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Question Bank – Speaking

Unit 3: Science and technology

1. Do you think that IA can figure out a solution for global warming? Why? Can we apply this


Yes, AI can help find solutions for global warming by analyzing vast datasets and identifying
patterns to make more informed decisions. The application of these solutions depends on our
willingness to adopt and implement them.

2. “I expect that most of my generation will live to be around 100 years old.” Do you think
this prediction will become true? What could be the reasons?

I believe that it is possible since technology and science have advanced in recent years, and can
advance more in the future, for example, they can create machines that detect diseases much
faster and perform safer surgeries. They can also discover cures for many diseases.

3. What are the problems generated by overpopulation? How does it affect humans? How
can we solve it?

Overpopulation can lead to resource depletion, environmental degradation, and increased

competition for limited resources. It can affect humans through reduced access to clean water,
increased pollution, and challenges in providing essential services. Solutions involve family
planning, education, and sustainable resource management.

4. What are your plans for the next holiday? Have you planned something?

We are going to travel to Colombia with my father's family to Cartagena because my uncles are
coming from Switzerland. We still don't have a specific plan but we are going to stay a week
after the new year.

5. What will you be doing tomorrow this time?

I will be doing my university homework, especially the pre-professional internship reports this
time because I only have one day left to finish the first 120 hours.

6. What will you have done before the end of this year?

I will have pass the fifth level of my carrer before the end of this year, I also plan to learn new
things about programming and web development
7. If you could access to a 3D-printer, what would you print? What would be the materials?

if i could access a 3d printer probably i would make a costume like a robots or anything
because it is easier printer the parts like a head, arms, the body with material plastics beause is
lightweight and cheap.

8. How do you see yourself in 10 years? In your personal life, career, mood, …?

I see myself pursuing a carrer in information systems with a specialization in programming, I'm
not sure about the location but when doing an internship in the municipality of Latacunga the
director says he needs developers so I could go there or work in Quito. I would be happy doing
my job with a stable and calm personal life.

9. Tell me a bad experience that when you stayed in a hotel. Describe the problem. How did
you solve it? What did the hotel staff?

It was when I was a child and I traveled to France with my family, it was summer and it was
very hot, we went up the elevator with our luggage but the elevator blocked. We spent an hour
and a half trapped because the manager was not there.

10. Tell me about a bad experience you had when buying something online. Describe the
problem. What did you do?

Yes, once my cell phone display broke, I had a Galaxy S5 and I found a display on MercadoLibre
at a good price, so I bought it. When it arrived I realized that it was not for the cell phone
model. In the end I spoke to the seller and he said that he was confused and he came
personally to leave me the new display and take the other one.

Unit 4 : Art and Creativity

1. When was the last time you enjoyed an artistic event? What type of event was it? Why did
you took part of it?

The last artistic event I enjoyed was a black metal music concert with my dad's band and other
bands in Quito. I took part of it because sometimes I help my dad with adjusting the sound and
I also like when everyone mosh

2. Is there any street artwork in our city? Where can you find it? What do you think about
street art?

Yes, there is street art in my city and you can find it in Vicente León Park. Sometimes there are
artists who make portraits and there are others who make drawings on the ground. It is street
art because it can add vitality and character to the urban environment.
3. Do you consider you are an artist person? Do you enjoy going to artistic events? Why?

I do consider myself an artist because since I was little I liked to draw and play the electric
guitar, currently I can draw portraits in pencil and digitally. I like to make art but I don't really
like attending artistic events because I like to create more, except when they are music
concerts because I feel alive and I enjoy the music.

4. “Art should involve some hard work on the part of the artist”. Do you agree with this

statement? Why?

yes because creating meaningful and important art can be a challenging and time-consuming

5. “To be an artist, you need to possess certain technical skills.” Do you agree with this
statement? Why?

I agree that possessing certain technical skills can be important for an artist, as these skills
allow them to better express their creative ideas and bring their vision to life. Although as art is
abstract it also depends on what areas it is involved in.

6. Tell me your favorite song or pieces of music. Where and when do you usually listen to this
piece of music? Why do you particularly like this piece of music?

My favorite song is Eric Johnson - Cliffs Of Dover" it has no lyrics, it's just melody and guitar
solos. I listen to it in different situations, but I especially like it when I'm lying in bed because I
like the dynamic and melodic sound that the guitar has. It's also a song that I master on the
guitar and sometimes I like to imitate the movement of my fingers to relax.

7. Why do you think we need music? Is music important in your daily life? Why?

Music is essential as it can convey emotions, tell stories and provide a means of personal
expression. It is important in my daily life to relax and motivate myself.

8. Imagine you are driving, what would be the song that fits with the situation. Why did you

choose that song? How do you feel when listening it?

I like a series called Family Guy and there is an episode where Peter becomes obsessed with
Van Halen and in one scene Peter is on a highway listening to Panama while the police chase
him, the scene is funny and fits with the song, so when I'm driving I hear that song and it
reminds me of that scene
9. Imagine you are cheering up a friend who is feeling sad , what would be the song that fits
with the situation. Why did you choose that song? How do you feel when listening it?

don't stop believin by Journey because it is a song of optimism and it was initially inspired by
the conversation between the keyboardist and his father so that he can continue moving
forward and achieve his goals. Furthermore, the melody is hopeful and this would lift my
friend's spirits.

10. Do you think that graffiti are art or vandalism? Why?

I think it depends on the meaning of the graffiti, sometimes it's just words and obscene things,
that's vandalism. On the other hand, there are graffitis with a lot of technique and placed in
places that highlight urban beauty, that is art.

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