentions

Part 4
25 is not uded to getting
26 wish you had come
27 didn’t succeed in enter
28 must my hair cut
29 wondered why he hadn’t
30 is believed to be

Part 5
31 A
32 C
33 B
34 D
35 B
36 C

Part 6
37 F
38 A
39 E
40 D
41 G
42 C

Part 7
43 B
44 E
45 A
46 D
47 A
48 B
49 B
50 D
51 E
52 C

Nowadays many people smoke cigarettes. It is common knowledge that it is really harmful to health
and contributes to the death of many people. That is why I think smoking should be illegal.

To begin with, cigarette smoke contains many cancer-causing substances. Many smokers later
become ill with lung cancer, which is a very serious disease. In addition, it affects not only smokers,
but also passive smokers who do not smoke personally but inhale harmful substances contained in
cigarette smoke. Sometimes passive smokers are not even aware that being in the presence of a
smoker is dangerous to their health. Making smoking illegal would be benefit for all people.

On the other hand, for many people, smoking is a way of coping with stress, it allows them to calm
down. Often, when they get angry, they go to smoke a cigarette and sort out their own thoughts.
However, smoking has so many disadvantages that it would be worth to find other options for
coping with stress, such as meditating.

Summarizing, smoking has so many disadvantages that it should be definitely illegal. Then fewer
people would die of it, and lung cancer would not be that common.


Have you ever wondered what you can do to improve the condition of the environment? Recently,
we hear a lot about the fact that the environment is very polluted, so I want to introduce you to
some solutions that I personally use in order not to harm the environment and contribute to

I think you will agree that traveling by car is very comfortable, but it is also harmful to the
environment. Therefore, to improve the environment, I started cycling to work. If you are close to
school or work, consider cycling there. In addition, I started sorting waste. Each of us can do it, it
does not take much time and is a great advantage for the environment. Certainly, this solution
contributes to the improvement of the environment, and thanks to this, people, plants and animals
have better living conditions.
Remember that there are many ways to improve the environment, you just need to search for
information and put it into practice. You can really change a lot for the better. The more people take
care of the environment, the more visible the improvement will be.


A new pop band called ”the tigers” has appeared in my town and quickly became very popular. This
five-person band surprised me very positively with their songs and choreographies.

”The tigers” can sing really amazingly, and their dance is really phenomenal. Their main singer has
huge talent and a beautiful voice. The band's choreography is very eye-catching and is perfectly
suited to their songs. As the group begins singing and dancing on stage, the audience is mesmerized
and starts clapping to the beat. The positive energy of ”the tigers”makes every viewer smile.

However, there are some things that this team could change. During performances, they usually
wear dark clothes that do not match the atmosphere of their songs at all. This outfit can spoil the
atmosphere of the show, they should rather wear colorful clothes to look more cheerful. But if I
were to recommend this band to people I know, I would definitely do it because they make amazing
music and everyone should hear them.

The "tigers" will undoubtedly become one of the most popular pop groups in the city. Even though
they just started their career, I can already see that people really like their work.


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to ask if you found any bag in room 2 after the Friday evening screening. I was on the
movie „titanic” and unfortunately I forgot to take my bag after the movie. When I realized that I did
not have it with me, the cinema was already closed. I sat in the 7th row in seat 4, and left my bag
there. The bag probably fell under the seat, which is why I forgot about it. This bag is medium-
sized, leather and brown. It has two key rings attached to the lock, one in the shape of a heart and
the other with colored beads. There are many things in this bag - my wallet with important
documents and money, house keys, mobile phone, headphones and a bottle of water. I would be
very grateful if you could look for my bag there as I urgently need the things that were inside. I
hope my purse will be there. I am so sorry for the problem and confusion.

I would appreciate a quick reply.

Yours faithfully,
Zuzanna Sawa
Part 1

Part 2
9 newspapers
10 campaigns
11 public eye
12 4%
13 TV
14 images
15 ?
16 1000000 pounds
17 apology
18 tabloids

Part 3
speaker 1 G
speaker 2 B
speaker 3 F
speaker 4 C
speaker 5 E

Part 4
24 A
25 A
26 B
27 C
28 C
29 B
30 A

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